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Will Mollie Tibbetts Die in Vain?

August26/ 2018

Most laws have a reasonable purpose. They are supposed to protect the public.

It is illegal for a foreigner to sneak into the country and live here. Why are these laws on the books? Foreigners compete for jobs, and drive down the standard of living and safety. Many of them come from lands with poor sanitation and diseases we eradicated in America decades ago. So now doctors and nurses and public health people have to worry about these diseases all over again. And they have had to deal with some new ones that have never been here before, like SARS and Ebola.

In the Ellis Island Era, we didn’t have welfare. Now we do. So millions of illegal foreigners and legal daisy-chaining foreigners from the Third World are glomming on to free schools, free health care, food stamps, welfare payments, and other goodies you and I pay for. The Tsarnaev Brothers, who murdered and maimed people at the Boston Marathon and elsewhere, and the other Chechnyan Islamist scum in their family tree who made it here pulled hundreds of thousands of dollars in welfare benefits.

Many of those who come here illegally (and legally) come from violent cultures and subcultures. A very high proportion of the illegals are themselves criminals in their home countries. They have much more relaxed rules about rape than those of us who don’t live in Harveywood have.

Abraham Lincoln and other toxic Republican males enacted the 13th Amendment, which outlaws slavery. Some of our legal immigrants who worship Allah have forgotten to read that portion of our Constitution, so they enslave their household help.

Republicans and Democrats who want to extend more visas to foreign college kids are harming our own college kids. Why? Robber barons in Silicon Valley and elsewhere discriminate against Americans to hire the foreigners. Even if their IT skills aren’t as good as our kids’ skills, the HR pukes and managers of these firms fixate on how much less per hour it costs to pay these foreigners. Our kids don’t get the jobs, and have to pay off mountains of debt. And American learning doesn’t pass on to the next generation in corporate America quite as well.

99 was working at the University of Akron in the early 2000s when she uncovered a potential scam that college’s people were playing with employers against our workers. Companies would approach Akron U. for foreign STEM people. The foreigners would enroll and take a few classes, but get “intern” status. The companies would hire these foreigners at very good salaries, far more than a college intern was worth. This combo of acts got the foreigners immigration or visa status they might not have otherwise merited. And it kicked American STEM professionals out of their jobs.


99, not sure if this setup was legal, contacted the feds. But Gestapo Mueller’s Famous But Incompetent pukes did nothing. Later, these feds would help our county prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (D) cover for a corrupt child support enforcement officer who liked servicing a serial child molester enough that she shacked up with him and eventually married him. The agent shielded the child molester from sexual predator reporting laws and made it possible for him not to pay back the $60K to $70K he owed Ohio taxpayers for paying cash welfare support to his little girls for more than a decade while he was in prison for raping them.

When the Russian government warned the Obama administration about the Tsarnaev vermin, our feds did nothing. Mueller and Comey and Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch didn’t want to collude with Russia to stop Moslem murderers. So they were free to move about the country.

In other words, the laws regulating immigration should be in place to protect Americans. Failure to enforce these laws harms innocent people. All of us lose in taxes, some of us lose in jobs, and some of us lose in being violent crime victims.

Like Mollie Tibbetts.

Execs of Yarrabee Farms, where her alleged murderer Rivera worked, claimed they checked him properly.

Mollie Tibbetts and the future immigrant scientist who allegedly murdered her.


Then after Department of Homeland Security officials said their precious hardworking rapist and murderer (allegedly) wasn’t listed as a legal immigrant or a legal visa holder, the execs backtracked. One of the agribusiness’ owners said they checked his ID but didn’t run him thru the E-VERIFY system, a federal database that employers need to use to screen out illegals.

Allan Max Richards, the attorney who now represents the alleged murderer and probable rapist of Mollie Tibbetts, wants all talk of his client being an illegal alien squashed.

It turns out Cristhian [sic] Bahena Rivera, the alleged murderer, has an anchor baby. He knocked up a high school girl named Iris Monarrez, and lived with babymama Iris for awhile before leaving. Thanks to LBJ and Ted Kennedy, this makes Rivera the murderer and rapist (allegedly) eligible for citizenship if he gets the right judge.

“He was just part of the community. An all-American boy working really hard,” defense attorney Allen Richards lied about his client. Richards called “Hyena” Rivera “a loving father” and said Rivera had no prior criminal record. That is because Rivera’s employer looked the other way when the mojado used fake ID to apply for a job.

Richards said Rivera’s female (and their little bastard anchor baby) were at his court hearing. Presumably she was radiating pride. Her former guy is now a celebrity. And presumably she lacks jealousy …. allegedly Rivera has been stalking other gringo girls in the rural Iowa county.

Reporters tracked down babymama’s family. Apparently they haven’t assimilated well enough to speak to reporters without needing translators. Babymama’s tia (auntie) had good things to say about Rivera. She also said the mother of his anchor baby had moved from the area.

Is Richards lying about her being in court to see Rivera hear the charges against him? Or is Auntie lying about her whereabouts? Or were the media mistaken, presumably because all Hispanics look alike to them?

I recently learned that Rod Rosenstein, the No. 2 at the Justice Department (and a large stinking No. 2 at that) is the little hubby of power lawyer Lisa Barsoomian. She defends Democrat officeholders against Freedom of Information requests. She has been with a law firm whose mouthpieces have represented Barack Obama, his cabinet secretary Kathleen Sibelius, the Clintons, and Gestapo Mueller and James Comey more than 100 times since the early 1990s.

Even though Rosenstein has a high paying government job, his female almost certainly makes more money than him. A good part of her loot is tied to the Deep State. Whose interests do you think P.W. Rosenstein, the worm who looks like Calvin’s cartoon father, is serving? Ours? Or the Deep State’s? Follow the money trail.

So in a “How to be Your Own Detective” vein, I used the public record to look at Allan Richards. Is he an imported ACLU/Soros/Antifa/brown supremacist rabble rouser? Or just a local shyster who is about to get a national stage for his brand of shysterism?

Per the Iowa Supreme Court, there is only one Allan Richards holding a law license in the state. His middle name is Max. He has a reprimand for improper conduct as an attorney by the Iowa Supreme Court for his handling of a divorce and child support case. The Order of Public Reprimand 03-1756 covers this SNAFU of Mr. Richards. The Iowa Judicial Branch lists Richards as being a resident of Tama, Iowa, just north of Mollie Tibbetts’ county. They list his phone number as (641) 484-4000.

The Iowa Judicial System website, before it crashed today, showed Allan Max Richards’ involvement in hundreds of cases, mostly as a defense attorney. He also had some cases of his own; most seem to be traffic and bill payment issues.

Separate searches on the Net showed an Allan Richards of Tama County, Iowa was involved in two cases in which he tried to weasel out of $25,000 or so of credit card debt. One local judge got him out of paying a $14,000 award from an arbitrator to the credit card company. Another panel of judges ruled he had to pay a $25,000 or so judgment to the credit card company. These cases are 8-252/7-1513 and 9-085/7-1696, both in the Court of Appeals of Iowa.

Dick Tracy cartoonist Chester Gould depicted shysters perfectly with the character “Flyface.”


Other than a listing of his offices and one website in Spanish that list Richards as un abogado (Spanish for lawyer), Richards has a low Internet profile. But he does have an Iowa Supreme Court reprimand. And if Richards is the Richards listed in the credit card cases, then he has a court record that indicates he may be a significant deadbeat. In other words, his ethics are not out of the norm for many lawyers.

Rivera has no money. The feds who did nothing to deport Rivera will hide behind sovereign immunity laws. However, Yarrabee Farms people failed to use E-VERIFY to verify Rivera was not an illegal. They have money. Lawyers will be letting the Tibbetts family know about their services. Deep pockets defendants can run but they can’t hide.

I predict a large part of Yarrabee Farms will be known as “Tibbetts Family Farms” when all is said and done.

And depending on how the Rivera trial goes, it could be that Allan Richards gets to be a speaker at the 2020 Democratic Party National Convention.

That is, if the media doesn’t try to bury the case because an illegal is the accused murderer and probably will soon be accused as an attempted rapist as well.

Here’s another “How to be Your Own Detective” moment: History is a form of the public record.

Open borders liars, to include almost all Democrats and many Republicans, claim the 14th Amendment allows all babies born in America automatic citizenship, with residency rights for the child’s parents, even if they came here illegally.

Until the 1960s, a baby born on American soil of a foreign mother received not American citizenship, but the citizenship of his or her parents.

Want proof?

The Fourteenth Amendment, which became law in 1868, gave citizenship to black people born in the United States. It also punished Confederate office holders and military officers. It was not designed to let alien females play baby blanket bingo.

American Indians as a class in 1868 did not receive American citizenship after ratification of the 14th Amendment, even though they were born on American soil. American Indians as a class did not receive American citizenship until Calvin Coolidge signed the Indian Citizenship Act in 1924. This came after black men, and white women and black women got the right to vote. Before 1924, American Indians had to leave tribal life entirely, or be a member of a tribe whose leaders signed treaties with the United States government that included citizenship clauses, to receive American citizenship.

Maternity Ward, Ellis Island Hospital. Photo by Augustus Sherman, courtesy of NYPL.


Want more proof?

About 500 alien women gave birth on Ellis Island. Only one child got American citizenship, because her father was a naturalized (foreign-born) American citizen. All the others got alien status until their parents became citizens or until they became old enough to apply for American citizenship on their own.

In other words, American public officials knew the purpose and context of the 14th Amendment and immigration laws and citizenship laws. They acted accordingly.

The public record that consists of our laws and history shows the open borders advocates are liars.

Common sense screams that it is not in Americans’ interests to allow illegal or legal alien females to drop babies in this country and claim anchor baby citizenship, and the consequent daisy-chaining in of a bunch of low-talented grasping relatives who never paid a nickel in taxes but want government handouts. Common sense also screams that a scumbag like “Hyena” Rivera should not be allowed residency status and eventual citizenship just because he screwed a girl and sperm-donored a bastard who was born near his cornfield trailer.

Maybe Mollie Tibbetts’ murder will wake Congress up to the need to reform immigration law. And build the Wall.

If members of the House and Senate stop taking bribes from global money interests long enough to return the immigration law back to its original intent and enforcement (no “born on American soil to alien parents” exception), only then will have Mollie Tibbetts not have died in vain.

Now for a pair of illegal immigrant raids in June 2018 that got lost in the coverage of fake stories about fake collusion.

Northeast Ohio is known for crappy football, a river that lit on fire, and a two-party system that consists of corrupt Democrats and Justice Department lawyers who occasionally send them to prison.

But it is also a good agricultural area. Good enough to draw hundreds to thousands of illegals.

ICE agents raided two Corso’s Flower & Garden Center facilities in and around Sandusky, Ohio. They arrested 114 alleged illegals.

Then they raided a Salem, Ohio hot dog and bacon plant operated by Fresh Mark. They arrested 146 suspected illegals.

Sandusky is west of Cleveland on Lake Erie. Salem is near Youngstown.

Most of the arrested are in detention awaiting deportation hearings. ICE officials allowed some single mothers to be with their children pending hearings. ICE people will determine if the suspected mojados also committed identity theft and tax evasion.

Predictably, anti-American agitators are making false complaints about children being separated from their criminal parents who are apparently illegals and are also apparently users of fraudulent documents and are apparently also tax cheats and welfare leeches.

Some are whining the federales pointed guns at the poor misunderstood invaders, errr, illegals, errr, parents of the next generation of computer scientists and rocket scientists.

(We will need rocket scientists now that President Trump is trying to undo the damage to NASA that Obama and his people inflicted on the space agency.)

I have farmed using hand tools. I have raised livestock and slaughtered them myself. I have also taken them to slaughterhouses. But you don’t have to have my experience to use your common sense here.

The whining agitators conveniently fail to mention 146 illegal slaughterers with cleavers and bolt stunners (or firearms, if that is what they use to kill livestock) or 114 illegal gardeners with pitchforks and shovels and machetes could overwhelm unarmed police. Do you think slaughterers or field workers of Islamist backgrounds or Latin gang backgrounds would comply meekly to unarmed cops?

A cop carrying an unloaded firearm is carrying at best an iron stick or club. This is why police have loaded guns. They have to win battles against their attackers. Deal with it, criminals and agitators.

Abraham Lincoln, the toxic male who along with toxic male Union soldiers freed the slaves, especially hated agitators. Lincoln hated to have to shoot deserters but he had a hard time restraining himself from killing Copperhead traitors. He angrily said, “Must I shoot a simple-minded soldier-boy who deserts, while I must not touch a hair of the wily agitator who induces him to desert?” A military court in Indiana did sentence some of the Copperheads to hang, and Lincoln agreed with their verdict. They deserved to hang! Sadly, an appeal to the Supreme Court resulted in their release from prison in 1866. After one of their kind, John Wilkes Booth, murdered Washington outsider Honest Abe.

Lincoln and Grant — Real Men who faced real problems


President U.S. Grant, the toxic male general most responsible for ending slavery, didn’t like agitators or other criminals either. Laws against using facial concealment to commit crimes started going onto law books during his presidency. Grant hated the Ku Klux Klan and other masked criminals. Perhaps the Justice Department can start busting Antifa agitators and others who commit crimes while masking or otherwise concealing their faces.

The operators of many food processing plants and slaughterhouses and corporate farms hire illegals and force out American workers. Foreigners will work for less, tolerate unsafe conditions, and will never unionize. Do these operators share the wage savings with the public?

I’m guessing no. If the operators are willing to exclude American workers, and put illegal workers in less than safe conditions and underpay them for their work, they are willing to maximize profits when selling to the public.

What if we send illegals back to their homelands?

The price of food will rise a little. But Americans will have more jobs. And the meat will have only animal blood in it, not the blood of American girls.






I used info from the following articles:

Fox News, 8/22/2018, 8/23/2018
People, 8/23/2018
New York Times, 8/24/2018
ABC-TV, 8/24/2018
Cincinnati Enquirer, 6/20/2018
Washington Standard, 4/13/2018
Stone Cold Truth, 6/22/2017

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