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FBI Fumbles, Vegas Takes a Dive, Why the Raiders Need to Stay Away

August05/ 2018

It has not been a good week for the FBI.

Friday the FBI released a 71-page document on Christopher Steele, the British agent who came up with the discredited Steele Dossier. Steele interviewed Russian agents, who said a number of vulgar and untrue things about Donald Trump and Russian prostitutes. A neverTrumper first hired Steele, then Hillary’s people paid for Steele’s fallacious work. Dem and neverTrumper collusion with Brits and Russkies, no investigation.

It was this fake Steele dossier that the FBI used to justify spying on the Trump campaign.

The FBI document on Steele was virtually entirely redacted, except for the first and the last pages. The last page showed the FBI was dealing with Steele (who they called CHS – confidential human source) on or before February 2, 2016. This date blows a massive hole in their cover story about not tracking Trump until much later in the year.

You can see it for yourself by clicking on this link



Friday the FBI released a 158-page document on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The release left out more pages than it revealed on the laptop belonging to the perv hubby of Hillary’s reputed Moslem mistress Huma Abedin. However, there was a five-page document requesting analysis of the hard drive of the laptop, dated 11/9/2016, hours after it was announced Donald Trump won the presidential election.

This document, pages 15 thru 19 of the release, noted it was a “MISHANDLING OF CLASSIFIED” investigation and a SENSITIVE INVESTIGATIVE MATTER (SIM) (page 15).

FBI/DOJ lustbirds and lawbrakers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page


The writer asked “review media provided for evidence of intrusion” (page 16).

What was the media? “Image of one hard drive from a laptop computer” (page 17).

Page 17 noted “Media is from a sensitive investigative matter (SIM) involving a high level political figure.”

When asked if there had been any previous attempts to analyze the evidence (the laptop), the writer answered “None” (page 17).

The writer noted the headquarters program manager was Peter Strzok (page 18).

The report writer did not note who the laptop belonged to.

Page 20 of the release noted the feds did a report on “analysis of computer intrusion or malware infection or a laptop hard drive belonging to Anthony Weiner.”

If this was the hard drive mentioned in the 11/9/2016 report, then Strzok lied about checking on the laptop before the election, and especially getting amazingly quick results from the FBI tech geeks before the election. 

To see the documents, click on this link:

Hillary R. Clinton Part 24 of 24 (1)

Or click on this link:



Then the Las Vegas police announced Friday they closed their case on the murder of dozens of country music fans in October 2017. They claimed there was only one shooter. Just like the feds claimed only Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, the liars.

The FBI haven’t released their report on the murders yet. But I expect it to be full of lies and coverups.

Saying the FBI has good agents is like saying there were good Germans in Hitler’s army.

Where are the FBI whistleblowers?

The absence of whistleblowers shows there is corruption and cowardice in the FBI from top to bottom.

Let’s review the case which started the FBI’s reputation on a downward spiral.

The Oklahoma City bombing took place in April 1995. People put a huge bomb in a truck in front of a federal office building, detonated it, and killed about 170 people and injured about 700 others.

Carol Howe, a US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) informant who infiltrated a group with ties to Timothy McVeigh and other figures of the bombing, was willing to testify she warned the feds of the bombing plot. Richard Matsch, the judge who ran the Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols Oklahoma City Bombing trials, kept out Carol Howe’s testimony at the request of the Clintons’ federal prosecutors.

Matsch also suppressed an Inspector General report accusing FBI lab technicians of essentially falsifying evidence in the case.

If Carol had gotten on the stand, she would have revealed she warned the BATF of an impending bombing, and they ignored her. She could have also testified to the presence of FBI protected instigators in the group she infiltrated, one of whom reportedly raped her. She revealed these facts in open court when Clinton Administration prosecutors indicted her to shut her up, and she proved the feds were lying pigs on her way to acquittal.

If the IG report had been allowed into the trial, people may have concluded the FBI was hiding the probability there were others involved besides McVeigh and Terry Nichols. How could a pair of inbreds like McVeigh and Nichols bring down a massive building with no prior experience and without outside help?

Jayna Davis, an Oklahoma TV newsgal, uncovered the ties between McVeigh, Nichols, and Islamists. Her book “The Third Terrorist” lays the evidence out credibly. She fought federal government pressure too. J.D. Cash, the tough and ornery Oklahoma journalist and investigator, proved the government lied repeatedly about the Oklahoma City bombing. Victims’ relatives and friends, led by the redoubtable Glenn and Kathy Wilburn, likewise found info that showed the feds and local authorities to be incompetents or worse.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the British journalist who covered the Oklahoma City bombing and the related fallout, said in so many words in his book “The Secret Life of Bill Clinton” that during Bill’s first term, the FBI and the BATF were inciting extremist nuts into considering bombing federal installations with the hopes of busting them for conspiracy. Problem was someone achieved their ends and killed scores of people under the feds’ noses. At best, the feds were incompetent. Ar worst, the feds were complicit. No federal law enforcement agent died in the Oklahoma City federal building bombing.

Richard Matsch is still a federal judge. He is the judge who recently ruled that Colorado officials have to kill their sex offender database. This idiotic or criminal ruling, if upheld, will help the ACLU and destroy one of the best weapons against child molesters and other scum who objectively deserve execution. Maybe Matsch likes little girls and little boys in a sexual way too. This is the most rational reason for such an irrational ruling.


Now for another case that exploded the myth of the FBI’s usefulness.

In 1996, while Bill Clinton was running for re-election, came the tragic downing of TWA Flight 800. Someone or something made the plane explode while in flight over the Atlantic Ocean off the south coast of Long Island in July 1996. More than 200 people were killed in the explosion that destroyed the airliner; none survived. Hundreds of witnesses said they saw a missile strike that airliner and blow it out of the sky. Many of them gave detailed statements to authorities.

Who shot the missile? Was it a Moslem extremist – one of many running loose in the greater New York area thanks to Bush and Clinton immigration policies – who did it with a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile? Or could it have been a shoulder-fired missile or a bigger missile fired from an Arab ship?

Or was it “friendly” fire? (No fire is friendly if it is aimed at you.) Did the Navy or Air Force have training going on nearby? Did an Air Force fighter pilot playing “lock on” on the civilian jet with his aircraft’s target acquisition radar inadvertently fire a missile?

It was none of the above, claimed FBI official James Kallstrom. He claimed the airliner blew up because of mechanical causes. Kallstrom and others had to somehow jerry-rig a cause to fit his theory. They eventually blamed a malfunction in a fuel tank, and said no crime was responsible for the tragedy.

There was a problem with this answer. It was false. Bear in mind, all aircraft (and now all cars) have electrical fuel tank level monitoring equipment and electrical fuel pumps. Manufacturers have made these devices safe to prevent electrical ignition of fuel. If Kallstrom’s reported cause was true, you would expect many such aviation explosions because of the inherent unsafeness of the design.

Why would the feds lie about such a thing? Perhaps to make Bill Clinton appear less weak on terrorism? Or to save some military person’s ass (and government money) for being careless enough to discharge a missile that blew up a plane full of innocent people? The Feds were concurrently lying about the lack of Islamist involvement in the blow-up of the Oklahoma City federal building.

The relative lack of government regulatory action on Kallstrom’s hypothesis also indicates his rationale was false. There was no sweeping federal order to ground other Boeing 747s, including Air Force One, until the problem was found and corrected on all such aircraft. This is proof positive the feds were lying.

There was never a large-scale federal inspection done to verify airlines had corrected the supposed mechanical or electrical problem that the feds claimed could cause a blast similar to the one they claimed took the TWA aircraft down. And by 2004, eight years after the disaster, there was still no mechanical or electrical fix ordered for the 747s by any federal agency for this supposed problem, although one was supposedly in the works. All of these things should have happened very quickly after the mid-air plane explosion if there was a real problem.

How do I know? I wrote technical manuals for aircraft. I have been inside large aircraft fuel tanks. The Federal Aviation Administration is supposed to ground aircraft, find problems, and order nationwide fixes when a malfunction leads to a tragedy or a near miss of a tragedy.

Burning of Wreckage of Flight 800. Courtesy of Newsday.


Kallstrom and the Clinton administration had another problem. They had to find a way to discredit several hundred eyewitnesses who saw the missile streak toward the aircraft just before the aircraft exploded. They also had to cover up the fact that forensic people found explosive residue and rocket fuel residue on many of the airline’s retrieved parts. They did it by ignoring evidence, discrediting witnesses and crime investigators, using coercion and force, and disposing of the physical evidence.

FBI officials and Clinton administration people ridiculed the eyewitnesses. However, the investigators did not. They triangulated the possible launch points of a missile by interviewing the witnesses and using navigational gear to check the statements.

FBI officials lied about the ability of a shoulder fired anti-aircraft rocket to reach and destroy the airliner. I as a former Army officer, and many people much more knowledgeable than me know it would be possible for such a missile as existed in 1996 to reach the plane and bring it down from the altitude it was at. After all, the ranges of these portable missiles are published.

FBI officials denied radar data that showed a ship speeding away from an area of the ocean near where the plane went down. Other ships headed toward the crash site to aid possible survivors. The feds eventually admitted to the presence of the vessel, but never tried to identify it. Nor did they say anything about Federal Aviation Administration radar data which showed a small high speed projectile impacting the airliner, except to dismiss it as an anomaly.

U.S. Navy officials denied there being any Navy vessels in the area near where the aircraft exploded. Later, they would admit a surface vessel and three submarines were very close to the crash site. Likewise, there was denial that military aircraft were in the air nearby.

Forensic investigators found residue of explosives or rocket fuel on many of the parts of the recovered airliner, despite these parts being submerged in the ocean. The investigators and the local coroner found trace evidence confirming a missile strike on and in corpses of the recovered dead. This evidence was suppressed. They ignored the hundreds of eyewitnesses to the missile and the explosion.

Federal officials removed from the investigation several people who questioned the cover-up, and prosecuted a journalist who obtained seat fabric from one of the airliner’s seats which had explosive residue in it. They had armed confrontations with ship captains involved in the retrieval operation when the captains continued to work at recovering debris.

The case remains unsolved, largely due to the criminally negligent and/or conspiratorial conduct of FBI officials and other government officials.

I knew the feds were lying from my own experience with the aircraft industry and with antiaircraft weapons. I’m not alone. Likewise with all the witnesses who were not effectively refuted. Hence, the widespread outcry against the feds.

Kallstrom quit the FBI in 1998. He defended the FBI’s handling of the case in 2013. However, he broke ranks with fellow FBI liars Mueller and Comey in attacking the Clintons as criminals. Here he was telling the truth.

The third case was the total ineptness of the FBI in investigating those who committed the 9-11 Islamist murders of thousands of innocent people. I won’t repeat the FBI’s many failures here; the Internet is full of accounts of how the feds fouled their pants and sold out the victims and the American public.


I had my own run-in with the Famous But Incompetent in 2010.

That year, I reported the corrupt acts of Summit County Ohio Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (D) and/or her staffers in criminally misusing their powers as law enforcement officials to aid their corrupt child support enforcement agent Jean Workman, who was shacked up with serial child molester Scott Dietz. Look Dietz up on the Dru Sjodin website …. he lives at 1989 West Center Road in New Franklin, Ohio.

99 and I leafleted the area to warm people about Dietz as a threat to children and the Summit County Prosecutor as a threat to equal justice before the law. We resorted to this after the local police, sheriff’s office, and prosecutors refused to punish the couple for breaking sex offender registration laws and reimbursement of crime victim or public entity laws. The prosecutor’s people had me hauled into court for telling the truth about them as lawbreakers and pervs.

Some of their time was used to fabricate a case against me for outing them as perverse scum who aided a serial child molester. This was an abuse of the “color of law” provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1871. This law, which Congress enacted during the Grant Administration, was supposed to prevent public officials from abusing their authority. This law saw a lot of use in the 1960s to prevent Southern lawmen from abusing their authority as public officials to use attack dogs and firehoses on Dr. Martin Luther King.

There were also laws against illegal wiretapping which LBJ ordered broken so the FBI could spy on the martyred civil rights leader.

I beat the Summit County Prosecutor’s people in court without needing a lawyer. Their case was terrible. When I showed the judge the conviction papers of Dietz, a divorce case of Ms. Workman showing she was apparently having sex with her ex even when she swore she was afraid of him, documents that showed she was lying about harboring a son wanted for drug offenses in two counties, and a Facebook picture showing the sow prosecutor agent and her Chester the Molester at a kiddie park, he saw things my way and barbecued the sow prosecutor agent.

So I filed complaints against those involved in the abortive frame-up attempt with the FBI.

The FBI did not investigate the case. Instead, a junior FBI punk said they merely asked Prosecutor Bevan Walsh about my claims like the incompetent badge wearing scum that they are. The FBI rookie admitted to me they did not check how Ms. Bevan Walsh or her agents reported their time they used to go against me in court, or the time they used to plot the case on their time cards.

We also presented the evidence to the U.S. Attorney in Cleveland, one James Moroney, after I beat the corrupt prosecutor and her sow, errr, child support enforcement agent in court. Sherri Bevan Walsh and Barack Obama are Democrats. Moron Moroney did nothing.

We presented photos of cars and license plates and Ohio title transfers showing Scott Dietz was illegally chopping and selling vehicles on property he co-owned with Jean Workman. The FBI agents in Akron and Canton ran away from the case, even though out-of-area cars s and people appeared to be involved. An Ohio State Patrol officer we reported the situation to said in so many words they wouldn’t waste time on the case because Ms. Bevan Walsh would not prosecute it and then-state attorney general Richard Cordray (D) who is now running for governor, would not intervene.

Jean Workman was so enamored of Dietz and his member that he forced hittle girls to perrform oral sex on that she married him. I let her opponents in court (men’s divorce lawyers when she was trying to beat child support out of their clients after they were laid off) know Jean’s child molestin’ sugar bear was on the hook for more than $60,000 in welfare reimbursement because his little girls were on cash welfare for more than a decade while he was in prison for raping them early and often. Dietz wasn’t punished for molesting his kid sister or his kid cousins years earlier.

Jean Workman and Scott Dietz at an Amusement Park. Photo was dated six months before his release from prison. This blew the judge away; I found it on her Facebook page. 


Since the Summit County Prosecutor hadn’t moved to make Dietz repay this amount, this was discriminatory prosecution of other men. And it was conflict of interest on Jean Workman Dietz’s part. She benefited from Dietz not losing $60,000. The lawyers who opposed Jean in court were happy to get the info I sent them. Jean Workman Dietz was eventually laid off.

That’s my testimony on the FBI and the U.S. Attorney, and I’m sticking to it.

The FBI’s failures to stop Islamist terrorists in recent years and their failure to stop the Parkland School shooter in Coward County, Florida call for a disbanding of the agency and a start from scratch. These failures prove top to bottom the average FBI employee is no better than an inbred lawman from the Land of Clinton.

As for the Las Vegas murderers (there were multiple gunmen, as shown by the bullet paths and two broken-out windows), don’t expect the FBI to tell the truth about what really happened. Businesses controlled by criminals and other corruptocrats, like gambling and prostitution and money laundering businesses and corporate registration agents, control Nevada.

And a high number of those who have come out publicly against the FBI and Las Vegaa cops’ versions of details are now dead. At least eight survivors who gave out info that discredited the official version died within a month of the murders.

Source? A story in yournewswire.com by Baxter Dmitry, 11/4/2017, titled “8 Las Vegas Shootng Witnesses Dead One Month After Attack”

In fact, the scumbags who own the hotel where the shooters killed dozens and wounded hundreds have sued the victims. Yes, MGM Resorts International, which owns the Mandalay Bay Hotel, and whose negligent security allowed all those guns and ammo inside the premises, have sued in an attempt to welsh on their responsibilities. (Source: Breitbart, 7/18/2018)

Bear in mind they arranged for their employees to lie, errr, tell their side of the story on a show run by friend of Hillary Ellen De Generes.

Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard who couldn’t stop the murders of 60 people and the wounding of hundreds of others at the Route 91 Harvest in Las Vegas, surfaced on Ellen De Generes’ talk show couch after he had been laying low for several days.

Ellen, best known for her lame comedy, got an “exclusive” interview with Campos and his sidekick Stephen Schuck. In exchange, the lesbian comic lobbed softball questions and generally tried to make good PR for MGM Resorts, who owns the Mandalay Bay Hotel, which shooter(s) used as firing points to murder dozens of country music fans and wound hundreds more.

It turns out Ellen has ties to MGM too. In September 2017, she gladhanded gamblers playing the slots at the MGM Grand. They have Ellen De Generes slot machines. This came from Kathryn Allison, writing for “Casinopedia” 9/21/2017. Kathryn tastefully declined to tell Canadian players not to feed any of their beaver nickels into Ellen’s slots.

I held off writing about the MGM Ellenfest last year until an independent voice provided further info on what went into the decision.

Hillary, Ellen, and Huma (arrow).  Was Huma embarrassed, or just plain worn out?


Per the British paper Daily Mail on 10/19/2017:

“After originally agreeing to do five interviews, Campos suddenly went missing, his union boss, who was helping set up the deal, told DailyMail.com.

David Hickey, president of the Michigan-based International Union, Security Police and Fire Professionals of America, would not confirm that MGM was behind the decision, but said the company influenced the guard.

“I was in a meeting with MGM’s upper management and they were definitely concerned about how tough someone like (Fox News’ Sean) Hannity would be on him and they voiced their opinions,” Hickey said.

“Everyone knew he wasn’t to talk about security protocols, staffing or training or give out names of employees,” he told the outlet, adding that the company pressured Campos not to reveal too much.

“I thought they were being negative, telling him that someone was going to be tough and how they were worried about his health — it wasn’t the thing he needed to hear four hours before the interviews were going to begin,” he said.”

MGM Resorts stands to lose millions of dollars over the way they handled everything surrounding the mass murder that people in their building committed, and their employees failed to prevent.

Better for the MGM corporate masters to let a comedienne and actress try to sell the public on a false timeline for the crime and elicit sympathy for Campos and Schuck than to let Campos blurt out the truth unrehearsed on a news and commentary show. Let the victims be damned!

And the FBI was okay with the Ellenfest.

To get to the truth, President Trump and we may have to apply pressure to Vegas as a whole.

Since the local police can’t protect people at an outdoor gathering and are evidently subject to casino industry pressure, we must put Las Vegas on our own tourist watch list and avoid it until local authorities admit to the truth. Vegas adds nothing to this country except for gambling losses, addictions, quickie divorces, and the nationwide swapping of social diseases.

If it means stopping the NFL from allowing the Oakland Raiders to move to Las Vegas, so be it. If Raider management wants a pretty new stadium and rioters, St. Louis is available.

If President Trump has to use other means to break Vegas to get the truth, so be it. He can direct the EPA to limit Vegas resorts’ energy and water consumption, he can use ICE to arrest or run off the casinos’ and hotels’ workers and look for victims of sex trafficking, and he could use the Department of Health and Human Services to bust hotels for being breeding grounds for communicable social diseases (or at least make costly disinfections after each guest stay mandatory). Maybe he and his people should look at doing these things, and more. Just some thoughts from a friend. The truth needs to come out.

This ties in to my takes on Vegas and football.

The Justice Department should stop the move of the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas.to stop the NFL from having a number of games questioned for point shaving, throwing, or poor refereeing leading to point spread or won-loss problems.

Oakland Raiderettes perform during an NFL game between the San Diego Chargers and the Oakland Raiders, Monday, Sept. 14, 2009 in Oakland. The Chargers won the game, 24-20. (AP Photo/Greg Trott)

Besides, it’s all about alleged social justice. A no-name Raider called out Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott, who is black, for saying players should stand for the National Anthem. Prescott apparently has relatives in law enforcement.

(This is good, if true. Black cops policing black neghborhoods present positive role models to young people. They will probably be less prone to overreact. And they present an easier face of authority to relate to, and maybe work with than white officers. All people prefer dealing with their own. It is what it is.

And if some of these black stud police officers can quell a problem with nonlethal force due to athleticism and badness, so much the better. More guys who have committed crimes might be able to reflect on their wrongdoing in jail or on probation instead of lie dead in a graveyard.)

If the Raider idiot and others like him on his team of blunt-burning scofflaws wanted to help, he would organize in favor of Northern California Raider fans, who have loyally supported the Silver and Black through the decades. By not opposing the theft of his fans’ team by Vegas moneyed interests, the Raiders’ loudmouth is supporting rich whites who want to steal the most visible part of Oakland’s identity. He’s a hypocrite and an Uncle Tom.

Or maybe he’s just an opportunist. Prettier hookers are a lot easier to obtain in Vegas than in Oakland.

You think I’m joking about point spreads and thrown games?

Chew on this for a minute. Wisconsin fans had to do so in 2002.

Roughly 20,000 cheeseheads descended on Vegas to watch the Wisconsin Badgers play UNLV’s Rebels. Wisconsin, ever since the arrival of coach Barry Alvarez, a Notre Dame assistant under Lou Holtz, has been a power running team. (Brian Kelly, the current Notre Dame coach, is an underachiever who despises Holtz’s great smashmouth offenses and runs a lace-curtain offense instead.) Wisconsin ground Vegas into dogmeat and was up by 20 points with about 8 minutes left.

Then the stadium lights went out and officials called the game.

Supposedly someone ran a beater car into a substation to kill the power. Later, Vegas officials claimed a wire problem caused the outage.

Why was this important?

In Nevada, football games have to go 55 minutes to be official. The casinos stood to lose hundreds of thousands or maybe more on the Wisconsin game due to all the fans in town betting on the Badgers and due to it being too favorable oddswise to the hometown University of Las Vegas Rebels. Lots of people around the country bet on Wisconsin. So when the power went out and the officials called the game, the casinos refused to pay the Wisconsin fans and others who bet on the Badgers.

The night the lights went out in Vegas


In other words, honest betters got cheated and the casinos got away with the massive thefts.

The Raiders are an outlaw franchise. I bet they will be involved in a gambling fraud scandal or an inside info selling scandal sooner rather than later.

Likewise, the FBI are an outlaw law enforcement agency. They need gutting where they stand.

Here are the takeaways for you:

The records I used (criminal, divorce, property, car title, and Facebook) in the Summit County Prosecutor corruption case are public records. All I did was find them and use them. You can too.

The feds and the media can’t cover up now as effectively as they did in covering up the murder of John Kennedy. He had his faults, but he was a war hero, and he wanted the nation and its people to succeed. He did not deserve to be shot to death in the home state of the VP who envied him and hated him.

Before the Net, in the aftermath of the Las Vegas murders, the media would have crushed people with antigun propaganda. They can’t do so as easily now because American citizens got the truth out and put pressure on state and federal officials.

The public record laws that forced the release of FBI records on the Anthony Weiner laptop and Christopher Steele are helping the public see the truth. Sunlight is an excellent disinfectant. You can use the freedom of information act too.

President Trump should also have the FBI and other elements of the Justice Department sifted like wheat. They are honeycombed with corrupt people. The Bureau needs to be purged of the corrupt people, and the suck-ups who have been abetting the criminal behavior of the corrupt by their silence and cowardice. A corrupt law enforcement agency is a threat to all decent Americans, and to many of the indecent ones.

It’s our turn to make demands on the feds, the locals, and the interests.

The shooters, the conspirators, the enablers, and the obstructors must all go to prison. The MGM outfit must pay everything they have to the loved ones of the murder victims and to the survivors. The Mandalay Bay Hotel must be seized by eminent domain, and knocked down to make room for a memorial.


Victims and First Responders of the Route 91 Harvest Festival, Las Vegas.


May God rest the souls of the dead, and bring the wounded to full recovery. May He aid in winning the victims or their survivors justice.

Except for the direct intervention of God, an informed and armed and aggressive public is the best guarantee of liberty.




Info on Flight 800 comes from Bob Donaldson’s 7/12/2006 article for World Net Daily, Jack Cashill’s 7/17/2006 article for World Net Daily, and the Progressive Review’s TWA Flight 800 archives. Info on Kalstrom’s 2013 defense of the flawed investigation is from the 6/20/2013 “Today” show … Savannah Guthrie handled the interview, so Matt Lauer had time to grope interns, errr, do show prep.

On the Las Vegas murders and aftermath:
The Hill, 10/18/2017
The Guardian, 10/5/2017
Daily Mail, 10/5/2017 and 10/19/2017
New York Daily News, 10/14/2017
New York Post, 10/17/2017, 10/18/2017, 10/19/2017
CNN 10/2, 10/9, 10/13/2017
World Net Daily, 10/18/2017
Sky News 10/3/2017
Las Vegas Review Journal, 8/4/2017
Casinopedia.org article by Kathryn Allison, 9/21/2017
Newsweek, 10/17/2017
Zero Hedge 10/11/2017
New York Times, 10/4/2017
Washington Post, 10/4, 10/6/2017
Los Angeles Times, 10/3/2017
The Sun (British paper), 10/2/2017
The Independent (British paper), 10/4/2017
GotNews.com 10/9/2017, 10/11/2017
Laura Loomer on Twitter 10/3, 10/6/2017
Fox News, 10/13/2017 and 10/17/2017
Business Insider, 10/13/2017

Sources on the Vegas football scandal are the 9/4/2002 L.A. Times and the 9/7/2007 Las Vegas Review Journal.

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