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Feds Botch White House Aide Background Check — Do Your Own Checks Better

February18/ 2018

The FBI’s top people are close to being indicted for acting as Hillary’s willing tools against Donald Trump.

And the left knows it.

So they’ve been highlighting a story about a White House staffer named Rob Porter.

He has two ex-wives, both of whom said he beat them.

Porter is the son of a Bush 41 adviser. Porter, a Mormon, worked for Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee, Mormon senators from Utah. He also worked for Rob Portman, senator from Ohio. Portman is for gay “marriage” because one of his kids is a homosexual.

President Trump’s people got good references on Porter from three Republican senators. So they hired him.

When it came out Porter was allegedly a wife beater, he resigned.

Leading leftists, who break the law routinely and have been almost sexually subservient to the Clinton couple, are acting as if everyone in the Trump administration should resign because Porter is a wife-beater, allegedly.

Problem is, the feds and others don’t know how to do a background check.

All too often, they just check criminal records and driving records, and question some people in a person’s neighborhood.

But does that mean he is clean? No.

Was Porter ever charged criminally with spouse abuse? Probably not.

Did the feds ever check the details of Porter’s divorces? Did the divorce lawyers in essence cover up what happened?

FBI Director Christopher Wray admitted Friday his pukes ignored two tip calls about the evil little bastard who would shoot up the high school in Florida. They also crapped themselves failing to head off 9-11. And the FBI ignored info from the Russian government about the Tsarnaev brothers, Moslems from Chechnya who later bombed the Boston Marathon. Failures, Buttheads, Incompetents.

Did either ex-wife file a police report? There should have been a record for the senators to check.

Supposedly one wife got a restraining order against Porter. This is not a criminal conviction (in fact, some restraining orders are filed for by liars), but it is something that bears further checking, something the feds apparently didn’t do.

On our webpage, check the page “BACKGROUND CHECKS THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY.”

You’ll see what goes into a quality background check, one that hardly ever gets done anymore.

I used divorce records and police records to show a foster couple in Illinois have foster children despite the wife’s teen son being credibly accused of molesting two different little girls. Also, the couple has had money problems as evidenced by a bankruptcy filing.

The foster dude is on his third wife. Figuratively and literally.

Divorce records I pulled show his first ex-wife sent the cops after him because he refused to return their two girls to her after a visitation. She divorced him for adultery.

Divorce records I pulled show his second ex-wife divorced him for cruelty and she sought a restraining order from him because his third wife’s 16-year-old son repeatedly molested their 8-year-old girl on visitations. She refused to let her ex the foster dude have this girl and her little sister at his house because he wasn’t man enough to stand up for them against his current sex-partner’s (foster gal’s) alleged molesting son.

The second ex-wife told me the case went to the state police because the teen molester (allegedly) and his mother were relatives of public officials in the Illinois county where he molested her baby girl (allegedly).

A police record showed the local police turned the investigation of the perv son (allegedly) to the Illinois state police, who sat on the investigation. The state police told me they were still investigating the case, years after the foster dude’s second ex-wife filed the molestation complaint against the little shit his current squeeze had birthed 16 years or so earlier. The state police are waiting for the Second Coming to finish up, I guess.

Remember, in Illinois many cops are corrupt too. The last honest politician from that state was murdered in Ford’s Theater.

The second ex-wife divorced foster dude for cruelty. He was reportedly a wife beater.

Foster dude’s current third wife apparently is an evil troublemaking bitch.

There was not much on foster gal in criminal or civil records besides the following:

She sued her father, who objected to her lifestyle choices, and she sued the guy who became her first husband for paternity. Nothing kindles a romance like having to prove in court which dude baby-daddied your child.

She bore this guy a son, a daughter, and a second son, who was the accused little girl molester.

She later divorced her first hubby for allegedly growing chubby. Her fragile psyche was also bruised because he called her a cheating whore.

She invited a guy with two divorces, a DUI, a bad check charge, and other minor issues like kidnaping his daughters (the foster dude) to shack up with her, and they eventually married.

I ran police incident checks on their marital home. It turned up a number of wild and stupid and evil police calls, most involving the white trash foster gal.

The worst was her calling the police on her chubby ex, who was angry their son had apparently molested his current girlfriend’s little girl. It proved their son was evidently a molester, again.

Nothing says you suck quite like your own father trashing you around town for being a pervert. Then the alleged perv son started getting hassled by other youths, allegedly. Kids don’t like child molesters either.

The foster dude and/or foster gal declared bankruptcy while fostering more than one child. Financial stability is supposed to be a prerequisite for foster parenting.

Foster dude also had a cruelty divorce, and two charges of child stealing. Foster gal was apparently covering for a snot-nosed pervert son who was reportedly molesting little girls. He is a young adult now.

And yet Illinois child and family services officials sent multiple children to this house of ill repute.

That’s why you have to do your own thorough checking on those who have impact on your children’s lives.

Ditto for those to whom you trust your health.

Doctor ratings on the Web are often historical fiction.

I just wrapped up a case in which I was checking on some abortion providers – doctors who suck at life or at medicine badly enough that they sink to doing abortions for a living. They work for shithouse organizations like Planned Parenthood.

Various doctor rating websites noted none of the precious baby killers I checked on had malpractice cases. Ditto for some state medical board reports on these people.

However, the courthouses of counties where they practice and malpractice have their malpractice cases. The websites had false positive info on them.

If you want to check a doctor for malpractice, follow the instructions on this website for looking up lawsuits. Malpractice cases are high dollar lawsuits. You will get better info than the crapsites on the Web that give bad doctors a clean bill of health.

Many times a person gets away with evil behavior because of incompetent prosecutors or indifferent police. The police had more than 30 incidents with the evil little bastard who shot up the Florida high school and yet they never arrested him, or took away his weapons, or looked at committing him to a mental institution. That’s why the little shit had a clean record and was able to buy firearms legally.

Sometimes victims sue the criminal because they stand a better chance of getting justice in civil court than in criminal court. Like the foster dude’s second ex-wive. She filed for a restraining order to protect her little girls when the local cops wouldn’t arrest an evil teen for molesting the older girl repeatedly (evidently), due to his evil mother’s pull with local authorities.

And don’t ignore small claims courts completely when checking on someone. Even a small claims court case can point to flaws in a person, besides failing to pay his or her just debts or provide promised goods or services. I found a case in a small claims court in Geauga County, Ohio, in which a Cleveland abortion doctor named Martin Ruddock had to pay another doctor roughly $700. Small potatoes, right?

Not so fast. The other guy was a psychiatrist who Ruddock had stiffed for his mental treatment. Nothing says you have mental problems quite like having to pay shrink bills.

This may have been the reason Ruddock committed a road rage offense, made a physical attack on his ex-wife’s divorce lawyer in a courthouse, committed numerous acts of medical malpractice, dumped a number of his victims, errr, patients at local hospitals, and locked on to one of the women whose child he aborted so persistently she sued him for sexual harassment as well as malpractice.

I saw to it that Ruddock’s documented mental problems got the attention of the medical board in Ohio. A guy with Ruddock’s problems should be nowhere near sharp objects or probing women in their uteruses with a suction hose.

Last I checked, Ruddock had to do abortions in exile in Michigan.

By foolishly refusing to pay the shrink bill, Ruddock made the psychiatrist sue him for nonpayment and thereby disclose Ruddock had mental problems and needed treatment! Ruddock brought the unwelcome public record of this lawsuit on himself. Now, that’s nuts!

For equal time, here’s a case from my files where the heavy is female. Besides being a window on this sow’s soul, it proves just because someone makes a charge doesn’t always make it true.

This case arose in Common Pleas Court in Canton, Ohio, not far from the home of William McKinley. Billy Mack was a good man but sadly was a president best remembered for being assassinated, which made it possible for the legendary Theodore Roosevelt to become president.

The woman, one Jean Workman, came on to my radar by shacking up with a serial child rapist and moving to our area with Chester the Molester as her housemate. The woman was free to rut with a serial child rapist because she sued her husband for divorce almost a decade and many pounds earlier. She alleged she needed much more money from her estranged husband to complete college so she could earn a living. She also claimed she was afraid of him and sought a restraining order against him.

In June 2001, a judge granted the woman a divorce on grounds of “gross neglect of duty” and “extreme cruelty.” He granted the woman a generous alimony and child support agreement. He also ordered her now ex-husband to vacate the property and take his clothes and tools with him. Since the husband didn’t appear in court, this was essentially a default judgment against him.

Hubby fired back in October 2001, after he got a lawyer, who is female. He claimed his woman essentially got a stealth divorce from him, because while he thought they were reconciling, she moved ahead with the divorce case in court. One day, he said, while he took the boys to Chuck E. Cheese with her approval, she went to court and obtained the divorce. He said he thought she was going to court to dismiss the divorce case.

He then told the judge his wife had misled him (the judge) about their real estate and her finances. He said the property they owned had a house and a separate workshop on it. He said he ran his small heating and cooling business from the workshop. The judge had ordered him off the property, away from where he did much of his work.

Hubby said his ex-wife needed to complete her education, but only a few weeks worth instead of years, as she or her lawyer implied. Hubby noted she was a few weeks away from getting her degree in social work.

Why was this guy dumb enough to assume this gal was withdrawing her divorce case instead of going for the victory in court? He didn’t retain a lawyer to fight her, he said, because she told him she wanted to reconcile.

Hubby admitted he moved out of the house for a separation when she sought a divorce, but noted she and he “continued to date” and “we continued to have an intimate relationship” at the family home and at his place during their separation. He continued to work at his workshop to pay the family’s bills. He said he ate dinner with his woman and their three sons as many as four nights a week even though they were separated. He said even after she obtained the divorce in June 2001, they “continued to talk and date.” He said after the divorce, “on more than one occasion my wife came to me while I was working in my shop and initiated intimate contact.” He also said, “We were intimate as recently as August (2001),” two months after the divorce.

In so many words he said his estranged woman was either getting close and personal (or maybe was even having sex with him repeatedly) during the separation and after the divorce. This was an awfully odd way for her to show fear!

Maybe in her social worker schooling, someone showed her how to construct an untruthful and/or misleading restraining order request. However, she apparently didn’t get enough training in rebuttal. She apparently did not try to contest her ex’s statements, even though the ones implying sexual activity were only his word against hers. Her college schooling issue was easy to verify in his favor. The Chuck E. Cheese incident would have been easy enough to check out. The case file of the divorce had no record showing she or her lawyer tried to refute the husband’s statements.

The divorce court judge changed the terms of the divorce. He didn’t go after the woman for perjury, but he cut her alimony and child support by several hundred dollars a month. He also gave the husband the right to keep working at his workshop on the property and the opportunity to buy her out of the house. Hubby took it.

Soon after she got her college degree, this woman got a job with the county prosecutor’s office in Summit County, Ohio. A few years later, this woman, Jean Powell aka Jean Workman, shacked up with and years later married serial child molester Scott Dietz. She kept her prosecutor job a while, even after I had Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (a Hillary supporter) served with info on the mating habits and the veracity of this agent of hers.

I finally resorted to tipping off lawyers who represent men in child support cases about their opponent Ms. Jean. Her shackup, later spouse Scott Dietz owed Ohio taxpayers more than $60K in welfare reimbursement because the taxpayers had to support the two little daughters he raped while he was in prison for raping them. (One of the worst things I ever read was his six-year-old girl telling police in little girl language how Scott Dietz hurt her by making her fellate him multiple times.)

It isn’t a stretch to imagine how a lawyer defending a guy falling behind on child support payments because he was laid off would react having such info on an agent opposing him in court. It showed she was an evil hypocritical bitch who was not making her child molestin’ sugar bear pay the very large debt he owed to society. That unpaid money was making her life cozier.

Eventually Jean was laid off from her prosecutor agent job. Some other government agency in Summit County hired her. She’s a deserving Democrat.

When it comes to protecting yourself and your loved ones, you are your own first responder.





Info on Ruddock comes from Case No. 2000 CVF 00255, Chavinson v. Ruddock, Geauga County Municipal Court.

Jean Workman’s divorce case is 2000DR01754 in Stark County Common Pleas Court in Canton, Ohio. Scott Dietz’s rape conviction case is 90-0728, Ohio vs. Scott Dietz, also in Stark County Common Pleas Court.

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