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The Precinct Movement Can Help Trump; Democrats’ Organized Crimes

May21/ 2018

Every day of President Donald Trump’s administration is a civics lesson in just how corrupt the established order in this nation really is.

The report of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is days away from release. It promises to be an excrement fest for the top crooks in the FBI, the Justice Department, and other agencies full of Democrat operatives and other corrupt payrollers.

In advance of the report, some interesting things are coming out in the news.

The New York Times and other sources are admitting the FBI placed a spy in the Trump presidential campaign, even before they faked a dossier to get FISA warrants to spy on President Trump by spying on his people. (Breitbart 5/18/2018, 5/19/2018)

“The F.B.I. obtained phone records and other documents using national security letters — a secret type of subpoena — officials said. And at least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos (peripheral Trump campaign people),” the Times reported, citing “current and former officials.”

According to the Wall Street Journal‘s Kimberley Strassel, the source meant “the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.”

“This would amount to spying, and it is hugely disconcerting,” she wrote in a piece last Thursday.” (Breitbart 5/16/2018)

And this:

“Both the (New York) Times and The (Washington) Post reported that agents sent an informant — an American academic who teaches in Britain — to meet with advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, seeking to probe their alleged Russia ties. He paid Papadopoulos $3,000 for a paper on a gas dispute in the Mediterranean and for a trip to London for them to speak.

The Post also reported that he met with Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis, offering to provide foreign policy expertise to the Trump campaign.” (Fox News, 5/20/2018)

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who lied before Congress, says the FBI’s illegal spying on the Trump campaign was a good idea.

Clapper got Comey to tell President-elect Trump about the totally false Clinton-Steele “pee” dossier, so he could tip his soon-to-be employers at CNN, so they could talk about the “pee” dossier in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump so forces in the government could think about removing him from office. Clapper lied about leaking the “pee” dossier, but later admitted to doing so. (The Hill, 4/27/2018)

John Brennan, the former Communist and current Moslem CIA director under Obama, reportedly had a secret group trying to break down Michael Flynn, who was slated to be Donald Trump’s national security adviser. He, instead of Clapper and Comey, actually launched the illegal investigations against Mr. Trump in 2016, and got them to do their own lawbreaking with illegal probes and leaks of their own. (Real Clear Politics, 5/17/2018, Big League Politics, 5/17/2018)


Supposedly blackmailers forced Justice Department No. 2 Rod Rosenstein into appointing Robert (Gestapo) Mueller the Nazi as the Special Counsel in charge of the Trump/Russia/everything else snipe hunt. (Big League Politics, 5/17/2018)


The FBI/CIA/Hillary/Obama spying on the Trump campaign before the election, their spying on Mr. Trump’s transition team before his inauguration, and their spying on him ever since is one of the largest organized crimes of the nation’s history.

Proslavery Democrat James Buchanan’s administration was honeycombed with secessionists and corruptocrats who facilitated the secession of 11 Southern states. They also tried to force Kansas into being a slave state despite the people voting 6:1 in favor of outlawing slavery in their state. Democrats were the party of secession in the South and the party of Copperhead treason in the North.

The administration of globalist Democrat Woodrow Wilson, who was an Anglophile almost to the point of sexual submission, allowed the British navy to seize American ships and loot their cargos during World War One. They also maneuvered America into World War One to protect the war profiteers who sold billions of dollars of war material to the Brits and the French who stood to lose their profits if the Germans were to win the war.

Communists and fellow travelers in FDR’s administration like Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss, and Harry Hopkins provided Stalin with plans for the atomic bomb and Uranium-235 to make one. They also were okay with Stalin seizing Poland, the Baltic countries, Hungary, the Balkan countries, and the former Czechoslovakia. Churchill, who was complicit as Britain’s navy boss in World War One for the piracy of American ships and the abandonment of the victims of the torpedoing of the Lusitania (which was loaded with munitions), was also okay with abandoning the peoples of Eastern Europe to the Communists.

LBJ was complicit in the murder of President Kennedy so he could become president. He did this after JFK made it clear he was going to pick another running mate for the 1964 election. Johnson ran a horribly corrupt administration.

The Clintons sold nuclear technology and missile technology to the Red Chinese and also sold access to American markets to the Red Chinese and to Indonesians in exchange for millions of dollars in campaign contributions.

The Clintons’ operatives also grabbed more than 900 FBI files on prominent politicians and media people in a probable blackmail operation. Those who suspected their FBI files were in the Clintons’ stained hands clammed up. Dozens of people whose lives were inconvenient to the Clintons wound up dead. This doesn’t count several thousand Serbians who the Clintons had killed in their “Wag the Dog” war in favor of Moslem Bosniaks against the Christian Serbs.

So there have been several horrible organized crimes Democrats have committed against the people of the United States. Spying on a rival presidential candidate and illegally trying to overthrow him as president will join the other crimes on this list. The bizarre thing about this criminal conspiracy was the poor job the conspirators did to cover their tracks. They all thought Hillary would win, so they openly urinated on the laws.

Meanwhile, disgraced and outgoing GOPer House Speaker Paul (Eddie Munster) Ryan is trying to subvert the Trump administration and fellow Republican congressmen by encouraging GOPers owned by corporate interests to push an amnesty bill for illegals. It has only a handful of GOP supporters in the House, but if enough of them hop aboard, all the House Democrats will join them. This would mean most members of the House favor illegals over Americans. (Breitbart 5/17/2018)

Congressquisling Jackie Speier (D-CA) said she would vote for building a border wall in exchange for amnesty for illegals, because it would be easy to knock down the wall once the illegals helped Democrats regain power. CNN fellow traveler Wolf Blitzer approvingly said he had heard this tactic from several other Democrat officeholders. (Breitbart, 5/18/2018)

We need more foreigner rapists, murderers, drug criminals, unskilled labor, and freeloaders like we need syphilis. The Dems and too many GOPers are opponents of the American people.

This doesn’t count their routine crimes, from vote fraud to theft in office to rape in office.

The Democrats aren’t blue, they are lavender. Most GOPers aren’t red, they’re yellow.



So what can be done about this?

The public will have to elect good Republicans for several decades. The GOP hasn’t had a run like that nationally since the period from the Civil War to World War One.

But it will take that long to purge the federal agencies and the judicial benches of many of their criminals.

The Democrats are beyond hopeless. They are open traitors, criminals, and sociopaths who actively oppose the working people of the Republic.

Third parties don’t work.

Donald Trump started the Second Reconstruction with a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. Now the Republic needs a similar shakeup in Congress, and at the state level.

How do we pick good Republicans instead of scumbag Republicans?

By grabbing control of politics at the precinct level nationwide, argues attorney and Republican activist Dan Schultz.

In a 2017 book titled “How To Get Into The Real Ball Game Of Politics Where You Live To Help President Donald J. Trump Make America Great Again” Schultz outlines what precinct committeemen and women are and what their powers are. It is available on line for about $10 as a paperback and about $3 as an e-book.

He says the GOP is a divided and often unenergized party in part due to the lack of precinct committee people. He says about half of all precinct committee leadership posts nationwide are unfilled. The other half, he notes, are filled in about equal amounts by more liberal GOP insiders and by more conservative outsider activists. He advises conservative activists to fill the other posts and make changes from the bottom up.

What kind of changes? Precinct leaders choose party county leaders, and party county leaders choose state party leaders. The county and state committee members are largely responsible for the success of statewide GOP candidates, local GOP candidates, Congressional and senatorial candidates, and judge candidates at securing nominations.

They also have input to how the county and state and national GOP organizations write rules.

Those who remember the 2016 GOP primaries remember Donald Trump beat Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich like punks but the punks got more delegate votes than they should have gotten, based upon party rules.

(Curly Haugland, a GOP party wheel, tried to deny Donald Trump the GOP nomination by arguing primaries were “beauty contests” and only the party delegates’ votes meant anything. Haugland also unsuccessfully fought to get delegates to the 2016 GOP convention unbound even on the first ballot, when Mr. Trump secured a large majority of the delegates due to primary victories.)

Schultz argues if an energized group of Romney supporters had grabbed vacant precinct committee member slots nationwide, Romney would have won the 2012 election due to better turnout.

Schultz says laws are different from state to state but to be a precinct committee man or woman, all the applicant has to do is get enough signatures to get on the primary election ballot, and win the primary election. In half the precincts there is no committee man or woman, so in about half the cases, a Trump man or woman could run unopposed.

(Note: Across the country, precinct committee people have the title “precinct chair” or “precinct captain.” And not 100% of such people elected. In Chicago, elected officials pick precinct committee members, which are called “precinct captains.” These are all minions of the Machine.)

What are a precinct committee member’s duties? Schultz says he or she has to attend a few county committee meetings for the party each year, prepare a mailout or a door hanger of a list of the party’s candidates and mail them out or hand-deliver them to each GOP registered voter in the precinct, call registered Republicans in the precinct and ask them to vote, and be at the ready each Election Day to get people to the polls as needed, and remind registered GOP people to vote.

Schultz says he and his people spend a little more effort convincing less likely voters to show up and vote. This swells the turnout.

Most people don’t vote in primary elections. But that is where the parties let the voters choose their candidates.

Schultz says precinct committee people don’t talk with each other as much as they should, but could do so. He said GOP leaders would prefer the precinct people not confer, which is one reason why they should do so.

One advantage of local non-establishment committee members communicating would be to get stronger local candidates. Right now the establishment picks preferred candidates, those who the Chamber of Commerce crowd like. Sometimes they do it directly thru endorsements. Other times they do it indirectly by “splitting.” Their candidate might only be good for 30% to 40% of the vote against a strong challenger, so they encourage multiple challengers to split the anti-establishment vote. The establishment candidate gets the most votes and wins the primary.

Nationally the GOP insiders tried to throw the nomination to Jeb by encouraging splitter candidates. But Trump cut the low-energy insider down. Trump then blasted Cruz, Kasich and Rubio, each of whom the elites preferred to him.

Organized precinct committee people could organize around a strong nationalist candidate, and convince the splitter candidates to stay out of the race. Or they could alert the registered Republicans in their precincts not to vote for splitters because their presence on the ballot harms real reform.

Organized precinct committee people could also research judge candidates and get GOPers to vote for good ones. In Pennsylvania, Supreme Court candidates ran in an odd year election in 2015 and the Dems got out the vote for their corrupt attorneys who wanted to wear black robes. The new Democrat majority Pennsylvania Supreme Court invalidated the state’s congressional districts, and decided to make new districts themselves, which is a usurpation of the legislature’s authority. The crooked judges’ move should take away four GOP congressmen and add four Dems to Congress, for a swing of eight votes.

Or organized precinct committee people could overthrow bad leaders and vote in better ones.

Schultz notes incumbents, even good ones, tend to oppose a shake-up to the party structure because it helps them personally. Schultz noted Plato said if good people don’t participate in politics, their inferiors will rule them.

About half of Schultz’s book is the full printed version of the US Constitution, the basic rulebook of the country.

I would have instead added more examples on what precinct committee people can do with their power. But that’s just me. Dan and I are different types of authors.

Schultz does have some examples to share that will help the serious patriot if he or she intends to reform the GOP from the bottom up.

Schultz does note that voter records, sometimes not public records but should be, are always open records to party organizations. This is one reason people of good will should become active in the precinct movement.

Schultz also notes there are computer programs politicians use to detect voters by address and by party to contact them. He lists several in his book. It’s possible paying the program fee will enable someone to bypass the law in states where voter registrations, walk lists, and the like are off limits to the public.

And Schultz gives some follow-up on-line info sources for the serious. I won’t reprint them here, but will ask you to buy and read Schultz’s book and act on his advice if actually doing something to help President Trump interests you.

Schultz’s book can help you participate in the hostile takeover of the GOP by we the people. This will speed the Second Reconstruction to a much better place.



Now I will hand off a golden oldie I got for free on the Net.

It is Phyllis Schlafly’s gem “The Most Powerful Office In The World Is NOT The President of the United States!”

Phyllis Schlafly 1924-2016 RIP, Phyllis. 

Here goes:

“Now wait a minute. Isn’t the President of the United States the leader of the Western World, the man with his hand on the nuclear trigger, the head of a ten-trillion dollar nation?

The President is, indeed, the most powerful man in the world – but the presidency is not the most powerful office in the world.

Another office is more powerful because it chooses whose names will appear on the ballot for elective office and what will be the policies of the political parties that provide the major support for those candidates. To understand why this office is so powerful, you must understand the Seven Steps of government.

To change things, you have to change the law.
Are there things about our country you want to change? Taxes? Deficits? Schools? Crime? Abortion? Gay rights? Government funding of anti-social projects? Government over-regulation of business?
Are you satisfied with the way the present Congress is raising our taxes, spending our money, and reducing our liberties?

Our Constitution makes Congress the most powerful branch of government. It can pass laws, impose taxes, and spend our money. State Legislatures are powerful, too, especially over public schools.

So, if you don’t like the present policies, what are you going to do about it? Our Constitution gives us a way to remedy laws, policies, and taxes — members of the House of Representatives in Congress and the lower house of each State Legislature must run for office every two years.

To change the laws, you have to change the people who make them.

Congress and the State Legislatures pass thousands of laws every year. No citizen or group can possibly read them all, research them to find out their effect in advance, or alert their friends to go into action with letter-writing and phone-calling. Congressmen and State Legislators who have been elected by liberal and anti-family groups will not be receptive to your messages anyway.

If you want to change the laws or taxes, you must elect representatives you can reliably count on to vote conservative and pro-family all the time.

To be elected, your candidate must be on the ballot.

How often have you voted for “the lesser of two evils” when you didn’t like either of the two candidates running for an important office? Have you ever wondered why, despite the rhetoric, both candidates seem to back the same anti-conservative, liberal and anti-family agenda? How many times is a good conservative, pro-family candidate not even on the ballot?

To get on the ballot in a general election, you have to be nominated for an office in a Party Primary Election or Convention.

The winners in the Party Primary or Convention will be the candidates who appear on the ballot in November. Except in very rare cases, all candidates must first win a Party Primary or Convention. Write-in campaigns are theoretically possible, but they rarely succeed. Third-party candidates are theoretically possible, but unless a candidate has as much money as Ross Perot, running as a third-party candidate probably won’t be successful and the votes may not even be counted or reported.

Candidates endorsed by the Party usually win the Primary Election.

Most voters don’t investigate the Primary candidates, or even find out who they are. Sometimes, many candidates run in the Primary for nomination to the same office and the voters are confused. Only a small minority of Americans vote in Primary elections. One of the reasons for the small turnout in Primary elections (in addition to voter apathy) is that you usually must declare yourself a member of one Party or another in order to vote in the Primary. Primary Election rules vary from state to state, but in most states, in order to vote in a Primary you either have to pre-register as a Republican or a Democrat OR ask for a Republican or a Democratic Party ballot on Primary Election day.

Most Americans don’t want to do that. The result is that persons nominated to be the “Republican candidates” on the ballot in the general election are chosen by those who are willing to declare themselves “Republican” in the Primary or Convention that selects the nominees.

Sometimes the Party organization actually “endorses” candidates in the Primary Election. Many voters who don’t know much about the candidates vote for the “endorsed” candidate just because they are disposed to support that Party’s candidate.

Primary endorsements are often made by the Party’s “County Committee” (or Township Committee, etc.), which is elected by the Precinct Committeemen of the Party. Each political party has national state, county, township, and (in the big cities) ward organizations (usually called committees or central committees). The county and township committees frequently endorse candidates in the Primary, and that endorsement is often the key to a Primary victory.

The county chairman and the county central committee (or executive committee) are elected every two years (usually) by the Precinct Committeemen (sometimes called Precinct Chairmen) who, in turn, are elected in their individual precincts. Thus, the Chairman of the Madison County Republican Central Committee is elected at a county convention of the more than 200 Madison County Republican Precinct Committeemen who were themselves elected on the ballot in the previous Primary Election.

It’s not necessary to have a majority of Precinct Committeemen to influence the endorsement process. In a typical county, some will be liberals and some conservatives, but the majority will be Party Regulars who are interested in patronage and power, not issues. They can be influenced to support your candidate if you can persuasively show that he has a good chance to win. For Party Regulars, winning is the name of the game.

It’s easy to be elected a Precinct Committeeman.

The way you get elected a Precinct Committeeman is usually very simple. In a typical state, you can call your county clerk and get the necessary forms, get ten of your friends to sign a Petition requesting that you be on the ballot in the Primary as a candidate for Precinct Committeeman, and file the Petition by the required date. Then you walk around your precinct, knock on one door after another, and say, “I would appreciate it if you would vote for me for Precinct Committeeman. You will find me on the Republican ballot in the Primary election on Tuesday, _______________.” If you win you are the elected Precinct Committeeman for your precinct.

Of course, if your precinct already has a good Precinct Committeeman who is doing his job, he may not take kindly to you as an upstart and he may defeat you. You should find out the situation before making your decision.

However, a typical county may have dozens of precincts without any Precinct Committeeman because no one has bothered to run. It is sometimes easy to be appointed to one of these positions by calling your Party Chairman. Many precincts have do-nothing Committeemen who can easily be defeated because they don’t do their job.

Ellen McCormack, virtually the Last Honorable Democrat. The New York woman ran for president on a pro-life platform in 1976. She participated in debates and finished fourth in delegate votes. She got more votes at the convention whose people selected Jimmy Carter than several candidates who spent much more money.


To change things, we must change the laws.
To change the laws, we must change the people who make them.
To get elected, your candidate must be on the ballot.
To get on the November ballot you must win the Primary.
To win the Primary, you must get the support of people who make endorsements in the Primary, who reliably vote in the Primary, and who get out the vote of others in the Primary. Those people are the Precinct Committeemen.

Therefore, Precinct Committeeman is the most powerful office in the world because Precinct Committeemen determine who gets the chance to be elected to office at every level of government. Remember, if your candidate is not on the ballot, he will not be elected.

Party rules and titles vary widely from state to state, but usually the two parties in a given state use the same system. Where “Republican” is used, “Democratic” can be substituted. The term “Committeeman” is an office, not a person, so it can be a he or a she.

Duties of the Precinct Committeeman

The Precinct Committeeman is the person who is legally charged with getting out the vote on election day. If he does his job well, he will ring the doorbell of every household in the precinct and ask polite questions to find out the Party and other political views of every voter. (That’s called canvassing.) Then, before each election, the Precinct Committeeman will personally deliver campaign literature (such as a marked sample ballot) to every voter who is expected to vote for your Party or candidate. Then the Precinct Committeeman makes sure that all his voters get to the polls on election day. This is the way elections are won.

Powers of the Precinct Committeeman

Friendly access to neighbors. Most people are eager to know more about their government and the people who run it. When you introduce yourself as their “Republican Precinct Committeeman,” they assume you have something to say. You can provide them with information on candidates and issues. Of course, you don’t waste your time on those who would rather get their information from the Precinct Committeeman of the other Party.

Respect from elected officials. Since a Precinct Committeeman represents, on average, 500 voters, and has the power to vote for other Party officials and to make endorsements of candidates, any call or letter from a Precinct Committeeman gets the attention of elected officials.

Launching pad for other offices. You would be amazed at how many of our Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, and state and local officials started as Precinct Committeemen, and still serve as Precinct Committeemen even though they hold a higher elected office. That’s because they know the power of a Precinct Committeeman.

Direct influence over Party Platform, policies, and selection of candidates. At state, district, county, and township caucuses and conventions, the Precinct Committeeman is an active player. He can have a tremendous influence on the adoption of the Party Platform and policies, support of or opposition to issues, and selection of candidates.”

Phyllis Schlafly gives Donald Trump advice and encouragement, weeks before she died in 2016 at the age of 92. She was active to the end of her life.


Phyllis Schlafly was one of those Rosie the Riveters who worked as a weapons tester during World War Two. She eventually raised six children and earned a law degree. She helped defeat the feminist “Equal Rights Amendment” nonsense, helped elect Ronald Reagan to the Presidency, and in the last weeks of her life, helped make it possible for Donald Trump to secure the GOP nomination.


Why do we have the candidates we have?

Democrats, like Communists, know where power lies and instinctively plot to take it. Why? For most Democrat operatives, politics is a profession. Crappy lawyers, teachers, and union functionaries can gain income as office holders. By comparison, until recently, most GOP candidates were business people who wanted to serve, not camp out at the trough. They didn’t fight as hard to stay there. They have money, and they don’t personally need the hassle.

Donald Trump has turned the present political system on its ear.

Mr. Trump has more brains and testosterone than the leaders of both parties combined. He was a builder, a producer, a negotiator, and a winner long before he ran for the Presidency. His successes and failures in private life have prepared him to dominate other world leaders, and drag the GOP, kicking and screaming, forward to actually help the people instead of work bipartisanly with the Democrats to cheat the people.

Shockingly, Trump is exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind. A success who would lend his talents to the betterment of the nation. You heard it here.




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