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Should Deep State Criminals Face Military Tribunals?

May26/ 2018

Those who know history can profit by it … so today we are talking about military tribunals.

Some people know military men tried the conspirators behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Some people know military men tried the Nazi and Japanese war criminals of World War Two.

It might be time to re-introduce military tribunals to America to protect the public from government criminals.

It turns out Obama’s former CIA chief John Brennan, a Moslem with Communist Party sympathies, was almost certainly the “mastermind” behind all the anti-Trump spying. He reportedly directed an “inter-agency task force” comprising of key people in the CIA, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, top people in the FBI and elsewhere in the Justice Department, and figures from other government agencies, the Hillary campaign, and the Obama White House.

Clapper has defended the spying as beneficial.

President Trump calls it “SpyGate.”

The Deep State spy effort against Mr. Trump was as beneficial to him as the New England Patriots’ spying on other teams was to the other teams’ success against the Patriots.

British and Australian officials worked with the Obama Administration conspirators and the Hillary campaign conspirators against Mr. Trump and his people. The CIA evidently ran a spy operation against Mr. Trump on American soil, which is clearly illegal. Top officials in the FBI broke many laws in giving Hillary a pass for her illegal server, and giving her a pass for essentially selling 20% of our uranium reserves to the Putin regime in exchange for about $150 million for her foundation.

In fact, anti-Trump special prosecutor Robert Gestapo Mueller and DOJ No. 2 Rod Rosenstein, who hired Mueller to take down Trump by conducting illegal and unethical prosecutions against his associates, were key FBI and Justice Dept. officials who let Hillary sell the Russians access to our uranium, which is used in making nuclear bombs. Andrew McCabe, the former No. 2 in the FBI, and James Comey, the former FBI chief after Gestapo Mueller, were also involved in the radioactive Putin uranium grab that had Hillary’s approval.

There is some reporting that Rosenstein was blackmailed into picking Gestapo Mueller.

There is some reporting there were multiple spies assigned to infiltrate or otherwise check on Mr. Trump and his people … and these spies drew government paychecks your taxes paid for.

There is an air of defiance on the part of the criminals. They believe they or their lawyers or their judge friends or their friends still in government, and their friends in the media, and Soros money, street criminals and leftist lawyers will help them escape punishment for their crimes.

There are a lot of FBI people and CIA people and DOJ people with weapons and explosives and the ability to press criminal and civil charges against whistleblowers and other opponents of the Deep State who are sympathetic to the lawbreakers.

There are a lot of corrupt lawyers who are friends of the lawbreakers in prosecutor and judge positions throughout the federal court system. They also have the ability to bring charges against whistleblowers and other opponents of the Deep State.

Civil service laws protect these enemies of the Republic even when they are blatant lawbreakers. IRS harpy Lois Lerner escaped with her pension despite her spying on Americans and breaking tax laws. Veterans Administration officials who let our veterans die untreated kept their jobs and got bonuses. Obama’s BATFags gave guns to Mexican drug gangs, who then used them to kill Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. And the Department of Homeland Security has too many quislings and obstructionists in its management.

The government official class protect each other and exploit We the People for budgets, salaries, and pensions.

Clapper lied about the extent of snooping the Obama Administration did on Americans in the wake of the Edward Snowden fiasco. Many people in the government and the media are blackmail targets.

Those who are not blackmail targets have loved ones they would like to see live free from harm.

There are foreign governments in England and Australia and Russia sympathetic to the lawbreakers, and whose agents and officials assisted them in their lawbreaking. Two of the nations have atomic bombs. The British have a history of duplicity against America more than 200 years old. The Russians haven’t stopped making trouble for America since the Communists overthrew the democratic Kerensky Government in November 1917.

Despite their ugliness and demented looks, these are not Hillary supporters. But they were kindred spirits. These were female Nazi prison camp guards who would answer for their crimes.


The Deep Staters have also evidently acted illegally against the will of the voters of most of the states of the Union in spying on Mr. Trump, lying about him, targeting him and his associates for criminal or civil prosecution illegally, and conspiring with foreign powers to do so. Their acts of sedition have been aimed at overthrowing the civilian order in this nation, which is like a military threat in that they used spies and force and foreign government agents to attempt the putsch against the Trump campaign, the Trump transition team, and the Trump Administration.

Therefore I argue the Deep State conspirators should face charges before military tribunals. Just like the conspirators who were in on the plot to murder Abraham Lincoln. They are interfering illegally with Mr. Trump as the Commander in Chief.

Otherwise, due to the force of arms the Deep State leaders have at their disposal, along with the powers of their offices, the law enforcement power they use and misuse to break people financially in court, the tools of blackmail they have accumulated through illegal spying, their willingness to have inconvenient people prosecuted or murdered, the strengths of their alliances with the federal justice system, and the essential parasitical nature of the jury pools in nation’s capital and in the surrounding counties in Virginia and Maryland, the Deep State criminals may well go free.



The last time a president was a victim of a CIA/Deep State coup attempt (Ronald Reagan), the feds and their counterparts in the Senate and House covered it up. Former CIA chief George Bush, and CIA asset and money launderer Bill Clinton became the next two presidents. Then Little Bush became president. Then Barry Obama, the grandson of a CIA operative, became president.

Ronald Reagan, gravely wounded, tries to reassure people as he walks into a hospital with a ruptured lung, a broken rib, a lodged bullet, and severe internal bleeding. No one was punished for this attempt on his life.


The previous time a president was a victim of a CIA/Deep State coup attempt (John Kennedy), Deep State operatives killed one of the shooters (Oswald) and covered up for the others in on the plot. Murder for hire veteran Lyndon Johnson was in on the murder and became president as a result, zooming his net worth in the process. The Warren Commission was inept and corrupt. While JFK’s loved ones and many good Americans wept, everyone involved in his murder except for Oswald and Jack Ruby (who was dying of cancer when he shot Oswald) escaped; many got promotions and access to more money and power.

The Deep State plotters include American agents with weapons and access to explosives and poisons and other murder weapons. The federal judicial system is compromised by decades of corrupt judicial and prosecutor and law enforcement appointees. The House and Senate are compromised by their acts of fraud, their works for vile private sector people and for unfriendly foreign powers, and their acts of lechery – often against subordinates and children. Donald Trump had to overcome them to become the President. The plotters conspired with foreign governments with armed forces and nuclear weapons, and unfriendly agendas of their own.

(Well, maybe not Australia. The Aussies might well argue their prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and their spies spent too long a time getting jostled in their mothers’ pouches.)



Why did President Andrew Johnson and Attorney General James Speed, a long-time friend of the murdered Lincoln, opt for a military commission to try the conspirators?

Retired Army Col. Fred L. Borch III, an attorney and an archivist for the Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps, listed the following reasons in an April 2011 ABA (American Bar Association) Journal:

“First …..there was no right to appeal the verdict of the military commission. President Andrew Johnson appointed the members of the commission and directed them to try the case. Johnson then approved the findings and the sentence.

Second, a majority vote was all that was needed to convict the defendants (as opposed to a unanimous verdict in civilian court). Additionally, only two-thirds of the commission members had to vote yes for the death penalty to be imposed.

Third, there was no presumption of innocence and very relaxed rules of evidence. Generally, the prosecution was permitted to introduce any evidence that it determined was relevant and probative to the guilt of the eight conspirators—including hearsay testimony.

Fourth, Judge Advocate General Holt and his assistant prosecutor, John A. Bingham, participated in deliberations with the nine Union officers who sat as the fact-finders in the case. While these two prosecutors did not vote, they did argue for findings of guilty for all the defendants and suggested that hanging was the only proper sentence for all the conspirators. And since only one of the nine Union officers voting was a lawyer or had any legal training, what Holt and Bingham said during these deliberations almost certainly carried considerable weight. The defense counsel, of course, were excluded from participating in the commission’s deliberations.

Fifth, Holt (probably in concert with Stanton) personally selected the nine Union officers—seven generals and two colonels—who served as jurors. All were “shooting” officers who had seen combat and had little sympathy for the South or the Confederacy. As Lincoln had approved their commissions, they almost certainly felt a strong sense of loyalty to him and the Union.”

Borch was against the military tribunal.

Borch did not cover the disagreements of the military officers in his piece because he wanted to demonize the military tribunal. Some of the officers found some of the prosecutors’ actions repugnant. There was no need to frame guilty people.

Borch also lied by omission. Jury people are almost never lawyers, but they have to decide guilt or innocence, and they are usually stupider than most military officers, and they lack officers’ experience in maintaining discipline and checking cases of alleged wrongdoing in their own units.

Borch’s red herring about Lincoln signing officers’ commissions didn’t escape my eye either. Jimmy Carter signed my commission, and I voted against him twice. Some Union Army officers were Democrats in Lincoln’s day. Many higher ranking officers thought little of Lincoln until later in the war as he learned how to run the nation and the military in crushing the Confederacy.

A re-creation of the murder of Abraham Lincoln


Copperhead Democrats in New York and elsewhere in Lincoln’s day were disloyal, just like New Copperhead Democrats today (most of the Democrat leaders) are essentially anti-American people who put the interests of globalist corporations and illegals and degenerates ahead of normal Americans.

Borch also covered up the truth that the military officers who rendered verdicts against the Lincoln conspirators in most cases got it right. They condemned Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, and David Herold. Herold had surrendered when Union troops cornered him and Booth in a barn in Caroline County, Virginia. Booth refused to come out, so the troops lit the barn on fire and waited. When Booth raised up to shoot, Sergeant Boston Corbett blasted him to Hell.

Booth, a handsome devil of an actor, could well be the avatar of the treasonable majority in today’s entertainment community. Unlike the vast majority of today’s performers, however, Booth had physical courage to go along with his Satanic mindset. Also unlike too many of them, Booth chased adult women instead of girls or boys.

The military officers who convicted Mary Surratt asked for her not to be hanged. President Andrew Johnson, who escaped assassination because conspirator George Atzerodt lost his nerve, refused her clemency. Soldiers tied her legs together and hanged her with Atzerodt, Powell, and Herold in July of 1865.

The military officers also convicted Edward Spangler, Samuel Mudd, Samuel Arnold, and Michael O’Laughlen. Spangler worked at Ford’s Theater and evidently held up pursuers so Booth could limp away after he broke a leg jumping from the balcony seconds after he shot Abraham Lincoln. Arnold and O’Laughlen were former Confederate soldiers and boyhood acquaintances of Booth who Booth approached in a plot to kidnap President Lincoln. They quit the plot after a failed kidnap attempt, but did not notify officials about it. Mary Surratt was guilty of knowing about the conspiracy. She lied about not knowing Lewis Powell (who nearly killed Lincoln’s friend Secretary of State William Seward in a vicious knife attack), when he was a co-conspirator and he showed up several times at her boarding house. Police arrested him on his last visit. All but Mudd were guilty as sin.

Samuel Mudd was the doctor who set John Wilkes Booth’s leg. He had met Booth before, but claimed Booth had disguised his face with an actor’s prop beard, preventing recognition. The officers didn’t buy it. They sent these men to prison in the Dry Tortugas Islands off Florida’s Key West.

Mudd’s heroic work saving soldiers from death in a yellow fever outbreak (one that killed O’Laughlen too) won him a pardon from Andrew Johnson just before he left office in March 1869. (Tennessean Johnson himself survived an 1868 impeachment and removal vote by one vote in the US Senate.) U.S. Grant allowed Mudd, Arnold, and Spangler to go free after he replaced Johnson as US President on March 4, 1869.

Ironically, Caroline County, Virginia, the secessionist stronghold where John Wilkes Booth bit the dust, is where government officials quietly buried Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan “Flathead” Tsarnaev . “Flathead” got that nickname from me because his inbred little brother Dzhokar (sounds like “Joker”) Tsarnaev ran over his head with the escape vehicle like a clown punk. The Tsarnaev family, who are Moslem Chechnyans, came to America from another excrement hole country called Kyrgyzstan on tourist visas, then got asylum.

The family of imported Moslem ingrates were reportedly drawing about $100K in government bennies when the brothers showed their gratitude to America by running drugs, murdering a police officer, and murdering and maiming several Americans at a beloved athletic event.

The Russians did try to interfere with the Tsarnaev bunch’s American DREAM by contacting the Obama administration to let them know Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a potential terrorist. FBI and CIA pukes under Mueller and Brennan ignored the Russkies. The result was maimed and murdered Americans. Thanks, you corrupt pieces of excrement.



Back to the concept of military officers trying the Clinton/Obama/FBI/DOJ/CIA conspirators.

We have come a distance since the 1860s in terms of legal maneuvering and defendant’s rights and forensic evidence. The Nuremberg Trials and the various trials of criminal Japanese were military tribunals in which the Americans and their allies offered the Nazi and Japanese defendants capable defense attorneys and in the most part fair judges. They executed most of the top Nazis and sentenced other Nazis and non-Nazis who collaborated with them to prison because they were guilty as sin. They also condemned a large number of Japanese war criminals. But some of the accused were acquitted.

The most recent tweaks to the military justice system came in the aftermath of 9/11, for which the Deep State’s top people like Mueller and Brennan and Clapper were unprepared incompetents.

Defendants at the Nuremberg Trials


According to the Constitutional Rights Foundation, a group of lawyers that opposes military tribunals, these are the key features of military tribunals today:

A military committee (tribunal) will still consist of all active duty officers, and will have a military lawyer as its head (presiding officer).

The presiding officer can admit or exclude evidence.

Under the procedures, a defendant would receive most but not all of the due process protections given to a defendant in a U.S. civilian criminal court.

A defendant will receive a tribunal appointed defense counsel and can also have his or her own military or civilian attorney.

A defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The prosecution must prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

A defendant can refuse to testify during trial. A defendant can obtain witnesses and documents necessary for his or her defense.

A person accused may not be tried twice before a military commission for the same offense

A defendant has the right to enter into a plea agreement.

A military commission can convict a person by a two-thirds majority. In civilian criminal courts, a unanimous guilty verdict is required.

The commissioners can admit evidence, even evidence from previous trials, if it tends to prove or disprove the case at hand. The exclusionary rule, which keeps illegally seized evidence out of a civilian criminal trial, does not apply.

There are no appeals from a guilty verdict to civilian judges. Instead, the Secretary of Defense appoints three-member groups to review verdicts. The president or Secretary of Defense has to approve a verdict before it becomes final.

Except for evidence illegally gathered, the two/thirds guilty rule, and the lack of formal appeals, the military court system is not markedly different from the civilian criminal court system in this country.

Since most of the most serious crimes of the Deep Staters will involve use of force crimes, espionage, subversion, blackmail, inciting riots, and other violent crimes against the civil order, a military tribunal may well be a more appropriate forum for the Deep State lawbreakers than the federal courts which they have polluted by their lawbreaking.



Because the top Deep Staters tried to stop Donald Trump, then overthrow him after We the People elected him, their acts have been a threat to the civil order of this nation. If a foreign government dd these things against America it would be grounds for war. Thus the American Deep Staters merit military justice as their acts have been akin to acts of war against the people of this nation.

Let’s list a few of the indictable crimes.

Failure to protect national security secrets, selling away nuclear bomb material to an unfriendly foreign power for personal or foundational profit, and having witnesses killed (Hillary).

Failure to prevent the criminal sale of nuclear warhead material (Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe).

Using the CIA to spy on Americans on American soil (Brennan, Clapper, and others).

Putting government-paid spies into a rival’s political campaign and among the rival’s advisers and supporters (Brennan, Clapper, Comey, their underlings, and their masters in the Obama administration and the Hillary campaign).

Using the FBI to deprive Americans of their civil liberties (Brennan, Clapper, Comey, their underlings, and their masters in the Obama administration and the Hillary campaign).

The use of the fruits of illegal spying to blackmail others who might implicate the Deep State principals and minions of crimes (Brennan, Clapper, Comey, their underlings, and their masters in the Obama administration and the Hillary campaign).

The use of criminal prosecutions, civil prosecutions, financial ruin due to legal bills, extortion, threats against loved ones, and murder to silence others who might implicate the Deep State principals and minions of crimes (Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, their underlings, and their masters in the Obama administration and the Hillary campaign).

The use of a combination of these criminal activities to try to throw the 2016 election to Hillary, the use of a combination of these criminal activities to try to prevent the inauguration of Donald Trump to subvert the will of the American people as expressed in their voting in the 2016 election, and the use of a combination of these criminal activities to illegally impede President Trump in the discharge of his lawful duties (Brennan, Clapper, Comey, their underlings, and their masters in the Obama administration and the Hillary campaign).

Instigating riots, inciting unstable leftist criminals like the scumbag who shot up the GOP congressional baseball team, triggering demented people to commit acts of violence against Trump supporters, and working hand in glove to ensure mob violence for other events (Pro-Nazi scavenger George Soros, the organizers he paid, the goofs they recruited, and local scumbags like the mayor and police chief of San Jose, California, the illegal felon-warning mayor of Oakland, and Virginia governor and Friend of Hillary Terry McAuliffe and local police and political figures in Charlottesville, Virginia).

Lying about poll results in an attempt to depress Mr. Trump’s turnout, discredit Mr. Trump’s victory, and create a plausible scenario for crying election fraud to attempt to steal electoral votes (Obama administration and the Hillary campaign, also selected pollsters).

And to those of you who claim there have been no Deep State murders, the Angel Families will disagree. Illegals brought in by Deep Staters’ actions to tip the scale to Democrats in elections have murdered, raped, robbed, and beaten many Americans. The presence of millions of illegals depresses American wages and drives up the cost of medical care, schooling, and other government actions.



Now let’s go to Borch’s last anti-military tribunal paragraph. He wrote:

“A final important point: There was little doubt that the government could not achieve the results it wanted— a swift verdict of guilty and hanging for the defendants — if it tried them in civilian court. There were few Union men in Washington City; they were in the Army. The white men who would have heard the evidence against the conspirators would almost certainly have been Southerners and had Confederate sympathies. The possibility of jury nullification was too high to take the risk.”

That is a valid reason today for using military courts against those who would overthrow an elected president to destroy the existing social order.

In the federal government parasite areas of Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the District of Columbia, the fix is in for the Deep State anti-Trump spies. Most courts and too many of the prosecutors are Deep Staters or bureaucrats who work for Deep Staters. At least two-thirds of the jury pool voted for Hillary against Mr. Trump in the 2016 election. Can they be counted on to condemn widespread sedition, inciting riot, overthrow of legitimate authority, and other forms of open lawbreaking by federal officials and Democrat Party officials and office holders?

A crew of crooked or demented jurors in DC refused to punish John Hinckley, a family friend of the Bushes, when he shot President Reagan.

There is precedent for pushing corrupt jurors out of the way. Besides using a military court, there is changing venue or disqualifying corrupt jurors as a class.

After Congress and President Chester Arthur enacted the Edmunds Act to make polygamy a felony, the Utah Mormons’ lawyers attacked the law in court. They said the commissioners picked to investigate and punish the Mormons with multiple mamas were not a jury of peers of the accused.

Of course they weren’t. The Mormons always voted to acquit their own when their own opposed the feds and their church leaders signaled them what sort of a verdict they wanted. In other words, Mormon rule in Utah was a corrupt and unlawful conspiracy, and a direct repudiation of lawful federal authority. So they had to be broken.

From the “Encyclopedia of Mormonism” on a Brigham Young University website, I quote the following on the Edmunds Act of 1882:

“ The United States government has constitutional power to enact laws governing territories, and under that authority Congress enacted the Morrill Act (1862), making bigamy in a territory a crime punishable by a fine and five years in prison. The statute was upheld in Reynolds V. United States (1879), although the defendant argued that the law violated the First Amendment guarantee of the free exercise of religion.

Few Mormons were prosecuted for bigamy because the government had difficulty obtaining testimony about plural wedding ceremonies. Rather, they were charged with bigamous cohabitation, a misdemeanor created by the Edmunds Act (1882). Proving cohabitation was easy enough, and over 1,300 Latter-day Saints were jailed as “cohabs” in the 1880s.

Antipolygamy legislation also put pressure on the Church by threatening members’ civil rights and Church property rights. The Edmunds Act barred persons living in polygamy from jury service, public office, and voting. The Edmunds-Tucker Act (1887) disincorporated both the Church and the Perpetual Emigrating Fund on the ground that they fostered polygamy. Furthermore, it authorized seizure of Church real estate not directly used for religious purposes, and acquired in excess of a $50,000 limitation imposed by the Morrill Act. In the Idaho Territory a test oath adopted in 1885 was used to ban all Mormons (and former Mormons) from voting because of the Church’s position on polygamy.

In 1890 after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the seizure of Church property under the Edmunds-Tucker Act in The Late Corporation of the Mormon Church V. United States and the Idaho test oath in Davis V. Beason, it became clear that plural marriage was leading toward the economic and political destruction of the Church. Shortly after these decisions, a revelation was received by President Wilford Woodruff, who then withdrew the requirement for worthy males to take plural wives and announced the manifesto, formally stating his counsel to Latter-day Saints to abide by antibigamy laws. The Manifesto ended the legal confrontation between the U.S. government and the Church.

Congress passed a final federal antibigamy provision in 1892, which excluded polygamists from immigration into the United States. This exclusion remains part of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Code.

Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona incorporated antibigamy provisions into their turn-of-the-century state constitutions as required by Congress for admission to the Union. Idaho’s Constitution not only outlaws bigamy but also bars polygamists and persons “celestially married” from public office and voting.”

There were the attempts of Al Capone and others to tamper with juries, prosecutors, and judges to obstruct justice. Federal Judge James Wilkerson, who presided over Capone’s income tax violation case in 1931, had to switch juries when a Chicago politician presented him with proof Scarface had gotten to the jurors assigned to his trial.

There were the efforts of Charles Manson’s demented followers to help him beat murder charges by killing witnesses, threatening witnesses, killing a defense attorney, and stalking the prosecutor. Manson himself tried to attack Judge Charles Older.

Antifa scum, masked illegally like Klan members or robbers, prepare to riot.

Deep Staters back these vermin.


When the Deep Staters go on trial, Soros money and other dirty Democrat donor money and some dirty anti-Trump GOP money will finance threats against witnesses, prosecutors, and jurors that will make the Manson Family scumbags look like Camp Fire Girls. No doubt the Deep State has deep files to use for blackmail purposes. Recall the threats they made to Electoral College electors in the 2016 election.



I am a former Army officer. While I realize military officers can render judgments to please their superiors, the military justice system is not proven to be thoroughly corrupt. Yet.

The Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, Homeland Security, the IRS, the State Department, the Veterans Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other top federal bureaus are corrupt through and through due to the appointments the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas made, due to the hires these agencies made, and due to the civil service rules that protect these quislings.

Military tribunals offer much better chances for law-abiding prosecutors to take down the Deep State guilty.

How much milder are the Deep State’s ongoing threats to kill, or at least impeach and imprison and bankrupt President Trump than the act of a Copperhead fanatic who murdered Abraham Lincoln? How much milder are the Deep State’s ongoing threats to kill, or at least impeach and imprison and bankrupt President Trump than the acts of crooked men in the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Justice Department, and Lyndon Johnson and his circle of criminals?

It’s less than those murders, but about as vile as the Deep State’s attempt to murder, then break Ronald Reagan. President Trump needs to break the criminals for life.

The military option is in President Trump’s tool box, and could be his best option in assuring justice for those who tried to overthrow him and overthrow our Republic.






Further info on the trial of the Lincoln Conspirators comes from a 1982 article by Thomas Turner in the Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association, hosted by the University of Michigan Library.

Articles in the American Spectator 5/22/2018 and 5/25/2018 explain the spying operation against Donald Trump and his people in detail.

Info on the giveaway of prosecutor info by Capitol Police comes from the 5/24/2018 Daily Caller.

Info on the whistleblowers’ reluctance and Senator Grassley comes from the 5/24/2018 Daily Caller.

Info on the Tsarnaevs come from the 4/25/2013 New York Times, and an article on the 4/30/2013 Huffington Post.

The UMKC School of Law Famous Trials website had notes on the Capone trial.

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