• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


April13/ 2018

Donald Trump won the presidential election of 2016, dashing the dreams of boodle and cushy jobs of many thousands of parasites in the Hillary campaign, and in the bureaucracies of the nation. Key among these were the careerist lawyers and agents in the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA, and other scumbags in the court system, the national security complex, and the intelligence community.

They and Democrat lawyers with billable hours have tried to impede the will of the people at every turn.

Democrat state attorneys-general filed 35 multistate lawsuits against President Trump’s administration in 2017. By comparison, Republican state attorneys-general sued President Obama’s administration 46 times during his eight years in office.

Other lawyers with Soros money and/or billable hours paid for by someone else have been suing President Trump also. Lawfare extortionists with the ACLU, for example, sued the Trump administration at least 100 times by November 2017.

Many bureaucrats and senior officials in federal agencies actively try to stymie Mr. Trump’s policies, which he is trying to carry out because he promised the American people he would do so. Civil service rules protect these vermin. And we are paying these crab lice their paychecks while they work against us.

Most news media lie openly about Mr. Trump to try to diminish him. More than 90% of the stories about him and/or his administration are negative.

The monopolists of social media like David Zuckerberg and the robber barons of Silicon Valley cut Internet access of those who support President Trump. This is clearly illegal, because they give free rein to his many detractors.

The greatest independent source of funding for President Trump’s opponents is George Soros, who as a youth in Hungary helped seize the property of Jews the government condemned to the Holocaust. Soros, who has Jewish roots, is an amoral atheist who has made billions on currency manipulation. Soros is not a Jew in loyalty. The Israeli government has attacked Soros for his actions that have undermined Israel. In short, Soros the old man is the same selfish scavenger as Soros the youth who went thru the possessions of the murdered Jews with the soul of a corpse robber.

These scumbag government payrollers, politicians, lawyers, tech robber barons and their socially inept employees, and Deep State operatives still in government call themselves the Resistance. I call these putschists the NEW COPPERHEADS.

The Copperheads were a group of treasonous Northern Democrats during the Civil War. (Treasonous Democrats in the South had already maneuvered their states to secede.) Unionists named them after poisonous reptiles found in the South and in the lower states of the Midwest and East. Unlike rattlers, which at least alert before they strike, copperheads sneak up on people and bite them.

Rebel officers and men at least were open enemies of the Union and had the guts to fight Union soldiers and sailors openly. The Copperheads, like Trump’s opponents today, were moral and/or physical cowards.

The Copperheads viciously attacked Lincoln as a man in the vilest terms imaginable. They agitated Union soldiers to desert, they plotted to help Confederate POWs escape, and they took Confederate pay to interrupt with Union recruitment and drafting.

Typical Copperhead Hate Literature Against Abraham Lincoln


New York City was a Copperhead center and the Democrat governor of the state, Horatio Seymour, was a “Peace Democrat” who wanted the South to leave the Union in peace. The Copperheads whipped up a mob of immigrants and others in New York City to murder blacks during the Draft Riots of 1863. This forced President Lincoln and the War Department to send Union troops from the Gettysburg Campaign to the city to quell the riots.

The rioters burned down a black orphanage and 50 other buildings and killed a hundred or so people before Union troops commanded by aged but angry general John Wool (a Mexican War veteran who served with the legendary Zachary Taylor) shot up the mob. Sadly, the absence of those soldiers from the Army of the Potomac and the disruption it took to plan sending them to General Wool in New York hurt Meade in his pursuit of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. The Draft Riots were like a Confederate victory on Union soil.

Union officers arrested some Copperheads. Lincoln banished them to Canada or held them in prison. Lincoln hated to have to shoot deserters but he had a hard time restraining himself from killing Copperhead traitors. He angrily said, “Must I shoot a simple-minded soldier-boy who deserts, while I must not touch a hair of the wily agitator who induces him to desert?” A military court in Indiana did sentence some of the Copperheads to hang, and Lincoln agreed with their verdict. They deserved to hang. Sadly, an appeal to the Supreme Court resulted in their release from prison in 1866.

The Copperheads tried to throw President Lincoln out of office in the elections of 1864. One of their number was on the Democrat ticket as a vice-presidential nominee. The Dems that year nominated as their presidential candidate General George McClellan, whose incompetence had prolonged the Civil War. Copperheads’ get out the vote efforts and graveyard voting ploys made the election much closer than it needed to be. President Lincoln had to encourage Union commanders to let troops go home on leave to vote for him to carry the war on to victory. (There was no absentee voting in those days, unless you were dead, and the Democrats copied your name off your tombstone.)

The Copperhead who did the most lasting damage to the nation was John Wilkes Booth. He ensured Honest Abe died a murder victim on Good Friday, like Our Lord Jesus Christ. The angry and incompetently managed Reconstruction that followed, with the associated racial hatred men like Booth whipped up, have harmed the people of this nation to this day.




Some of the worst New Copperheads are imbedded high in the DOJ and the FBI.

Rod Rosenstein, the No. 2 man at the Justice Department, is a government lifer comfortable with Bushes and Clintons and Obamas. Rosenstein, a long time DOJ apparatchik who worked with James Comey and Robert Mueller when they were a FBI tag team, picked Mueller to investigate Donald Trump after he fired Comey at Trump’s behest, based on the evidence Comey was a liar and a lawbreaker.

Virtually all Democrats and virtually every neverTrumper Republican cheered the hiring of Mueller after Jeff Sessions recused himself from looking into the Russia Snipe Hunt.

Carl Cannon of Real Clear Politics had a different take in a 5/21/2017 article.

“Comey and Mueller badly bungled the biggest case they ever handled. They botched the investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that took five lives and infected 17 other people, shut down the U.S. Capitol and Washington’s mail system, solidified the Bush administration’s antipathy for Iraq, and eventually, when the facts finally came out, made the FBI look feckless, incompetent, and easily manipulated by outside political pressure.

This, too, was an enormously complex case. But here are some facts: Despite the jihadist slogans accompanying the mailed anthrax, it had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or any foreign element; the FBI ignored a 2002 tip from a scientific colleague of the actual anthrax killer, who turned out to be a Fort Detrick scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins; the reason is that they had quickly obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill; the bureau was bullied into focusing on the government scientist by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy (whose office, along with that of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, was targeted by an anthrax-laced letter) and was duped into focusing on Hatfill by two sources – a conspiracy-minded college professor with a political agenda who’d never met Hatfill and by Nicholas Kristof, who put his conspiracy theories in the paper while mocking the FBI for not arresting Hatfill.

In truth, Hatfill was an implausible suspect from the outset. He was a virologist who never handled anthrax, which is a bacterium. (Ivins, by contrast, shared ownership of anthrax patents, was diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder, and had a habit of stalking and threatening people with anonymous letters – including the woman who provided the long-ignored tip to the FBI). So what evidence did the FBI have against Hatfill? There was none, so the agency did a Hail Mary, importing two bloodhounds from California whose handlers claimed could sniff the scent of the killer on the anthrax-tainted letters. These dogs were shown to Hatfill, who promptly petted them. When the dogs responded favorably, their handlers told the FBI that they’d “alerted” on Hatfill and that he must be the killer.

You’d think that any good FBI agent would have kicked these quacks in the fanny and found their dogs a good home. Or at least checked news accounts of criminal cases in California where these same dogs had been used against defendants who’d been convicted — and later exonerated. As Pulitzer Prize-winning Los Angeles Times investigative reporter David Willman detailed in his authoritative book on the case, a California judge who’d tossed out a murder conviction based on these sketchy canines called the prosecution’s dog handler “as biased as any witness that this court has ever seen.”

Instead, Mueller, who micromanaged the anthrax case and fell in love with the dubious dog evidence, personally assured Ashcroft and presumably George W. Bush that in Steven Hatfill the bureau had its man. Comey, in turn, was asked by a skeptical Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz if Hatfill was another Richard Jewell – the security guard wrongly accused of the Atlanta Olympics bombing. Comey replied that he was “absolutely certain” they weren’t making a mistake.

Such certitude seems to be Comey’s default position in his professional life. Mueller didn’t exactly distinguish himself with contrition, either. In 2008, after Ivins committed suicide as he was about to be apprehended for his crimes, and the Justice Department had formally exonerated Hatfill – and paid him $5.82 million in a legal settlement – Mueller could not be bothered to walk across the street to attend the press conference announcing the case’s resolution. When reporters did ask him about it, Mueller was graceless. “I do not apologize for any aspect of the investigation,” he said, adding that it would be erroneous “to say there were mistakes.”

Nazis don’t admit they are wrong.

They salute their masters and violate human rights again if ordered to do so.

And they know when to say “I know NUSSING!”



President Trump is getting help from an unlikely place — Boston. Some people there remember Mueller, as an up-and-coming FBI official, was in charge while his people helped crime boss Whitey Bulger. The FBI was in a corrupt arrangement with Bulger and his thugs for decades. In fact, an FBI functionary gave Bulger the warning to go on the lam – and he and his woman eluded capture for more than a decade.

Recent articles from Boston are covering the FBI’s involvement with the Bulger Mob and their involvement in the framing of four men for a murder they did not commit. Two of the men died in prison, and the other two survived decades in prison. They were released and cleared , and the taxpayers had to pay about $100 million to these two men and to the loved ones of the two men who died in prison unjustly.

Thanks to Nazi Mueller and other corrupt FBI people.

Here’s an excerpt from William Jasper’s 3/22/2018 New American article about this case:

“In her March 20 blog post, Sarah Carter links to a noteworthy 2011 article by Boston Globe columnist Kevin Cullen entitled, “A lingering question for the FBI Director.” The FBI Director Cullen was referring to was then-Director Robert Mueller, who had previously been one of the DOJ attorneys tasked with overseeing the FBI-Bulger criminal operation. The Cullen article introduces readers to objections raised against Mueller by Mike Albano, a former member of the Massachusetts parole board and the former mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts. He was objecting at the time to the reappointment of Mueller as FBI chief.

While on the parole board, Albano had become convinced that the FBI and DOJ had framed four men with bogus evidence for the 1965 gangland murder of a Boston hoodlum named Teddy Deegan. Albano decided to vote in favor of parole for Peter Limone, one of the four. “So in 1983,after Albano indicated he might vote to release Limone, he got a visit from a pair of FBI agents named John Connolly and John Morris,” Cullen reported. “They told Albano that the men convicted of Deegan’s murder were bad guys, made guys. ‘They told me that if I wanted to stay in public life, I shouldn’t vote to release a guy like Limone,’ Albano said. ‘They intimidated me.’’’

The FBI and DOJ framed the four scapegoats, who were then sent to prison for the Deegan murder to protect Bulger, his henchman Steve “The Rifleman” Flemmi, and Flemmi’s brother, Vincent “Jimmy” Flemmi. “After Albano was elected mayor of Springfield in 1995, he soon found the FBI hot on his tail, investigating his administration for corruption,” Cullen noted. “The FBI took down several people in his administration, and Albano is convinced that the FBI wasn’t interested in public integrity as much as in publicly humiliating him because he dared to defy them.”

In 2001, Albano was vindicated. The four men who had been wrongly convicted in the Deegan murder were exonerated. Two of them had already died in prison. As a result of this shocking government malfeasance, the two surviving victims and the families of the deceased were awarded compensation of $100 million — courtesy of the taxpayers.

“Albano was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant U.S. attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardon boards throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies,” writes the Boston Globe’s Cullen. “Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset.”

Unfortunately, members of Congress from both sides of the aisle were too busy singing Mueller’s praises — from the sheet music provided by the FBI-DOJ scriptwriters and their Deep State media allies — to listen to Mayor Albano’s warnings. Why have Mueller and the other top DOJ/FBI officials implicated in the long-running FBI-Winter Hill Mob conspiracy not been questioned or held to account?”

Howie Carr in a Boston Herald article titled “Come clean on FBI frame-up, Bob Mueller” yesterday (4/12/2018), had this to say about Mueller’s involvement in keeping innocent people in prison and being part of a corrupt FBI:

“Mueller went to work in the U.S. attorney’s office in Boston in 1982. His boss was then U.S. attorney Bill Weld, the future governor.

(My comment: GOP pol Bill “Chong” Weld was the running mate of stoner Gary “Cheech” Johnson for the Libertarian Party in the 2016 presidential election. Another neverTrumper.)

“ On July 1, 1983, Weld wrote the following to the state Parole Board demanding Peter Limone not be released.

“This office,” Weld wrote, “recommends most strongly that the petition for commutation of Mr. Limone’s sentence be denied.”

Another letter opposing Limone’s parole was written by FBI Supervisory Special Agent John M. Morris, likewise recommending against release because “should Mr. Limone be released, he would enjoy a position of elevated status within the Boston Organized Crime Structure.”

That letter was written Jan. 27, 1983, approximately eight months after Morris had told a gangster the identity of a federal informant against gangster Whitey Bulger, which led to the murder of two men by Bulger in South Boston in May 1982. Morris had passed on the information to a member of Bulger’s mob, another corrupt FBI agent John “Zip” Connolly. Connolly is now serving a 40-year sentence in Florida for yet another Mob rubout, in Miami.

Morris has admitted that at the time he was lobbying the Parole Board not to release the innocent men, he was accepting $7,000 in payoffs from Bulger and his partner, Stevie Flemmi. Flemmi has told the DEA that he and Bulger were paying off six FBI agents in the Boston office.

Mueller succeeded Weld as U.S. attorney, serving from Oct. 10, 1986 until April 6, 1987.

Mueller was followed as U.S. attorney by Frank L. McNamara, Jr., who continued the office’s policy of demanding that the innocent men not be released from state prison. “It seems to me wrong to conclude now that Mr. Limone has been sufficiently punished,” McNamara wrote the chairman of the parole board on Sept 22, 1987. “In my judgement, Mr. Limone must be considered among the most heinous criminals being held in the Massachusetts Prison System.”

Limone, who died last year, was awarded $26 million by Judge Nancy Gertner. The federal government did not appeal the judgment.

So Mueller’s predecessor and his successor both lobbied state authorities not to release the innocent men. But did Mueller? Michael Albano, a former member of the Parole board, as well as a former mayor of Springfield, says he has seen a letter Mueller wrote about the imprisoned men.

“I saw the letter – I will take a lie-detector test, make a sworn statement, whatever,” Albano was saying yesterday. “I reviewed the Parole Board records before I testified in 2003 before the House Government Reform Committee, and there was a letter from Mueller in the files.”

In 2013, the Boston Globe also reported the existence of such a letter from Mueller. However, the Parole Board now cannot find such a letter. I have searched the files in the state archives, where I found the letters from the other two U.S. attorneys, as well as from the corrupt FBI agent on the Mob’s payroll. But I could find no letters from Mueller opposing the commutations or paroles.

So far, the special counsel’s office has not responded to two inquiries as to whether Mueller ever lobbied to keep the innocent men behind bars, despite the overwhelming evidence of their innocence, including records of the FBI, which he would eventually run for eight [actually 12] years.

I also inquired whether he was involved in the decisions during Weld’s tenure to demand the continuing incarceration of men who were widely known to be not guilty of the murder for which they were convicted.

So far, no answers. So let me ask him the question again publicly.

Mr. Mueller, what did you know about the framing of four innocent men for a crime they did not commit? When you were working in, and then running the office that insisted that the innocent men not be released from prison, did you ever write any letters demanding that the parole board not correct this gross miscarriage of justice?

And when did you find out that the FBI office in Boston was in the business of framing innocent men on behalf of their serial-killing, cocaine-dealing underworld paymasters?

And what exactly did you do about when you found out the extent of this unprecedented corruption in an agency you supervised for eight years?”

Don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer, Howie. Mueller is slime.

In fact, Mueller was involved in a criminal enterprise even bigger than co-operating with Whitey Bulger. He let Hillary Clinton get close to $150 million for selling 20% of U.S. uranium reserves to the Russian government. No, I’m not Putin you on.

In the Uranium One case, the Clinton Foundation got $145 million from the Russians in exchange for allowing one-fifth of US uranium reserves to fall into Boris’ and Natasha’s hands. There is a whistleblower/businessman operative on ice somewhere dying to tell what he knows about the case before he becomes an Arkancide.

Mueller ran the FBI then, and recently fired FBI No. 2 Copperhead Andrew McCabe, a serial liar, reportedly ran the operation against the Uranium One Russians. Rosenstein was the Justice Department lawyer who ran the prosecutions. Problem is, the feds didn’t bring charges against anyone important. And the Russkies still got our uranium.

Comey inherited the case, McCabe, and Rosenstein stayed on it. But the Three Amigos didn’t do much of anything on it. Hillary’s foundation kept the $145 million.



Mueller heaEded the FBI from 2001 through 2013. During that time, his agency helped Democrats steal two elections thanks to fraudulent FBI raids on Republican incumbents.

Here’s the skinny:

The FBI falsely accused Congressman Curt Weldon (GOP-PA) of wrongdoing with Russia and raided his daughter’s home and five other locations two weeks or so before an election in 2006. The election went to his opponent; the investigation against Weldon went nowhere. Weldon was a critic of the FBI’s and CIA’s many failures.

The FBI falsely accused Senator Ted Stevens (GOP-Alaska) of corruption, and the feds got him convicted days before the 2008 elections. Ted narrowly lost the election, and he appealed his conviction. It turned out the feds withheld evidence, had the star witness commit perjury, had submitted falsified audit records, and had engaged in other misconduct. A federal judge dismissed the case and wanted the prosecutors to account for their misconduct.

Stevens’ loss gave the Democrats a filibusterproof 60 Senate votes, which they used to steamroll legislation through Congress during the first two years of the Obama administration.

Mueller’s defenders claim he has impeccable character and served in Vietnam with distinction. The above cases prove Mueller became a corrupt scumbag.

Sadly, some military men have committed treason against this nation. I’ve already mentioned the Civil War. Formally, it was treason. The U.S. Military Academy was where most of the best Rebel generals went to school. Most of the best Union generals went there too.

Benedict Arnold served with more valor in the Revolutionary War than Mueller did in the Vietnam War and suffered multiple wounds while lesser officers stole credit for his deeds. Then he got involved with an expensive woman, and turned traitor for the money.

Mueller as FBI director was silent as Hillary brokered a deal to get 20% of our uranium reserves into Russian hands. We executed the Rosenbergs for less. Mueller proved himself a coward.

Besides, agents in Mueller’s FBI didn’t hesitate to plot against JFK, who was a war hero. Nor did agents in John Brennan’s CIA hesitate to aid in the brutal murder of JFK in front of his wife. Poor Jackie was the first responder for John; she was covered in his blood.

This is what a Deep State Putsch looks like. They killed JFK and covered poor Jackie in his blood. God DAMN them! President Trump has upgraded his security and released the JFK Assassination documents the Deep State hid for more than 50 years.


BTW, Ted Stevens was a Flying Tiger during World War Two in the China Burma India Theater. He would not have to apologize to Mueller about what he did when his country needed him.



Mr. Trump and his associates have been the victims of illegal spying by the FBI, aided by NSA and CIA quislings, for several years now.

When Admiral Rogers advised President-elect Trump the Obama administration was spying on him, he moved his appointee vetting operation out of Trump Tower to his golf club in New Jersey.

The spying by Deep State operatives in the top ranks and below of the FBI, CIA, and other federal agencies has been blatant and illegal. Much like Nazi Gestapo and Soviet NKVD spying was ruthless and overt.

Then there are the raids on Trump associates like Paul Manafort, his short-lived campaign manager. Feds like Nazis invaded his home in the dead of night and seized his files, his laptop, and his cell phone. (Never save numbers on your cell phone. Remember them or keep them on a slip of paper in your wallet if need be.)

FBI agents in the New York office of the FBI raided Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen’s office, his home, and a hotel room in which he was staying while his home was being renovated. The feds are saying Mueller told them about something he found, and they got a partisan stooge, errr, federal magistrate to sign a warrant for them.

The feds are leaking damaging and probably false info on Cohen. And media people are probably lying about it.

Mueller reportedly triggered the feds to go thru Cohen’s records of his work for Mr. Trump back many years. Assistant US Attorney General Rod Rosenstein signed off on the raid. FBI Nazis in New York carried it out.

If true, any record of any illegality in these records is inadmissible in court because, shy of there being proof Cohen is actively conspiring with Mr. Trump to break the law in a big way, the seizure of such records is a violation of attorney-client privilege. The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution specifically says the FBI raiders’ conduct in raiding Cohen’s office, hotel room, and home is illegal.

Reporters are saying the raid is against alleged fraud by Cohen, and election law violations by Cohen. One source says it involves a taxi company Cohen had an interest in. Reporters said it was about the hooker who claims Cohen paid her for her silence.

The New York Times and Fox News are reporting the feds were after the Access Hollywood tape from 2005, in which Mr. Trump locker-room bantered about women letting him grab their crotches.

If any or all of these are true, then at worst the raid doesn’t reflect on Mr. Trump’s potential illegal conduct but his lawyer’s conduct.

The public already knows Mr. Trump has a raunchy past, and they voted for him anyway. His remarks were crude, but nothing the average guy hasn’t said or thought. Yeah, I’ve said some remarkably filthy things in my life … and so has virtually every male I know.

It is probably also true President Trump is telling the truth when he said he was unaware of the payment to the hooker until Cohen mentioned it himself in February. Otherwise the info would be in attorney-client papers. And evidence would be inadmissible.

Mueller and the feds know that. He and they initiated the raid hoping to find something salacious and leak, or lie and innuendo about things if they couldn’t find anything.

Mueller and his team of highly paid dirtbags, half of whom donated many thousands of dollars to Hillary are in a race against Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Justice Department Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, prosecutor John Huber, and other prosecutors.

Sessions and a few uncorrupted prosecutors and lawyers in the Justice Department are about to bring charges against Mueller’s pallie James Comey and his corrupt homies. Disgraced former CIA director John Brennan, disgraced former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, disgraced former Attorney General No. 2 Sally Yates, and some of their minions are also at risk.

Scheming Sally Yates, New Copperhead and Enemy of the Republic. Is she sizing up prey, like a female SS warden?


The corruption reaches above Comey back to Hillary and Obama and their closest advisors. And maybe it reaches to Soros and other people behind the scenes who bought Hill and Bill and Barry. They are at risk too.

Mueller has to divert and sandbag so he can run out the clock for his fellow New Copperheads before the 2018 midterm elections …. and maybe turn the Senate and the House into Democrat playpens.

Mueller and Rosenstein and Comey (and corrupt lying former FBI No. 2 Andrew McCabe) are potential defendants in any inquiry into DOJ and FBI coverups of the Uranium One deal that brought the Clintons so many millions of dollars for selling away American uranium reserves to the Putin government. In fact, Mueller has done more in Putin’s favor than Mr. Trump ever has done.

Thus, the raid upon Michael Cohen, President Trump’s lawyer and friend.

The raid on Paul Manafort turned out to have nothing to do with President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.

The raid on Michael Cohen definitely has nothing to do with President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. In fact, some in the Deep State used the fake Steele/Clinton dossier that claimed Cohen met with Russian agents in Prague. Cohen kicked them in the teeth when he produced his passport which showed he had not visited Prague or anywhere else in Czechia. Then the Deep Staters went to the “we confused him with another Cohen” card.

Yep, the New Copperheads used the anti-Semitic “all Jews look alike to me” card.

Nice job, schmuckfaces.

The Cohen raid, in my opinion, is a desperation move designed to see if Mr. Trump did anything illegal or embarrassing in his business life. Even if he did, odds are the statute of limitations has run. But it could cost him political support in the election of 2020 or the support of members of Congress, or losses in the 2018 election severe enough to turn the House and/or the Senate over to the Democrats. They in turn would go into full human hemorrhoid mode.

Mueller could also be trying to get President Trump to have him fired for this blatantly illegal raid and all of his other illegal activities, in hopes of instigating a political firestorm. He’s not going to be able to show Trump colluded with the Russian government.

Critics go crazy spinning any thing of note involving President Trump. New York City fire investigators determined the April 7 fire in Trump Tower that cost a wealthy apartment owner his life started due to an appliance the man was using. That has not stopped critics from exploiting the man’s tragedy to criticize Mr. Trump.

Mueller and the FBI and DOJ winged monkeys are leaking (or the media is lying for them in reporting) they are investigating Michael Cohen for bank fraud and election fraud and other serious crimes.

Overcharging a defendant is one of a prosecutor’s most abused ploys. They are nakedly trying to coerce Cohen to save his own skin by lying about Trump to aid the witch hunt.

Cohen won’t fall for it. But Mueller and the Deep Staters in the FBI and Justice Department hope it dirties Mr. Trump enough to delay the arrests coming for the Deep Staters, and helps the Democrats win the House and the Senate in November 2018.

President Trump could fire Rosenstein and put someone in place who will rein in Mueller when he breaks the law, reduce his staff, and have his lawbreaking associates arrested. Or he may already know the conclusions of DOJ IG Horowitz are going to fry Mueller’s pals.

Devin Nunes, an ally of President Trump in Congress, forced Rosenstein to let him see the paperwork for the FISA warrant Comey’s homies used to get their illegal spying on Mr. Trump approved.

Nunes threatened other actions because the FBI and DOJ have been illegally playing keep-away with documents members of Congress have subpoenaed. He modified his tone in the past day or so, some in the know say, because these are pieces of evidence against Comey, McCabe, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, and other criminals in the law enforcement complex.

Odds are Cohen paid off the hooker before the 2016 election to keep her mouth shut, after Hillary’s people almost certainly approached her to get her to claim she serviced Mr. Trump. It’s a relatively easy way to defuse a problem. And she didn’t think twice about taking the money. After all, it’s much more sanitary than the things she normally has to do with her mouth to get paid.

Did Trump pay her for sex? He said no, and she repeatedly said no, and she signed a document saying no. Now she says yes. The pay is better for now for changing her answer. And she’s learning from politicians who break their word routinely to whore for globalist corporate donors.

For the record, I don’t believe her. I believe those Dems who wanted her to lie in 2016 have gotten her to do likewise now, and are paying her, either directly, or indirectly by negotiating appearance fees, or by putting her face and her, errr, service industry skills, such as they are, out in public.

The hooker and her lawyer have trouble keeping their stories straight. If she had lead-pipe proof, in my opinion, then she would show it. But she is making more money teasing than delivering, and her Dem clients think it is helping them by keeping her in the news.

And for her own bank account, she needs the Dems to pay her well. A whore who blabs about who she services loses her high-roller clientele. Why? They don’t want her blabbing about them.

In all fairness, Mr. Trump has committed adultery a number of times. He would admit he has not lived a private life in that regard that he would be proud of. Let’s say for purposes of argument Mr. Trump did rent the hooker for sex and then had Mr. Cohen pay her to keep quiet more than a decade later.

If so, this at worst proves Trump is more of a gentleman than Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

First of all, if the hooker is right, the sex was consensual and he paid her for renting her assets. Then she got paid again, if it turns out this was why Cohen paid her.

And Trump was a registered Democrat at the time. No harm, no foul.

By comparison, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno imposed themselves on women and girls, and never paid a dime for sex. (Well, sometimes Janet Reno allegedly did, when she hired female hookers. Or maybe she made hookers service her for free or go to jail. She was a prosecutor. And a cheapskate when spending her own money. Like the Clintons.)

When you are not guilty of any crime, you don’t have to threaten.

Mr. Trump didn’t threaten the hooker, like the Clintons did to Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick. Or like Barack Obama’s people reportedly did to homosexuals who said Obama was a homosexual and they had sex with him or they knew gays who had sex with him.

In fact, your tax dollars have paid for Secret Service protection Bill and Hillary Clinton have gotten for the dozen or more times Bill has visited convicted child predator Jeffrey Epstein’s Island of Underage Girls, and the several times Hill has visited the Island of Underage Girls. Bill has said Hillary likes girls as much as he does. The Clintons don’t pay; they grift and they take.

The hooker is lucky she’s accusing Mr. Trump. If she was causing the Clintons any problems, she would soon be dead. Or she might drown in a plane, like Loretta Fuddy, the woman vital records registrar in Hawaii, did after she released Barry’s birth certificate.

The Mueller-triggered raid on Mr. Trump’s lawyer proves something else – something very sinister. If government agents deliberately violate a sitting President’s Fourth Amendment rights, then no one is safe from government abuse.




It is like when a jury of inbreds acquitted John Hinckley, whose parents were friends with then-VP George H.W. Bush, of attempted murder when he deliberately shot President Reagan. If a scumbag lawyer, with a fake insanity plea, could fool a bunch of jurors into not punishing an attempted murderer of a President, then no one’s life is safe.

And it’s like when a cabal of Deep Staters in the FBI and CIA helped Lyndon Johnson in a murder plot against John F. Kennedy. If the government can murder an elected president, then no one is safe.

Many New Copperhead lawyers are prosecutors, but that doesn’t mean they fight crime. They sit in offices and appear in a courtroom guarded by police officers with handguns. Police fight crimes. Sheriff’s deputies not in Coward County, Florida fight crimes. Prosecutors all too often let the guilty walk, plea-bargain down their crimes ridiculously, or escape justice in other ways.

All Dems and most GOPers in Congress support Mueller and hate President Trump. Why? He has exposed them as a bunch of bribe taking parasites and traitors to the people of this nation. Trump is kryptonite to their power, which they fund by taking money from globalist sources in exchange for enacting laws that protect Big Finance, Big Technology, and other big businesses of questionable ethics. These politicians also do the bidding of unfriendly countries and multinational corporations when they vote to flood the country with underskilled and low-price techies, and when they vote to allow China and other nations to flood our nation with servile labor made products that are usually inferior to American made products and are often toxic or unsafe in some other way. This economic treason has impoverished Blue Collar America.

Many Democrats put American behind illegals, jihadists, and Chinese business routinely. They oppose the interests of most Americans routinely. But the neverTrump Establishment Chamber of Commerce Republicans, the Vichy Republicans, routinely sell out Americans also.

Understand virtually all Democrats and most Republican leaders tried to belittle Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. In fact, the GOP bosses did in 1912 to Teddy what they tried but couldn’t do in 2016 to Mr. Trump – steal a nomination from him. Look how badly their judgment sucked then, too.

On this website we have discussed the FBI’s illegal spying on Trump may have kept them from stopping Larry Nassar from molesting scores of girls for a year. The FBI did not stop Nikolas Cruz from shooting up a high school in Florida even though they got info on Cruz from two very good informants.

The FBI is evidently too busy spying on Mr. Trump to solve the Las Vegas massacre of 2017. Maybe the FBI or people they instigated participated in the gunrunning and the massacre.

The FBI fouled up the Tsarnaev case so these two Chechnyan Moslems could bomb the Boston Marathon in 2013. They failed to act on “Fatima and Clyde,” the Moslem couple who mass murdered in San Bernardino in 2015. They also crapped their pants in failing to nail the Moslem who shot up the gay nightclub in Orlando in 2016.

The feds ignored Carol Howe, a US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) informant who infiltrated a group with ties to Tim McVeigh and other figures of the Oklahoma City bombing. Federal judge Richard Matsch, the elderly a-hole who ruled in 2017 to ban state sex offender registries, suppressed an Inspector General report accusing FBI lab technicians of essentially falsifying evidence in the Oklahoma City Bomber case.

Carol revealed she warned the ATF of an impending bombing, and they ignored her. She also testified to the presence of FBI protected instigators in the group she infiltrated, one of whom reportedly raped her. She revealed these facts in open court when Clinton Administration prosecutors indicted her to shut her up, and she proved the feds were lying pigs on her way to acquittal. If the IG report had been allowed into the OKC Bomber trials, people may have concluded the FBI was hiding the fact there were others involved besides McVeigh and Terry Nichols. How could a pair of inbreds like McVeigh and Nichols bring down a massive building with no prior experience and without outside help?

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the British journalist who covered the Oklahoma City bombing and the related fallout, said in so many words in his book “The Secret Life of Bill Clinton” that during Bill’s first term, the FBI and the ATF were inciting extremist nuts into considering bombing federal installations with the hopes of busting them for conspiracy. Problem was someone achieved their ends and killed scores of people under the feds’ noses. At best, the feds were incompetent.

The FBI and CIA fouled themselves repeatedly in not figuring out the 9/11 strikes before they happened. Thousands of Americans died due to their incompetence or complicity.

The Justice Department prosecuted Congressman Jimny Traficant (Patriot – OH) after he revealed on the floor of the House that Organized Crime had footage of Janet Reno having sex with hookers and underage girls.

The feds put Jimmy in prison for almost eight years for allegedly stealing $140,000 over his two decades as a Congressman. Hillary stole that much from the White House in one afternoon with a moving van.

In our own fight against prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (D-Akron), who protected her child support enforcement agent Jean Workman, who was shacked up with serial child molester Scott Dietz (who molested his kid sister and kid cousins and made his own little girls fellate him), Jimmy Traficant, after his release from prison on a small-time charge, was the only public figure to take our side against Sherri and the big Ohio politicians who protected her. Ohio governor Ted Strickland (D) protected Sherri, and so did his replacement John Kasich (GOP), the stooge who wanted to be president.

The feds are too busy protecting the corrupt and spying on threats to the Deep State to protect the public.

After you’ve washed your hands from having to scroll thru all this corruption, let’s finish with what I believe will happen and should happen.

In 1850, traitors working for the Democrat and Whig Establishment seem to have helped hero President Zachary Taylor die in office because Taylor was against large scale speculators and was looking at ending slavery by using federal money to buy slaves free and resettle them as pioneers or sharecroppers or skilled tradespeople.

Zachary Taylor — Old Rough and Ready — God rest his great soul!

“Along our frontier, in summer and winter, in sunshine and storm, like a sleepless sentinel, Zachary Taylor has watched while we have slept for 40 years. The fruits of his labor, his name, his memory and example, have verified the great truth that he who humbles himself shall be exalted.” — Abraham Lincoln, 1850


In 1912, the GOP bosses stole a nomination away from Theodore Roosevelt. Democrat Champ Clark also lost a nomination to globalist Woodrow Wilson due largely to insiders and Wilson’s people who influence-peddled to buy delegates. Wilson’s presidency was the start of the building of the tyrannical federal bureaucracy.

In 1963, the Deep State murdered JFK. Kennedy, a liberal patriot, was looking at getting out of crazy foreign wars, was looking at bombing Red China’s nuclear bomb facility, and was looking at reducing the power of the CIA and the Federal Reserve.

Ronald Reagan, by the grace of God and some great doctor and nurse work, survived and took down the Soviet Union even though most top GOPers were not his friends. The escape from justice of John Hinckley led to the changing of a bunch of state laws that restricted the insanity defense.

The Deep State, especially the CIA, Vice President Bush and Bill Clinton, then Arkansas governor, turned Reagan’s aid to the Contras of Nicaragua into a corrupt money laundering, Moslem gunrunning, drugrunning, and murder operation without Reagan’s knowledge. Then they blamed it on Reagan in 1986. Ronnie survived impeachment attempts, but the fallout from Iran-Contra slowed Reagan’s work greatly.

JFK was murdered not long after he said he wished he could smash the CIA into a thousand pieces.

Donald Trump needs to smash the CIA, FBI, and other such agencies into a million pieces.

That’s why people of common sense and good will fear for President Trump’s life.

They know the CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA and other such agencies are largely run and staffed by sociopaths who are becoming America’s own Gestapo, KGB, and Revolutionary Guard.

President Trump, I predict, will survive the Mueller hits. Mueller has proven just how lawless the New Copperheads really are. I hope President purges the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, and every other law enforcement and intelligence agency of its criminals, and ensures the civil service laws change to make it easier to remove government payrollers.

President Trump may have to dismantle the entire FBI and start from scratch. With their present people, I believe they are corrupt beyond salvaging. The FBI is a racketeering influenced corrupt organization by definition under the RICO statute.

Attorney General Sessions is quietly having the Uranium One case looked at for Hillary’s crimes and for the FBI’s and DOJ’s mishandling of the case. This is something that ought to send Fuhrer Mueller to prison. It is within Sessions’ power to do the following:

Indict Mueller for running far outside his limits as special counsel.
Indict Mueller for taking a dive on Uranium One.
Indict Mueller for his negligence and/or corruption in the FBI’s bromance with Whitey Bulger and their sending four men innocent of murder to prison for decades.

Civil liberties attorney Alan Dershowitz, an old-fashioned liberal, not a leftist, has advised President Trump to have Rosenstein recused from supervising Mueller. Why? Dershowitz says one cannot be a prosecutor and a witness in the same case. When Rosenstein authorized the Cohen raid, he became part of the Mueller prosecution. Then President Trump can put a non-crony of Mueller in charge of him. This is excellent advice. (Daily Caller, 4/10/2018)

Senator Rand Paul (GOP, Kentucky) is one of President Trump’s few allies. He is saying Mr. Trump should declassify all the FBI and DOJ documents surrounding the Russia collusion snipe hunt and make them public. This would show how false and corrupt the New Copperheads are. (Conservative Treehouse 4/11/2018)

President Trump is not going to have Mueller fired. He is going to have Mueller’s cronies prosecuted, and then it will be Mueller’s turn to decide what plea bargain he should make to minimize his time in federal prison. As we have shown, Mueller is a Nazi against innocent people, and at the very least he was an incompetent leader of a corrupt FBI operation in New England, and later an incompetent leader of a corrupt FBI nationally. His role in the Uranium One treason should put him in prison for the rest of his life.

What we are not hearing because of the media’s masturbatory coverage of Fuhrer Mueller is the fact that the Russians have cleared a Syrian port of all their vessels in the wake of President Trump’s comments on Syria. The New Copperheads are giving him all kinds of conflicting advice, and he ignores them because he is much smarter and much more patriotic than them.


President Trump listens to mother of sex trafficking victim at the White House ceremony in which he signed into law a bill making it easier to smash websites that aid in sex trafficking. Obama and the Bushes did nothing. The Clintons fly free to child predator Jeffrey Epstein’s Island of Underage Girls.”


President Trump has also signed a bill into law making it easier to crack down on websites that aid in sex trafficking. No reporting on this either. Paired with his earlier executive order allowing the seizure of assets of traffickers in girls and other felony deviates, the world of Hollywood, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and John Podesta is going to get a bit more constricted. At the very least, no more Secret Service coverage for them when the Clintons visit Epstein’s Island of Underage Girls.

If President Trump can do so, he will have slowed down a half-century or more of federal law enforcement corruption and malfeasance.

And hopefully, President Trump will serve two terms and continue his work for we the people who elected him to help make America great again.

All the Vichy Republicans who whine about President Trump hurting the party of Lincoln won’t tell you if Lincoln was president, Los Angeles and the Bay Area would be in ashes, foreigners would be running for their homelands, local stoners would be wandering aimlessly, and California Copperheads would be hunted fugitives. Ditto for certain other treasonous cities and states in the country. Secession is treason, and only the harshest punishment for the New Copperheads is fitting for their crimes.






Multistate AG lawsuits: 2/6/2018 Fox News article

ACLU lawsuits: 11/26/2017 Business Insider article

On Sessions looking at Uranium One: NBC News 12/21/2017

On the Cohen raids: New York Times, 4/10/2018; Fox News 4/10/2018; Daily Beast, 4/11/2018, Politico, 4/9/20018; Business Insider, 4/9/2018; CNN 4/10/2018

On the Rosenstein/Nunes confrontation: Breitbart 4/12/2018

On Ted Stevens: Washington Lawyer, 10/2009, by Anna Stolley Persky

On Obama’s sexuality: Politico 6/18/2008 and World Net Daily 9/11/2012

On Trump Tower fire: ABC 4/11/2018

On JFK’s murder: Philip Shenon’s 10/26/2017 article in the Guardian

On Soros: Steve Kroft’s “60 Minutes” interview with Soros, 12/20/1998

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