• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rapists and Politicians; Rapists and Alcoholics Anonymous

May13/ 2018

Before we get started, let me wish all of you moms, starting with my lovely wife 99, a Happy Mother’s Day.

Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist, Hannah the mother of Samuel, the mother who died a martyr with her seven sons per the Second Book of Maccabees, Helena the mother of Constantine, Monica the mother of Augustine, and so many other women throughout history made it possible for the world to improve by being great mothers to children.

Your sons and daughters might not be remembered in history books, but the good they do in their communities is a tribute to the sound example you gave them, moms.

The selfless love of mothers holds the fabric of civilization together.


After I turned 50, some younger people asked me what I was thinking. I said I was thinking of my Mom, struggling to give birth to me in the wee hours of the night 50 years earlier, and all the work she did to raise my brothers and sisters and me. (Libby, aka Elizabeth Liberty, one of my sisters, died as a very little girl …. but I count her too.) I said I was also thinking of my Dad, who worked so hard to support all of us and who was tough and honorable.



Now to the learning topic for today — checking on workers and volunteers. We have a page on the website for doing background checks. But people refuse to check and get rudely surprised.

Alabama judge Sue Bell Cobb, a Democrat candidate for governor of that state, is wetting herself today because one of her campaign workers is a convicted rapist who was caught violating sex offender address notification and keeping distance from children laws.

I copied this article from the 5/12/2018 AL.com website so you can read for yourself how leftist judges and other leftist politicians cover for vicious rapists.

“A paid staffer working on former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb’s gubernatorial campaign resigned on Friday, one day after he was charged by authorities for violating the state’s sex offender registration and notification act.

Cobb, on Saturday following a Democratic governor’s forum in Mobile, told AL.com that she “accepted” the resignation of Paul Littlejohn III, who was released from prison in 2014 after serving 30 years for a rape and sodomy offense in 1984.

But Cobb continued to defend Littlejohn’s character, while criticizing his arrest as “politically motivated.” Littlejohn had been serving as Cobb campaign’s Jefferson County field director.

(Jefferson County is the keyest county in Alabama. It is where Birmingham and its suburbs are.)

“It’s as politically motivated of a charge as I’ve seen,” Cobb said, noting that the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is headed up by a Republican Sheriff Mike Hale. “Why? The Republicans don’t want to run against Sue Bell Cobb. Governor Ivey doesn’t want to run against Sue Bell Cobb. They found that as an opportunity to take advantage of information that had been sent out into the public forum.”

Sue Bell Cobb is a sow who refers to herself in the third person.


She said an arrest warrant was issued after she held a news conference defending Littlejohn’s character after news reports surfaced about his background.

Cobb also said that the Littlejohn first learned about the charges by a TV news reporter.

“A reporter called him,” she said. “Does that sound right to you? No that doesn’t sound right.”

(Comment: Cobb is a lying pig. Her solid man Littlejohn knew he was breaking the law by not registering his address properly and by being around children at a church daycare center.)

Cobb added, “I know there are people who are concerned. But it’s based on false information that was put into the public forum by people wanting to make sure that I’m not elected.”

Randy Christian, chief deputy with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, said Littlejohn was arrested for “breaking the law” by a sheriff’s investigator.

“He (the investigator) was doing his job, plain and simple, and doing it well,” Christian said in a statement to AL.com. “How sad that a candidate for governor supports a convicted sex offender over sexual assault victims.”

Said Christian: “She also apparently doesn’t support law enforcement doing the difficult job of ensuring through compliance of the sex offender registration law that no other victim comes in harm’s way. That is the sole reason for the law’s creation.”

He added, “It’s not just shameful, it’s disgusting desperation on her part. If I’m reading this right, she wanted us to just look the other way. If she has any integrity left, she will apologize to law enforcement [and] sexual assault victims and ask for forgiveness.”

Littlejohn turned himself in to Jefferson County authorities on Thursday after charges were filed that he had been working as a pastor at Greater Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, which operates a day care [center] and is near a school.

Cobb said Littlejohn is a church volunteer. “This was his church. He was an associate, an unpaid volunteer minister,” she said.

In 1984, Paul Littlejohn made a fateful decision, participating in a heinous crime for which he agreed to serve 30 years. Today, his company plays a key role in Judge Sue Bell Cobb’s gubernatorial campaign and provides jobs for more than a dozen citizens.

She also referenced media statements made by the church’s pastor, Michael Wesley, who told ABC 33/40 in Birmingham, that Littlejohn is one of 32 associate ministers who has not violated state law.

(Hey, Preach. Bearing false witness is against one of the commandments. Just sayin’.)

Littlejohn, a registered sex offender, is prohibited from working or living within 2,000 feet of a daycare centers or schools, and violating that provision is a felony.

Cobb said that Littlejohn was not assigned to “knocking on doors” for her campaign. Instead, she said he was a paid worker who managed a team of volunteers who “knocked on 30,000 doors in Jefferson County.”

“I’m convinced people will see through this and understand that I believe in redemption,” said Cobb. “I’m a judge. I’ve put a lot of people in jail. I’ve let a lot of people out. I am the victim of crime. But I believe in redemption and my faith forms that and I believe in rehabilitation.”

Cobb has called Littlejohn “the picture of redemption,” but Alabama sex offender laws prevent him from being close to underage youths.

Alabama’s sex offender laws are considered among the most stringent in the nation, according to the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws, which has criticized national sex offender registries for pursuing petty offenses.

(My two cents? National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws are scumbags.)

Cobb added, “What are we going to tell our folks in prison? Not to worry? That you are serving a sentence and will serve it forever? It’s not right for public safety and it’s not right for any of us who truly believe in equality and in the power of redemption.”

(Then make rape a life sentence so the dirtbags don’t have to worry about violating parole.)

Since Littlejohn’s release in 2014, he has worked for two Democratic campaigns: Randall Woodfin’s victory in last year’s Birmingham mayoral election, and for the Doug Jones campaign ahead of his win in last year’s special Alabama Senate election.

A representative for the Jones campaign said late Saturday that they do not have any records of Littlejohn working for the campaign, and that he was not paid for campaign-related work.

(So did you pay the rapist under the table to break campaign finance reporting laws? Or are you just a lousy liar?)

Cobb said Littlejohn came “highly recommended,” but added that she isn’t aware of “any campaign that does background checks” of its workers.

“The number of recommendations I received on his behalf, you wouldn’t believe,” said Cobb. “But the point is that those people (who recommended Littlejohn) believe in redemption. People should be outraged of what has happened on this.”

Former state Rep. James Fields of Cullman, one of Cobb’s Democratic primary opponents, also said on Saturday that he’s met Littlejohn before and “loved him to death.”

Fields walked back statements his campaign made Thursday in which he said he was “deeply troubled” to learn a convicted and unregistered sex offender was a member of Cobb’s campaign staff.

“We put a statement our rather hastily and it’s a statement that should not have gone out,” said Fields. “We weren’t trying disparage (Cobb). She’s running an above-board campaign and an honorable campaign.”

Fields said he believed that Littlejohn’s arrest may have been politically motivated.

“Someone shared with me that they arrested (Littlejohn) and that it was a Republican sheriff,” said Fields. “It’s like cannibalism. I’m very disappointed in that.”

Cobb has disqualified herself by opening her very fat mouth.

Fields is also soiled. Comparing police busting rapists who lurk around children and lie about their whereabouts to cannibals shows he is the human equivalent of used toilet paper.



Now for another case from my files.

I got a call from a woman who worked with Alcoholics Anonymous people. She was irate because she said she thought someone who was volunteering to drive girls to and from their meetings was a convicted rapist.

I ran a check on the suspect. He came back as a convict for multiple child rapes. I said, “He’s a scumbag child rapist.”

She said the people at AA said it was wrong for her to out this volunteer. I said I would come up with a way to help her get rid of this convicted serial child molester.

So 99, who heard our phone call, said, “This is easy. Find out where AA meets in the area and notify the people who own the meeting places they could be sued if Chester the Molester rapes a girl in connection with any meeting on their property.”


As usual, 99 was right. So I called the woman back and got her to send me a list of all meeting places for AA in her part of the state.

Then I wrote up a flyer explaining to the property holders of these places what their risks are.

Then I put the flyers in envelopes addressed to the property holders, mailed them to a friend in the area, and he put them in the mail so the envelopes would have a local postmark.

Some of the meeting place people dropped AA meetings, or forced AA to check on people in their circles so they wouldn’t be bringing sex offenders onto their property.

Those in and around 12-step programs have a term “13th Step.” This means a person who is not an addict or one who has been in the program a long time hits on vulnerable newbies for sex. In fact, actress Monica Richardson did a documentary about these sleazes called “The 13th Step.”

AA is no better than anyone else. If they shield rapists, they need to be hammered flat.

Following is the text of the flyer I wrote. Feel free to use it as a template if you need to do something similar.


You have gotten this mailing because you are good-hearted and intent on helping poor souls with their struggles. That’s why you have opened your hearts and your church facilities to Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous or another such 12-step program. Unfortunately, no good deed ever goes unpunished.

There are disturbing trends within the legal system and within the sex offender community you should consider.

Judges and prosecutors are in some cases ordering or suggesting sex offenders involve themselves in AA or NA, because they are 12-step programs. In some instances, this comes from the misguided hope any 12-step program can give sex offenders guidance, or because there is no specific program for released sex offenders in the area.

Problem is, sex offenders cannot be helped by AA or NA.

That’s not what AA or NA or similar groups’ missions are.

The leaders of 12-step groups should be able to recognize those with sexual compulsions and weed them out of their groups for this very reason.

Another reason is the presence of sexual compulsives interferes with the healthy functioning of addiction-fighting groups not geared toward helping those who are compulsive sexually.

A growing number of sex offenders are attaching themselves as volunteers to 12-step groups. Sex offenders prey upon those weaker than them. Drug and alcohol addicts are broken and vulnerable. They need friendship and direction.

Sex offenders are good con artists. They pose as helpful and caring friends. They evaluate how far they can steer a broken young woman, girl or boy, with the intent of sexually abusing these victims. Some want to find someone willing to give sex out of a sense of obligation or fear of rejection or some other reason related to the brokenness of the victim.

These “volunteers” offer friendship, “mentoring,” rides to counseling sessions, and other services designed to put the intended victims into emotional obligation. Since sexual predator “volunteers” are sober, they are not fighting addiction or trying to revamp their way of thinking. Sexual predators have the advantage of being far more in control emotionally and mentally than those they target.

There is an unpleasant secret about some 12-step people. There are some “13th steppers” among them. A “13th stepper” is a sober addict with experience targeting rookie members for sex. There’s info about this predation available.

Are 12-step programs perverse? Of course not. But they are composed of imperfect human beings. And since there is a lot of anonymity in and around such groups, sex offenders can lurk like reptiles until it is time to strike.

If you read the letters of sex offenders and other felons seeking sentence reductions, they are masters at manipulating even judges and prosecutors into believing they have changed or were overpunished for what they did. A little trust, a second chance, the opportunity to live a proper life, and even some indignation at the terms of the punishment all are themes of sex offenders’ communications with authority.

You and your church don’t intend harm. Bt if those who come onto your property with your permission sexually or physically harm others, your intentions won’t matter to a personal injury attorney. What matters to the lawsuit-filing lawyer and the law is that a bad individual who came onto your premises with your OK raped or took advantage of a child or a teen or a young woman he found at your facility. Your church can be on the hook for many thousands of dollars of damages and/or legal fees, even if you prevail in court.

What can you do?

Keep others off your premises when 12-step groups meet.

Be alert to who is coming on your church premises in and around these groups. As desired, obtain a list of people and contact numbers. Car licenses too. Cleveland House Rapist Ariel Castro and other sex offenders have used false-tagged cars to prowl.

Check the sex offender registry. Enclosed is a page on an actual serial sexual predator who has raped children. His name is Scott Dietz Dietz did 13 years in prison for repeatedly raping his two pre-school age daughters. He also confessed to, but was not punished for molesting his little kid sister and two much younger girl cousins.

Child rapist Scott Dietz and prosecutor pig Jean Workman Dietz at amusement park crawling with kids. Great judgment, you scumbags. She serviced him willingly after he made his preschool age children by his first wife fellate him. Classy move, sow. I took this photo off Jean’s Facebook page. Here at Sherlock Justice, we show you how to gather evidence.


His current wife Jean Workman aka Jean Dietz was an agent of Summit County Ohio Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh, who knew about the liaison but did nothing about it. Jean’s prosecutor office status didn’t keep her from finding, living with, and marrying a serial child predator. Prosecutor people and others in Summit County government covered for him.

Ask 12-step group leaders what they are doing to screen their members for sexual crimes and other violent crimes. You have the right to protect your own members and other guests on your premises.

Advise and demand judges and prosecutors not to compel sex offenders to enroll in any 12-step program that is not geared toward curing sexual compulsion.

If you and your members and leaders are not satisfied with the 12-step group’s screening or empathy for your concerns about the safety of your members at their own church, you are under no obligation to continue to provide them with free help. (Nor do you have to rent space to them.)

Besides, in most cases, sexual predators must stay away from children and schools as a condition of freedom.

You and other church members do not have the obligations and “trust building” to go through that 12-step program members do. Your job is to protect your women, children, and other vulnerable people in your faith community from people who come on to your premises who mean harm.

God bless you in your work and in you lives.”



Memorial Day is near. Here are some events to recharge your love of country:

Wright Patterson Air Force Base’s National Museum of the US Air Force, near Dayton, Ohio, is putting the Memphis Belle on display. This B-17 bomber made history in the skies over Europe in World War Two. Opening celebration is this weekend, May 17-19. Call the museum at (937) 255-3286 for info. Sometime this summer 99 and I will check it out.

Saukville, Wisconsin’s Pioneer Village hosts an event called “The Forgotten Front of Europe: The Mediterranean” on May 19. Call Ozaukee County Pioneer Village at (262) 377-4510 for info.


Planes in flight and re-enactors. Photos by author, Reading, PA, 2012.


Reading, PA’s Mid Atlantic Air Museum plays host to a wonderful World War Two air show and army show June 1, 2, and 3. See their website for details. 99 and I were at this clambake a couple of years ago, and enjoyed ourselves immensely.

Saturdays until June 2, there is a World War Two event in Gettysburg, PA. Call the Gettysburg Tour Center at (877) 680-8687 for details.

Fredericksburg, Texas hosts a World War Two Pacific Combat event May 26 and 27. This is an epic re-enactment of island hopping warfare against a horrible enemy. Call the National Museum of the Pacific War at (830) 997-8600 for info.

Stockton, California’s Municipal Airport hosts a “Bomber Crew Training Program” May 30 and May 31. Training and flight in a bomber – WOW! Call (800) 568-8924 for info.

Most of the above are courtesy of the magazine “America in World War II.” Great mag!



Finally, the ultimate patriot – Joan of Arc – was murdered by being burned alive May 30, 1429. I remember when Memorial Day was on her day of death, which was sadly appropriate. Joan was a patriot, a military leader, and a victim of treachery and rape.

Joan’s mother Isabelle D’Arc was able to get the false and shameful verdict against her daughter overturned a generation later. The transcripts of the trial that condemned her and the trial that cleared her name are two of the most sinister public records of all time. Mark Twain had them translated from Latin into English to write the historical novel “Joan of Arc” – which he published in 1896. Regine Pernoud, the national archivist of France, used these records to write “Joan of Arc,” “Joan of Arc and Her Witnesses,” and “The Retrial of Joan of Arc” in the late 1900s.

Two lessons come out of this.

One is that preserving the public record is crucial to knowing the truth, securing justice, and avoiding mistakes and crimes. Mark Twain and Regine Pernoud, the formidable French writer, understood this well. Twain also helped US Grant with his incredibly good memoirs.

The other is about the love and constancy of a good mother. Joan was dead a generation, but this didn’t stop her redoubtable mother from petitioning the Pope and the authorities of France to have her daughter cleared of the unjust verdict and horrible lies told about her.

A good mother never abandons her children. No person will love you unconditionally better than she.

Again, God bless you mothers!




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