• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025

What Trump Haters in Media Helped You Miss Recently

May11/ 2018

Here’s some stories you may have missed recently if you depend upon the Trump haters in the media — the  lunatic mainstream news organizations — for your info:



The corruptocrats of the FBI admit a criminal gang used drones to spy on them while they were involved in a hostage situation. This meant the criminal gang kept the hostage. The FBI would not say where the event took place, or if they were later able to rescue the victim. So we must conclude they were unprepared and the hostage is either still a captive or is dead.

Why didn’t they use shotguns to shoot down the drones? Or lasers to scramble them?


The FBI has spent too much time spying on Donald Trump and other patriots, and not enough time on basic crime fighting. They have crapped their drawers on 9/11, the Pulse Nightclub shooting, the San Bernardino Shooting, the Boston Marathon Bombing, and the Fort Hood Shooter, for starters.

The FBI is viciously suppressing the truth about the Las Vegas shooters. Yes, shooters. As in more than one, in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, operated by Moslem-friendly management. Was it yet another FBI/BATF sting gone wrong, like the Oklahoma City Bombing?

Are you aware the FBI was kept out of the Al Capone case?

President Hoover snubbed his namesake J. Edgar Hoover and instead tapped the Treasury Department to take out the evil mob boss. Using a ledger seized in a raid on one of Capone’s businesses, tax agent Frank Wilson put together a tax evasion case against Scarface. Meanwhile T-man Eliot Ness and his Untouchables raided Capone distilleries. They smashed or seized alcohol making equipment and alcohol, cutting down on the crime boss’ income and diverting his attention away from Wilson. Eventually they brought Capone to trial in front of Judge James Wilkerson, who switched out a tampered jury to stop Capone’s crooked plan to beat the prosecution.


Billionaire seditionist and Holocaust profiter George Soros is spending money to elect leftist attorneys as county prosecutors to thwart law enforcement. He is also spending on a group who uses his money to hide illegals from the federales. How thoughtfu

From the 2/8/2018 Daily Caller:

“Soros has repeatedly backed left-wing district attorney candidates with massive donations typically only seen in gubernatorial, congressional or presidential campaigns. Soros spent more than $9 million on local DA races in 2015-2017 alone, allowing the New York resident to influence local criminal justice policies all across the country.

Politico, a left-of-center publication, said (8/30/2016) Soros spent $3 million on seven candidates in 2016.

Philly.com on 3/23/2018 reported, “Not so long ago, civil rights lawyer Larry Krasner’s platform in the Philadelphia Democratic primary would have seemed an unlikely winner. Stop seeking death sentences? No imprisonment for people who can’t make bail? Ignore low-level drug crimes?

But prosecutors have increasingly won election on just such promises of reform across the country in the last couple of years, thanks to a political sea change in voter attitudes toward crime and justice — and big infusions of outside cash from liberal billionaire George Soros.

The hedge-fund tycoon has spent about $10 million since 2015 to back progressive candidates for prosecutor in places as diverse as Chicago, Orlando, Houston, and Shreveport, La., through a network of affiliated super PACs, according to campaign finance reports.

“Mr. Soros has been a longtime advocate of criminal justice reform and ending mass incarceration,” his spokesman, Michael Vaccine, said last week. “District attorneys have a tremendous amount of influence and leverage as change agents.”

Fox News (5/3/2018) reported the following:

“Billionaire investor George Soros is reportedly funding a smartphone app to help illegal immigrants avoid federal immigration authorities.

The group behind the app, Notifica (Notify), is called United We Dream and was founded by an organization that receives funding from U.S. taxpayers.

“This app is pretty outrageous,” Judicial Watch Director of Research Chris Farrell told FOX Business’ Lou Dobbs on Thursday. “It provides notice to their friends and family, it alerts their attorney.”

Users of the app can set up automated alerts that warn them of an encounter a family member, lawyer or others may have with an immigration enforcement official.”

Eric Schneiderman — Open Borders and Disgraced Degenerate “Slavemaster” AG, Funded by Soros


Leftist local prosecutors in Soros’ pockets can ignore prosecuting illegals, organized crime figures, masked Klan-like Antifa criminals, rapists, and others who pose a threat to society. They can hamstring police to the extent the cops don’t make many arrests and more people get beaten, robbed, raped, and murdered. And these crooked prosecutors can file suits against President Trump and the legislatures and governors of their states.

Why isn’t Soros being extradited to Russia or Hungary or Romania or some other nation with harsher penalties for sedition than America?



Disgraced and fired former FBI chief James Comey has hired a lawyer best known for defending Michigan State University officials’ roles in the sexual molestation of more than a hundred girls. How apt of him. Per the Daily Caller (4/25/2018):

“Former FBI Director James Comey hired the lawyer who represented Michigan State University in its investigation into shamed sports doctor Larry Nassar to join his legal team.

(Patrick) Fitzgerald and Comey have been “close friends” for over three decades. The pair cut their teeth together in the 1980s in the Southern District of New York’s U.S. Attorney’s Office and knew each other before that. Comey’s child even has the honor of calling Fitzgerald ‘godfather.’”

Here’s the skinny on that case, if you missed it.

Patrick Fitzgerald, the lawyer MSU hired to “investigate” their leaders, “earned” his fee by duly claiming with a straight face he investigated but could only conclude top MSU officials were unaware of what sports doctor Larry Nassar was doing to girls in his care on their campus. In other words, the Moe Howard defense: “We were not crooks, we were stooges.”

Nice try, shyster. MSU’s dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Title IX people and the campus police knew about the case. Only the campus cops took it seriously enough to bring it to the attention of the local prosecutor, who folded. Michigan State is a power in that twerp’s county. Most prosecutors are not brave enough to take on a power.

The victims charged Fitzgerald never contacted them.

Fitzgerald has already shared his “opinion” with Michigan’s attorney general. He will probably not get far with that line in the civil case more than 150 of the girls and young women have filed against Nassar and MSU and USA gymnastics.

Nassar drew a 60-year sentence for child pornography in late 2017. He drew a 40 to 175-year sentence in early 2018 for all the child molesting he committed. Schools are very dangerous places for girls and for all too many boys, due to sex offenders on the staffs who get protection from their peers and their bosses.

The case has cost $10 million to MSU, errr, the taxpayers so far. MSU officials corrupted local law enforcers enough that a number of MSU people and deserving Democrats in the county need to see prison time.

Gretchen Whitmer, now a Democrat candidate for governor of Michigan, became Ingham County prosecutor in 2016 when Stuart Dunnings III left office. Why? Stewie was using prostitutes and was otherwise criminally misusing his authority. Dunnings had to do some jail time in another county for his crimes.

Gretchen inherited the Nassar sex offenses cases. But she balked at wanting to prosecute him for the sex offenses, said Michigan State campus police chief Jim Dunlap. He said she wanted to go with the easier-to-prove child pornography case against the MSU doctor.

Dunlap took both cases out of Gretchen’s hands for two very solid legal reasons, and an even better underlying reason.

Chief Dunlap turned evidence on the child pornography case over to the feds because federal sentencing for child pornography convictions is tougher than what Whitmer as a county prosecutor could get on Nassar in the Michigan state court system.

Dunlap turned over his cops’ sex offense investigation work to the state attorney general. The state attorney general, Bill Schuette, took jurisdiction of the sex offense case against Nassar because Nassar reportedly committed a few sex offenses at his home in Eaton County. Eaton County is next to Ingham County, where he did almost all of his molesting in Michigan. (This doesn’t count the molestations Nassar committed on US Olympic team female gymnasts in the US and around the globe.) It is customary in Michigan for the state attorney general to handle cases involving persons with offenses in multiple counties.

Police chiefs don’t make a habit of cutting off their county prosecutors. But MSU top cop Dunlap pushed Ms. Whitmer, a MSU grad, out of the way, probably because he didn’t trust her. In my opinion, he thought she would let Nassar walk on the sex offense charges, or offer him a plea deal with much less punishment than he deserved, or make some move that would be more self-serving than just.

Ironically, Schuette is seeking the GOP nomination for Michigan governor. He may or may not be qualified for the job. However, he will probably make a better governor than Gretchen Whitmer. In my opinion, Gretchen Whitmer is an attention whore.

Patrick Fitzgerald tried to cover up for Michigan State’s molesters and enablers. James Comey is a sleaze not much better than a serial child molester. They deserve each other.



While the FBI has been taking incoming fire (justifiably so), other federal agents – those with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) – had some troubles keeping track of their pieces. Per the 4/2/2018 Daily Caller:

“More than 23 firearms issued for Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
agents were either or lost or stolen, a government watchdog reported Monday.

A total of 26 weapons were reported lost, stolen or missing between 2014 and 2017, though three were lost or stolen during shipment, including one that was used in a crime, according to the Department of Justice’s inspector general (IG). Of the 26, agents recovered 15.

IG Horowitz noted that the number of guns lost during those years was “a substantial improvement” compared to what auditors found in 2008.

The IG did not indicate what kind of crime the stolen revolver was used in, but indicated that ATF determined that the firearm was properly stored in a gun safe at the time of the theft. The weapon was recovered during a search warrant and the responsible agent was cleared of wrongdoing.

(Comment: Someone stole it or lost it so someone else could use it in a crime. The BATFags are still in the wrong, like the Coward County Sheriff and his pussy deputies.)

ATF didn’t fire any agents for having their firearms lost or stolen, though one retired after a revolver in his care was “thrown in a landfill.” The gun was not recovered. Government officials frequently retire when eligible during investigations to avoid termination and to keep their benefits.

Most of the agents faced suspensions, though they were usually for five days or less, while three agents received other forms of discipline, such as counseling.”

(What a joke. Will Rogers used to say, “There are men running governments who shouldn’t be allowed to play with matches.” The BATFags fit that.)

Brian Terry. RIP

This doesn’t count the 2000 or so weapons that got into Mexican criminals’ hands, thanks to the BATFags when Obama was president. One of our little brown brothers used a government welfare weapon to murder agent Brian Terry. Those weapons weren’t lost; the Obama administration stole them and let murderous foreigners have them.



Will Rogers might have been thinking of judges too. The Daily Caller (3/31/2018) reported a New York judge got busted for stealing a young woman’s underwear from her residence while she was home.

“Long Island judge Robert Cicale, accused of breaking into his old intern’s house and stealing her dirty underwear, pleaded not guilty to burglary charges as well…

“He was found to be in possession with soiled female undergarments that we believe were either proceeds of this burglary or a prior burglary,” Suffolk County Acting Police Commissioner Stuart Cameron said Thursday.

The woman reportedly spotted Cicale leaving her house and called her mother and the police. Police picked up Cicale a few blocks from the house where he was carrying a pair of dirty underwear.

Cicale claimed the underwear they found on him was from another time he had broken into her home. He also admitted he had broken into her home before.”

Authorities have suspended him from the bench while his dirty laundry is in public view.



A New Jersey school superintendent may have read the above story and said, “Hold my beer.” Per Fox News 5//3/2018:

“A New Jersey schools superintendent was arrested Monday when officials discovered he had been defecating on a high school football field “on a daily basis,” police said.

Thomas Tramaglini, 42, was charged with lewdness, littering and defecating in public, police said Thursday. The Kenilworth schools superintendent was arrested after surveillance video caught him in the act on Holmdel High School’s football field.

Authorities began hunting for the “mystery pooper” after Holmdel High School staff and coaches for football and track reported finding human feces on or near the field nearly every day.

Tramaglini was arrested while running on the athletic field’s track just before 6 a.m. Monday, NJ.com reported.

Tramaglini took a paid leave of absence after his arrest.

“We learned of municipal court charges facing our current superintendent of schools in Holmdel, NJ. Given the nature of those charges, he asked for and was granted a paid leave of absence,” according to a Wednesday message posted on the Facebook page for Kenilworth Public Schools. The district said unpaid leave would only occur “in the face of indictments or tenure charges.”

The superintendent makes $147,504 a year. He was named superintendent of Kenilworth schools after his predecessor Scott Taylor resigned in August 2015.”

Teachers and administrators do crappy jobs or worse and get paid leave. They know their undeserved “rights.” You in the private sector get fired. This is a clear reason why we must severely clip “educators’” contract perks.



You must check on the pervs who work for your local schools and have control of your children.

Here’s a story from the Princeton (NJ) Patch (5/7/2018) proving why:

Two teacher union bosses in New Jersey have been suspended after undercover cameras portrayed them appearing to make insensitive remarks about student beatings and other controversial incidents that may not have even happened, according to reports.


The controversial videos were posted Project Veritas, which has been accused of publishing videos and editing them in a way so they promote a conservative agenda. The New Jersey Education Association has accused the group of promoting falsehoods.

(Note: This is the Princeton Patch’s way of attacking the messenger. The New Jersey Education Association, in my opinion, is a racketeering influenced corrupt organization.)

(Democrat New Jersey governor Phil) Murphy did note the group’s reputation and said he’d like to see the tapes “unedited.” But even in their current form, he said, they are “pretty unacceptable.”

The NJEA also released a statement saying it does not condone “the abuse or mistreatment of children or the failure to properly report allegations of abuse.”

To ensure that appropriate practices are followed, the NJEA is commissioning an independent review of the practices of its local affiliates and staff.

A Hamilton Township, Mercer County school employee has been suspended after a hidden camera showed him appearing to say he would not report an incident of a teacher beating a student, according to nj.com.

In the Hamilton Township video, a Veritas employee posing as the sister-in-law of a fictitious middle school teacher talks to a man identified as Hamilton Township Education Association President David R. Perry.

In the video, Perry and the Veritas employee appear to talk about what steps would be taken if the student reported what the district says was a fictitious incident of assault. Hamilton Township Superintendent Scott Rocco released a statement saying the “individual” was suspended, according to nj.com.

“Any allegations of an individual taking actions to circumvent this core mission are not only disheartening, but they are also inappropriate and unacceptable,” Rocco said. “We as a school district do not accept these actions and will take every measure possible to assure our students are safe. Once notified of this video, our district took immediate action and opened an investigation into the comments. We have also alerted the authorities.”

The Union City teachers union president also has been suspended after the release of an undercover video that shows her denigrating some of the city’s students, according to nj.com. In the video, she seems to suggest that a teacher not report that he hurt a student.

In the Union City incident, Kathleen Valencia, president of the Union City Education Association, has been suspended after she was confronted in a video by a woman working for Project Veritas, according to nj.com. The woman poses as the sister of a Union City teacher who is worried about losing his job for injuring a student.

“The kid’s fine,” Valencia says in the video. “The kid’s not hurt.”

“I know dirtbags. I have taught the dirtbags. They have a whole dirtbag class at the high school. I have taught the dirtbag class,” she also appears to say.”

The New Jersey teachers union people got off light. An investigation of sex offense charges against their membership would be revealing.

Project Veritas found similar school scumbags in several states.



Two people as low or lower than teachers who abuse children are the Clintons. Recently it came out Hillary took money from a sex slave cult that was not Moslem.

Per World Net Daily (3/27/2018):

“It’s a bizarre and twisted tale of brainwashed sex “slaves” who were branded with a leader’s initials on their private parts – and top executives of the secretive group in upstate New York reportedly pumped thousands of dollars into Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Keith Raniere, co-founder of NXIVM, was arrested Monday in Mexico and extradited to the U.S., where he is being charged with sex trafficking. He appeared in court Tuesday in Texas and signed a waiver for US Marshals to bring him back to New York.

On Tuesday, the FBI raided the Albany home of Nancy Salzman, 63, a registered nurse and hypnotist who is second in command at NXIVM.

A criminal complaint charging Raniere, 57, with sex trafficking alleges that he made female followers have sex with him and do menial chores for masters. The women were reportedly forced to stay quiet about the arrangement or they would be publicly humiliated.

According to the complaint, victims were branded in their pelvic areas with a symbol featuring Raniere’s initials. The branding was performed with a cauterizing pen.

“During the branding ceremonies, slaves were required to be fully naked, and the master would order one slave to film with the other held down the slave being branded,” the legal document states, according to CBS News.

“Investigators said that Raniere preferred exceptionally thin women, so ‘slaves’ had to stick to very low-calorie diets and document every food they ate,” CBS reported. “As punishment for not following orders, women were forced to attend classes where they were ‘forced to wear fake cow udders over their breasts while people called them derogatory names,’ or threatened with being put in cages, court papers say.”

Raniere reportedly fled the U.S. last year after the government started interviewing witnesses. Court documents say he dumped his cell phone and began using encrypted email. Authorities found him living with several women in a posh gated community in Puerta Vallarta.

“After authorities took him into custody on a U.S. warrant, investigators said that the women got into a high-speed car chase,” CBS reported.

In October 2007, then-New York Post writer Charles Hurt reported that leaders of the Albany group gave thousands to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. And Salzman, the woman whose home was reportedly raided by the FBI, is reportedly a member of the Clinton Global Initiative.

An Albany woman with the name of Nancy Salzman has also contributed nearly $1,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and $400 to the pro-abortion group Emily’s List.”

Another disgusting detail came to fore some time later. Breitbart (3/30/2018) reported:

Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack attend The CW 2006-2007 Prime Time Preview at Madison Square Garden in New York City on May 18, 2006. Michael Loccisano/ FilmMagic


“Actresses Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack (from the CW series “Smallville”) joined a secretive New York-based multi-level marketing cult — dubbed a “sex cult” — known as NXIVM (pronounced Nexium), led by a man named Keith Raniere, who allegedly tasked the two women with finding female sex slaves.

However, Kreuk apparently left the cult back in 2012 just as the group became more subversive. After Kreuk’s departure, Mack and Raniere allegedly carved their initials in burns on a sex worker’s body among other sadistic rituals.

In 2017, a substantiated New York Times report described such rituals in detail:

Each woman was told to undress and lie on a massage table, while three others restrained her legs and shoulders. According to one of them, their ‘master,’ a top NXIVM official named Lauren Salzman, instructed them to say: ‘Master, please brand me, it would be an honor.”

A female doctor [sic] proceeded to use a cauterizing device to sear a two-inch-square symbol below each woman’s hip, a procedure that took 20 to 30 minutes. For hours, muffled screams and the smell of burning tissue filled the room.

Ex-NXIVM member actress Sarah Edmondson said her branding — which she willingly received during an initiation ritual for a sorority she claims is associated with NXIVM — was “worse than childbirth.”

Ms. Mack is also facing charges of slavery and abuse.”

Fox News reported the following (4/24/2018):

When the hit show “Smallville” ended its run on air after 10 seasons in 2011, actress Allison Mack was unsure what to do next.

“I realized that I kind of grew up on a TV show and didn’t really know where to go afterwards,” Mack told Fine Magazine last year. “I was 28 and I felt not quite sure where I was going or who I was. I think that was probably the most bumpy transition.”

To help navigate that transition, Mack turned to the teachings a longtime counselor and friend Keith Raniere, the guru behind the controversial self-help organization NXIVM.

Court papers, however, say that Mack and Raniere also created a society within NXIVM called “DOS” — an acronym based on a Latin phrase that loosely translates to “Lord/Master of obedient female companions.”

Women were required to provide damaging material about their friends and family, naked photos and even sign over their assets as a condition for joining, they said. Many were branded with his initials, they said.

“Mack was both a victim and a victimizer,” Frank Parlato, NXIVM’s former publicist, told Fox News. “She was both a mastermind and Raniere’s useful idiot.”

Mack pleaded not guilty in federal court in Brooklyn on Friday after being charged with sex trafficking. She turned up in court looking unkempt and gaunt. The actress was wearing jeans, a
denim shirt and holding tissues when she appeared before a judge.

Prosecutors are accusing her of serving as a “pimp” and “slave master” for the group, allegedly using her celebrity status to convince women to join. A 2016 tweet appears to show Mack was trying to get “Harry Potter” star Emma Watson have a conversation with her about NXIVM.

During Mack’s recent court appearance, it was revealed she married “Battlestar Galactica” star Nicki Clyne (female), who was also rumored to be part of NXIVM. Clyne and Mack were spotted in Mexico when Raniere was hunted down by police and arrested at a $10,000-a-week villa they were reportedly hiding out last month.

“Mack and other … masters recruited … slaves by telling them that they were joining a women-only organization that would empower them and eradicate purported weaknesses the NXIVM curriculum taught were common in women,” prosecutors said.

Prosecutors said she required women she recruited to engage in sexual activity with Raniere, who paid Mack in return.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Moira Kim Penza said in court that “under the guise of female empowerment” Mack “starved women until they fit her co-defendant’s sexual ideal.”

The article was titled, “Allison Mack joined alleged sex cult to fill ‘a void in her life,’ ex-NXIVM member says.”

She let Raniere fill her void, all right. In the literal and wrongest way imaginable.
Miss Mack is an object lesson in why you should never listen to Hollywood advice on politics, religion, relationships, or anything else.

And Nancy Salzman, the nurse potentially involved in the branding, seems like a “Bitch of Belsen” Nazi sadist sort one would expect to be in Hillary’s camp.



Why didn’t New York Attorney General Schniederman, another Friend of Hillary, try to have Raniere and Ms. Mack busted and the cult victims freed while they were in New York?

Shysterman just got outed for calling one woman “my brown slave.” striking women during sex, threatening them with arrest if they struck him back, threatening to kill one woman if she broke it off with him, and conspiring to bogart their prescription meds. Shysterman, known for many nuisance lawsuits against President Trump in collusion with other Dem state AG s, quit his job in disgrace. Ronan Farrow, the son of Mia Farrow and (in my opinion) Frank Sinatra, who NBC muzzled, is due props for breaking this story.

Schneiderman claims he was role playing with his female victims. If there is any justice in New York, Bubba will be role-playing “Deliverance” on Shysterman in the state pen.



Meanwhile, Jeff Bezos, the Amazon robber baron, is apparently starting to emerge as a quasi slavemaster.

Multiple reports said Amazon.com workers are urinating in cans and in trash cans at work because of the intense pressure management puts on them to work quickly to ship items the mogul’s business ships. Bezos’ warehouses sound like sweatshops.

This comes after it was reported 10% of Amazon employees in Ohio are on food stamps, presumably because Amazon isn’t paying them a lot.

Quite a few Amazon.com employees in the Seattle area are possibly facing prosecution for reportedly using women for prostitution who are trafficking victims. Cops identified them by their company emails. Could the employees have internalized the ethics of top management?

Bezos also bought the Washington Post and hired 20 extra journalist to lie about President Trump in 2016. If anyone is cruising for a Labor Department beatdown, it is Bezos.

(Sources: Washington Post (5/18/2016), and Breitbart (12/26/2017, 1/8/2018, 4/16/2018, and 5/4/2018)



Moslems are moving to the US and are bringing some of the culture of their homelands with them.

Like slavery.

A 4/27/2018 Breitbart article misleadingly titled “Texas Couple Enslaved African Girl for 16 Years, Say Feds” said this:

“Federal authorities charged a North Texas couple with the forced labor of a West African girl, alleging they enslaved her in their home for more than 16 years.

The accused, Mohamed Toure, 57, and wife Denise Cros-Toure, 57, appeared in federal court Thursday. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) alleged in a complaint that Toures and others arranged for the victim, who did not speak English, to travel alone from her village in the West African Republic of Guinea to the Torres’ home Southlake, Texas, in January 2000, to work for the defendants in their home. The court documents indicated the victim’s Guinean passport showed she was five-years-old at the time.

The defendants purportedly forced the victim to toil in their home for long hours without pay. For the next 16 years, the defendants required the girl to “cook, clean, do the laundry, perform yard work, and paint, as well as care for their five children,” according to the affidavit, which also asserted that, even though the victim was close in age to the some of the Toure children, the girl was “denied her access to schooling and the other opportunities afforded to their children.”

The DOJ accused the defendants of taking away the victim’s documents, causing her to remain unlawfully in the U.S. after her visa expired. They said the Toures isolated the girl from her family and others, and abused her emotionally and physically. The affidavit portrayed the abuse as “slapping led to the use of a belt, which then led to the use of an electrical cord to strike her,” according to KDFW.

The victim apparently escaped in August 2016 with the help of several former neighbors, according to the DOJ.

The couple’s attorney, Scott Palmer …. also confirmed to WFAA that Mohamed Toure is the son of Ahmed Sekou Toure, the first president of the Republic of Guinea. The elder Toure ruled over one of the world’s poorest nations for more than 25 years until his death in 1984. The New York Times described the former president as “a towering charismatic and radical figure” who led his country to independence from France in 1958. The Times noted that, later his reign, Amnesty International and other human rights organizations called Toure’s rule “highly oppressive.”

In 2016, Al Jazeera (in a rare move away from propaganda) estimated as many as 50,000 people had been killed or disappeared by the time of Toure’s death, and up to two million fled the country. According to WFAA, the complaint stated the younger Toure and his wife, who immigrated immigrated to the U.S. years ago, collect roughly $200,000 annually from “…overseas deposits.”

The “Texas couple” are both elites from a poor small African country that is 85% Moslem. The husband is the son of a brutal dictator. The coconut doesn’t fall far from the palm tree.



Here’s an Earth Day story that didn’t get much run. Per the Daily Mail (4/20/2018), about 90% to 95% of all plastic pollution in the oceans comes from 10 rivers, per European researchers.

The rivers? The Hai River, the Yellow River, the Yangtze River, and the Pearl River, all in China. The Amur River, which divides China’s Manchuria from Russian Siberia. The Mekong River, which starts in China and flows through Southeast Asia. The Ganges River in India and the Indus River in Pakistan round out the eight most plastic-pollution-pushing rivers in Asia. The Nile and the Niger, both rivers which flow mostly through Moslem contries in Africa, round out the top ten.

The scientists, who used flow monitoring devices on roughly 60 rivers, noted China accounted for about 30% of the world’s waterborne plastic pollution. The largest single polluting river was India’s Ganges. (Scientists did not report on the number of partially burned bodies devotees dump in that river.) Indonesia, despite having none of the top 10 polluting rivers, also ranked very high as a plastic polluter. The United States was at No. 20, accounting for less than 1%, the scientists said.

Few remember it, but Earth Day founder Ira Einhorn murdered and then “composted” his girlfriend in 1977 when she decided to leave him. Problem is after 18 months, fluids from her corpse leaked from his closet into the apartment below his. Einhorn ran to France, whose mopes refused to extradite him because they oppose in absentia convictions. (Pennsylvania authorities tried and convicted Einhorn in absentia.) When Pennsylvania authorities decided to allow Einhorn another trial, the French extradited him to America. He was convicted again, and is still in the joint, presumably unable to burn any joints. Heavy, man. Thanks to the Daily Caller’s Earth Day 2018 article for jogging the memory.)

Dope farmers trash the land. Photo from L.A. Times


And in related news, dope farmers in California are poisoning water tables, causing soil erosion, and bogarting so much water they are threatening the Granola State’s salmon and trout harvest. Not good. I used to fish in Northern California when I lived out there and had a lot less mileage on me.

Per Breitbart on Earth Day 2018:

“California’s voter-approved Proposition 64 legalization of recreational marijuana initiative stated the law’s “purpose and intent” was to establish goals to “prevent illegal production or distribution of marijuana” through licensing to eliminate known environmental degradation of water resources due to uncontrolled wasteful use; pesticides; fertilizers; erosion; irrigation runoff; petroleum and other chemicals; trash and human waste.

California’s temperate climate supports over 50,000 outdoor marijuana farms in almost every area of the state, but it is mostly concentrated in the three Northwestern California counties Humboldt, Mendocino, and Trinity that are known as the Emerald Triangle. But despite four months of legalization, 99 percent (of) outdoor farms remain unlicensed and the number of farms is growing rapidly. Unlicensed and illegal Emerald Triangle marijuana farmers are especially attracted to the area due to its isolated nature, vast amounts of unused forest land and plenty of river and spring water.

The authoritative peer-reviewed, ‘Impacts of Surface Water Diversions for Marijuana Cultivation’ published in the POLS ONE journal, estimated that marijuana cultivation in the Emerald Triangle has the potential to cause a 23 percent reduction of stream flow during the driest periods of the year. Such diminished streamflow is likely to lethal to salmon, steelhead trout and cause “further decline of sensitive amphibian species.”

The Nature Conservancy senior freshwater ecologist Jennifer Carah told the Water Education Foundation that illegal marijuana cultivation across California imperils fish and human drinking and agricultural water quality and supply: “The unpermitted forest clearcutting and road construction can dramatically increase erosion, which can cause large amounts of sediment to flow down into streams, causing water quality problems.”



On the topic of crap in third world countries, the Daily Caller reported this development 4/18/2018:

“The father of Imran Awan — an IT aide to Rep. Debbie Wasserman (Positive) Schultz who investigators concluded made “unauthorized access” to House servers — transferred a USB drive to a Pakistani senator and former head of a Pakistani intelligence agency, the father’s ex-business partner, Rashid Minhas, alleged.

Debbie Wasserman (Positive) Schultz. Dem leader looks ridden hard and put away wet.


Minhas told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Imran Awan’s father, Haji Ashraf Awan, was giving data to Pakistani official Rehman Malik, and that Imran bragged he had the power to “change the U.S. president.”

Asked for how he knew this, he said that on one occasion in 2008 when a “USB [was] given to Rehman Malik by Imran’s father, my brother Abdul Razzaq was with his father.”

“After Imran’s father deliver (sic) USB to Rehman Malik, four Pakistani [government intelligence] agents were with his father 24-hour on duty to protect him,” he said. Minhas did not say what was on the USB.

The DCNF traveled to Pakistan for this story and interviewed numerous residents who interacted with Imran, and they confirmed that he does travel that country with a contingent of armed Pakistani government officials and routinely brags about mysterious political power.

The House Office of Inspector General charged in Sept. 30, 2016 that data was being funneled off the House network by the Awans as recently as September 2016 — shortly before the presidential election.

Nearly Imran’s entire immediate family was on the House payroll working as IT aides to one fifth of House Democrats, and he began working for the House in 2004. The inspector general, Michael Ptasienski, testified this month that “system administrators hold the ‘keys to the kingdom’, meaning they can create accounts, grant access, view, download, update, or delete almost any electronic information within an office. Because of this high-level access, a rogue system administrator could inflict considerable damage.”



While we’re on Pakistan, Telesur (5/1/2018) reports hundreds of dead newborn babies – almost all girls – were thrown away since the start of 2017.

The bodies of over 300 newborn babies were disposed of in garbage bins all over Karachi, Pakistan between January 2017 and April 2018. According to a report published by Karachi’s Edhi Foundation, along with the Chhipa Welfare Organization found 345 newborn babies dumped in garbage bins in the city.

Some of the babies were barbarically murdered, according to the Karachi-based News International, with the gender of the babies appearing to play a role in the gruesome acts, since 99 percent of them were girls.

“A few people found a baby at the doorstep of a mosque in Karachi, and they handed the baby over to the prayer leader. The cleric decried that this is an ‘illegitimate baby’ and he should be stoned. Resultantly, the baby was stoned to death. I tried to register a case against the cleric, but nothing happened,” Anwar Kazmi, a senior manager at Edhi Foundation in Karachi, told the News International.

Edhi Foundation, a non-profit operating in the region, found 355 dead infants from the garbage dumps across the country in 2017, with Karachi logging the most cases, 180 cases in 2017.

Edhi Foundation has so far buried over 70 infants in first four months of the year. The foundation has reported that the there could be many more cases as the foundation only has data for the cities in which it operates.

Some Moslem women delay such murders, and are more gender-neutral. Per the Daily Caller (4/6/2018):

“A mother allegedly used a kitchen knife to cut off her seven-year-old son’s head in New York Thursday night, according to police.

36-year-old Hanane Mouhib was arrested and charged with second-degree murder after her son Abraham Cardenas was found dead in a home in Sweden, New York, Fox News reported.

Moslem Mom will spend Mothers’ Day in jail for beheading her little boy with a knife.


Mouhib reportedly used the “large-bladed kitchen knife” to stab the boy in the back and neck before severing his head off [sic].

Police were made aware of the situation after they received a call about a suicidal person with a knife. When authorities entered the home, Mouhib was armed with the knife, which she repeatedly refused to drop. Police had to use both pepper spray and a Taser to disarm and arrest her, the Democrat & Chronicle reported.

“There’s absolutely no explanation for us,”Monroe County Sheriff Todd Baxter said Friday. The word ‘evil’ comes to mind …this is a mother who took her son’ life.”

Mouhib is being held in jail without bail.”

I read many articles about this female scumbag. No media source will say what her background is. “Hanane Mouhib” is a name that shows up multiple times in Morocco, a Moslem country across the Straits of Gibraltar from Spain. Snopes denied her religion played a part in the killing.

Of course the sawing off of the head is a Moslem cultural practice.

Ms. Hanane is a licensed nurse practitioner specializing in psychiatric care. A Moslem Nurse Ratched. She just got out of the loony bin after a couple of weeks of R & R to murder her child, possibly for the crime of having some Hispanic blood.

Her lawyer is claiming she is mentally incompetent. New York authorities are looking at the loony bin whose quacks let her out. Maybe they should look at whether Ms. Hanane faked mental illness to give herself an insanity defense excuse.

Isn’t it a good thing Dems and establishment GOPers and their masters are looking to bring more of these diverse degenerates into America?

Oh, wait. A European-American woman, Kristina Petrie, 46, of Montgomery County, Maryland, is in prison because she tried to take her autistic 11-year-old son’s head off with a bow saw. The 175-pound woman pinned the little boy and cut his neck. He grabbed the saw blade, wriggled free, and ran out of the house. She allegedly called her husband to confess what she did, and he took her to a mental hospital. She reportedly was planning to kill her younger son as well, because he apparently is also autistic.

Per ABC News (3/31/2018): “When staff asked Petrie why she was at the hospital, the 46-year-old allegedly stated she had “tried to kill her kids again.”

Police didn’t get around to checking the boy until three days later. He had scabbing and cuts on his neck and hands.

Kristina was being held without bond. If the husband was aware of her prior murderous attempts, he should be behind bars too, for child endangerment.

Maryland is a loony bin with many uncommitted nutjobs. Many residents work for the federal government, which has not been accused of systematic competence or sanity at least since the Wilson Administration. The freak currently known as Chelsea Manning – the soldier who gave up hundreds of thousands of classified documents, and got a pardon from Barack Obama – underwent a sex change and is now running as a Democrat for a US Senate sear from the Crab State. Shim is running on a platform of open borders, abortion, more welfare, guys in little girls’ bathrooms, criminal supremacy, and the other marks of treason and idiocy that make shim a mainstream Democrat.

Baltimore is especially corrupt. A few years ago, a felon named Freddy Gray died after miscalculating how much he could hurt himself while in police custody to force a big lawsuit settlement. The local prosecutor, grandstanding for the lawless mobs who rioted and burned the town, charged six police officers with misconduct and homicide. Three were acquitted of these trumped-up charges, and the prosecutor bitch was forced to call off the dogs from the other three innocent officers. Meanwhile 13 of the female guards in the city jail had sex with a drug kingpin they were supposed to be guarding.

Kristina Petrie the child sawer will be pleading insanity. 

Prosecutors can satisfy the PC climate in the Crab State by charging Kristina with cultural misappropriation. Sawing heads off is only an accepted Moslem custom.





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