• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025

Shysters and Rapists vs. Your Children and Wallets

March23/ 2018

The ACLU-style assault on state sex offender registries is continuing.

As we have covered here at How to be Your Own Detective, corrupt or crazy federal judge Richard Matsch ruled in the late summer of 2017 that Colorado’s sex-offender registry violated the Constitutional rights of three sex offenders.

Matsch’s inflammatory ruling came in a civil case filed against Colorado Bureau of Investigation director Michael Rankin in 2013 by registered sex offenders David Millard, Eugene Knight and Arturo Vega.

Matsch found the vermin are entitled to compensation and attorney fees.

The 9/1/2017 Denver Post reported the following:

“(Boulder woman Alison Ruttenberg, the attorney for the three plaintiffs) said she expects the cases will eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I would characterize this as a landmark case. My goal eventually is to get rid of this sex offender registration altogether, at least as it applies to a public registry that people can pull up on a website,” Ruttenberg said Friday. “I would be surprised if the state doesn’t appeal the decision.”

Matsch found that Colorado’s registration act poses a “serious threat of retaliation, violence, ostracism, shaming, and other unfair and irrational treatment from the public” for sex offenders and their families.

“The registry is telling the public — DANGER, STAY AWAY. How is the public to react to this warning? What is expected to be the means by which people are to protect themselves and their children?” Matsch wrote in his ruling.

In answering his own question, he determined the law exposes sex offenders to punishments “not by the state, but by fellow citizens.”

“The fear that pervades the public reaction to sex offenses — particularly as to children — generates reactions that are cruel and in disregard of any objective assessment of the individual’s actual proclivity to commit new sex offenses,” Matsch wrote. “The failure to make any individual assessment is a fundamental flaw in the system.”

Of course, there are sure ways to avoid winding up on a state’s sexual predator registry. DON’T RAPE. DON’T MOLEST. DON’T ABUSE. DON’T EXPLOIT. DON’T TRAFFIC IN GIRLS.

There are similar cases in other states challenging sex-offender registries.

If the U.S. Supreme Court upholds Matsch’s corrupt and/or crazy ruling, rapists get cover. And rapists will get your money. They will be paid “reparations” for being labeled as sexual offenders. That’s right. These felons will rob you, with government help, and your children will be more at risk.

Where is the case now?

Colorado’s attorney general appealed. The case is in the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. The case is known as Millard, Knight, and Vega (the sexual assault criminals) vs. Michael Rankin (Colorado Bureau of Investigation leader), Case No. 17-1333.

I have contacted more than 30 state attorneys general, asking them to file amicus briefs on the case to help out Colorado’s people against the sex offender lobby. I didn’t waste my time with justice-challenged AGs Eric Schneiderman of New York or Xavier Becerra of California. (Disclosure: I recently assisted people who these two worthless public officials attacked. I will discuss these cases at length at the proper time.)

I spoke in February 2018 with a court clerk on the status of the case. He said the case went to mediation after Judge Matsch’s ruling but mediation failed. This puts the lie to the criminals’ advocates’ claim that Matsch’s ruling applies only to the three criminals. It is easy to change a sex offender’s status if there was an error, or remove him from the list if his real crime was drunkenly urinating in public and not lewd acts. Ms. Ruttenberg is gunning to kill all sex offender registries.

The lawyer for the predatory scum, errr, sex offender plaintiffs, is working at least two other similar cases. In one of the cases, the ACLU is also involved on the side of the rapists and against the public.

This is a big deal. This is the ACLU and allied shysters’ next play for your money and your children.

Crackpot judge Richard Matsch ruled Colorado public officials had to kill the state’s sex offender registry and pay reparations to sex offenders. His ruling can’t be mediated; it must be destroyed.

The deputy court clerk said no attorney general from any other state had filed an amicus brief in support of Colorado’s sex offender registry yet. The clerk said they probably would wait for the merits brief (the filing by Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman) to file amicus briefs.

Not long after my conversation with the court clerk, I got this from one of the state attorney general assistants:


Dear Mr. Sherlock,

“I sincerely regret and apologize for the delay with responding to your inquiry. This department receives hundreds of letters and e-mails each week, making some delays inevitable.

This office has received your email regarding the ACLU’s appeal currently in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. You indicate in your email that you disagree with the ACLU’s stance on this issue. You ask this office for assistance.

The primary responsibility of the Attorney General is to act as the legal counsel for State of Michigan departments, agencies, and employees, as well as to issue opinions to members of the Legislature and department heads concerning legal issues that affect state government. The office of Attorney General represents the State’s interests in lawsuits for and against the State and in administrative hearings as well.

The problem addressed in your letter falls within the jurisdiction of the federal government. The Attorney General does not have the authority or the jurisdiction to intervene in these types of matters.”

It was signed by a bubblehead named Donna Pendergast. Her title?

First Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division.

Why is Donna the Prima Donna a bubblehead?

First of all, the ACLU is not a party to the Colorado case. Yet. The sex offenders’ lawyer Alison Ruttenberg uses ACLU style tactics and evidently has worked on legal matters with the ACLU, but she is not formally representing she is part of the ACLU.

Second, the bad guys didn’t appeal. The state attorney general appealed against the sex offenders, to whom Judge Matsch wrongfully gave a victory.

Third, Donna’s smarmy remarks about the Michigan Attorney General not having jurisdiction to intervene reveals her lying or her ignorance.

State attorneys general do file amicus briefs in cases that may concern them.

And state attorneys general often find themselves in federal court.

Donna the Bubblehead “forgot” to tell me her boss Bill Schuette had to defend a similar attack on Michigan’s sex offender registry by the ACLU in federal court. Michigan officials made changes to the sex offender registry that hurt the feelings of some rapists who were convicted before the changes went into law. The ACLU’s argument was such a change was additional punishment that can’t be applied retroactively. A federal judge agreed with the ACLU and so did some other losers in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. The US Supreme Court, which has four leftists and two justices I think are blackmail victims (Roberts and Kennedy) refused to hear Michigan’s appeal.

Or maybe she just lied to me to blow off my request.

Bill Schuette, if you’re listening, you need to fire Donna the Bubblehead and find someone who knows the law, has better reading comprehension skills than Donna, and won’t lie about it to people. Donna is killing you.

A key reason the sex offenders and other criminals are winning is that prosecutor offices are loaded with ignorant, lazy, and/or untruthful losers like Donna the Bubblehead.

Now for a case update.

This morning, I called the federal appeals court again. One of the clerks said Colorado AG Cynthia Coffman had until Monday, March 26, 2018, to file her merits brief. He said she hadn’t done so yet.

Lawyers tend to put off serious work till the last minute. Except for those who are targeting the government (and the people whose taxes support it) for money.

Sometimes they put in the work and hold it till the last minute for timing reasons. The story will get more coverage on a Monday than on a Friday. Or in the case of the recent firing of dirty FBI No. 2 Andrew McCabe, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions did it right before McCabe was eligible to draw a fat and undeserved federal pension. If McCabe is convicted of crimes in connection with his wrongful conduct, he will lose that pension, and hopefully more, since he is reportedly has $11 million.

When you cover crime, you have to follow the money trail.

The ACLU and other low-grade scum have been attacking sex offender registration laws across the nation for years.

Many such cases involve states whose officials have updated their sex offender registry laws after some sex offenders were convicted and sentenced. These earlier criminals through the ACLU and other lawyers who sue we the people argue such moves are illegal because they have already been sentenced.

Other ACLU and like groups’ sex offender advocacy have come against communities.

For example, the shakedown racket, errr, advocacy group California Reform Sex Offender Laws brag they muscled 44 communities to stop enforcing sex offender notification laws they didn’t like in 2014.

Janice Bellucci, the lawyer who runs California Reform Sex Offender Laws, which is now called Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws, has the following payoff tactic:

Janice whores for vermin who have molested children and other rapists against California cities whose leaders enact sex offender residency laws a little stiffer than what the state law is. She sues the city. The city attorney, usually a worm who couldn’t make it in private practice, comes in on his or her knees to the city council and advises settling out of court. Janice drops the lawsuit after she collects lawyer fees and “expenses.”

Janice has done this to many towns in the Granola State. Am I wrong to think some of these city attorneys may get kickbacks from Janice?

Alison Ruttenberg, the Colorado rapists’ lawyer, claimed “only 5% of sex offenders were arrested for new crimes,” the Denver Post reported.

She is of course wrong, because the recidivism rate among sex offenders is much higher than the joke of a number she quoted. It’s no shock she wasn’t leveling with the public when she said this. She’s a lawyer. Lawyers lie. But even if she was right, it would prove marking sexual predators as scum publicly is a great idea because it keeps out of their paths potential victims who otherwise might stray there.

Alison no doubt is looking at the legal fees she could extort out of the public if the appellate judges and the U.S. Supreme Court are foolish and corrupt enough to uphold Matsch’s corrupt and insane ruling in her favor. She is also representing three other rapists (Brockhausen, Toner, Cook, Case No. 16 CV 2090, also in US. District Court in Colorado) for similar issues. If Alison Ruttenberg represents all the rapists in Colorado, she could retire on the money the taxpayers would have to give her for representing the worst people in the Rockies.

But Alison might have to split it with the ACLU, whose lawyers have been litigating on similar issues against a Colorado city in the federal court system. (See Stephen Brett Ryals v. Englewood, Case No. 12 CV 02178 for details. Alison is listed in that case too.)

This is how the ACLU and others like them have apparently become an extortion racket. In my opinion, what nuisance lawsuit groups do in suing towns with Nativity Scenes or school districts without bathrooms for self-identifying freaks into doing their bidding against the will of the vast majority of the public is akin to running a shakedown, a protection racket, or some other form of extortion. In my opinion, they commit abuse of process. They plot to sue small government entities in federal court in areas where they figure the cases will go to sympathetic judges, or the appeals will go to sympathetic judges. They find some dorks to be “local aggrieved citizens,” and then they file suit.

Even if the ACLU or a similar nuisance litigation group wins nominal damages for the dork plaintiffs, the lawyers often win full legal fees, which they jack up through the stratosphere. Judges – who are also lawyers – allow it. This is how such groups parasite off of the public.

Many millions of dollars of the ACLU’s budget come from lawsuit wins against small government entities. You can see the ACLU’s IRS returns (Form 990s, for nonprofit groups, which are public records obtainable thru the IRS, thru some on-line charity monitoring companies, and randomly on the Internet), and in some cases their audited financial statements which they make public.

The ACLU’s Form 990s (nonprofit group tax returns) also indicate quite a few ACLU employees get more than $200,000 a year. This doesn’t count the lawyers they retain who are not employees.

Alison Ruttenberg is called a civil rights attorney. More than 20 years ago, she was called a sexual harassment lawyer by a Newsweek reporter in a 11/24/1996 article about the rapes of female soldiers. (The Colorado Supreme Court Attorney Discipline website says she’s been a lawyer in the state since 1988.) Maybe whoring for sex offenders is more lucrative than protecting rape victims.

Now to address the “concerns” of these civil liberties shysters and con artists.

Again, there are sure ways to avoid winding up on a state’s sexual predator registry. DON’T RAPE. DON’T MOLEST. DON’T ABUSE. DON’T EXPLOIT. DON’T TRAFFIC IN GIRLS.

Some in the rapist lobby claim the sex offender registries lead to more sex offenses. Others claim sex offenders have lower recidivism rates than other offenders. These sex offender suck-ups need to co-ordinate their lying a little better.

Murderers do have lower recidivism rates than thieves. Why? Because most of them stay in prison a long long time. Some, after all their appeals run out, even meet Mr. Sparky or The Needle.

This is what should happen to rapists, especially those who rape children.

Kentucky sheriffs used to hang convicted rapists publicly on the lawns of their county courthouses. By state law. What parent wouldn’t want that level of justice for child rapists?

Sex offenders have higher recidivism rates than what is reported because victims, especially children, in most cases are too scared and/or humiliated to report. Some sex offenders, when released to prey upon the public again, are smarter about who they target and how they commit more sex crimes to stay out of trouble. But it doesn’t mean they aren’t a threat to children or that they are raping less.

If the low-grade scum who support sex offenders are right about sex offenders committing fewer sex crimes when released, they are proving the sex offender registries are a great idea. Why? Marking sexual predators as criminal scum publicly keeps out of their paths many potential victims who otherwise might stray there. To help children and people too poor to have Internet access to sex offender criminal registries, I would support face-branding convicted rapists and those who commit other sex offenses against children.

Some of these rapist reps argue it is a violation of a rapist’s civil liberties to be put on a sex offender registry with sterner requirements than there were when he was convicted and sentenced. All the feds and any state’s leaders need to do, if anything, in running a sex offender registry is call it a public repository of information. The fact a rapist has a rape conviction is a public record unless he got a soft plea bargain deal or was a juvenile when he raped a victim. The earlier sex offenders are no better than those convicted after the sex offender registry laws came onto the books. Under the spirit of freedom of information laws, there is no reason not to put the earlier offenders’ predator histories on the record before the law got tougher. Instead of calling it punishment, call it informational.

If the Supreme Court in some future fit of depravity or senility or blackmail victimhood rules sex offender registries are cruel and unusual, they are still factual, unless state people who put them together negligently took the sex offenders at their words when they interviewed them for info. (This happened in Ohio under the regimes of incompetent former attorney general Richard Cordray, and his mildly more competent successor Mike DeWine. They admit their website has errors because they rely on sexual predators to tell the truth. They have admitted their failings on the state ESORN page for years.) This means there is nothing to stop private nonprofits who are on the side of law enforcement from making them available to the public. (We provide a path to the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public website on this website.)

Another reason for saving sex offender records and making them public is that too many public officials and their lawyers destroy a lot of records to let sex offenders with government jobs off the hook.

California children, in the state where predator prostie Janice Bellucci lives and practices lawfare, and where secessionist Xavier Becarra is the state attorney general, are especially vulnerable due to the public officials and government employees who pull paychecks in the Granola State.

Los Angeles Unified School District officials let grade school teacher Mark Berndt resign in 2011. Sheriff’s deputies showed school district officials photos of boys and girls being gagged with tape and blindfolded, and some being fed spoonfuls of a substance alleged to be semen. Lawmen arrested Berndt for a number of lewd conduct offenses.

School district officials suspended Berndt. Berndt lawyered up with lawyers who teachers’ union officials use to defend their dirtbags, so school officials allowed him to resign (instead of firing him) and keep his $4000 a month pension. They also paid him his full salary and paid his legal expenses. Since then, roughly 200 pupils’ parents have sued the school district because Berndt apparently fed kids his sperm for decades. School officials wound up reassigning every staffer at the school where Berndt taught and abused kids, because not a one of them ever came forward to report Berndt for his crimes. Some parents refused to settle lawsuits with the L.A. Unified School District, because they accused them of withholding information.

Sadly, the parents were proven right. L.A. Unified School District officials had records dating back to 1983 in which pupils or parents complained Berndt committed sexual acts, from dropping his pants before startled children during a field trip, to masturbating in class, to molesting children. MEANWHILE, L.A. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIALS DID NOTHING.

So who exposed Berndt? A drugstore employee who developed film Berndt dropped off saw 40 photos of children with their eyes and mouths taped shut and roaches on their faces, or children being fed what looked like semen. Unlike the scumbag public school officials, the hourly employee had the integrity to call police. Berndt in 2013 drew a 25-year-sentence for molesting children. Among his other crimes, said a judge who ruled to make public a lot of info in the case, were forcing children to touch his genitals, exposing himself to children, and groping girls’ vaginas and breasts … on those girls barely old enough to have small breasts.

In the wake of the Berndt case came the revelation L.A. Unified School District lawyers destroyed 20 years of sex offense records against teachers and other employees of the district – from 1988 to 2008 – in 2008. A spokesperson for lawyers representing LAUSD against the parents of children Berndt molested admitted to the records destroying – after the records went to the general counsel of the school district – during an interview in 2014.


A L.A. Unified School District lawyer tried to prevent Los Angeles County Superior Court officials from making the info on Berndt public. Since most of it was info L.A. County Sheriff’s Department deputies gathered, LAUSD lawyers didn’t get a chance to destroy it, and lie about it for their LAUSD masters.

Back east, 11 words. Penn State. Jerry Sandusky. State officials and employees. Offenders and enablers.

And in Donna the Bubblehead’s own state, the Larry Nassar case at Michigan State (MSU).

Nassar molested hundreds of girls and young women, and MSU female coaches and administrators covered for him. Nassar also molested girls on the US Olympics girls’ gymnastics team.

The local prosecutors in Ingham County, Michigan, where MSU is, were Democrats who bowed to the pressure a big university can exert. Stuart Dunnings III, the first coverup artist, later went to jail for his crimes in connection with prostitutes.

Gretchen Whitmer, who succeeded Dunnings, was such a wimp or a fixer that the MSU campus police chief Jim Dunlap took the child pornography evidence against Nassar to a federal prosecutor and took the rape evidence against Nassar to Donna the Bubblehead’s boss Bill Schuette. Dunlap didn’t want Gretchen rolling over or taking a dive on the cases.

The feds got Nassar a much stiffer sentence than Gretchen could because federal penalties for child pornography are more Spartan than Michigan state penalties. AG Schuette’s people won convictions on Nassar for all the rapes he committed, when Gretchen didn’t even want to try the cases.

Ironically, Gretchen is challenging Schuette for the chance to be Michigan’s next governor later this year. Smashing child molesters should be a nonpartisan activity, but too many Democrats have soft spots for all the child rapists and the parasitical attorneys who are part of their base.

Then there is garden variety negligence. Even leftist publications like the Huffington Post and the Los Angeles Times have reported California officials and/or their contractors have put hundreds of children (600 to 1000) in residences and facilities whose addresses show up in the state sex offender registry in recent years. Kentucky officials, by comparison, put 12 foster children into such places in the same general time period. If they had California’s population, they would have harmed 120 children this way. This is by no means acceptable, but California is way out of control any way you measure the state.

An Illinois government payroller for governor Bruce Rauner (RINO) who over the phone identified himself as Jim Crowley admitted to me in 2016 that Illinois imbeciles, errr, pimps, errr, government employees placed foster children in homes with sex offenders routinely. I was working to get a child out of such a reported hellhole.

Parole officers underachieve routinely. Barneys in the California parole system do not check on many of the sex offenders they are supposed to check. Nor do all too many in other states. Convicted rapist John Gardner lived near a school and got onto the grounds of a prison after his parole, state parole officials admitted. His parole officers overlooked these items. Gardner raped and beheaded Amber DuBois in early 2009, and then raped and strangled Chelsea King in early 2010, no thanks to his parole nonsupervision.

California Inspector General David Shaw in 2010 detailed the parole officers’ failings in a report ironically titled “The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s Supervision of John Gardner.”

FBI agents were notified of the US Olympics girls’ gymnastics team victims of Nassar in 2015, but the feds did not contact the victims till the last months of 2016. Spying on Donald Trump and his people must have taken a lot of their precious time.

Then there is the VD and zoo filth-filled jacuzzi called Hollywood. There are many outed pervs besides Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. Spacey tried to pass off his attempt to impose himself on a 14-year-old boy to being drunk and homosexual. The “gay” excuse may work in Hollywood, but not in real life. If what is being alleged about Spacey is true, he’s not only a deviate, but also a sexual predator – which in too many places like Harveywood is still a protected class.

Some of this is going on in the political class too. Women in politics are recounting unwelcome advances and worse as we speak. Sadly, they by and large didn’t expose the alleged government official pervs when it happened years earlier. Except for Paula Jones.

Many of them may be telling the truth. Except evidently Elizabeth Warren, who also claims she was sexually victimized. Besides lying about having American Indian blood so she could get gigs where applicants got extra points for minority heritage, forensic evidence appears to be against Lieawatha Warren from the I-de-Ho tribe. She not only speaks with forked tongue, but photographic evidence shows her puss is so emetic only someone certifiably repugnant like Janet Reno would kiss it.

The “Time’s Up” and “Me Too” crowd of harpies (not to be confused with herpes, which is an understandable error) was absent when Rachael Denhollander first exposed Larry Nassar to Indiana news reporters. Of course, Rachael is a Baptist and not a Wiccan, so the harpies ignored her.

And they were absent when singing superstar Connie Francis as an entertainer was fighting for rape victims all by herself. At the time, Jane Fonda was busy helping anti-American causes, and she and many other female feminist entertainers were pimping abortion on demand. Actresses and songstresses were AWOL; some of them were enhancing their careers on the casting couch. Connie, unlike too many of them, earned her success with her talent and personality, and without giving sex in exchange for opportunities.

The only entertainer who reached out to Connie Francis in her crusade was Ronald Reagan. He asked her to serve on his presidential violent crimes task force, and she did.

Let’s understand something about sex offenses. At least half of all sexual offense victims are girls – females 17 or younger. Half of girl victims are 12 to 15. Another 10 to 15 percent of all sexual offense victims are boys – males 17 or younger. Most boy victims are 10 or younger. Of the remaining 35 or so percent, most are young women 18 to 30. (This does not count prisons, government-run institutions where same-sex assaults are almost all of the sexual offense crimes.) These stats come from the U.S. Justice Department and my math on their figures.

In other words, most victims are children, and the average child victim is a victim many times. The average young woman victim is a victim once. Sexual predators ruin children by raping them repeatedly. This is why the public is rightly concerned.

But the lawyers of the ACLU and others with similar low standards of ethics don’t care about fighting crime. They view sex offenders as clients so they can sue state governments and take money from we the people. They are cancer.

Sex offender “raperations” are the next gold rush for these vermin.

There are hundreds of thousands of registered sex offenders across the nation. Sex offender advocacy lawyers may well make into the billions of dollars in legal fees at the expense of the taxpayers if the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court let Madman Matsch’s freaky federal court ruling stand.

Rapists will get cover. And rapists will get your money. They will be paid “raperations” for being labeled as sexual offenders. That’s right. These felons and their light-fingered lawyers will rob you, with government help, and your children will be more at risk.

“Matsch wrote that public shaming and banishment are forms of punishment considered cruel and unusual under the Eighth Amendment,” noted the Denver Post.

Being raped by a child predator is much crueler, but Matsch was silent on that. Has he molested children himself, or does he have someone close to him who has done so?

I’m for burning child molesters at the stake. It might be cruel, but if we do it often enough, it won’t be unusual anymore.

What does this mean for you?

You must press your state attorney general and your state’s governor to oppose this ruling when Colorado state attorneys appeal it. Likewise, contact your state representatives and your local police chief or sheriff to fight it. This is a nationwide case that could end your state’s sex offender register and make you pay rapists “raperations.”

You must also press Attorney General Sessions and your representatives to defend the Adam Walsh Child Protection And Safety Act of 2006. This helped make sex offender registries easier to access. John Walsh is reachable at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and at the Justice Network.

You must also teach your children to avoid trouble and to level with you if someone is treating her or him in a sexually wrong way. The good people of Carlie’s Crusade can give you in-depth advice; they are on the Internet.

Check the background of your children’s teachers and other adults in their lives. Be alert to people in the neighborhood. As long as you have access to sexual offender registries, use them.

In many cases, the ACLU or a similar nuisance litigation group doesn’t have to pay legal fees if a judge throws out their case against a local government. This must change. Push your state representatives and members of Congress to make groups like the ACLU liable for expenses when they lose. Also have them enact laws limiting amounts plaintiffs can collect for certain civil rights cases and urge them to enact laws setting a low maximum on what cause groups like the ACLU can bill for legal fees – a limit low like a public defender hourly rate. This would cut the average legal bill from such groups by 80 to 90 percent.

We are pushing for making sex offenders pay for their monitoring, and for making realtors disclose 30 days before closing to neighbors that they intend to sell nearby properties to sex offenders. If you’re interested, contact us.

And punish those in office who refuse to protect children, and who roll over on sexual predator registries, by kicking them out at election time. There are many politicians and judges and prosecutors who are on the record against sex offender registries and limitations on sex offenders, or who have taken actions to thwart the public will in this regard. We must purge them.

Remember, homeland security begins when our women and children are safe. You are your children’s first responder.

As St. Francis de Sales would say, “Pray as if it all depends upon God. Work as if it all depends upon you.”





Info on ACLU finances comes from the ACLU and ACLU Foundations’ IRS Form 990s (both are public records), from the ACLU, Inc. and Consolidated Entities Consolidated Financial Report dated 3/31/2014, from the ACLU Foundation, Inc. and Subsidiary Consolidated Financial Report dated 3/31/2014, and from similar documents from several ACLU state affiliates. Info on the ACLU’s court actions and legal work on issues comes from the ACLU 2014 Annual Report, and from an ACLU statement opposing congressional attacks on “sanctuary cities” by Joanne Lin 7/23/2015.

On Kevin Spacey:
CNN, 10/30/2017

On Elizabeth Warren:
New York Post, 10/22/2017

On sex offenders and the lawyers who profit from such cases:

Denver Post, 9/1/2017, 9/13/2017
San Diego Union Tribune, 8/7/2017
South Bay (Los Angeles County) Daily Breeze, 12/2/2015
Los Angeles Times, 7/3/2015
Huffington Post, 10/27/2011
NARSOL website
ACSOL website
Iyer Law Office (criminal defense lawyers) blog on the Colorado sex offender registry case

J.J. Prescott, “Do Sex Offender Registries Make Us Less Safe?” Regulation magazine, Summer 2012

Paul Heroux, “The Disappearing Sex Offender,” Huffington Post, 5/21/2016. This clown (D) is a state representative in Massachusetts. When people elect this sort of representative, it implies Massachusetts is less a state than a condition.

Info on the Los Angeles Unified School district and teachers Mark Berndt and the lawyers of the school district who destroyed the sex abuse records of the district comes from a 12/6/2012 article by Christina Hoag of Associated Press, a 2/1/2012 Los Angeles Times article, a 2/29/2012 article by Tami Abdollah and Shirley Jahad for radio station KPCC, a 5/1/2014 NBC-TV (Los Angeles) article, and Juliet Rylah’s 5/1/2014, 9/26/2014, and 11/13/2014 articles for the website LAIST.

On the Nassar/US Olympics/FBI/Gretchen Whitmer scandal:

Indianapolis Star 2016 series “Out of Balance”
Indianapolis Star, 12/20/2017
Michigan Live, 2/13/2017, 12/26/2017
Detroit News, 8/10/2017, 12/13/2017
NBC College Football Report, by Zach Barnett, 1/21/2018
NBC News, by Tracy Connor, 1/22/2018
Detroit Free Press, 1/21/2018
Sports Illustrated, 1/20/2018
Lansing State Journal, 1/22/2108
Breitbart, 1/22/2018
CNN, 1/16/2018
ESPN, 1/16/2018
Business Insider, 10/19/2017
Washington Times and Associated Press, 12/8/2017, 12/15/2017
New York Post, 1/23/2018

On the Michigan sex offender registry case:
Michigan Live, 10/2/2017

On Andrew McCabe’s finances:
A 3/20/2018 article in Fedsmith, an on-line publication for federal employees.

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