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Scum on Parade: Deep Staters Didn’t Rest over Labor Day

September10/ 2018

Special Counsel Robert (Gestapo) Mueller finally got a conviction and sentencing related to the Trump campaign.

Low-level guy George Papadopoulos drew two weeks in prison “for lying to investigators about his contact with individuals tied to Russia during the 2016 campaign,” CNN breathlessly reported 9/7/2018.

The Mueller Monkey Trials


Meanwhile, fired FBI leader James Comey and his henchman Peter Strzok have lied repeatedly to other law enforcement types and to members of Congress and are roaming free. Mueller, a close friend of Comey when he ran the FBI and Comey was his subordinate, has not lifted a finger against his crony.

Also this week, an alleged “resistor” allegedly wrote a screed talking about wide-scale resistance to President Trump within his own White House and elsewhere in his administration.

I think it’s a hoax. But if someone actually pulling a federal paycheck wrote this, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Virtually all Democrats in federal service hate President Trump. So do many Republicans. Many other Republicans are passive-aggressive. If President Trump succeeds, they’ll take credit. If it will help their careers to subvert his work, they will do so. Likewise for criticizing him.

Why? Trump is a patriot and a nationalist, not a Repubican or a Democrat. Virtually all professional Democrats and most professional Republicans (those who hold office or get paid to work in politics and lobbying) are globalists. President Trump is threatening their paychecks and the payoffs they get from globalist ccoporations and billionaiers like Soros, Silicon Valley robber barons, the Koch Brothers, and the Chamber of Commerce set.

These people want other countries to punk us on trade and send in their riffraff to lower the wage scale. Aliens kill thousands of our people each year, and steal billions in benefits that we have to pay for. Even Bernie Sanders was honest enough last week to move against corporate parasites like Amazon for paying workers poorly and conniving to get them food stamps and other government benefits. You and I are making Jeff Bezos richer as he plays Chinese labor king with people he needs instead of paying them reasonable wages.

A 9/7/2018 article in The Hill, a leftist publication, attacked Bernie for wandering off the plantation. Is it coincidental that Bezos also owns the Washington Post, a paper which constantly leaks FBI and Justice Department and CIA attacks against President Trump? A paper whose bosses hired 20 writers to do noting but attack President Trump in the 2016 election? Especially since President Trump wondered if Amazon is an illegal monopoly of sorts.

The Washington Post has complained that groceries are costing more because farm worker wages are rising. Others complain about small increases in consumer goods proces because tarifs are forcing manufacturing to come back to America. President Trump is helping working Americans, not the fat cats, and this is angering the Resistance.

Another fact is Donald Trump does not have a base of loyalist politicians and bureaucrats and lobbyists. So to staff his administration he had to use many GOPers who opposed him. They follow their own agenda, not President Trump’s, until they are caught and disciplined.

Even his top right-to-life advisor, Marjorie Dannensfelser, is a never-Trumper who honked loudly for Cruz and against Mr. Trump. She slurred Mr. Trump on the Sean Hannity Show during the 2016 primary season. Later on it came out that Cruz had an indiscretion or more himself. Mr. Trump overlooked the personal attacks, and met with pro-lifers who opposed him, including a friend of mine who is nationally known. President Trump has tried to do real damage to the abortion racket, and has retained Ms. Dannensfelser because she might be able to help fight the abortion racketeers.

So it is totally believable many federal employees and appointees deliberately thwart President Trump in his desire to do right by the American people.

However, the New York Times alleged “resister” opinion piece helps President Trump.


The same people who deny there is a Deep State are either cheering the alleged agent of the “Resistance” or calling him a coward for not doing more to oppose President Trump.

In other words, the New York Times opinion piece implies President Trump is right on the Deep State ….. their people do everything from spying on him to committing open insubordination to subverting lawful orders in the various cabinet level agencies to fixing FISA judges to taking bribes from news media companies.

A couple of days ago, the Gateway Pundit author Jim Hoft reported people on the Democratic National Committee suspect Joseph Misfud, the Maltese professor the intelligence community evidently used to set up Papadopoulus, is dead. His death is very convenient for any Deep Stater involved in lawbreaking against the Trump campaign.



This past week has been about the Kavanaugh hearings. Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s two young daughters got to see a freak show of criminals hating on their dad so angrily last Tuesday that federal agents took them out of the hearing room for their own safety.

The dumpster fire of a hearing, that lasted all week, showed paid agitators acting like spoiled children with full diapers – the real orientation of national Democrats. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) admitted in so many words to working with Senate Minority leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) in organizing the disruptions.

Meanwhile the freaks on the Senate committee, in league with the freaks in the audience, interrupted so often it took more than an hour for the first day of hearings before hearing chairman Senator Chuck Grassley ( R-IOWA) could make his opening remarks.

The hearing didn’t sink to the level of agitators rioting at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, but this televised excrement show harmed the Democrats just like the 1968 riots hurt them. Even leftist commentators bagged on Democrat senators like Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) because Judge Kavanaugh patiently and cheerfully showed them to be lightweights.

There’s a reason for that. President Trump chose Judge Kavanaugh. Dopers and illegals in California chose Kamala Harris. Cory Booger was picked by the knucklehead majority in New Jersey. Because of his comparing himself to rebel slave leader Spartacus, some wags are now calling him “Fartacus.”

Ms. Harris is widely charged with being the subservient mistress of powerful California Democrat Willie Brown. In California, the casting couch is an HR tool and a promotion ladder. Likewise, Kamala ma Ding Dong serviced her Planned Parenthood donors by bringing charges against the people who taped Planned Parenthood officials discussing selling them aborted baby body parts like Hitler’s Doctor Mengele.

Kamala and Cory want to be president some day. Their performances at the Kavanaugh hearings didn’t endear them to the public. Nor did they impress Democrat moneymen who only bet on candidates who are serious.



Now on to another Deep State problem. The journalist who exposed it used public records on the incomes and holdings of James Comey to find he made millions of dollars while out of government for a stretch during 43’s second term and Obama’s first term.

Seamus Bruner, author of “Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption,” in 8/21/2018 and 8/23/2018 Breitbart articles, explained how former FBI Directors James Comey and Robert Mueller leveraged their government contacts to enrich themselves.

“Bruner noted the growth of Comey’s net worth between 2003 and 2009, after Comey left the Department of Justice to join Lockheed Martin as senior vice president and lead counsel.”

“It doesn’t really make much sense why [Lockheed Martin] would pay [James Comey] upwards of six million dollars in a single year,” assessed Bruner. “But one reason — aside from his security clearance — is that his buddy Robert Mueller is running the FBI. They begin passing 100-million-dollar-plus contracts to Lockheed Martin.”

Bruner continued, “One of these contracts was actually worth a billion dollars, and it was protested formally by the other bidder: IBM. … The contracts flowed from Robert Mueller’s FBI to James Comey’s private sector employer, Lockheed Martin, and James Comey made many millions over a short period of time.”

Bruner described Comey as “one of the prime examples of this kind of cashing in on government contacts.”

“We followed the money and realized that James Comey made well over ten million dollars from when he left the public sector in 2005 and by the time he returned to serve as FBI director [in 2013],” said Bruner. “He even made over six million dollars in a single year at the top government contracting corporation, Lockheed Martin; they get over $50 billion a year in government contracts.”

Bruner described Lockheed Martin’s — the country’s largest national defense and security contractor — hiring of James Comey in 2005 to the dual position of general counsel and senior vice president as unusual. Comey was 44 at the time and without requisite corporate experience.

Bruner added, “[James Comey] wasn’t just consulting Lockheed Martin, he was their general counsel and a senior vice president at the corporation, which begs the question: Why would you choose a young James Comey? He’s got no corporate experience of that kind.”

Bruner drew on a 2012 Huffington Post article describing Next Generation identification — a proposed biometric database and facial recognition system commissioned by the FBI via Lockheed Martin — as a “billion-dollar boondoggle.” He noted that Comey “signed off” on the project as a Lockheed Martin executive and chief legal counsel in 2012, and the project’s authorization by then FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Bruner spoke of Comey’s and Mueller’s complementary roles in expanding “the surveillance state.”

“James Comey and Robert Mueller have this long history together going back to the nineties at the DOJ,” recalled Bruner:

“They’ve been very concerned with matters relating to surveillance, especially FISA and the Patriot Act. We see repeatedly throughout the early 2000s and all the way up through today [that] Robert Mueller and James Comey wanted to “tear down the wall,” so to speak, between intelligence agencies, and had issues with what they call “the going dark problem,” where they didn’t have enough information. So they really rapidly expanded [what I describe as] “the surveillance state” which is now, of course, being used against journalists, citizens, and even now a presidential candidate.”

(“Clinton Cash” author Peter) Schweizer explained how government officials leverage their roles towards self-enrichment: “What this highlights is this problem, happens at Health and Human Services, it happens at DoD, where you have government officials, who basically, while they’re in government, create demand for their own services when they leave.”

Schweizer continued:

So in the case of Jim Comey, he goes to Lockheed Martin from the Department of Justice. At the Department of Justice, he helped establish some of these very programs that Lockheed Martin was getting contracts to implement and carry out. So he sets up these programs, who is Lockheed Martin going to look for to give a paycheck to who understands this program better than anybody else? The government official who helped put it together, and that is sort of a tried and true story in Washington, DC, and the point is, you played that clip at the beginning of James Comey talking about how sensitive he is to the appearances of doing something wrong or wrongdoing, the fact of the matter is, this is a very familiar story, unfortunately, in the swamp.”

The enrichment of Comey with FBI help is typical of the Swamp. So is the scam that allows many unworthy government payrollers to keep security clearances so they can get lucrative jobs denied to others equal to or better than them. The security clearance profiteers often work against the interests of the American people.

Deep Staters are worried President Trump will revoke their security clearances, like he did to Moslem Communist former CIA chief John Brennan. President Trump will cost them money and power – money and power they don’t deserve. Once out of government service, they shouldn’t need security clearances and the info they have been accessing legally or illegally. I held a security clearance as an Army officer, and I held a security clearance as a military subcontractor. When I left the Army, I lost the security clearance as I no linger could justify having one for military reasons. Ditto for the security clearance I lost after leaving the defense contractor job. Limiting clearances protects national security.

The “how to be your own detective” moment for you is high ranking government officials have to disclose income. Also, many actions of high ranking government officials are public record. Bruner accessed Comey’s financial disclosure forms, noted Comey’s net worth zoomed, and then followed decisions by Mueller and Comey that led to the Lockheed multimillion dollar windfall. It was a good investment for the defense contractor giant. Was it a good investment for we the people?



In late August, the Daily Caller reported a Chinese firm whose people were fronts for Chinese government intelligence hacked Hillary’s private e-mail server. They said the ICIG (Intelligence Community Inspector General) found this out in 2015, and reported it to the FBI, whose agents did nothing.

FBI reaction was predictable. They said they found no proof any of Hillary’s servers was compromised. Of course they didn’t. They never looked for any proof.

This came on the heels on the charge fired disgraced FBI official Peter Strzok was lying about checking the hard drive of the laptop Anthony Weiner, which had great amounts of compromising data on Hillary and her mistress, errr, his wife Huma Weiner aka Huma Abedin. The Daily Caller reported 8/24/2018 that investigative reporter Paul Sperry said the FBI reviewed only 3000 or so of the 700,000 or so e-mails on the laptop in question – and Strzok hand-picked those the feds were supposed to review. The other 697,000 or so went unreviewed, he said.

President Trump jumped quickly. He hit Twitter with the following:

“Report just out: China hacked Hillary Clinton’s private E-mail server. Are they sure it wasn’t Russia (Just kidding!)? What are the odds that the FBI and the DOJ are right on top of this? Actually a very big story. Much classified information!”


The Washington Post, ironically, in a 4/18/2015 article, noted, “Nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants in almost a two-decade period before 2000.” So it is not surprising there has been corruption throughout the FBI, especially at the very top of the agency.

Was Hillary’s hack an accident? Or did she leave all that sensitive info deliberately for the Chinese to take, in exchange for cash? This is a woman who many believe would sell her daughter to the highest bidder.

Many things are not accidental, when it comes to the Deep State.

Remember when Mr. Trump ran for president, Obama’s Luftwaffe, errr, FAA officials deadlined Trump’s plane for a paperwork issue.

Leftist police and civic leaders in San Jose funneled Trump supporters into the slime who were there to riot.

Then deserving Democrats in the Columbus, Ohio city government limited a Trump rally at a city building to 1000 members after they started construction on it and blocked exits. This enraged thousands of people who came to see Mr. Trump speak.

FBI special agent Jonathan Moffa admitted to Congressmen FBI officials leak questionable stories to the media, then use the resulting questionable or false articles and broadcasts to justify filing for surveillance in FISA courts. This, per Breitbart 8/29/2018.

Congressman Ruben Gallegos (D-AZ) threatened ICE agents with criminal prosecutions for deporting illegals if and when Democrats retake the White House and Congress. This, per Fox News, 8/30/2018.

Federal prosecutors admitted they lied in claiming Russian national Maria Butina was trading sex for access in getting a federal judge to jail her. She is a peripheral person of interest in the Mueller monkey trials. Per a Daily Caller 9/8/2018 article, they made the charge Ms. Butina acted like Kamala Harris to make it look like she was a flight risk.

High and low, the opponents of President Trump are organized and criminal. They will abuse their authority as long as they have any.



Lower on the Democrat food chain, Newser on 9/8/2018 breathlessly reported this under the hilarious headline “Stormy Daniels: Normal Life Is Probably Over for Me:”

“Daniels, who is pursuing two lawsuits against President Trump related to an alleged affair, says she can’t go anywhere now without bodyguards and is constantly fearful of an angry “Trump supporter or fan coming after me, doing something stupid.” She recounted going to a concert a few months ago, without security.

“In between bands, the lights come up and all it took was one person saying, ‘Hey, can I get a picture?’ And then it just became a frenzy and it was all positive—no one was being negative—but they just started grabbing at me and it became really dangerous really quickly.”

As a result, “I’m a lot more careful about my surroundings.”

Stormy Daniels claims fear of Trump people but actually indicted her allies. The friendly positive people who went into a frenzy over her were Democrats who wanted free grabs and squeezes. Like she owed it to them.

Their actions were totally like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton. Bill is an unindicted rapist. Secret Service records, public records which a citizen’s group filed for, showed your tax dollars paid for Bill to take 20 or more trips to billionaire child sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein’s Island of Underage Girls. Blackwater chief Erik Prince said Hillary went to the same place six times. The word is she likes girls too.

Back to Stormy.

She continued: “You don’t realize the toll that it can take on you mentally and physically after months and months of always looking over your shoulder.” The 39-year-old, real name Stephanie Clifford, says her public role also ruined her marriage.”

Her hubby, a porn producer, wasn’t concerned she was stripping. Maybe she wasn’t bringing all of her money home. Or maybe she was doing it for free with someone she found more fascinating than her solid man. “Emotional affair, perhaps?” Or maybe it was because she lied about Mr. Trump sending an assailant after her more than a decade ago, and the face she described to the police artist a few months ago when she had to lie further to push the false story looked like Hubby. Hubby at least was smart enough to say their little girl didn’t belong on a nationwide strip club tour with Mommy.

Stormy Daniels Busted. Courtesy Frankin County OH Sheriff


The divorce filing happened in late July, about the same time Stormy got busted in a Columbus, Ohio strip club for wrapping her bust around the face of a policewoman.

Per CNN, 7/26/2018, this: “Officer Shana Keckley used her personal e-mail account to send e-mail to her official police account two days before Daniels was arrested at the Sirens Strip Club. Keckley took part in the raid and had her head between Daniels’ breasts at the club, according to court documents. She sent emails to colleagues seemingly giddy about the arrest after the fact. Keckley was one of two officers who signed statements saying their faces were “pushed” between Daniels’ breasts.”

Rachel Maddow might leave her network propaganda job at MSNBC to become a Columbus policewoman.

Stormy has already depressed the escort market. How can a working girl get gigs when the rich guys think she’ll blab about them later on?

Or, if the guy is Bill Clinton or disgraced New York governor Eliot Spitzer or disgraced New York AG Eric Shysterman, errr, Schneiderman, how is she sure she won’t be jailed or murdered to keep her quiet? Janet Reno was credibly accused of rough sex with hookers. Given her lust for the blood of the Waco cultists, and her lust for the blood of people in the Cuban community of Miami, it is totally believable she forced the young ladies to give it up to her for free or face long terms in prison, where Jan’s fellow lesbians behind bars would abuse them for free.



Earlier this year social justice bedwetters whined because the New York Police Department Special Victims’ Unit boss Michael Osgood, who went after Harvey Weinstein, donated more than $2000 to Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign. Many of them want Osgood fired.

While Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and other prominent leftists were committing rape, Trump as a businessman donated thousands of dollars to the NYPD so they could pay for posters identifying wanted rapists.

Osgood is an innovator in the policing of sex offense cases, and is responsible for the convictions of thousands of rapists, despite having to work with prosecutors in New York City who are leftist vermin.

Osgood’s men brought Harvey Weinstein in for questioning in 2015 after he tried to rape an Italian model named Ambra Battilana. Weinstein threatened the officers like the entitled pig that he is. Then his lawyer got ahold of the Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. (the son of Cyrus Vance the failed Secretary of State for the failed Jimmy Carter) and his minions in the Manhattan (New York County) District Attorney’s Office.

Per New York Magazine 3/19/2018, this:

“He (Weinstein) retained two lawyers with ties to the district attorney’s office, including Elkan Abramowitz, Vance’s former law partner and a donor to his campaign. To cement their access to Vance’s office, the lawyers hired Linda Fairstein, the former head of the DA’s Sex Crimes Unit and a close friend of Bashford’s.” (Martha Bashford is a chief sex crimes prosecutor for the Manhattan District Attorney.)

(How to be Your Own Detective teaching point: The writer looked up the backgrounds of the lawyers in the DA’s Office and their fellow obstructors of justice on Team Weinstein. Then the writer checked databases for donations Weinstein and his shysters made to the DA shysters and their political allies. The writer found out relationships between Team Weinstein and the prosecutors. This is what you and I should do, and can. Especially follow the money and relationships trails when there are odd government official actions that fly in the face of justice.)

The DA’s people were so hateful to Miss Battilana (they essentially spied on her and asked her roommates if she was a prostitute) that Osgood and his men had to hide her out for several days from the leftist punks of the highly politicized Manhattan DA’s Office.

“Five days after he and his team sequestered Ambra Battilana in a hotel room to protect her from Vance’s office, she agreed to meet with Martha Bashford, the head of the DA’s sex crimes unit. Bashford didn’t inform the SVD, but Battilana’s lawyer did, and Osgood’s investigative team showed up at the attorney’s office before Bashford arrived.”

“During the meeting, according to Bock (a NYPD officer), Bashford grilled Battilana about her personal life — including one of the infamous sex parties thrown by Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi that she had attended. Battilana told Bashford that she and her friends had left as soon as the sex started. “The questioning was aggressive and accusatory,” Bock recalls. “Again, the victim was upset. She felt like she was under attack.”

Days later, Dem DA Vance and his pussy hat wearing prosecutor shysters decided not to prosecute Harvey Weinstein.

Osgood did not fold. Before and after actress Rose McGowan came forward against Harvey Weinstein late last year, he continued the investigation against the movie mogul perv. Since Ms. McGowan came forward, Osgood has investigated the cases of more than a dozen women who have come forward against Weinstein. (New York Magazine, 3/19/2018)

The social justice bedwetters remain silent about their leftist politicians. Vance and Ms. Bashford still have jobs, which the taxpayers of New York pay for. The social justice bedwetters, to include cop hater New York mayor De Blasio, are too busy attacking Donald Trump.

In fact, the social justice bedwetters were OK with former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman aka Eric Shysterman. According to a 5/7/2018 New Yorker article, one of his several victims was told to swallow it by other women she thought were her friends because they liked it that Schneiderman was also abusing his prosecutor powers to orchestrate multi-state lawsuits by crooked Democrat state attorneys-general against President Trump. Another of his victims kept quiet about the abuse because she also liked what he did as a politician.

How much is being said about Shysterman now? Crickets.

But these New Yorkers are the people who will try to take President Trump’s businesses and family members down. They will violate many laws to attack a man who beat them fair and square.

Meanwhile, New York State Attorney General Barbara Underwood, who replaced Shsyterman, wants to look at the sex offender records of the Catholic dioceses in the Empire State. We suggest she first look at the thousands of public school teachers in New York who are child molesters. She won’t, because she is owned like a fat ugly dog by the teachers’ unions.

Disclosure: Barbara Underwood is appealing the case of the New York City abortion protesters who were falsely charged of with harassment and other criminal acts. I have some animus against this clueless cow because I worked for the framed defendants, who won their case because they were innocent and because they had good lawyers and because they had a fair judge, which in New York City is damn hard to find.

See my post “Haggard Merle’s Abortionists: A Woman’s Right to Know.” BU is taking the side of an abortion mill operator whose staffers have caused women’s deaths, stole and sold drugs, and carved initials on at least one woman’s abdomen. How many people have a doctor nicknamed “Doctor Zorro?” Or doctors with scores of malpractice cases by women and girls or their survivors? Or multiple tax deadbeat cases? Merle Hoffman does.


What can you do, given the ongoing leftist excrement fest that will continue thru the fall elections?

Stay informed. The Conservative Treehouse is a great site for getting daily news and analysis about the Deep State you don’t get elsewhere. The writers for that site have some very good sources. Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, and Tucker Carlson are among the best news show people to check in on if you must. Listen to radio talk show hosts whose judgment is good. Watch out for the weenies who claim they are “Constitutional conservatives” but they wish President Trump wouldn’t be so confrontational or so America first. At best, these people are confused; at worst, they are globalists who may be funded by globalist interests opposed to your interests.

Use your common sense. Don’t panic. Even without the co-operation of his own party, President Trump is improving jobs and pay for the vast majority of Americans. His people are busting more illegals, more businesses who harbor illegals, more sex traffickers, and more violent criminals, even while he is looking at reforming the laws that keep many nonviolent offenders in jail for too long. He is also taking the measure of America’s many enemies. Foreign leaders fear and respect him.

All the posturing of President Trump’s foes is evidence he may well force his lackluster fellow Republican to victory in both the House and the Senate. And then the real assault upon the Deep State’s criminals will begin.

You can help make that happen by voting and by encouraging others who think like you to vote. Volunteer for your GOP House of Representatives candidate. Or doe likewise for Senate and local GOP candidates. If you can’t work, donate to the campaigns of those who will work with President Trump.

The Republicans are not an accomplished bunch. Too many of them are Democrats in drag. But you can count on the professed Democrats to harm you and your loved ones with their policies, and with the rioting and violent felonies their supporters and their illegal alien buddies commit. At least most Republicans have a chance of working with President Trump. Virtually none of the Democrats will.

Your concurrent strategy is to pray. Pray for God’s will and protection for this nation. Pray for good men and women to hold public office and do right by the people. As St. Francis De Sales said, Pray as if everything depends upon God. Work as if everything depends upon you.”

And support the good in their efforts. A word from you and others like you will counteract the bombardments the leftists subject them to in the media, thru the mails, and with robo-opponents. Let them know you appreciate their efforts and will continue to support them if they put America first.





On the Chinese hacking: Fox News, 8/29/2018, and Washington Examiner, 8/30/2018
On the organized tantrums against Kavanaugh: Daily Caller, 9/4/2018
On Bill and Hillary’s reported trips to Epstein’s island: Breitbart 11/4/2016 and Roger Stone column 11/4/2016, and Daily Caller 11/29/2017
On the FBI and Weiner’s laptop: 8/24/2018
On Stormy’s divorce: 7/23/2018
On Washington Post’s whining about higher wages: 8/27/2018
On Kamala Harris: 2/16/2018 and Vogue 3/19/2018

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