• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Straightforward Way to Purge the Churches of Abusers

September02/ 2018

The Pennsylvania grand jury report on Catholic priests noted one thing the media is not reporting. About 80 percent of the victims were boys. This proves the Catholic Church has a homosexual problem, one that can be solved readily.

Let’s talk about the support for homosexualism in this country, and some statistics on child molestation. Then we will get into why the Catholic Church and any other church that actually wants to bring people to God must purge homosexuals from their leadership and clergy.

Most priests, like most male Democrats and most male globalist Republicans, are not homosexuals. (For you female Dems and globalist GOPers, most of you are not lesbians or bisexuals.)

However, a disproportionately large percentage of Catholic leaders and bureaucrats are homosexuals, just like their counterparts among the Democrats and the globalist GOPers. This also applies in the way of a disproportionately large number of female Democrat and globalist GOPer leaders and bureaucrats being lesbians or bisexuals.)

The rainbow flag saluting politicians brought us gay “marriage” (Chipper and Dustin or Ellen and Maude). In Ohio, globalist GOPers like Rob Portman and John Kasich led the move. Portman admitted he did so because he has a homosexual son. Having a problem child means you get the kid some help; you don’t change the law to make him feel better. Kasich was “outed” by Democrats in 1996, who claimed he was light in the loafers because as a Congressman he was living with an aide who was male. Kasich later married.

When the Supreme Court made gay “marriage” (Chipper and Dustin or Ellen and Maude) the law of the land, many people suspected Justice Anthony Kennedy was blackmailed into voting the way he did. The Deep State has been using government agents to check on people for political reasons. Many people figured the Clinton and Obama appointees to the Supreme Court, whose four votes with Kennedy’s resulted in the 5-4 win for those who flunked sex education, didn’t need to be blackmailed by the Deep State because they voted in line with their degeneracies.

Ironically, the homosexualists’ little rainbow never shows the colors white, black, or brown. These are the colors of more than 90 percent of our population. The alternate lifestyle lobby and the politicians in bed with them must be exclusionary.

Christ said it would be better for child molesters to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied to their necks.


The last Democrat president who was a patriot was John F. Kennedy. He led the push to put a man on the moon. Barack Obama and the Democratic Party recently led the push to put guys in girls’ bathrooms.

Most people think “gay marriage” and girls’ bathrooms open to guys are ridiculous. On a list of priorities, most people wouldn’t even list them.

Ditto for making bakers make cakes for degenerate events. Or removing Christmas decorations from the town square.

A high percentage of politicians are sex offenders. One recent president, vice-president, and attorney general – all in the Clinton Administration — and far too many members of Congress in recent years reportedly committed sex offenses. Usually their victims have been women or girls. Janet Reno was accused credibly of molesting a girl. She bought hookers and was rough with them. Some politicians like Harvey Milk and former GOP Speaker of the House Denny Hastert like underage boys. Others like underage girls. So, apparently, does Hillary … she reportedly made several trips to convicted sex offender billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s Island of Underage Girls.

The huge amount of sexual abuse committed by teachers escapes scrutiny because of the Democrats and the globalist Republicans. If school systems had to pay reparations like the Catholic Church has had to pay, many school districts would be broke and we would have to depend upon private schools to educate the nation’s children.

Read the very first post I ever wrote, “The Janitor who tried to clean Cleveland schools.” It was about Hugh Gaughan, a school custodian, who found out a number of his co-workers were child molesters or other violent felons. The school leaders hammered Hugh for a decade before finally wrongfully firing him and making it stick, with the co-operation or an incompetent or corrupt labor union lawyer.

As a courtesy to Hugh, I’ll cover the numbers on teachers as sexual predators in the end notes of this post.

Now let’s do some number crunching to show trends in child molester behavior. Number crunching, or forensic math, is another tool you can use in being your own detective. And you don’t need a badge for it.

There is a lot of lying, hype, and inexactness on how many sex offenders and victims there are. It is in the government’s interest to minimize rape, and it is in the interest of certain groups with agendas to maximize rape. You can’t grasp the problem unless you have a rough idea of who the victims and perps are, and how many of them there are. I am providing the following estimates, based on state and federal crime figures and reports going back to the early 1990s. These figures come thanks to all 50 state police departments and attorney general offices, U.S. Justice Department and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services studies, and my forensic math using the figures and breakdowns by age and relationship provided to estimate who the victims and perpetrators are and how many of them there are.

Not counting victims of illegal aliens, or prison rape, there are at least 600,000 to 700,000 victims of rape, incest, or other serious sexual offenses each year. Of these, almost 35% are adult females and another 2% are adult males. This means almost 65% of the victims of rape and other serious sex offenses are below the age of 18.


Slightly more than half of all rape victims – 50% to 51% – are girls below the age of 18.

About one in six of all rape victims – 16% – are girls younger than 11.

About one in four of all rape victims – 24% – are girls 12 to 15.

About one in nine of all rape victims – 11% – are girls 16 or 17.

One in eight of all rape victims – 12% to 13% – are boys 17 or younger.

And unlike adult female victims of rape, who are usually raped once, these child victims are often raped dozens or hundreds of times – usually by the same perpetrators in their circle of family and acquaintances.

Most teenage and child sexual assault victims know their predators. About 25% are fathers or other relatives or stepfathers, and another 65% or so are acquaintances ranging from teachers to youth group leaders to Mommie’s current boyfriends.

About 10% of all rapes of children occur at schools. Most school perps are teachers or other adult staffers.

In other words, public school payroller perps molest about 30,000 children per year. The Pennsylvania priests molested 1000 children over 70 years. Assuming Pennsylvania has about 8% of the nation’s Catholic priests, this equates to about 12,500 victims of priests in 70 years nationwide, or about 180 a year. The comparison by no means excuses priests, who deserve the harshest punishment imaginable, but it does show how unsafe public schools are.

Most molesters are adult males. Adult male and female molesters are about 85% of the sexual predators.

Virtually all boys are victims of males. About 90% of the girls are reportedly the victims of males, and 10% are reportedly the victims of females. The actual percentage of adult female perpetrators is likely much higher. Why? Forcible and statutory lesbian acts by women against girls meet with much more societal tolerance and approval. The vast majority of female sex offenders rape or molest girls.

Do the math – 98% times 13% (male rapists raping boy victims) plus 10% times 51% (female rapists sexually abusing girl victims) adds up to 18%.

Divide 18% by 63%, the number of child sex offense victims. The result is 29%; about three children in ten who are sexually abused are the victims of same-sex homosexual or lesbian assault. At the very most, homosexuals and bisexuals make up 10% of the population, by the claims of homosexual and lesbian activists. Centers for Disease Control researchers estimate homosexuals and bisexuals make up about 2% of the male population. The truth is probably somewhere in between … no more than about 5% of males are homosexual or bisexual, and perhaps 5% to 8% of females are lesbian or bisexual.

The figures show 29% of children are victims of someone their own sex. At most, 10% of adults are homosexual or bisexual. The truth is closer to 5%. So we’ll use both numbers in calculations here.

29% (victims of the same sex)/10% (homosexuals and lesbians and bis) is 2.9. 71% (victims of the opposite sex)/90% (heterosexuals) is 0.8. For a 10% population, homosexuals, lesbians, and bis are 2.9/0.8 or 3.6 times as likely to molest children as heterosexual people are.

29% (victims of the same sex)/5% (homosexuals and lesbians and bis) is 5.8. 71% (victims of the opposite sex)/95% (heterosexuals) is 0.7. For a 5% population, homosexuals, lesbians, and bis are 5.8/0.7 or 8.3 times as likely to molest children as heterosexual people are.




This does not count prisons, where rapes are frequent. Virtually all prison rapes involve same-sex homosexual or lesbian assaults by sociopaths. Ever since regulations against homosexuals in the armed forces have been weakened, rapes of males in uniform have skyrocketed until now there are more uniformed male rape victims than uniformed female rape victims.

What does all this have to do with the Catholic Church’s current scandal?

When leaders don’t get rid of their sex offenders, they continue to sexually victimize others.

Most abusers in the Catholic clergy and hierarchy have committed homosexual acts. And, homosexuals are much more prone to molest children or commit other sex offenses than normally wired people are.

I am a practicing Catholic. So is 99. So this post is not the rant of an anti-Catholic inbred, but the analysis of a professional who wants his church to serve God and not mock Him.

Again, the Pennsylvania grand jury report noted there were 1000 victims of priests in that state from the end of World War Two to the present. And 800 or so of them – 80% – were boys.

The Catholic Church’s problem is not hard to fix. The numbers show homosexuals are the vast majority of clerical child molesters. So they should stop ordaining homosexuals, and defrock homosexual clergymen abusers. (Defrock those who molested girls and women, too.) Homosexual acts are objectively disordered and are specifically denounced in the Old Testament and by the Apostle Paul, the dominant theologian of the New Testament. BTW, Paul was a celibate.

What about homosexually oriented clergy who haven’t been caught molesting anyone? Remove them, or at worst, move them to positions where they cannot come in contact with boys or young men.  It will keep them away from harming others.

This is about the only way the Catholic Church can regain credibility, and it will take at least two generations of good behavior to purge the ill will the homosexuals and their tolerators have caused by their objectively evil actions.

Of course the Left, while bashing Catholics, opposes this logical approach.

The New York Times and other leftist media outlets are attacking Cardinal Carlo Vigano, former papal nuncio to the United States, for attacking Pope Francis for tolerating a homosexual cabal within the Church and for not getting rid of leaders who molest boys and seminarians. They say Vigano is a “conservative” or is “power hungry”, or “vindictive.” One such journal said Pope Francis canned Vigano after Vigano “foisted a Kentucky county clerk who had refused to grant same-sex marriage licenses into a photo op with the pope during his 2015 visit that added a dissonant note to a pastoral visit.”

The clerk has a name, punk. She is Kim Davis, who is still the county clerk from a state that produced the first president who tried to end slavery (Zachary Taylor) and the president who did end slavery (Abraham Lincoln). Kentuckians also are among the most likely to volunteer for military service. So they are real Americans, unlike you.

The New York Times also was critical of Vigano for arranging the photo-op. How dare the bishop support a county clerk who didn’t flunk sex education!

The leftists also attack Bishop Vigano as a leaker. They celebrate anyone who leaks in President Trump’s administration. They are hypocrites. Before they try to take the speck out of someone else’s eye, they need to pull their heads out of rectal defilade.

The leftists are following the lead of pro-homosexual Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark (who allows welcome liturgies for homosexuals) and Cardinal Blaise Cupich of Chicago (who idiotically claims Bishop Vigano’s attacks on Pope Francis are due to anti-Latino prejudice). These corrupt church leaders attacked Vigano, and are attacking those within the Catholic Church who are calling for an investigation into the connection between homosexualism and molestation.

Pope Francis is a native of Argentina. Argentina is as white as a country club. The Spanish did not have sex with the local Indians in what is now Argentina, like they did elsewhere in Latin America. The Spaniards killed the local Indians centuries ago because they were cannibals. Tough luck, man-eaters. And they didn’t bring in many slaves, so there are hardly any blacks in Argentina. Pope Francis’ name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. His father and maternal grandparents are immigrants from Italy. Give your lying a rest, Cardinal Cupich.

Ironically, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, whose homosexual predations were so evil even Pope Francis had to discipline him a few weeks ago, was responsible in part for making the Argentine the first Latin American pope. McCarrick was also reportedly responsible for the rises of McElroy, Tobin, and Cupich.

In a similar irony, Boston’s former bishop, Cardinal Bernard Law, a protector of child molesters, has a job in the Vatican advising Pope Francis on who to promote among America’s clergy. This has not sat well with those who were the victims of Law’s minions. Nor are faithful Catholics okay with pervs in power.

We in the military had a name for it. “Eff up and move up.”

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, the most well-known American Catholic priest of the 20th Century, opposed ordination of homosexuals. It started in the 1960s, when vocations dropped. Homosexuals were allowed in because they could swear off women with no problems. (Of course, they preferred boys and each other.)

Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Nebraska angered the Left in the 1990s and the 2000s by saying the Church had a homosexual problem. He said he wasn’t sure if he should use a baseball bat or a shotgun on homosexual predators and other predators. No other bishop was this blunt.

Bishop Bruskewitz refused to allow homosexuals into his seminary or allow them to transfer from other parts of the country to Nebraska.

Both bishops, Sheen and Bruskewitz, had it right.

I favor allowing married priests in the Orthodox Christian and Byzantine Catholic model, where there is no Jim and Tanny Faye Bakker accumulation of wealth, but real Christian moderation in possessions, and an associated life of service by the wife in helping her husband in his work. The Apostles Peter and Phillip were married men. Western Catholic practice since about 600 AD has been to forbid marriage by priests so they could go anywhere and face hardships without worrying about the safety and support of a wife and children. The Church leaders cited the examples of Christ and the Apostle Paul in imposing chastity upon priests.

Eastern Catholics and Orthodox Christians had married and unmarried clergy, and have married and unmarried clergy to this day.

Protestant ministers can marry. Sadly, the various Protestant denominations also have predators in their clergies and bureaucracies. The sex offenders in their ranks are more prone to molest girls.

During the Middle Ages, not all priests could live up to the standards of chastity, and their children were taken care of by the Church. One such clergyman, Rodrigo de Borja, became Pope Alexander VI. His children Cesare and Lucrezia Borja (Borgia) were notorious also.

Bishop Bruskewitz disagrees with me on married priests. But the record shows he didn’t have homosexual child molesters among his diocesan priests.

Disclosure: I was an acolyte for Bishop Sheen at a Mass he celebrated for me and other Catholic service members in my unit who were going to Jungle School training. He died a couple of years later. For our younger readers, Bishop Sheen had a TV show called “Life is Worth Living” that had 30 million viewers (when the nation had about 160 million people) and won an Emmy back in the 1950s. He was an incredible public speaker and instructor.

Further disclosure: Bishop Bruskewitz has written me letters thanking me for my work against abortion and against child molesters. Bishop Bruskewitz has done a lot more for people than I have.

The Left is supporting Pope Francis and the pro-homosexual bishops against Bishop Vigano and a growing list of Catholic clergymen and lay people who are blaming the molestation problem on homosexuals in the clergy and especially in the hierarchy.

Further disclosure: Bishop Samuel Aquila, one of the bishops calling for the investigation the Left is opposing, is the cousin of one of my closest friends, the late great Greg the Sicilian. Greg, a Man of Respect, was also a member of the Aquila Family. Greg, Father Sam, and I drank, ate, and watched others in their extended Italian-American family play lawn bowling at a festa in the early 1980s.

Does the Left want the Catholic Church to succeed in the mission Christ gave Peter and the other Apostles?

Hell, no!

The Left wants abortion, homosexuality, and other forms of perversion. Sooner or later they will openly try to lower the age of consent to open up children to more sexual abuse. They claim they are against the Patriarchy, but they are not concerned when Islamists rape women and children daily as part of their culture. They aren’t against rape when illegal aliens commit it either.

Will Pennsylvania’s leftist leaders go against sex offenders in the Keystone State’s public schools?

To quote convicted perv Pee Wee Herman, “HA-ha. HA-ha.”


In short, Leftists are like a plague of rats. They eat a lot of food, then pollute what they don’t eat by defecating and urinating on it and leaving their germs. They are also cowards, like rats, who will attack if they think they have overwhelming numbers.

So by defending Pope Francis and by attacking those who say the Catholic Church has a homosexual problem, especially in the hierarchy, the Left is showing Catholics what they need to do – the exact opposite of what they want Catholics to do. Remember, leftists want the Catholic Church as Christ formed it to go away.

The Catholic Church needs to do the following:

Purge all sex offenders from the employment of the Catholic Church, as clergy or as anything else.

Dismiss homosexuals who haven’t been caught sexually abusing anyone from seminaries and the hierarchy and the bureaucracy of the Catholic Church. At the very least, if not removing them from the clergy or the bureaucracy totally, put them where they can’t harm any boys or young men. If lesbians are involved in the bureaucracies or the seminaries, treat them likewise.

End the acceptance of homosexual and lesbian acts and homosexual and lesbian status. Minister to those who are tempted to commit these acts or identify in such a way, but don’t enable their commission of evil acts or their self-destructive self-identifications.

After all, the preaching of St. Paul about homosexual and lesbian acts is in the Bible for a purpose. So is the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.




Info on numbers of homosexuals and bisexuals comes from the 9/26/2014 Centers for Disease Control journal Morbiditiy and Mortality Weekly.

Info on military rapes comes from a 5/16/2013 article by Bill Briggs for NBC and U.S. News.

Info on the clerical scandal comes from the following:

Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 8/30/2018
Denver Post, 8/30/2018
New York Times 8/26/2018, 6/13/2017,
Rod Dreher’s 7/23/2018 article in The American Conservative
Doug Mainwaring’s 8/28/2018 article on Life Site
Catholic World Report, 8/28/2018
Breitbart, 7/16/2018, 8/31/2018
The Atlantic, 8/31/2018

Info on the Clintons and Jeffrey Epstein comes from the following:

Mother Jones, 11/29/2017
Breitbart, 11/4/2016
Fox News, 5/13/2016
Daily Caller, 11/19/2017

Info on Kasich comes from a 10/14/1996 article in Time.

Info on Sodom and Gomorrah comes from Chapter 19 in the Book of Genesis. Sodom and Gomorrah got smoked after some of Sodom’s pervs tried to rape two male angels and Lot. Later Lot’s wife was turned to a pillar of salt while she watched the destruction of the perv cities. Instead of pounding salt, Lot committed incest on back-to-back nights with his two daughters after they plied him with wine. The incest led to two lines of peoples who today are Moslems.

Now for some stats I reported on public school employees as sexual abusers:

There are about 230 million people in the United States older than 18. Of these, three million are teachers, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (as of 2012). This means 1.3% of all adults are teachers. This also implies teachers (at 2% of all sex offenders divided by 1.3% of adults being teachers divided by 75% of sex offenders who are 22 to 55) are at least twice as prone to commit sex offenses as the average adult.

Since teachers have much more access to children than most other adults, it would be no stretch to estimate those 2% of all sex offenders commit 6% to 10% of all sexual assaults on children each year. I have seen estimates of up to 10% of all sexual assaults of children take place at a school, mostly by adults.

A school publication noted at least 70% of all adults who committed sex abuses at schools were teachers and administrators, and the rest were non-teachers like janitors, bus drivers, and clerical workers. I also saw numbers saying at least 80% of all children sexually assaulted at school were abused by adults.

The numbers I just laid out point to this:

As many as 8% of all children (80% of 10% abused at schools) fall victim to sexual predators who are school employees. Of these, at least 70% are licensed teachers. This doesn’t count college degreed administrators or other licensed school personnel (like the psychologists). This means teachers and other white collar school employees may be sexually abusing on school grounds each year at least 6% to 7% of all children in this country who are sexual offense victims.

This doesn’t count rapes and other sexual assaults that take place away from schools. Teachers commit incest and rapes in their homes and elsewhere outside of schools. They also meet and molest pupils away from schools. Double the 6% to 7% estimate for extracurricular sexual abuse activity, and you get 12% to 14%. Teachers and other college-degreed school employees may be committing 12% to 14% of all sexual assaults on children. So 6% to 10% isn’t such a high estimate at all.

And we aren’t even counting the former school employees and retirees still evil and spry enough (like Jerry Sandusky) to commit rape and other sex offenses on campus and off campus.

At a toll of 380,000 to 440,000 rape and other sexual abuse victims 17 or younger each year (63% or so of all rape victims are children), times about 75% of all children being in school times 10% of all children likely sexually abused by school employees, this means as many as 28,000 to 33,000 children are the victims of teachers, administrators, and other public school payrollers each year.

This also means at least 2% of the perpetrators of sex crimes each year – at least 2000 to 2300 scumbags – are teachers and administrators and other degreed school employees, and another several hundred perps are non-white collar staffers like janitors, maintenance people, bus drivers, clerks, and cafeteria workers.

This is nowhere near what Ms. Shakeshaft claims in her bombshell report. She relied a lot on questionnaires and phone interviews instead of on doing independent primary source work and criminal statistical work like I did. Teachers’ union officials and public school officials hypocritically attacked her when she made her work for the U.S. Department of Education public. I think if she had checked crime statistics, and interviewed lawmen, she would have come up with a more realistic but still horribly shocking estimate of victims.

But let’s say Ms. Shakeshaft was right and I was wrong. This means one in 15 schoolkids gets molested at least once during her or his time in school, grades K-12. This means many school teachers and other school employees are predatory scum, and it means our law enforcement people are way underestimating sex abuse of children. And it means I, of all people, am a Pollyanna when it comes to estimating the amount of damage sex abusers in the education profession do!

However, assuming I am right and Ms. Shakeshaft is mistaken, does it make you warm and fuzzy inside to know public school teachers and other public school employees are raping and otherwise sexually abusing “only” 28,000 to 33,000 children a year? Or does it make you “glad all over” to know they are sexually abusing “only” about 370,000 to 430,000 children during the 13 years from the time one of your children enters kindergarten to the time he or she gets a high school diploma?

Would it “light up your life” to know police arrest “only” 2000 to 2300 teachers and administrators and other degreed public school employees, and another several hundred other office personnel, and other non-degreed public school employees every year? This doesn’t count those public school employees whose victims don’t speak up. Is it OK “only” 30,000 or so teachers and administrators and other degreed public school employees and another 10,000 or so other public school employees could have arrests for sex offenses during the 13 years from the time one of your children enters kindergarten to the time he or she gets a high school diploma?

I didn’t think so.

There are some good folks in the education field, and they need your support. And all educators need to be reminded of their purpose in life – to educate the young so they can perform adequately in life. And not molest children like underage sex toys. If educators can’t meet these two very basic standards, they don’t need to be your employees, freeloading off of the taxes you pay.

Our figures on sex offenders come from the U.S. Justice Department FBI reports “Crime in the United States 1999″ and “Crime in the United States 1998,” the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics report “Sex Offenses and Offenders 1997″ (NCJ 163392), the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs report “Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Report” (NCJ 178257), the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs report “OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin June 2000″ (NCJ 179034), and the U.S. Department of Justice report “Child Rape Victims, 1992″ (NCJ 147001). We also used figures from The National Women’s Study, as quoted in the U.S. Centers For Disease Control “CDC Rape Fact Sheet” (last reviewed in 2000). And we used statistics and other info from the state police agencies of all 50 states.

The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Digest 134 (December1999) quoted a study saying teachers were suspects in 70% of the sex offenses committed by school employees on school grounds, and principals, administrators, librarians, janitors, bus drivers, and other employees were accused in the other 30% of sex offenses.

I also read Ms. Shakeshaft’s 2004 report, which U.S. Department of Education officials released under the title “Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature.”

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