• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


April12/ 2018

Ms. Justice is usually portrayed blindfolded.

This is a fantasy look that is artistic but impractical — like expecting Wonder Woman to fight crime in high heeled boots and a strapless one piece swimsuit without tripping or suffering too many wardrobe malfunctions.

Ms. Justice can’t see those who assault her if she is blindfolded.



The nation is swimming in illegals released by judges, jailers, and other failures in sanctuary cities and counties and states. They are openly violating federal law because for now the criminals in the criminal justice system are protecting them.

The latest Gestapo move by the Deep State Nazis was the raiding of Mr. Trump’s lawyer’s home, office, and hotel room he has been staying in while his residence is undergoing renovation. This is a violation of the Fourth Amendment, in violating attorney-client privilege.

Not that the feds aligned with Fuhrer Robert Mueller found anything of value. If they did, we’d have already heard of it by now.

The Nazis and Communists of the Deep State, in their illegal attack on Mr. Trump’s lawyer and friend, are nakedly telling us we have no rights if they decide to attack us. This is an open putsch by crooked authoritarians against the Republic and we the people who eork, pay taxes, and vote.

To help you fight prosecutor abuses, I’m going to give a block of instruction today on how they violate the law and their oaths of office.

How can prosecutors rape Ms. Justice? Let me count the ways.



Prosecutors plea-bargain anywhere from 65 to 95 percent of all criminal cases. Of course, most people who are charged usually are guilty of something, but that’s not always why prosecutors plea-bargain so freely. Prosecutors claim they care about people, but many of them really look at criminal cases like statistics. The more convictions they can show, the better it will look for them when they run for office or go into private law practices.

So many prosecutors will plea-bargain with criminals to pad their statistics. After all, a murderer who pleads guilty to the reduced charge of manslaughter or felony assault counts as a conviction just as much as if the prosecutor had to work a little and try him and convict him on the more serious charge and keep him locked up awhile. Prosecutors who plea-bargain too freely endanger the public because the truly dangerous and crooked criminals will avoid just punishment and will be able to prey on the people much quicker.

Another key reason why prosecutors use the plea bargain so readily is that they’re bureaucrats. Many of them have lots of cases to review, and they get lazy on some of them. This means they don’t review many of their cases thoroughly to see whether the alleged victims are vindictive liars, or to see whether they have the right person charged for crimes which some criminals DID commit against the victims. Too many prosecutors take the easy way out instead. They threaten the defendants with massive prosecutions and long prison terms unless they accept plea-bargains.

Some defendants are innocent, but scared. They know there are enough worthless judges and dopey jurors out there who could rule the wrong way on them, so they cave in to the pressure and accept the plea bargain. And in such cases, since the plea-bargaining defendants had nothing to do with the crimes, the real perpetrators are still on the loose to prey upon the public.



Prosecutors also commit crimes against public safety when they fail to prosecute dangerous or clever criminals even if they KNOW they’re guilty.

Prosecutors pull this stunt in cases where they’ll have to work a little to get a conviction. For example, reputed homosexual J. Edgar Hoover had his FBI agents concentrating on bank robbers and spying on Martin Luther King instead of going after more of the sophisticated Mob and white-collar criminals. Hoover was aided and abetted in this wrongdoing against Dr. King by JFK, LBJ, and top aides in their administrations.

A sleazy example of failure to prosecute was fired and disgraced FBI director James Comey’s decision to give Hillary a pass on her use of a private server to hide her wrongdoing while Secretary of State for Barack Obama. (Obama was smart enough not to make her his running mate. Otherwise, he’d be dead now.) Comey was such a stooge he “exonerated” Hillary before his agents interview her.

The agents did not record the interview, and Hillary was not under oath. Attorney General Loretta Lynch could then say she had no grounds to proceed against Hillary.



Another prosecutor offense is putting on a weak case against defendants, especially against those with the right political ties. For example, federal lawmen accused federal prosecutors in New Jersey of failure to prosecute a number of public officials connected with the Abscam scandal. Higher-ups in the U.S. Justice Department took the cases away from the New Jersey federal prosecutors, and sent others into New Jersey to handle the prosecutions. Robert Del Tufo, the highest-ranking federal prosecutor in the Garden State accused of foot-dragging, soon resigned. Two other prosecutors kicked off the case later appeared as witnesses for the defendants when they appealed their convictions.



Prosecutors sometimes renege on deals they cut with witnesses. Prosecutors pull this crap because they know it’s their word against the testimony of convicts, and people won’t usually believe the lousy criminals. I covered such a case in a federal court – it involved a prisoner who witnessed two of his fellow biker gang “brothers” kill another prisoner by locking him in his cell, splashing a flammable liquid on him, and throwing lit matches at him until the liquid ignited and he burned to death. According to the suit the prisoner filed, he claimed state officials promised him if he testified against the killers, they would keep his identity secret until the trial, they would keep him locked up in another prison in the state, and they would reduce his armed-robbery sentence.

The state officials went back on their word big-time, the prisoner charged. He said other gang members showed him a copy of his signed statement a month before the trial, and they proceeded to make his life a living hell. He testified against the gang members anyway, and his testimony convicted them. As his reward, he said, the officials decided to move him out of state and decided not to reduce his sentence. The prison warden and the local prosecutors I spoke with about the case told me circumstantial evidence was totally on the prisoner’s side. They said they believed he wouldn’t have jeopardized himself unless the state officials made those promises to him.



One of my earliest articles concerned an L.A. city prosecutor who saw fit to waste an unspecified amount of money to prosecute a priest who had drowned some nuisance stray cats that had been hanging around his high school. (The priest, who had once been a farmer, evidently still had a farmer’s seemingly harsh but realistic attitude toward pests.) Steve McKee, the prosecutor in question, got involved after a few bozos picketed the priest’s high school. With all the REAL crime that goes on in L.A., I said to McKee, why was he prosecuting someone for doing what local animal control people do all the time – kill strays?

McKee said he thought the drownings were serious offenses. McKee denied he was going after the priest to showboat for the lunatic mainstream in L.A., but he also refused to say whether or not he was a churchgoer, an atheist or an anti-Catholic bigot. He did say his boss Ira Reiner (a one-time Manson Family defense attorney who was city attorney for L.A. before becoming the district attorney for L.A. County) had given the go-ahead to prosecute the case.



Prosecutors rape Ms. Justice often by intentional misconduct. Sometimes they shaft her due to garden-variety negligence.

Raymond Tanner, a meat cutter by trade, chased his pretty young wife Maria Barker Tanner around the parking lot of their Cincinnati area apartment complex with a foot-long butcher knife on the morning of Valentine’s Day, 1990. He caught Maria, dragged her into the foyer of their building, and cut off her head in front of a terrified young neighbor woman.

I interviewed Maria’s mother after Raymond Tanner beat a murder rap because a judge, with prosecutor assistance, found Tanner not guilty by reason of insanity for beheading her daughter. She showed me a picture of the attractive young blonde, and she told me Maria found out a lot of negative things about Tanner after they got married. She found out he was apparently discharged from the service with a less-than-honorable discharge, he had been married and divorced before, he had financial problems, and he had fathered children by his ex-wife and a previous girlfriend. Maria learned she would have to help him pay child support for these children. Maria’s heartbroken mother told me, “Parents should delve into the fiance’s background … and check him from one end to the other.”

Butler County, Ohio prosecutor Robin N. Piper III told me he decided not to prosecute Tanner for cutting off his wife’s head on Valentine’s Day. Why? Because, he said, two state-retained psychologists who interviewed Tanner many weeks after he beheaded his wife believed Tanner thought his wife and the Masons were involved in a plot to kill him.

(Roger Fisher, one of the shrinks in question, bitched at me over the phone when I tried to set up an interview with him about his analysis. He also told me he was forbidding his staffers from talking to me about the Tanner case. Would such behavior on his part be evidence of clinical paranoia?)

I asked prosecutor Piper why he hadn’t checked with the two psychologists who examined Tanner in the Butler County jail within days after he beheaded his wife and concluded he was faking insanity. The prosecutor replied with some astonishment he wasn’t aware of any other evaluation. I told Piper the sheriff had reported to the media he had gotten these two psychologists to examine Tanner. I told him info about their exams on Tanner was in a story in the local paper. The prosecutor confessed he was unaware of their findings.

But he was negligent, in my opinion, even if he didn’t read the paper. Why? The jailhouse log, which I examined, had the two psychologists’ names on it who made visits within days of Tanner’s jailing. The interval between the first exams by the psychologists who claimed Tanner was faking insanity and the time the latter two shrinks saw Tanner could have given him time to prepare a story they’d buy. In short, the prosecutor overlooked a huge piece of evidence in the murder case of a man who savagely cut off his wife’s head.

I was able to use jailhouse records to see when Tanner was booked, what the officers noted, and who came to see him while he was jailed. The jailhouse record also referred to a police report which had info in it that led me to believe Tanner was faking insanity because his answers were lucid.

Tanner the meatcutter took two quick strokes to behead his wife, according to the autopsy report, which I obtained from the county coroner. This too indicated Tanner was exhibiting rational control of the murder weapon. A defense attorney might say Tanner wasn’t quite as sadistic as the Islamists who use extended cutting and sawing to behead victims for their propaganda videos.

Was Raymond Tanner insane? Most rational men don’t behead their wives on Valentine’s Day – or on any other day, for that matter. But jury members who received all the evidence should have made that decision, not a prosecutor who in my opinion mishandled the case. Thanks in large part to Piper’s apparent negligence and his failure to put on a case, a judge found Tanner not guilty by reason of insanity in June 1990. Tanner walked free from the state nuthouse when another shrink convinced a judge Tanner was all better.

Robin Piper, by the way, was at last check an appellate court judge in Ohio. Foul up and move up?



U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russian Collusion Snipe Hunt because he campaigned for Donald Trump. Sessions had his No. 2 man in the DOJ, lifer attorney Rod Rosenstein, choose a special prosecutor.

Rosenstein chose a friend of his –Robert Mueller, the former FBI chief. Mueller in turn is friends with his successor and former subordinate James Comey, who Trump had fired.

In the recent raid on Trump attorney Michael Cohen, U.S. Attorney for New York Geoffrey Berman recused himself because he is a Trump donor. Robert Khuzami, the No. 2 man in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York City, is not. He’s a Bush 43 supporter and a big McCain donor. But that didn’t stop Obama from appointing him to run the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Khuzami’s SEC people stood accused by an SEC investigator of negotiating fines with corporate violators to keep them out of prison. Later, writer Matt Taibbi reported Khuzami’s SEC people were destroying investigation records systematically. Khuzami didn’t deny it, but defended it as a continuation of SEC policy. A quick Wikipedia search on Khuzami revealed these items.

Khuzami is the kind of prosecutor Wall Street could be proud of. Khuzami gave the go-ahead for the FBI goons to make the Michael Cohen raids.

Also, about half of the lawyers Mueller hired for his Brownshirts were big Hillary donors. None was a Trump donor.



Honchos in the FBI and elsewhere in the Justice Department are not releasing subpoenaed documents as ordered. Current FBI chief Christopher Wray and DOJ No. Two Rosenstein are being threatened with congressional impeachment and removal for the lawbreaking of their subordinates.

Contrast this with Michael Cohen, who has produced the documents the Mueller team have asked for.

Compare this with Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch submitting to Bill Clinton during the Hillary investigation. Some call this tampering.

Comey and other FBI officials paid for a false dossier whose author was in the pay of Hillary and used it illegally to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Mr. Trump and his associates.


Double standards, selective prosecution, and personal misconduct are all other things a crooked prosecutor could do.

In Ohio, compromised state attorneys tried to imprison a police officer who was checking on a resort owner and big donor he suspected of trafficking girls. In a sham of a trial, the judge sentenced the officer to jail for five months for allegedly misusing a police computer system. It was evidently the largest sentence ever given for such a conviction in Ohio.

To my knowledge, only two other police officers drew any jail time at all for this. One was using the police computer system for harassing an ex. Another was using it to tip off drug dealers. A number of female prosecutors were using the police computer system to check on boyfriends and girlfriends; none of these sweeties drew any jail time.

On my advice, the officer pleaded indigence (he was broke and the state attorneys were killing his job opportunities) and a court appointed lawyer won him a reversal of the unjust uconviction on appeal.



Dirt-digging on prosecutors is not an exact science. However, there are ways to get the job done.

You can check the percentage of felony cases in which prosecutors get convictions. Likewise, you can check the percentage of felony charges that are downgraded to misdemeanors. If your county has a low conviction ratio or high downgrading ratio relative to other counties in your state, your county prosecutors may not be getting the job done.

You can check for evidence of inequities in plea-bargaining, failure to prosecute, weak prosecution, wasting time with stupid cases, and incompetence in the criminal case files. Using the instructions in the chapter on checking crimes, go through the criminal case files as follows:

Note the kinds of cases the prosecutor has tried.

Check for race, sex, and evidence of income of defendant.

Check for how rigidly authoritarian or how ridiculously lax the prosecutor is in arranging to lower charges and sentences in exchange for guilty pleas.

Check the pattern of plea bargaining – how far the prosecutor will go depending on what evidence he has, whether or not he drops numbers of charges or drops the most serious charges, or whether or not he insists on imprisonment. Check for evidence of discrimination based on race, sex, or income. How does he handle crimes of violence? How does he handle non-violent crimes?

Check for evidence of a strong defense case and evidence of a prosecutor bullheadedly trying to prosecute the case or trying to secure a plea-bargain by ridiculously overcharging a defendant.

Check for evidence the prosecutor isn’t presenting a strong case when damaging evidence might be available to him.

Check for evidence the prosecutor has mishandled the case in some other way.

See what kinds of sentences the defendants receive if tried and convicted. See if they are convicted on a lesser charge because the prosecutor couldn’t make a more serious charge stick.

Note how often defense attorneys get judges to issue directed verdicts. A judge, in issuing a directed verdict, is in effect throwing out the case because the prosecutor hasn’t proven the defendant committed the crime.

Note how often juries or judges find defendants innocent. Note how often defendants successfully appeal the convictions.

Also check to see if the prosecutor gives a damn about victims. Too many prosecutors treat victims as mere pieces of evidence instead of as people who have been hurt deeply by the criminals. Does the prosecutor seek restitution for victims? Does he consider victims’ wishes and concerns? Does he shield victims from abusive and unwarranted cross-examination in court while still allowing the defense attorneys to defend their clients?



Now that you know what to look for in prosecutors, stay alert. Short of divine intervention, only an intelligent and angry public can make the lawyers and politicians slow down when it comes to breaking the law. Too many prosecutors are lawyers first, and defenders of the public only when it suits them.

In the next post, we will talk about how these prosecutor crimes and unethical acts are playing out in the putsch by the Deep Staters against elected president Donald Trump. Stay tuned.




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