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Coward County Deputies Let Shooter Kill Kids; Worst Schoolkid Murder Was an Inside Job

February25/ 2018

The Broward County shooting fiasco has taken a uniquely evil turn.

Earlier in the week Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel had to admit the “school resource officer” named Scott Peterson, waited outside the school building shooter Nikolas Cruz invaded and listened as he shot the kids and the coach. Peterson was allowed to resign and claim his pension.

Friday afternoon it was reported that Peterson wasn’t the only alleged coward wearing a Broward County Sheriff’s Office uniform at the school while Cruz was upping his body count.

Three officers from nearby Coral Springs rushed to the Broward County high school. They saw four Broward County deputies, with their guns drawn, in covered positions outside the building where Cruz was killing and wounding dozens. The Coral Springs cops entered the building in search of Cruz.

Broward County deputies, “maintaining the perimeter around the building,” let Nikolas Cruz escape. He had left the AR-15 rifle, a magazine-fed firearm, inside the building and joined the panic-stricken kids running out of the building.

About an hour later, another officer saw Cruz walking along a road and arrested him.

The Coral Springs police were angry enough they told their chief, who in turn told the city manager about the dereliction of the Broward County deputies.

Coral Springs city manager Mike Goodrom evidently tore into Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel on Feb. 15 about the apparent cowardice of his men.

What came out of the 2018 Valentines Day Massacre from the media? Anti-NRA propaganda. Demonstrations. Gutless companies canceling business deals with NRA members.

It was almost as if the Left had a plan in place to execute that was just waiting for a school shooting in a leftist community. The Marshall County, Kentucky murders in January didn’t trigger this outburst because Kentucky people have pride and honor. They asked for people’s prayers but not for media sympathy. And they are going about hardening their schools, which is what responsible adults do.

What wasn’t reported in the 2018 Valentines Day Massacre by the lunatic mainstream media right away?

Widespread government collusion and dereliction. Or maybe something even worse, allowing a massacre for political reasons.

Broward County school officials knew Nikolas Cruz was a troubled teen. But to keep him from getting a criminal record when he brought ammo to school, they put him in an alternate schooling program. This gave him a clean record to buy firearms.

Broward County sheriff’s deputies investigated Cruz’s behavior more than 30 times. His adoptive mother couldn’t control him but lied for him.

A big medical firm specializing in mental treatment earned a malpractice lawsuit for their mishandling of Cruz. But they have been sheltered so far also, just like the corrupt and/or incompetent sheriff’s office and school system.

In one instance, Cruz cut himself deliberately with a knife. Deputies and a shrink who responded concluded he was not mentally ill. A government child welfare social worker didn’t even look at his wounds because he put on a long sleeved shirt and they didn’t make him take it off.

The school’s “resource officer” and school officials would not share info with the child welfare agent, and the agent didn’t push.

Blame the ACLU for “privacy issues” blocking of info disclosure of dangerous people. Blame the ACLU also for being behind the shutdown of mental institutions, where Cruz and many others should be.

Cruz was never arrested or put in a mental institution for mandatory evaluation. The failures of the deputies, the school people, the shrinks, and the child welfare people gave Cruz a clean record so he could buy weapons legally.

It did come out the FBI got two credible threat reports about Cruz but did nothing. President Trump has exposed the FBI for being so worthless it’s even okay for leftist media to occasionally report their failings now.

The hard left in the media, the Democratic Party, the schools, the entertainment field and elsewhere didn’t attack the derelict government agencies in Broward County, all run by Democrats. Instead, they attacked law-abiding people who own firearms.

Broward County officials attacked President Trump and First Lady Melania for coming to visit victims, health care people, and first responders who did respond.

What started the break to the other side was the money trail.

I and many of you asked, “How could a kid with no job buy an AR-15 rifle and several other firearms? Where did he get the money?”

He got the money from his indulgent adoptive mother, who was the widow of a multimillionaire.

In fact, the excessive love of money is what has refocused the case back on government wrongdoing.

Courtesy of Fox News, who essentially rebroadcasted a story from the New York Post:

“Just one day after the shooting massacre last week at a Florida high school, the woman who cared for the alleged shooter and his brother filed court papers seeking control of their inheritance, which could total up to $800,000, according to the New York Post.

Roxanne Deschamps also had Zachary Cruz, the brother of shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz,  involuntarily committed to a mental facility shortly after the massacre, the Post reported, citing a family source.

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office filed a motion on Tuesday asking the court to determine whether Nikolas Cruz is indigent and eligible for a taxpayer-funded defense.

Deschamps, a longtime family friend of the Cruz brothers [sic], began looking after them after their adoptive mother, Lynda, died of pneumonia in November.

Her court filings indicate she wants to administer Lynda’s estate, which would make her responsible to distributing the proceeds of her life insurance policy and settling her debts, the Post reported.

While there are no indications Deschamps would be able to obtain the inheritance for herself, she could charge a fee for her efforts administering the estate, subject to judicial approval.

Cruz reportedly told a family friend that Deschamps wanted to steal his inheritance, according to the Post. The paper also cited a source who reported that Deschamps had thrown Nikolas out of her trailer because of a dispute over his gun collection — but not before taking nearly $3,000 from him.

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office has filed a motion asking the court to determine whether Cruz is indigent and eligible for a taxpayer-funded defense.

If the court concludes Cruz can pay for his own legal defense, he’ll have to hire a private attorney.

His money — including any inheritance he obtains — would be subject to seizure in a civil judgment, including one resulting from any potential wrongful death lawsuits filed by his alleged victims.”

A bit of clarification, because the article excerpt could be confusing: Roxanne Deschamps, a friend of the adoptive mother Lynda Cruz, had both boys (Nikolas and his younger brother Zachary) after Lynda Cruz’s death, but apparently kicked Nikolas out after taking $2900 from him. The Sneads, the couple who Nikolas lived with from then until his arrest, did not try to pull his trust money. Nikolas apparently told them about the covetous crony of Lynda Cruz trying to steal his inheritance. Zachary stayed with Raunchy Roxanne until she had him committed just after the school shootings.

Is this Roxanne Deschamps the queen of the tramps? Did she take the Cruz brothers in with an eye to stealing their trust money? Did she trigger Nikolas Cruz, hoping he would commit a crime serious enough that even the Broward County Sheriff’s goobers would have to make an arrest? And while he was in jail or the nuthouse, could she drain his money and his little brother’s money?

Deschamps had six months from Lynda’s Nov. 1 death to file the petition, and her attorney Audra Simovitz called the decision to file the day after the slaughter “appropriate.” IMO, to which I’m entitled, this shysterette needs to be disbarred and placed in a women’s prison for being an accomplice to grand theft.

And how ironic it is that Sheriff Israel, whose people couldn’t be bothered arresting Nikolas Cruz while he was with his adoptive mother the 30 or more times they came out to his house right away knew how to go after his money. Did Sheriff Israel stop attending anti-gun rallies and stop bopping high school girls (allegedly) long enough to research the law on indigence?

Bopping high school girls?

A few days after the tragedy, a young woman once again accused Sheriff Israel of failing another gun control test around, or, errr, inside, a teenage girl that reportedly led to a fatality.

An unidentified woman, in a Youtube video, said Sheriff Israel seduced her and knocked her up when she was 17. She said she found out he was married and the father of other children besides hers. She said Israel forced her to undergo an abortion. From her video, “Hi Scott, it’s me again. You know that at 17, because of you, I had to have an abortion. Now I’m finding out that you have three kids — and a kid from another marriage, and a wife of 20 years and you’re happily married. Are you serious?”

This video first surfaced in 2012. Israel’s furious wife accused the woman of being in the pay of Israel’s political rivals. Someone with a sense of timing re-released it a few days ago.

If true, there should be a permanent restraining order keeping Sheriff Israel out of every high school, middle school, elementary school, kindergarten, and day care center in America.

When these two nuggets (Roxanne’s greed and Israel’s sleaze) came out, maybe it was okay to report that Israel’s deputies listened to a kid shoot almost 50 other kids without intervening.

Or maybe the story couldn’t be suppressed any longer. Coral Springs men did the majority of the dangerous work at the high school, and Broward County officials took the credit. (After the Coral Springs police went in to stop Cruz, another local cop and two Broward County deputies who came later did go in the building also.)This had to anger the Coral Springs police.

CNN reported the Coral Springs police accusations against Broward County deputies Friday.

There is only one reason leftists tell some of the truth. It’s to cover for something worse.

Maybe something worse than cowardice was involved. Maybe the deputies had orders to watch instead of act. Maybe this was a test case for gun control.

Whatever it was, further government incompetence, cowardice, dereliction, and malice cost 17 people, mostly high school students, their lives.

Barney Fife isn’t laughing at the Coward County sheriff’s deputies and their derelict or willful homicidal leader. He’s urinating on them, and they deserve it.

Elections have consequences. Broward County is a huge Democratic Party cesspool. The voters elected people like Scott Israel, the school board, and the county commissioners to office. Their failings as leaders led directly to the deaths of the high school kids and the coach.

Florida governor Rick Scott has the authority to remove Israel from the sheriff’s office. Syria would be a perfect place for this badge-wearing scumbag.

Florida attorney general Pam Bondi needs to investigate and prosecute the Broward County political leaders, school authorities, child services people, and sheriff’s personnel, especially Sheriff Israel, for negligence, dereliction of duty, and any other crimes the investigators unearth and prove. The county’s scumbag school system and police must be under state overlordship until the corrupt are punished and replaced. If Platinum Pam’s ego is bigger than her skill set, then she needs to seek federal help from people President Trump can trust to do a proper job.

Is this alarmism? Hardly. It’s protection for the people of Broward County against their own stupidity. A very large majority of Broward County’s registered and unregistered voters are evidently too stupid to pick competent leaders for themselves, so some of their children got shot to death, while their police watched and listened, and while their leaders played pocket pool, before blaming President Trump, the NRA, and tens of millions of law-abiding weapons owners for this very preventable tragedy.

In recent days, a number of corporate bosses, who sought business from the NRA’s five million or so members by giving them discounts, have now decided to end these discount programs to appease the leftist trolls who have been nuisance-calling them. Per several outlets, most notably Bloomberg, among the corporate cowards are First National Bank of Obama, errr, Omaha, Delta and United airlines, a raft of car rental companies (Hertz, Avis, Enterprise, Budget, National, and Alamo), Wyndham Hotels, computer software companies Symantec and Norton, MetLife Insurance, movers North American Van Lines and Allied Van Lines, Chubb Insurance, True Car, and home security systems LifeLock and SimpliSafe.

New LifeLock and SimpliSafe owners may be virtue signaling to burglars they hate ownership of firearms, which should make them easier burglary and home invasion targets.

Chubb cancelled crop insurance for farmers after overselling them and left them uncovered years ago. You really can’t count on Chubb anyway. (An 8/29/1988 Time article covered a Chubb ripoff.)

You and your friends should boycott Fort Lauderdale and the rest of Coward County as a tourist destination. High school booster clubs and college students should likewise boycott Fort Lauderdale and the Coward County beach scene for any spring break trips. In fact, no tourist with an IQ above 50 should ever visit Coward County until all their top officials are in prison and their sheriff’s department has been purged. Many beach resorts with loose standards are involved with trafficking girls anyway. Plus, Coward County Sheriff’s deputies proved they would rather watch kids die than protect them.

You as an adult are going to have to assume leftists and other Trump opponents in politics, the media, schools, entertainment, and elsewhere are lying almost every time their lips move. Except when they are eating, drinking, covering for worse scandals by admitting a little truth, kissing ass, or performing other perverted acts on those they admire.

The government has proven again they won’t act in your interests. That means you have to do so.

By the way, the largest school massacre in US history happened nearly a century ago. It was an inside job by one of the school officials. Here’s a quick summary, courtesy of Wikipedia:

“The Bath School Massacre, was a series of violent attacks perpetrated by Andrew Kehoe on May 18, 1927, in Bath Township, Michigan, which killed 38 elementary schoolchildren and six adults and injured at least 58 other people. Kehoe killed his wife and firebombed his farm, then detonated an explosion in the Bath Consolidated School before committing suicide by detonating a final device in his truck.

Andrew Kehoe was the 55-year-old school board treasurer ….. He was angered by his defeat in the Spring 1926 election for township clerk. He was thought to have planned his “murderous revenge” after that public defeat. He had a reputation for difficulty on the school board and in personal dealings. In addition, he was notified that his mortgage was going to be foreclosed upon in June 1926. For much of the next year, a neighbor noticed that he had stopped working on his farm and thought that he might be planning suicide. During that period, Kehoe purchased explosives and discreetly planted them on his property and under the school.

Kehoe murdered his wife Nellie sometime between May 16 and the morning of May 18, 1927; she had just been discharged from the hospital with an undefined illness. He then detonated various incendiary devices on his homestead on the morning of May 18 at about 8:45 a.m., causing the house and other farm buildings to be destroyed by the explosives’ blasts and subsequent fires.

Almost simultaneously, an explosion devastated the north wing of the Bath Consolidated School building, killing 36 schoolchildren and two teachers. Kehoe had used a timed detonator to ignite hundreds of pounds of dynamite and incendiary pyrotol, which he had secretly planted inside the school over the course of many months. As rescuers began working at the school, Kehoe drove up, stopped, and used a rifle to detonate dynamite inside his shrapnel-filled truck, killing himself, the school superintendent, and several others nearby, as well as injuring more bystanders. During rescue efforts at the school, searchers discovered an additional 500 pounds (230 kg) of unexploded dynamite and pyrotol connected to a timing device set to detonate at the same time as the first explosions; the material was hidden throughout the basement of the south wing. Kehoe had apparently intended to blow up and destroy the entire school.”

The Bath School Massacre proved someone with evil intent and some intelligence doesn’t need a repeating rifle to kill students. He can use bombs. Or he can run a truck thru kids outside of the school, like some Moslems have been doing. Or he can detonate poison gas canisters at a football game. Bleachers are easy to access.

School employees and leaders need extensive background checks and substance abuse screening. Teachers and administrators rape tens of thousands of children each year because they avoid screening, and their teacher unions fight for them, and their school administrators worked too hard to beat money out of the taxpayers to hand it over to victims of teacher sexual abuse.

If your school leaders don’t have a plan to protect your children, remove them from office and replace them with better people.

President Trump isn’t perfect, but he’s a real man blessed with great judgment, great cunning, the ability to absorb a lot of punishment, and the willingness to dole out punishment to those who need it. But his time in office cannot go beyond January 20, 2025.

George Washington, the Father Of Our Country, whose birthday just passed unremembered, would tell you it takes more than one gunman or Molly Pitcher to win a revolution. I stood on the battlefield that humiliated him most – Fort Necessity, Pennsylvania. As a young Virginia militia officer, he had to surrender his men and that pile of logs in open terrain to French troops –- on July 4, 1754. From there, there was no direction for him to go but up. Thank God he rose to the challenge.

So should we.

We have been given a little time to prepare for ourselves, thanks to the work of President Trump and his people.

But in the long run, only your alertness and willingness to act and the similar alertness and willingness to act of millions of people in your community and others across America will keep the Deep State from taking away your liberties.






“Woman who cared for Florida gunman reportedly wants to control his inheritance,” Fox News, 2/21/2018

“Four of Sheriff Scott Israel’s Deputies Waited Outside Douglas High During School Shooting,” Breitbart, 2/23/2018

“Dereliction of Duty – Four Broward County Deputies Remained Outside Florida High School, Neighboring Police Dept. Were First Into Building,” Conservative Treehouse, 2/23/2018

“Low blows in Broward sheriff’s race,” Sun Sentinel, 11/1/2012

“Broward County Sheriff Says Officials ‘Will Not Get Re-Elected’ Without Push For Gun Reform”, Huffington Post, 2/16/2018

“Broward County Sheriff Accused of Having Affair With 17-Year-Old Girl, Forcing Her to Get Abortion,” Gateway Pundit, 2/19/2018

“Broward sees success in new student intervention program despite rise in suspensions,” Sun Sentinel, 3/31/2015

“Shooter was investigated after cutting himself on Snapchat,” Miami Herald, 2/17/2018

“Alleged Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz was reported to FBI, cops, school — but warning signs missed,” Fox News, 2/16/2018

“Broward County Vice Mayor on Trump’s Visit With Shooting Victims ‘Absolutely Absurd,’ ‘Absolute Hypocrisy’”, Breitbart, 2/17/2018

“FBI Failed to Act on January 5, 2018 Tip About Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz,” Breitbart, 2/16/2018

“Bail Bondsman Who Flagged Florida Shooter’s YouTube Comment Gets Visit From FBI Hours After Attack,” Breitbart, 2/18/2018

“Woman who cared for Florida shooter wants control of his inheritance,” New York Post, 2/20/2018

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