• Today is: Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Third Rate Liars, Low Rent Ballyhoo (Kavanaugh edition)

September17/ 2018

First of all, prayers for the people of the Carolinas suffering from Hurricane Florence. The people in the hills of Eastern Kentucky, Upper East Tennessee, and Far Southwest Virginia will soon be suffering flooding also. Pray for these people and help charities helping them.

Thanks and prayers to all the first responders and to volunteers like the Cajun Navy. The Cajuns are country people who hunt gators, eat snakes, and rescue people in hurricanes. They are among the toughest and best people this country has to offer.

Second, President Trump on 9/11 honored a different type of resistance – the resistance of some of the passengers on doomed Flight 93 who kept Islamist terrorists from using their plane as a missile against other Americans. They died as heroes instead of just as victims.

Third, scam season is never gone. I shouldn’t have to warn this audience anyone calling claiming to be from the government and looking for money from you does not use the phone. But I will. Real government revenooers will hit you up by mail. Also, donate to real organizations for hurricane relief, not to scammers who pop up to exploit tragedies.

Speaking of scams, the Deep State New Copperheads never sleep or take weekends off.

Sunday a California college psychology professor came out as the woman who anonymously claimed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her at a teen party when they were high schoolers. She had allegedly told Rep. Anita Eshoo (D-CA), who then told Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA).

Diane claimed she had the rape charge report since July but sat on it all thru the summer. Perhaps the manila file’s edges were why her face was so contorted during the hearings.

Ms. Feinstein asked Judge Kavanaugh a number of adversarial questions at the hearings, but said nothing about the alleged rape report. This implies she thought it was a joke.

After the hearings wrapped up, Ms. Feinstein decided to make the rape report fairy tale (allegedly) public. Kinda like the Dems and unpunished liar Anita Hill did against Clarence Thomas after she followed him from job to job and he still married a white woman.

Christine Blasey Ford — Latest Face of the  Resistance. Another Anita Hill. The Deep State never sleeps.


Per the 9/16/2018 Washington Post, this:

“(Alleged victim Christine Blasey) Ford said that one summer in the early 1980s, Kavanaugh and a friend – both “stumbling drunk,” Ford alleges – corralled her int a bedroom during a gathering of teenagers at a house in Montgomery County.

While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in Northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on them, sending all three sprawling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom, and then fled the house.

Ford said she told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

Notes from an individual therapy session the following year, when she was being treated for what she says have been long-term effects of the incident, show Ford described a “rape attempt” in her late teens.

In an interview, her husband, Russell Ford, said that in the 2012 sessions, she recounted being trapped in a room with two drunken boys, one of whom pinned her to a bed, molested her and prevented her from screaming. He said he recalled that his wife used Kavanaugh’s last name and voiced concern that Kavanaugh — then a federal judge — might one day be nominated to the Supreme Court.

She said she recalls a small family room where she and a handful of others drank beer together that night. She said that each person had one beer but that Kavanaugh and Judge had started drinking earlier and were heavily intoxicated.

Ford said that on the night of the party, she left the family room to use the bathroom, which was at the top of a narrow stairway. She doesn’t remember whether Kavanaugh and Judge were behind her or already upstairs, but she remembers being pushed into a bedroom and then onto a bed. Rock-and-roll music was playing with the volume turned up high, she said.

She alleges that Kavanaugh — who played football and basketball at Georgetown Prep — held her down with the weight of his body and fumbled with her clothes, seemingly hindered by his intoxication. Judge stood across the room, she said, and both boys were laughing “maniacally.” She said she yelled, hoping that someone downstairs would hear her over the music, and Kavanaugh clapped his hand over her mouth to silence her.

(Note: Multiple Internet sites list Kavanaugh as being 5′-9″ or 5′-10″ and 160 lbs. No hulk. He probably was 5′-9″ and weighed about 130 pounds in high school.)

At one point, she said, Judge jumped on top of them, and she tried unsuccessfully to wriggle free. Then Judge jumped on them again, toppling them, and she broke away, she said.

She said she locked herself in the bathroom and listened until she heard the boys “going down the stairs, hitting the walls.” She said that after five or ten minutes, she unlocked the door and made her way through the living room and outside. She isn’t sure how she got home.

Ford said she has not spoken with Kavanaugh since that night. And she told no one at the time what had happened to her. She was terrified, she said, that she would be in trouble if her parents realized she had been at a party where teenagers were drinking, and she worried they might figure it out even if she did not tell them.

“My biggest fear was, do I look like someone just attacked me?” she said. She said she recalled thinking: “I’m not ever telling anyone this. This is nothing, it didn’t happen, and he didn’t rape me.”

Per the 9/16/2018 Fox News report, this:

“(Christine) Ford, a 51-year-old registered Democrat who has published in academic journals and has trained students in clinical psychology, described the alleged incident in The Washington Post on Sunday, saying it occurred during a summer day in the 1980s at a Maryland house where teens had gathered. Ford claimed she headed upstairs to a bathroom when she was suddenly pushed onto a bed, as rock-and-roll music blared.

However, Ford told The Post she did not recall exactly who owned the house, how she came to be at the house, or how the gathering was arranged. She remembered only that the house was in Montgomery County, near a country club, and that parents were not present.

Ford said Kavanaugh and a friend, Mark Judge, were “stumbling drunk” and laughing “maniacally” when Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed and tried to forcibly remove her one-piece bathing suit, as well as the clothes she was wearing. According to Ford, Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth when she attempted to scream.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, who works as a research psychologist in California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford claimed she was able to escape to a bathroom and then outside of the house when Judge jumped into the fray and sent everyone in the room “tumbling.”

The Post reported that she had contacted the newspaper in July, along with Feinstein. According to Ford, she kept the episode mostly to herself until 2012, when she mentioned it in a couple’s therapy session.

Last week, the FBI, which conducts background checks on judicial nominees, said that it already had reviewed the allegations.

“Upon receipt of the information on the night of September 12, we included it as part of Judge Kavanaugh’s background file, as per the standard process,” the FBI said in a statement. Fox News has learned that the White House would have to request that the bureau follow up on the letter for the matter to be investigated further.”

Grandpa Charlie Sherlock, a Chicago Police Dept. detective, used to say, “When you tell the truth, all you have to do is remember what happened. When you lie, you have to remember everything you said.”

The Christine Blasey Ford story didn’t pass the smell test for a number of reasons. That’s why the FBI, full of anti-Trump seditionists, didn’t waste any time investigating it.

Here’ s “How to be Your Own Detective” analysis:

Brett Kavanaugh strikes me as a guy who was a wimp in high school. Nice to girls, not a bodice ripper. Probably on the shy side around girls, even if he was talkative in class at his all-boy high school. He didn’t marry until his late 30s. Probably too shy to be in an upstairs bedroom during a party unless he was friends with someone who lived at the house.

And not strong enough at 5′-9″ and about 130 pounds soaking wet to rip a one-piece swimsuit and outer clothes, wet or dry, from a struggling girl.

If Kavanaugh wanted to rape Ms. Ford, why did he have a buddy present? So he could jump in and kill the buzz? Or give any girl victim a chance to escape in the drunken gloaming?

There were some contradictions between the two news sources. However several things stick out.

Did Christine tell her folks? No. Because she knew there would be drinking and she thought they would disapprove.

Where were the other girls? Young guys looking for action invite as many girls as they can think of, not just one or two who have to be “shared.” Kids want to know who’s coming, so if other kids they like are going to be there, then it will increase their chances of wanting to show up.

Evidently more girls besides Chrissy were in the den. So were two other guys, per her count of four boys total. Assuming Christine’s tale is true. If Christine screamed for help, some other teens would have come to her rescue. They didn’t. But she said she was able to scream before her mouth was covered.

Christine said she could hear Kavanaugh and Judge drunkenly hitting the stairwell on their way down. So how did they drunkenly sneak up the stairs behind her without alerting her? Or lurk for her in the bedroom without making noise?

Was there no downstairs bathroom? Was another kid in it? Why did she go upstairs?

Why didn’t Ms. Ford say anything to her parents after the alleged assault? Why didn’t she let them take on the people who owned the house? Fear of getting in trouble? Did she spread the word in her own prep circles to avoid Kavanaugh and Judge? Where are her corroborators?

Girls are usually pretty good at telling on people who do them wrong, especially if the wrongdoers are their own age. If they talk about such incidents with friends, the word spreads. Chrissie said she kept it to herself.

The shrink says she had a one-piece swimsuit on under her clothes. This implies a pool party, and she hadn’t gone swimming yet ….. or had dried off and had put on her outer clothes later.

The former scenario would not have given the other partygoers enough time to get drunk enough to be uninhibited enough to attack her. The latter scenario would imply late day or early evening.

One article says “summer day.” The other says evening.

Chrissie couldn’t remember the circumstances surrounding the party or how she got there. Or who owned the house. The parents were gone. Or where it was, except somewhere in Montgomery County, MD near a country club. Or how she got home.

Was Christine stoned? Or stupid?

Neither. By her own admission, she was dressed properly for a pool party and she got there by walking, riding a bike, or getting a ride from someone. She was prepared for the event she went to, assuming even that part of the story was accurate. If her parents dropped her off at a place, one would hope one or both of them checked on the party situation.

What did Christine do after she got outside? Did she go home? Or somewhere else? Or did she hang out?

She admits drinking, but claimed she and everyone else had only one beer each. Suuuuuure. Perhaps alcohol affected her memory or veracity.

She names Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. Were those two tight enough that they could rape a girl together? Or were they merely a conservative judge and a conservative writer who happened to be buddies that she could tar together?

If Christine’s story is valid, the place of the attack would have been at the house of Judge or a buddy of Judge and Kavanaugh who had a pool and parents stupid enough to allow a coed pool party while they were not home (or clueless enough that the party took place without their knowing about it, or their teen being dumb enough to “host” a party thinking he wouldn’t get caught). That would explain Judge and Kavanaugh being in an upstairs bedroom waiting to pounce on girls wearing one-piece swimsuits under their clothes. If another girl was “hosting” the party, she would presumably help Christine.

Ms. Ford claimed she screamed for help, but no one came. Were they deaf to her pleas, or was she lying?

Not knowing who owned the party house, not knowing who organized the party or how she got an invite (or if she crashed it with a friend), not recalling how she got there, and not recalling how she got home appears to be a quadruple Pinocchio on Christine’s part.

And there was nothing about what Christine did after the alleged attack. She reportedly didn’t tell her parents, the homeowners, the police, or her preppy friends about the alleged attack.

Brett Kavanaugh underwent a televised hearing in 2006, when Christine Ford was in her late 30s and was a psychologist, supposedly able to stand on her own two feet as an adult woman and ass a clinical professional. Why didn’t she say anything then?

This is why her husband’s statement is such a joke. He said he remembered the alleged rapist being Kavanaugh in the 2012 session and she was concerned he would be a Supreme Court justice some day.

To quote Democrat and child porn convict Pee Wee Herman, “HA-ha, HA-ha.”

In 2012, Barack Obama was cruising to re-election. The plan was to let Crooked Hillary run in 2016, and again in 2020 for a second term. And after all the illegals the Dems would let in turned several more states into Democrat voting states, no GOPer would ever see the inside of the White House again. Brett Kavanaugh would have a nice job until Dems figured out a way to force out all GOPers from the bench.

Hillary, Ellen, and Huma Weiner (arrow). The Toxic Threesome.


Mister Ford, you appear to be a lying sack.

What about the shrink notes the couple allegedly shared with the Washington Post?

Allegedly Christine Ford saw a shrink about the problem in 2012. The shrink said she claimed four boys were involved then. She didn’t name names then either. But she has accused her shrink of taking notes improperly. If that part of the notes are bad, what else is suspect?

How about all of them?

Christine Blasey Ford is a psychologist at Palo Alto University, a college that works with Stanford University to train psychologists.

Remember teacher unions and other government employee scumbags rioted in Madison, Wisconsin when Governor Scott Walker tried to work in the public’s interests against their greedy demands. A number of Wisconsin U. doctors wrote fake sick notes for roughly two thousand teachers. The teachers then disrupted schools by not showing up to teach class for several days. They were too sick to teach but well enough to riot in the winter in Wisconsin.

What am I saying? How hard is it to get a forged set of shrink notes at a college full of shrinks who are suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome? The Fords’ alleged therapist had better come clean, since he/she/shim is no longer bound by patient confidentiality rules. They said they had marital problems and brought out the paperwork themselves. In the land of the Democrats, it is no shame to admit to inadequacy or to rape fantasies.

In other words, I’m a healthy skeptic. The Fords could be lying for political reasons. They might be telling the truth. And the Cleveland Browns could win the Super Bowl at the end of this season.

There is no explanation for why Diane Feinstein didn’t confront Kavanaugh about the alleged sexual attack during the hearings. Why didn’t the California Democrat turn the evidence over to the FBI in July? Or say anything about it to other senators of the Judiciary Committee?

Diane’s only valid excuse is dementia.

What about the freak who called a staffer of Maine senator Susan Collins hoping she got raped? Or all the losers sending the pro-abortion Ms. Collins thousands of coathangers to urge her to vote against Judge Kavanaugh? Or all the losers who are stalking her at her home in Maine? What are their excuses? Being part of the Resistance to President Trump? Or being mentally and morally impaired?

Christine Ford has a problem. So do too many other psychologists. She is drawing a hefty salary as a college level teacher of psychology. She is flawed; how much of her bentness has affected her students over the years?

Is Ms. Ford the practitioner of situational ethics? Or alternative reality? Or both?

And will Ms. Ford get away with defamation and making false charges? She will not face any charges against her license in California, and will probably keep her job. Unless, that is, a federal prosecutor secures a conviction against her for malicious interference with a legal federal process.

Will Diane Feinstein escape expulsion for such an unethical and illegal trick? Will other Democrats who colluded with her likewise walk? Will Bob Woodward have CIA director Casey’s corpse dug up so he can interview the former spook about this?

Being a Democrat gives people a pass to act crazy and lie like crazy.

Does Obamacare cover treatment for mental disorders?

One last tip to the Dems. When you trot out the fake high school yearbook, make sure you spell Kavanaugh’s name right. It’s BRETT, not BRENT.

Garden-variety hypocrisy never goes out of style either. Nike, whose PR people made Colin Kaepernick the face of their advertising, is essentially an anti-American globalist corporation. Their execs have their grossly overpriced gear made in sweatshops in China and apparently in North Korea as well. Perhaps NiKe’s real brand is starving children in Little Rocket Man’s gulag country.

Now onto another hypocritical “resister.”

Google was outed by their own people recently for allegedly tilting their work hard toward Hillary and for being part of the “resistance” to President Trump. These same Internet robber barons are helping real Communists in China block their people from getting info the Reds don’t want them to have. They are at least consistently for leftist censorship at home and abroad.

Google supposedly paid a lot of money to message Latinos to vote for Democrats and even provided rides to the polls. This could possibly be a violation of campaign finance laws.

I’m also guessing the Google robber barons violated immigration laws to sneak in some of their Asian programmers. Perhaps the Justice Department needs to raid them like they did to Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.

Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon and the bitterly anti-American Washington Post, where the Ford hoax, errr, exclusive surfaced, claims he is a Resister. His workers are saying Amazon management doesn’t give them adequate toilet breaks, so they piss where they can. His newspaper also complains agricultural labor costs are rising. Americans won’t do farm work for sub minimum wage.

Yep, Democrats, you were for slavery. When Honest Abe and the Union Army ended slavery, the idea wasn’t to allow you to cheat workers of a fair wage. That goes for you too, globalist GOPers.

Back to the Nike SNAFU. Colin Kaepernick is a bit befuddled also. He was a likeable humble guy who went toxic after getting tangled up with Nessa Diab, a Moslem radio and TV personality whose parents are from Egypt. She pushed him during his kneeling protest, and this cost him some serious money.

Nessa and Colin. Did she honor-kill his football career?


When the Baltimore Ravens last year were thinking about signing Kaepernick, a below-average but not terrible quarterback, she put out a post essentially comparing Ravens’ owner Steve Bisciotti to a slaveowner and Ravens great Ray Lewis to a slave.

Ironically, Ray pitched the idea of signing Colin to Bisciotti. Lewis is one ot the best football players of all time. His posse also knifed two guys to death before a Super Bowl (one of the dead was a former client of my pal public defender Dirk Van Capias), and Ray was a suspect for obstructing a police investigation into this “misunderstanding among gentlemens,” so Lewis is hardly an Uncle Tom.

The disrespect Colin’s female (for now) showed a billionaire willing to pay her guy (for now) millions of dollars is either stupid beyond belief, or deliberately destructive on Nessa’s part.

Or maybe it’s white guilt on Kaepernick’s part. Colin’s birth mother was a white woman who is six feet tall without needing high-heel boots. His adoptive parents are white people who don’t like Donald Trump. But dude, acting stupid is no way to get even with Da Man.

Maybe the Nike deal will pan out for Kaepernick. His Nike contract money is supposedly at least as good as backup quarterback money. For now. He very likely makes more per year from Nike as the combined total of all of Nike’s reported North Korean slaves.

If there ever was a time for New England shoemaker New Balance to bite chunks out of Nike’s arrogant hide, it is now.

Colin Kaliphate needs to study the Koran and put Nessa in her proper place as a Moslem woman according to the book that defines her faith. Unless the Nike deal pays off, Colin can’t afford to keep her and three other females as polygamous wives. Especially after she honor-killed his career as a football player. Colin may need to get some advice on handling unsubmissive Moslem women from Keith Ellison.

Ellison, the only professed Moslem in the House of Representatives, allegedly channeled his inner Mohammed and roughed up his former girlfriend, one Karen Monahan. Her son Austin charged he found footage on her computer of Ellison, who is leaving the House and is now a candidate for attorney-general of Minnesota, pulling Mom off a bed and cursing her. Ms. Karen said her son was telling the truth but refused to release the alleged video.

Ellison has denied any wrongdoing and claimed the video doesn’t exist. Democrats who want Christine Blasey Ford to be believed are ignoring Karen Monahan.

Does the video exist? If it does, why? Did she leave her laptop on by mistake? Or did she set up her laptop to catch Ellison red-handed? Was it an actual attack? Or will Keith claim he and Karen were mixing a little role playing into their sex? Is it so embarrassing that Ms. Monahan wish not to release it? Or is she afraid the video will excite all of Ellison’s co-religionists in Somaliapolis?

The coming midterm election will determine whether the Deep State’s people get away with their many crimes against the American people.

It will also determine whether the Swamp undermines President Trump on bringing manufacturing jobs back to America and keeping out foreign labor so Americans in the STEM professions can work at fair salaries.

Large numbers of globalist Republican donors are OK with Democrat control of Congress because it will make it easier for them to import cheap manual labor and import cheap tech labor. The former are a threat to blue collar Americans, especially those on the lower end of the pay scale. The latter are a threat to American STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) professionals and students trying to become STEM professionals.

If foreign STEMMERS were so good, countries like China and India would be ahead of America. They’re not. But they do know how to steal technology and bring it to their homelands. Degrading America’s lead in manufacturing, science, and technology opens companies to export our facilities and our research overseas as well.

Anything less than American dominance in military and civilian science, technology, engineering, and manufacturing (and farming and energy) is totally unacceptable.

Speaking of which, the top five recipients of lobbyists’ money in the 2018 midterms are Democrats, according to Open Secrets, a watchdog group. According to Open Secrets, which Breitbart quoted in a 9/12/2018 article, the top five are Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Jon Tester (D-MT), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Bill Nelson (D-FL), and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND). Other than Brown, the remaining senators are considered very vulnerable in November.

Brown might hurt a little soon. Opposition researchers who checked on him found out an ex-wife accused the feminist Buckeye of extreme cruelty. The woman, Larke Recchie, apparently got a restraining order against the sensitive Sherrod to keep him away from her and their children because he was physically violent to her. After the divorce, Larke accused Beta Brown of physically attacking her new husband.

Sherrod Brown votes pro-American occasionally, knowing his fellow Dems and GOPers will vote the other way on trade and labor issues. He is playing for labor votes. But Brown was silent when Obama’s policies shut coal mines and factories in Ohio and all up and down the Ohio Valley. Perhaps he was too busy using his kisser to kiss Obama’s backside.

Richard Trumka, the AFL-CIO chief, also wants the unions to vote Dem, even though they are anti-manufacturing.

I covered Trumka when he gave a speech at a coal mining conference at Virginia Tech in 1986. At the time, he was a United Mineworkers executive. I liked the guy. He was pushing for more American mining jobs and for safer mines. (Disclosure: Except for government employees, I am pro-union. Without labor unions, many Americans would be wage slaves working in horrible conditions.)

President Trump is bringing manufacturing jobs home and wages are rising. When was that ever bad news to a labor boss? Has Trumka been paid off? Or is he a victim of Deep State or Clinton/Obama blackmail?

And in case you missed it, a guy named Farzad Fazeli pulled a switchblade knife on a GOP congressional candidate at a county fair in the San Francisco Bay area. The candidate, one Rudy Peters, said Fazeli threw a ceramic coffee cup at him, so he took Fazeli to the ground. Fazeli allegedly pulled a switchblade knife, so Peters said he used one of his campaign signs as a shield, The knife malfunctioned, Peters tried to take Fazeli to the ground again, but Farzad ran far away like a punk. Sheriff’s deputies arrested Fazeli a few minutes later and reportedly found the knife in his possession. Witnesses corroborated the other parts of Peters’ account.

Farzad Fazeli’s mom, Dolly Adams, naturally said her son was a victim. Dolly, who apparently had sex with an Iranian to bring little Farzad into the world, may or may not have been the person who bailed him out of jail.

What she didn’t say was her precious son, a licensed security guard, has two convictions for burglary and an arrest for sexual battery that his lawyer plea bargained down to battery.

Fazeli has also blamed President Trump for Hurricane Irma and has blamed Trump for the Parkland shooting on his Facebook page, per a report.

He might need to be in therapy like Christine Brown. Or maybe if he was stealing from or trying to rape non-Moslems, then maybe the Koran okayed it and Californians need to let him practice his religion.

Again, the coming midterm election will determine whether the Deep State’s people get away with their many crimes against the American people.

The only way to end the New Copperheads’ war upon the American people is to vote out as many Dems as possible. This way, President Trump and people at the state level will emplace judges who will actually punish criminals instead of enabling them. Starting with the Clintons and the top FBI and Justice Department criminals, and working down to the rest of them.

U.S. Grant, when president, pushed laws making it illegal to wear face covers to prevent identification while committing crimes. U.S. Grant, the ultimate destroyer of slavery, was working against the Ku Klux Klan. Since the laws are still on the books, why aren’t Antifa scum getting the same federal scrutiny?

Without Congress, President Trump has put into place trade deals that are bringing jobs and money back to Americans. Now that President Trump is talking about using the Corps of Engineers to build The Wall instead of waiting for the traitors and sluggards in Congress to help him, they are now going to vote him some of the money the people need to have The Wall built.

Homeland security begins when our women and children are protected.

And short of the direct intervention of God, an informed public is the best defense against the abusers who would enslave the people of this nation.





On Christine Blasey Ford, the 9/16/2018 Washington Post and 9/16/2018 Fox News

On Sherrod Brown and the other Dems, 9/13/2018 Daily Caller and 9/12/2018 Breitbart

On Colin and Nessa and Ray and the Ravens, 9/11/2018 Daily Mail, 9/6/2017 L.A. Times

On Keith Ellison, 8/28/2018 Politico

On Susan Collins’ staff, 9/12/2018 Breitbart

On Farzad Fazeli, KPIX-TV 9/11/2018, Heavy.com 9/12/2018, and Newsweek 9/12/2018

On Google and Amazon, 9/11/2018 Fox News, Breitbart 9/13/2018, and 9/13/2018 Fox News

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