• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


July13/ 2018


Yesterday FBI agent Peter Strzok preened, smarmed, covered up, smirked, and lied to the American public on live TV. He is the evil arrogant face of the corruption of that very corrupt agency that needs disbanding.

Yes, Virginia, the FBI is a racketeering influenced corrupt organization that violates RICO laws and laws against spying, lying, witness tampering, and election tampering. And facilitating sexual abuse of young girls by the Clintons and/or people in the Clintons’ crime family, according to the New York City police. And who knows what else?

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page


Former FBI chief Robert Mueller, who is now the special Nazi in charge of the Russia snipe hunt, was okay with Massachusetts mobster Whitey Bulger and others committing murder because they had a deal. Mueller, who ran the Uranium One investigation, was okay with 20% of our uranium reserves going to the Putin regime and was okay with Hillary getting about $150 million for the Clinton Foundation from donors who appreciated her allowing the corrupt sale of the ore needed for nuclear weapons and nuclear power to go forward.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg went to the hot seat in Sing Sing for less.

The Hot Seat, Sing Sing. The high-voltage gal is Ruth Snyder, who murdered her husband.


What about the “good” FBI agents? Too many of them are pussies who kept their mouths shut when they saw the corruption of the people at the top, like Mueller and Comey.

Service academy cadets used to get kicked out not only for lying, cheating, and stealing, but for tolerating such acts. The same standards should apply to the FBI, because tolerating corruption enables corruption.

Back to Peter Smirk.

Rep. Darrell Issa ( R-CA) made Strzok read aloud all the slurs he emailed co-conspirator and co-respondent Lisa Page about President Trump and President Trump’s supporters. This made the arrogant Strzok sound like a high school aged knucklehead.

Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) tried to help Strzok out by attacking President Trump for going to meet Putin in Helsinki next week. But in her line of questioning was the following:

NORTON: Thank you there chairman. In order to allow this witness to continue, let me ask questions. Mr. Strzok, you are a senior, or were a senior and experienced FBI staff person, is that not right?

STRZOK: Yes, I would consider myself a senior and experienced FBI staff person, yes.

NORTON: You have been involved in the Mueller investigation of the last election involving Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at the highest level. Is that not the case?

STRZOK: If you mean by the highest level that I had interactions with those cases with the director and deputy director and senior staff of the Department of Justice, yes.

NORTON: That’s what I mean. We have been reading from your personal phone and your official phone. Did it occur to you that your personal political messages if they became public may be misinterpreted in light of your role in the investigation?

STRZOK: To be honest, I did not anticipate that because I never thought these texts would become public.

NORTON: Some of them were not on your personal phone.

STRZOK: Correct. Yes. That’s correct.

NORTON: So, everything that is on your official phone beings to the public. I want to establish that this confusion between your public and private phone is a part of our problem here today. I want to know for the record that President Trump is on his way to a controversial meeting with Vladimir Putin. Let me ask you sir about an undisputed finding of the intelligence committee and by that, I mean the CIA and the NSA and the FBI, these people do not usually speak in such absolute terms.

(Source: CNN transcript)

She went on to use the dishonest Senate Intelligence Committee report (covered in an earlier post) to claim the Russians helped Donald Trump become president.

However, careful listeners heard Strzok admit he never thought his phone messages would become public. And he was using a government-issued taxpayer paid-for phone to do much of his smearing and conspiring.

This shows Strzok, as a “senior experienced FBI agent,” is too negligent to be an agent.

I’m guessing there are thousands of overranked knuckleheads in the FBI like Strzok who need firing and maybe jailing.

The funniest part of the hearing was when Rep Louis Gohmert ( R-TX), disgusted with the lying, arrogant, smarmy, smirking self-aggrandizing Strzok, said, “I can’t help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk — how many times did you look so innocently into your wife’s eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page.” (Per Fox News and The Hill, 7/12/2018 and 7/13/2018)

It was a great kick to the crotch. Strzok pompously claimed to be telling the truth always. Gohmert dogged Strzok about lying to his wife so the jackass could commit adultery with the horse-faced FBI lawyer.

Of course Dems and some GOPers were upset with Gohmert …. especially in a town where there are many adulterers and pervs in both parties who hold power…. but Gohmert got under the narcissistic Strzok’s skin and mad him look like a hypocritical punk.

I know insults. When I was a young’un in the Army in Texas in the summer of 1976, I heard a bunch of German officers insult Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter (who were running against each other for president) and they laughed about the intelligence of American voters.

Admittedly, the 1976 election, like those of 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012, have not been among our proudest moments as a people. But who did these Heinies think they were badmouthing America on American soil?

Right away I got their attention by saying to them, “Who do you f’ing Nazis think you are insulting my country?”

I had the Krauts’ undivided attention instantly.

This led to a dialogue where I tended to hog the conversation. I dropped further bombs on them for electing Hitler, and starting two wars we kicked their asses in. I said the smartest Germans left the Fatherland to become Americans.

But I really frosted them when I said our troops stationed on their soil who romped with their females had improved their nation’s gene pool.

The thought of our hillbillies, Hoosiers, blacks, Yanks, and Hispanics using their frauleins shot their blood pressures thru the stratosphere. They angrily left.

As the smoke blew away, another American GI who witnessed it all said, “You really insulted those guys!”

I replied, “I intended to insult them.”

And Gohmert intended to do likewise to Peter Smirk.



What most in the media didn’t report, in the uproar over Gohmert’s shot, was Strzok’s coverup of the hacking of Hillary’s private server by a foreign entity other than the Russian government.

Per Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller (7/12/2018), this:

“A member of the House Committee on the Judiciary said during a hearing Thursday that a government watchdog found that nearly all of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were sent to a foreign entity and that the FBI didn’t follow-up on that finding.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,”he added.

Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information.

Strzok acknowledged meeting with Rucker, but said he did not recall the “specific content.”

“The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that,” Gohmert said, “But you were given that information and you did nothing with it.”

He also said that someone alerted the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz to the issue.

“Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call,” Gohmert said.

The ICIG previously caught problems regarding Clinton’ server that the FBI missed. The bureau didn’t notice that some emails were openly marked classified with a “(C)”when they were sent.

The ICIG spotted the oversight after the FBI missed it, texts between Strzok and his mistress, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, show.

“Holy cow,”Strzok wrote, “If the FBI missed this, what else was missed?”

“Remind me to tell you to flag for Andy [redacted] emails we (actually ICIG) found that have portion marks ( C ) on a couple of paras. DoJ was Very Concerned about this.”

In late 2017, ICIG Chuck McCullough — who was appointed by former President Barack Obama —took the unusual step of coming forward publicly to say that he perceived pushback after he began raising the alarm about issues with Clinton’s servers to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

He said he found it “maddening”that Democrats, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, were underselling the amount of classified information on the server.

McCullough said he “expected to be embraced and protected,”but was instead “chided”by someone on Capitol Hill for failing to consider the “political consequences”of his investigative findings, Fox News reported.

The ICIG has not publicly disclosed the findings Gohmert described in the meeting between Rucker and Strzok, but the congressman said the watchdog can document them.”

In other words, the FBI and the DOJ covered for Hillary and tried to squash an independent IG investigator.

Gohmert was wrong when he said in so many words Strzok was such a sociopath he could lie and still pass a polygraph test.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry tweeted that Strzok failed his 2016 lie detector test. A Conservative Treehouse author confirmed this 7/6/2018, and noted Strzok was able to spearhead the whitewash of Hillary and start the illegal spying on Donald Trump. The Conservative Treehouse author also noted Strzok lost his security clearance retroactively in 2018 after the FBI scumbags couldn’t cover up his actions.

(Note to readers: I only post a couple of times a week. The Conservative Treehouse has several articles a day. I suggest you check them out daily to stay informed on the national political scene.)

Strzok and his defenders are going to the Oliver North card, trying to paint this federal criminal as a patriot. Lest we forget, North was a scumbag too. And a rat.

If you want a sickening eye-opener on the lawlessness of many in the government, read Terry Reed and John Cummings’ book Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA. Reed, a former CIA operative, showed the ties between ex-CIA head George Herbert Walker Bush, Oliver North, other CIA people, and key CIA asset Bill Clinton in the Iran-Contra Affair that turned into a drugrunning, money laundering (thru Arkansas state institutuons, whch was why the Clintons were key to the corruption in the opeartion), and murder operation against people in the United States. They reported on the hideous crimes people committed in the name of “national security.”

Reed even covered the distinct possibility Bush and his allies inside and outside the CIA worked to block other law enforcement arms of the Reagan Administration and undermine Ronald Reagan’s presidency; perhaps they thought Reagan could be impeached for failure to manage his people properly. (Reed, who met and was a fan of fellow Missourian Harry Truman, did not think much of Reagan. But he accused Bush and Clinton of major crimes. Reed knows North and Clinton personally. Reed said North and other CIA people and foreign agents spoke of Bush with respect and made fun of Reagan.) It is probably the most disturbing American crime book I have read.

At least North’s secretary Fawn Hall was pretty and witty. And gutty. She showed a secretary with a high school education was more than a match for a roomful of senators.

Fawn Hall’s English cousin? No, it’s Honor Blackman, the original Avenger and Bond Girl. She’s also violating the law, as they don’t have a Second Amendment in England.


Fawn was also relatively sanitary. She admitted putting documents to be shredded inside her dress boots and against her back, using her bra to hold them in place. By comparison, Clinton operative Sandy “Brown Shorts” Berger stole classified documents that outlined the wrongdoing of the criminal couple he worked for and hid them in his underpants.



Overlooked in the Strzoking was the sleazy DOJ No. 2 Rod Rosenstein, like the office backstabber nobody likes, announcing a day earlier that he wanted all 93 federal prosecutor offices to provide him with three prosecutors for several months so they could find all the memos Judge Brett Kavanaugh wrote or read during all of his time as a government payroller.

My attorney friend Dirk Van Capias noted sarcastically that Rosenstein never troubled himself ever before to provide documents members of Congress requested or subpoenaed.

Rod Rosenstein. Freddie Blassie called his kind “pencil necked geeks.”


Rosenstein’s move was an assumption of authority he does not have. President Trump’s team already vetted Judge Kavanaugh. If Senate Democrats petition for information about Kavanaugh, then they have to wait their turn along with everyone else in the Freedom of Information paper chase. They knew for at least a year Kavanaugh was a likely Justice, and they never asked for the info on him earlier.

Rosenstein’s unhelpful gesture is illegal and is a naked attempt to help the Swamp by delaying the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Democrats and GOPers in the Swamp are pushing for Dems to take over the Senate and the House this fall, and they hope to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court and impede the Trump Administration with obstructionist litigation. Rosenstein’s move would help them.

Rosenstein’s directive, if honored, would cost prosecutors manpower they need across the country to prosecute criminals and oppose the lawsuits corrupt Democrat state AG s and the ACLU and other criminal protection groups are bringing to thwart enforcement of the law.

Any ordering on the document task force should have been done by Rosenstein’s boss Jeff Sessions aka the AWOL Keebler Elf, not by Rosenstein, Mueller’s brownshirt buddy.

The First Amendment allows citizens the right to petition government officials. So yesterday I sent this email to an aide of Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio.

“Why isn’t Jeff Sessions removing Rod Rosenstein for expanding his role illegally with the order of 93 US attorneys to turn over 3 prosecutors each (279 total) for several weeks to aid the Dems in the Senate vs Brett Kavanaugh?

Bear in mind Rosenstein never made that effort to provide the House with subpoenaed documents.

Perhaps Rep. Jordan could ask about this.

If anyone makes that call to do such work (vetting Kavanaugh’s documents), it must be AG Sessions himself, not a flunky.

Didn’t Rosenstein mention Comey’s overreach in the Hillary announcements as actions that got him fired?

Why is Rosenstein’s action any different than Comey’s? He is obstructing the prosecution of criminals by ordering the help against Kavanaugh before an election …. thus thwarting the President and the Senate. And he is obstructing federal justice in every state by pulling prosecutors away from prosecuting criminals.

Not even mentioning Rosenstein lying under oath about not threatening congressional staffers, which was why Sessions fired Andrew McCabe.

There are ample grounds for President Trump to have Mr. Sessions fire Rosenstein. He is lying under oath, overstepping his authority, and obstructing justice in DC and across the country.

Rep. Jordan can help President Trump by mentioning this.”

We’ll see how far this goes.

Other members of Congress will get this email soon. If you want to copy and paste it to your own email to your member of Congress or Senator, feel free!

BTW, Rosenstein and Mueller, like VD, are the gift that keeps on giving. Mueller’s crew of taxpayer-funded shysters got indictments against a dozen Russian nationals working for the Russian government for alleged meddling in the 2016 election.

Rosenstein, when questioned, admitted Mueller’s minions made charges of criminal wrongdoing and secured indictments against ZERO Americans. Rosenstein also said, “There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.”

There it is. Rosenstein admitted the Russians, as much as they hacked and cracked, did not change a single cast ballot in the November 2016 presidential elections.

This move of Mueller’s is designed to help Strzok, to interfere with President Trump before a summit with Putin, and to lift pressure on himself and his crew of shysters to deliver. It is like the equivalent of a midget putting on elevator shoes to try to boost his height. (It’s actually the male equivalent of a gal padding her bra, but there is no way to say this without breaching decorum.)

Why? Because Mueller hopes the Russians don’t show up to contest the indictment. If any of them does, he will be open to discovery, and the world will see how little Mueller has.

Didn’t the Democrat National Committee, led by Debbie Wasserman Positive (my slur, not Hillary’s) and Donna “Brain Dead Buffalo” Brazile (Hillary’s slur, not mine), refuse to allow the FBI to check out their servers? Didn’t Hillary refuse to allow the FBI to look at her server? And what about the Awan Pakistani Moslem crime family (hackers, thieves, blackmailers) who Debbie hired as her diversity lottery IT experts and the IT guys for more than 40 other Democrat members of Congress? Did the FBI ever question Wikileaks founder Julian Assange about the thumb drives that young murdered Dem party worker Seth Rich allegedly provided showing how corrupt his masters were?

Besides, President Obama openly interfered in an election against Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel. British and Russian and Aussie agents also interfered against Mr. Trump in the 2016 election with the fake Steele dossier. There will be no punishment of any of the foreign perpetrators. Foreign operatives do what foreign operatives do.

Mueller and Rosenstein also have the motive of self-preservation. Uranium Rob and Radioactive Rod both watched gutlessly as Hillary Clinton signed over 20% of our uranium reserves to the Russian government and received about $150 million in contributions to her foundation in exchange. In essence they were complicit. Were they paid to keep quiet or were they threatened with Arkancide? Or were they complicit for reasons of keeping their jobs or due to ideology? None dare call it treason; none even dare call it bribery!



To show you how important personal records can be, I’m going to follow with the tale of how the use of public records by members of Congress helped bring down Alger Hiss, a sleazy Communist agent who was the State Department official who essentially conned FDR into signing Eastern Europe away to the Soviets at Yalta in 1945. Hiss helped sentence millions of innocent people to up to 45 years of Communist enslavement with this swinish act.

A few years later, ex-Communist agent Whittaker Chambers, who was now an editor at Time magazine, accused Hiss of being a Communist agent also. Hiss denied it, and claimed he didn’t know or barely knew Chambers. The matter went before a Congressional committee.

One area where Hiss really screwed up was in lying about items of his personal life that public records existed on. He lied about cars he owned, for example, and the congressmen (especially a young Richard Nixon) were able to trap him when they had the public record checked. Chambers’ account of Hiss’ cars jibed with the public record. So the congressmen implied Hiss was lying when he claimed he didn’t know Chambers well.

Hiss’ poor showing caused his friends in the media to rooster him to sue Chambers for defamation if Chambers’ charges weren’t true. Hiss did, then Chambers cut Hiss’ throat by releasing a stack of State Department memos, cable messages, and other important documents which Hiss had given to Chambers in the late 1930s to turn over to their Communist spymasters. In short order, Hiss was indicted on two counts of perjury for lying under oath to the congressmen. (The statute of limitations on any espionage or treason Hiss committed in connection with sending secret documents to the Communists had run out.)

During Hiss’ trials, his wife Priscilla hurt his case by contradicting the public record herself. She denied taking typing classes and applying for a chemistry course. Chambers’ wife and another witness said she had done both. She also denied being a Socialist Party member. The prosecutor produced college records showing Mrs. Hiss took the typing course and applied for the chemistry course. He also produced her voter registration, which showed she registered as a Socialist. Her denial she knew Whittaker Chambers and his wife well carried little weight as a result.

The first trial, run by a pro-Hiss judge, ended in a hung jury. Jurors in the retrial convicted Hiss on both counts of perjury. Hiss drew a five-year prison sentence. Later, while in prison, Hiss claimed only FDR, now conveniently dead, knew Hiss contacted the Soviets to keep an eye on them to serve America. This was a lie also, one he was smart enough not to have told at his trials.

What’s the moral of this story? Simply this: The first crack in Hiss’ credibility with many came when he lied about details of his personal life that could be checked on the public record.

Read the pages of this website to get some basics. Buy “How to be Your Own Detective” to get in-depth investigative techniques that you as an American can use legally. You helped pay for the public record; you have the right to use it.






The story on Alger Hiss comes from Ralph De Toledano’s book Seeds of Treason. Beside his treachery as a spy and Soviet agent while in the FDR administration, De Toledano reported Hiss also stabbed America in the back in 1946, after FDR was dead. How? He undermined negotiations Harry Truman’s people were conducting on the security of the Panama Canal. Red agitators were pushing for the ejection of American servicemen from bases in Panama. Hiss called our people “occupiers,” and worked with leftists in the United Nations to aid Panamanian officials in forcing out the servicemen.

Info on Rosenstein and Mueller, besides being covered richly in previous posts, comes from 7/13/2018 Fox News and Daily Caller articles.

Info on Strzok and his pals come from the 12/15/2017 Newser and a 7/12/2018 Vox article. The Vox writer Andrew Prokop said Strozk admitted his “insurance policy” remark was about starting an investigation against Mr. Trump if he won the election, and defended Strzok by claiming this plotting didn’t affect the voting in the election. The Vox writer Voxed Strzok by reporting what President Trump’s defenders have claimed for many months.

The Vox writer also claimed Strzok brayed positive thoughts about Joe Biden and John Kasich. The leftist Newser article writer Jenn Gidman, without condemning her, said Lisa Page didn’t whinny in agreement but wrote Strzok saying Kasich was “long suspected of being gay,” which is true. (What is true is the suspicion about what turns Kasich on besides stuffing whole pancakes in his mouth, not any coming out. Kasich, who is married, has not professed bisexuality or homosexuality. Yet.)

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