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Christine Blasey Ford: The Abortion Pimp’s Tale?

September24/ 2018

Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape when the two were little preppies in the fancy suburbs of DC, has sort of agreed to testify. Her lawyers are still bombarding the Senate with demands for the conditions of this nationally-televised episode of “The Almost Bang Theory.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley ( R-IOWA), after spending a weekend calling her like a favorite daughter who is snubbing the family for Thanksgiving, has agreed to let her perjure herself before a national audience this coming Thursday (9/27). Unless she decides she doesn’t want to testify under oath and just spew instead.

Lawyers for Christine Sixteen said she felt confined flying in an airplane to DC from the Granola State. I suppose it is confining if Christine had to ride in a pet container yet again.

But she’s traveling by car, allegedly, like Missouri’s lying porcine Democrat senator Claire McCaskill was supposed to tour the Show Me State by RV until she was caught using a private jet instead.

Christine could take a train. But maybe she’s boycotting the iron horse because she’s a Stanford associate. The guy whose stolen robber baron money funded Stanford worked the Chinese who built his half of the Transcontinental Railroad like serfs. So it wouldn’t be right.

Maybe Christine can don a “Handmaid’s Tale” outfit and demand to ride east in a covered wagon. That would really delay her testimony into 2019. And snub the hegemonistic white males who invented planes, cars, steamships, and trains. She’s a little too old to be wearing the skimpy “Handmaid’s Tail” outfit being sold to frisky 20-somethings on the Net.


It would serve Christine right to get pulled over in Wyoming or Nebraska or Indiana for impaired driving – and get busted for possession. And it would serve her husband right to have to listen to the Helen Reddy CD the entire trip.

What happens if the Fords get Arkancided by a Peterbilt?

Christine Blasey Ford, in a 9/16/2018 Washington Post article, publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of trying to rape her at a teen party in the early 1980s.

Ms. Blasey Ford told The Post she did not recall who owned the house, how she came to be at the house, or how the party was arranged. She remembered only that the house was in Montgomery County, MD, near a country club, and that parents were not present. She also claimed she couldn’t remember how she got home.

Ms. Blasey Ford claimed there were four boys at the party, and several girls. She claimed she screamed for help when Kavanaugh and his pal, future conservative writer Mark Judge waylaid her in an upstairs bedroom. But no one came to help her.

She claimed Kavanaugh had her down on a bed and was trying to tear off her clothes and her one-piece bathing suit. She said Judge then jumped on them, sending all three sprawling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom, and then fled the house.

She described Kavanaugh as a muscular football player who overpowered her. Multiple Internet sites list Kavanaugh as being 5′-9″ or 5′-10″ and 160 lbs. No hulk. He probably was 5′-8″ or 5-9″ and weighed about 130 pounds wringing wet in high school. He still looks like a boy standing next to President Trump.

Ms. Blasey Ford has not publicly named any of the alleged partygoers other than Kavanaugh and Judge.

Nor has she named the day the incident allegedly happened.

She admitted everyone at the party was drinking.

And she said she was wearing a one-piece bathing suit under her clothes.

Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge went to Georgetown Preparatory School. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, a Trump nominee, also went to that school two years after Kavanaugh. Gorsuch was in the same grade as Chrissy, who attended a preppy girls’ school called Holton-Arms.

Preps hang out with preps. They don’t slum with us lower folk.

Leland Ingham Keyser. Look for leftist assholes to surround her house until she changes her testimony.


Chrissy must have privately named at least two other preps to Dianne Feinstein. Why? Because P.J. Smyth, a guy, and Leland Ingham Keyser, a former girl friend (female buddy, not sex partner) of Chrissy’s, have said the Senate Judiciary Committee’s staffers have reached out to them about the incident. Both of them also deny Christine Sixteen’s account, just like Kavanaugh and Judge have done.

Leland is like Stanley Ann (Stan the Man) Dunham, the mother of Barry Obama. She has a man’s name. Ironically, Ms. Ingham Keyser has the same first name as the robber baron who started Stanford University, where Christine draws some of her pay. Maybe her parents need to apologize for this bit of child abuse.

This is the opposite of parent abuse. Patti Davis, the stepdaughter of Ronald Reagan, poster child of the latter, came out on Christine Sixteen. She said she was raped by a music industry exec when she trying to pitch him some songs she wrote, but she couldn’t remember who he was or other details.

What? You made an appointment to see the guy and his name escapes you? When your stepfather ran the country or was about to, you couldn’t tell him or your vindictive mom so they could ensure the scumbag would be harmed seriously?

Drugs don’t make you play better or write better or remember better. Thinking Dems might call the leftish Patti Goof a plant designed to harm Chrissy’s credibility.


Back to Chrissy.

Christine Blasey Ford is a psychologist at Palo Alto University, a college that works with Stanford University to train psychologists. Dems call her “Doctor.” Since psychology is no more of a science than alchemy or astrology, IMHO, Chrissy deserves the title “doctor” no more than anyone not named Martin Luther King or not a medical doctor deserves the title.

Doctor J and Doctor Demento at least know their DR titles are spurious and humorous.

Chrissy’s lawyer Debra Katz is still reportedly negotiating the ground rules of Chrissy’s National Perjury event. Ms. Katz, who looks like Rachel Madcow, knows sexual criminals when she defends them. She has been a lawyer for Bill Clinton and Al Franken.

Debra “Dogface” Katz … Clintonite shyster for hire


Ms. Katz is no stranger to sliming women victims. She slimed Paula Jones when the Arkansas woman sued Bill Clinton. Clinton had to settle with Paula when she described Mr. Bill as having an undersized penis that pointed left when erect.

Ms. Katz and the Dems want to delay so they can postpone the confirmation vote until after the November midterm elections. The Dems have a slim chance of taking the majority in the Senate, and could keep Kavanaugh, who they detest, off the Supreme Court if they do win.

Neither Ms. Katz nor Chrissy’s other lawyer Liz Banks, nor the new shyster Michael Bromwich (who has been repping fired and soon-to-be-indicted former FBI No. 2 (and a foul No. 2 at that) Andrew McCabe) have shown any concern that all four partyers named have denied their client’s account. Nor have they made a move to name the therapist who allegedly treated Chrissy for rape fantasies (allegedly) and her hubby for inadequacy (allegedly). I suspect the shrink notes they produced are fake, like the rest of this story.

The lawyers and the Fords could withdraw. And maybe they should, if the goal is to keep Christine out of prison for perjury and unlawful interference with a federal process.

So why am I calling Christine’s freak show “The Abortion Pimp’s Tale?”

A little old-fashioned surfing of the Net on my part led to it. Cue the Ventures’ song “Pipeline.”

Wikipedia, whose controllers tilt left, says this about Christine Blasey Ford :

“Ford began teaching at Stanford University in 1988. She works at Palo Alto University teaching students clinical trial design and data analysis. She participates in educational programs with the Stanford University School of Medicine as a member of a consortium group with Palo Alto University. Through this consortium group, called the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology (PGSP), Ford teaches subjects including psychometrics, study methodologies, and statistics. She performed consulting work for multiple pharmaceutical companies. Ford worked as the director of biostatistics at Corcept Therapeutics, and collaborated with FDA statisticians. Ford is widely published within her field.”

I am an engineer by schooling, and a very good number cruncher. But here are statistics about her tale that even a child could understand. Christine Sixteen evidently named four people to the media ad to Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. How many of them said Christine was wrong? All four. In other words, 100% of the people she fingered called her a liar. And zero people she named, including a female friend, took her side.

Wikipedia lists her as an author of two articles praising the use of the drug mifepristone in treating psychiatric problems. For the record, they are:

Blasey, C. M.; Block, T. S.; Belanoff, J. K.; Roe, R. L. (2011). “Efficacy and Safety of Mifepristone for the Treatment of Psychotic Depression”. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 31 (4): 436–440.

Blasey, Christine; McLain, Carina; Belanoff, Joseph (2013). “Trough Plasma Concentrations of Mifepristone Correlate with Psychotic Symptom Reductions: A Review of Three Randomized Clinical Trials”. Current Psychiatry Reviews. 9 (2): 148 – 154.

What is mifepristone?

Per Wikipedia:

“Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, is a medication typically used in combination with misoprostol, to bring about an abortion. This combination is more than 95% effective during the first 50 days of pregnancy. It is also effective in the second trimester of pregnancy. Effectiveness should be verified two weeks after use. It is taken by mouth.

Common side effects include abdominal pain, feeling tired, and vaginal bleeding. Serious side effects may include heavy vaginal bleeding, bacterial infection, and a malformed baby if the pregnancy does not end. If used, appropriate follow up care needs to be available. Mifepristone is an antiprogestogen and works by blocking the effects of progesterone and causing contractions of the uterus.”

Does mifeprestone have any other use? Per Wikipedia, this:

“Mifepristone is used for the medical treatment of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) caused by high cortisol levels in the blood (hypercortisolism) in adults with endogenous Cushing’s syndrome who have type 2 diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance and have failed surgery or cannot have surgery.”

What is Cushing’s syndrome? Per Wikipedia, this:

“Cushing’s syndrome is caused by either excessive cortisol-like medication such as prednisone or a tumor that either produces or results in the production of excessive cortisol by the adrenal glands.”

How prevalent is Cushing’s syndrome?

Per Wikipedia: “About two to three people per million are affected each year.”

This compares with millions of pregnancies in the US, and hundreds of millions of pregnancies around the world each year.

Who makes mifepristone?

Per Wikipedia, this:

“Danco Laboratories is a pharmaceutical distributor located in midtown Manhattan which distributes the abortifacent drug mifepristone under the brand name Mifeprex. Mifeprex is the only drug distributed by Danco, although the company plans to expand to other drugs in the future. Danco is a LLC which was incorporated in 1995.

Danco does not give information about the manufacture of its drug, but it has been reported by CBS News to be made in China by Hua Lian Pharmaceutical Co. As of 2000, the plant met all applicable FDA standards.

(Comment: The Clintons were in the White House in 2000. Of course their FDA people would sign off on the Chinese pill mill instead of “resisting.”)

Danco is a private company that does not disclose the names of its investors, but stated that “[Investors] included wealthy individuals and foundations that supported abortion rights.”

Ambulance outside of Planned Parenthood abortion mill. A common occurrence. Courtesy of Operation Rescue.


However, there is another company that makes (or at least buys for resale) mifepristone. The company? Corcept Therapeutics.

From Corcept’s website, the only product they sell is a drug called Korlym. What is Korlym? From Corcept’s website, this:

“Korlym (mifepristone) is a cortisol receptor blocker indicated to control hyperglycemia secondary to hypercortisolism in adult patients with endogenous Cushing’s syndrome who have type 2 diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance and have failed surgery or are not candidates for surgery.”

Korlym® (mifepristone) 300mg Tablets has been [sic] selected by Pharmaceutical Executive as 2014 Brand of the Year, representing clinical and marketing achievements for an orphan-status rare disease drug. In selecting Korlym, Pharmaceutical Executive looked for a medicine that combines three strengths:

A novel clinical profile

An advance in the state of care for a difficult to treat condition, affecting a neglected cohort of patients

Distinctive, multi-channel marketing geared to building community awareness around the disease, not the product

Since Korlym’s launch in 2012, Corcept has focused on building relationships with patients, endocrinologists and the Cushing’s community. Our dedicated Patient Advocate Program is one of the key programs that connects with and supports patients throughout their journey. More information for patients and prescribers is available at Korlym.com.

“Korlym is the first step toward a business that we are creating around a unifying scientific theme, which is to understand how excess cortisol levels influence the incidence and progression of not just one, but potentially dozens, of different conditions,” Corcept CEO Joe Belanoff told Pharmaceutical Executive.”

At a rate of 2 to 3 sufferers per million people, the current market for Korlym is a couple of thousand people worldwide. However, the average sufferer needs three pills a day and the pills cost a few hundred dollars apiece. Some of their patients reportedly get vastly reduced bills for Korlym. They’d better … a year’s supply would cost a sufferer or his insurance company or Medicare about $500,000.

A rival is moving into the market to make a generic pill which will cut Corcept’s profits. Corcept stock lost quite a bit in price in 2018 as a result.

Danco sells mifepristone under the trade name Mifeprex as 200 mg dose pills. According to the Kaiser Foundation, a pro-abortion group, Danco has sold almost three million doses of mifepristone since FDA approval in 2000.

Corcept sells a more robust 300 mg dose pill. Of course, Corcept could have their pillmakers cut the dosage and compete in the chemical coathanger racket. There are tens of millions of potential customers worldwide.

Mifepristone is the abortion industry’s dream. A doctor (or anyone else in some states) gives the girl or young woman a mifepristone pill at or before eight weeks gestation for several hundred dollars, then has her take four misoprostol pills in the next day or so. Supposedly the user should come back to get checked by the abortion doctor or someone else in a week or two.

If a girl or young woman hemorrhages away from an abortion facility, the abortionists can duck most malpractice cases when the chemical coathanger is involved. Their shysters will claim the user didn’t read the instructions, didn’t come for the follow-up, engaged in sex too soon after use, exercised or worked too hard without giving her plumbing time to mend, or any other excuse, valid or invalid.

Is Christine Blasey Ford, by working for Corcept, a potential or actual abortion pimp who stands to lose a lot of money if the Supreme Court upholds stricter standards on the use of mifepristone, given the many problems it causes girls and young women?

It might be simpler than this. Since President Trump is going against profiteers in the drug industry, and leftists and GOP establishment drug profiteers oppose him at every turn, Christine might not as a consultant merely be acting as an opinion whore for the chemical coathanger seller. She might be opinion whoring for Big Pharma, and the nomination of Kavanaugh might hurt her pocketbook either way.

Meanwhile, as Christine presumably spent the day on I-80 eastbound and down, and the night at a motel fighting tourist germs or at an RV campground toasting S’mores, an attention whore (allegedly) named Debra Ramirez, a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh, claimed he put his penis in her face while she was drunk at a college party.



Per the 9/23/2018 New Yorker article by Ronan Farrow (whose mother Mia Farrow has been accused of child abuse and who has accused his stepfather Woody Allen of child molestation) and another staffer, this:

“Ramirez said that, when both she and Kavanaugh were freshmen at Yale, she was invited by a friend on the women’s soccer team to a dorm-room party. She recalled that the party took place in a suite at Lawrance Hall, in the part of Yale known as Old Campus, and that a small group of students decided to play a drinking game together. “We were sitting in a circle,” she said. “People would pick who drank.” Ramirez was chosen repeatedly, she said, and quickly became inebriated. At one point, she said, a male student pointed a gag plastic penis in her direction. Later, she said, she was on the floor, foggy and slurring her words, as that male student and another stood nearby. (Ramirez identified the two male onlookers, but, at her request, The New Yorker is not naming them.)

A third male student then exposed himself to her. “I remember a penis being in front of my face,” she said. “I knew that’s not what I wanted, even in that state of mind.” She recalled remarking, “That’s not a real penis,” and the other students laughing at her confusion and taunting her, one encouraging her to “kiss it.” She said that she pushed the person away, touching it in the process. Ramirez ……. said that she was shaken. “I wasn’t going to touch a penis until I was married,” she said. “I was embarrassed and ashamed and humiliated.” She remembers Kavanaugh standing to her right and laughing, pulling up his pants. “Brett was laughing,” she said. “I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants.” She recalled another male student shouting about the incident. “Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’ And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there.”

Ramirez acknowledged that there are significant gaps in her memories of the evening, and that, if she ever presents her story to the F.B.I. or members of the Senate, she will inevitably be pressed on her motivation for coming forward after so many years, and questioned about her memory, given her drinking at the party.”

Debbie has a point. Grandpa Charlie Sherlock, a Chicago Police Dept. detective, used to say, “When you tell the truth, all you have to do is remember what happened. When you lie, you have to remember everything you said.”

And this, also from the same New Yorker article:

“In a statement, two of those male classmates who Ramirez alleged were involved in the incident, the wife of a third male student she said was involved, and three other classmates, Dino Ewing, Louisa Garry, and Dan Murphy, disputed Ramirez’s account of events: “We were the people closest to Brett Kavanaugh during his first year at Yale. He was a roommate to some of us, and we spent a great deal of time with him, including in the dorm where this incident allegedly took place. Some of us were also friends with Debbie Ramirez during and after her time at Yale. We can say with confidence that if the incident Debbie alleges ever occurred, we would have seen or heard about it—and we did not. The behavior she describes would be completely out of character for Brett. In addition, some of us knew Debbie long after Yale, and she never described this incident until Brett’s Supreme Court nomination was pending. Editors from the New Yorker contacted some of us because we are the people who would know the truth, and we told them that we never saw or heard about this.”

Debbie is 0 for 6 in the named participants who corroborate her story department. Again, statistics is not hard when you are dealing with liars, IMHO.

The more moths like Debby Ramirez bang their pusses on the media lights, the more transparently fellatious the opponents of President Trump and the American people will look.


PS. There are two stories of note that happened in the last few days.

Cardinal Blase Cupich, the Catholic bishop of Chicago, is gay-friendly. He owes his position, some say, to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the disgraced homosexual predator.

Cupich threatened one of his priests, who considered burning an LGBTQ rainbow flag with “canonical penalties.” This is worse punishment than he has meted out to the child molesters in his diocese.

From Breitbart (9/20/2018), this:

“(Father Paul) Kalchik, who led the Resurrection Catholic Church since 2007, said that the Bible is clear that homosexuality is wrong and noted that he opposes the cardinal’s attempts to downplay the sex abuse scandals still ripping through the Catholic Church.

The reverend said he found the flag in a storage area at his church and learned that the rainbow-striped flag featuring a large Christian cross superimposed across it had been a featured item at the pulpit in the past. But parishioners say it has not been displayed for years.

The archdiocese was alerted to Kalchik’s plan to exorcize the flag when it was announced in the church newspaper. The archdiocese promptly warned the reverend not to do so. Kalchik says that the cardinal’s representatives told him he would suffer “canonical penalties” if he burned the flag. In fact, Kalchik says that the archdiocese has since denied his requests to be transferred to a church in Michigan to be near his family.

Kalchik ignored the warnings, and last Friday, he reportedly led seven parishioners in a prayer of exorcism where the flag was burned in a fire pit placed in the schoolyard.

“That banner and what it stood for doesn’t belong to the Archdiocese or Cardinal Cupich. It belongs to the people of this parish who paid for it,” Kalchik told the Times. “What have we done wrong other than destroy a piece of propaganda that was used to put out a message other than what the church is about?”

Kalchik added that he was preceded by three “bad priests” at his church who he claims were “promoting the gay lifestyle.”

He also said that when he took over the church, he discovered vestments, candles, and other religious regalia emblazoned with the LGBTQ rainbow colors, but he destroyed them all.

“The people of this parish have been pretty resilient and put up with a lot of B.S.” Kalchik told the paper. “And it was just by accident that this banner that was made to celebrate all things gay … did not get destroyed when I first got here.”

“I can’t sit well with people like Cardinal Cupich, who minimizes all of this,” Kalchik said. “Excuse me, but almost all of the [abuse] cases are, with respect to priests, bishops and whatnot, taking and using other young men sexually. It’s definitely a gay thing.”

Father Kalchik is right. Homosexuals molest children at about four to eight times the rate that heterosexual adults molest children. The recent Pennsylvania grand jury report on clerical child molesters noted 80% of the victims were boys. Homosexuals abuse anything they have a say over.


As a practicing Catholic, I say without reservation we need many more Father Kalchiks and no Cardinal Cupiches. Father Kalchik is clearly a man of God and a man of respect. We pray for a thorough exorcism of the demons in Church leadership. Let those demons be forced to inhabit the bodies of Deep Staters so maybe they will rush into the Potomac and drown.


And this, by McKinley Corby of the Good News Network (9/22/18):

“When a fire broke out inside a Washington D.C. nursing home earlier this week, these elderly residents were fortunate to share their neighborhood with the U.S. Marines.

The Arthur Capper Senior Apartments facility is located just 200 yards away from a Marine outpost in the downtown area.


Upon seeing the smoke and flames, several dozen Marines rushed onto the scene and heard firefighters saying that there were still people stuck inside the burning building—so the soldiers immediately jumped into action.

Many of them entered the burning building so they could help evacuate the residents. Others returned with extra medical equipment and wheelchairs from their outpost so they could care for the elderly until family members arrived. Other Marines helped to treat the seniors after they were evacuated.

“It was a pretty bad fire, especially on the top floor. Some paralyzed, immobile people in there,” Capt. Trey Gregory told CBS News. “We actually just picked people up as best we possibly could and then had the wheelchairs at the exit and then put them right into the wheelchair.”

In all, 100 Marines joined in on the rescue mission. Thanks to everyone’s quick response, all 190 residents were successfully evacuated from the building with only 6 seniors being sent to the hospital for further treatment.”

It is the job of firemen, police, and EMTs to rescue people, and DC’s finest showed up big time as they always do. God’s blessings be on them and their loved ones every day.

Our military people and first responders rush toward danger while most people run away from it. That’s why these people are heroes.

The Washington Examiner, who had aa news team at the fire, noted other residents of the neighborhood also helped rescue those trapped in the fire. So we should applaud their efforts as well. Even in the most corrupt city in the country there are good people who are the city’s light and hope. Inside every man and woman is the potential for the heroic, if only we would use it when we are needed.

By comparison to the young Marines and the neighbors, the white trash Antifa members are nowhere around a fire unless they start it.

This is why the Deep State should die a miserable death as soon as possible. It starts with you becoming informed and acting upon your knowledge. God made you and your loved ones to be citizens, not subjects.





On Debra Katz: Breitbart 9/19/2018

On Lisa Banks: Breitbart 9/1//2018

On the Chrissy-Gorsuch connection: The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, 9/18/2018

On the Christine Blasey Ford accusations: Washington Post 9/16/2018 and Fox News 9/16/2018

On Leland Keyser: National Review, 9/22/2016 and CNN, 9/22/2018

On the people named by Christine Blasey: New York Post, 9/19/2018

On Patti Davis: Daily Mail, 9/21/2018

On Debra Ramirez: The New Yorker, 9/23/2018

On Corcept: Rare Disease Report, 4/9/3018, and The Motley Fool (investment blog) (8/10/2018)

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