• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


January06/ 2018

Our current immigration mess did not happen overnight. Like many societal ailments this nation has today, its germs came from the 1960s. In the mid 1960s there was a dumb but harmless sitcom called “Gilligan’s Island.” It was about a group of people who survived a tourist boat wreck and landed on an uninhabited island. It had some nice eye candy in Dawn Wells and Tina Louise, but the focus of the show was on Bob Denver’s character Gilligan, the poor stooge who was the butt of everyone else’s jokes because of his dumb ideas which he expressed dumbly.

Gilligan’s bumbling would be an apt metaphor for the nation’s immigration policy from that time forward to today. What is considered the “modern era” of immigration began during the administration of Lyndon Johnson in the mid 1960s, while “Gilligan’s Island” was a popular show. Johnson and his Congress produced the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which introduced daisy-chaining of families of aliens into this country as federal immigration policy. The law was so poorly or deviously written that aliens were able to exploit it to give birth on American soil and get residency status because of their “anchor babies.” In a way it is fitting, because Johnson owed his seat in the Senate (and his subsequent career which put him in the White House when Communist Party member and CIA asset Lee Harvey Oswald and/or others in the Deep State murdered John Kennedy) to illegal votes attributed to Mexican nationals in South Texas.

There are roughly 12 million to 25 million illegal immigrants in this country. There are another 20 million or so immigrants who came here legally or got amnesty in the last 20 years (1989-2008, the regimes of the Bushes and the Clintons). This doesn’t count the 1.01 million refugees and asylees from 1981 through 1990, the 1.11 million refugees and asylees from 1991 through 2000, or the 525,000 refugees and asylees from 2001 through 2008, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and records of the now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service. This also doesn’t count the millions the Obama Administration allowed into America, legally and illegally.

Most of these immigrants don’t have too much in the way of education or job skills. A very large proportion of them cost the rest of us more in government benefits than they contribute in taxes. Thanks to their presence, we taxpayers may be looking at coming up with a trillion or so dollars in the next decade just to put back into the social services sectors what these immigrants take out.

There are about four million people and dependents here legally on work visas. They are undermining the pay scale of American technical people and they are providing substandard work to the firms that hire them. Some of the sharper ones are spying for China or stealing for India. Legal and illegal immigrants are getting hired by cheapskate employers who refuse to pay Americans a living wage. The net job loss to American natives is in the millions; this has equaled the increase in hiring of aliens in America. (1)

Texas Rangers kill Mexican raiders, 1915. The actions of Pancho Villa and other murderous bandits like him led to the establishment of the Border Patrol.


Unlike the Ellis Island Era immigrants, today’s immigrants are a net drain on the taxpayers. The authors of a Congressional Budget Office report in 2006, which they did as a financial impact statement for the proposed immigration bills in the House and Senate that year, determined granting 11 million illegals amnesty and allowing 800,000 legal immigrants a year for 10 years by enacting the so-called “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006″ would cost the nation’s taxpayers $26 billion to possibly more than $50 billion from 2007 through 2016. They estimated spending on food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, and other social welfare programs (including aid for “undocumented students”) would cost $54 billion more for 11 million amnestied illegals and 8 million new immigrants over the 10-year period. Reimbursements to state governments for some of these programs would add another $13 billion to the federal budget, they reported. They estimated the added immigrants and legalized illegals would pay $66 billion in taxes and fees from 2007 through 2016. They figured discretionary spending on immigrants by federal agencies would rise another $25 billion in the first five years after enactment of the Senate bill, and an unspecified amount more in the five years after that. Summing these numbers yielded the $26 billion figure, but that did not include discretionary spending for the last five years of the 10-year period. (Adding $25 billion for five more years of discretionary spending would raise the total to $51 billion.) Since the 2006 Senate immigration and amnesty bill didn’t pass, the taxpayers saved some money. (2)

This government estimate of the cost of immigrants to American taxpayers was chump change compared to the estimate of a key researcher of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, for the Senate in May 2007. Robert Rector, the Heritage Foundation staffer, testified the Senate’s 2007 immigration and amnesty bill, if passed, would cost American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars in the coming decade.

Rector noted federal, state and local spending on welfare programs such as Medicaid, food stamps, and public housing in FY 2004 was $564 billion. He noted federal, state and local spending on schools in FY 2004 was $590 billion. He noted spending on direct benefits such as Social Security, Medicare, and worker compensation in FY 2004 was $840 billion. He noted federal, state and local spending on population based services such as police, fire and emergency services, roads, highways, courts, parks, and public health inspectors in FY 2004 was $662 billion. He said allowing more unskilled immigrants into the country would impose more taxes on the American public. He also said the crush of immigrants would degrade the nation’s social services and population based services because of the loads they would place on them.

Rector noted most immigrants were very uneducated and unskilled compared to the average American, and as such would consume more public benefits. (In the Ellis Island era, many immigrants were unskilled, but there were no welfare programs for them to abuse (public charges were deported). They became productive workers and taxpayers.) He estimated the average “low skill“ immigrant household received more than $30,000 in welfare, education, and population based services in FY2004, and paid taxes of less than $11,000 that year on earnings of about $29,000. In other words, he argued, in FY2004 the average low skill immigrant household took in almost $20,000 more in government benefits than they paid in taxes to support. He said there were roughly 4.54 million such households in the country accounting for 15.9 million people in FY2004, so if his figuring was correct, these legal and illegal immigrants cost the American public almost $90 billion in taxes in that year, or more than $5500 per “low skill” immigrant and each member of his household.

Where did these numbers come from? Rector figured government spending on the average household headed by immigrants without high school diplomas took in $10,428 in welfare benefits, $4891 in cash transfers like Social Security and Medicare, $8462 for schooling for children, $2746 for police and public safety, $809 for transportation, and $2724 for other government services. This tallied $30,060 per such household.

Rector figured the average household headed by immigrants without high school diplomas paid $2878 in FICA taxes, $1815 in state and local sales and use taxes, $1171 in federal income taxes, $1618 in state and local property taxes (part of someone’s rent covers the landlord’s property tax), $873 in purchases to cover corporate taxes, $714 in state lottery ticket purchases, $504 in unemployment insurance and worker compensation taxes, $431 in state income taxes, $264 in federal excise taxes, $192 in federal highway taxes through gas purchases, and $113 in other taxes. This tallied $10,573 per such households. Subtract $10,573 in taxes paid from $30,060 in benefits received to get a deficit per household of $19,487. Multiply this by 4.54 million such households to get $88.5 billion.

Rector noted giving amnesty to illegal immigrants would allow them to collect Social Security and Medicare and Supplemental Security and Medicaid benefits legally. Assuming the average legalized illegal might, after retiring, get 18 years of benefits costing taxpayers a net of $17,000 a year, the cost to the taxpayers of paying for benefits for 7.9 million amnestied illegal retirees who presumably live long enough to get them would be $2.4 trillion in 2004 dollars. This is a tax of more than $9200 in 2004 dollars on every man, woman, and child in the United States (260 million or so of us) who is a native of this country. (3)

Questioning and Inspection of Immigrants at Ellis Island in the age of Theodore Roosevelt. We didn’t want foreign labor undercutting our American workers. We didn’t want Nazis, Communists, anarchists, or jihadists. No common criminals or sex traffickers. No loafers, because back in the day there was no welfare.


The truth is probably somewhere between the $26 billion figure of the Congressional Budget Office and the nearly $90 billion figure Rector of the Heritage Foundation estimated in costs of “new immigrants” per year (not counting illegal retirees). Given the propensity for government people to soft-pedal a problem unless they want to scare the public into coming up with more money to throw at it, the latter number may be high but may very well be closer to the truth.

Adding another million or so legal and illegal immigrants to the country per year, most of who would be unskilled and would also include many elderly parents of immigrants who could daisy-chain them into the country, would take more taxes out of your wallet or purse.

At least another two million to five million aliens have come here legally by plane, then have overstayed their visas and are living here illegally. And there are another 800,000 or so foreign students and family members in our universities or here accompanying them. Some of them have gone jihad on us. Most of the 9/11 hijackers got in on tourist visas. Three hijackers had student visas. Some of them overstayed their visas; one of the student visa holders didn’t report to school. (4)

And there are the common criminals among these ungrateful aliens. A 2005 federal report noted about 265,000 of our two million local, state, and federal prison inmates are aliens. This doesn’t count those being deported as illegals; it only counts those convicted as murderers, rapists, robbers, thieves, muggers, and the like. Nor does it count the tens of thousands of alien criminals the feds and state authorities released instead of deporting. Aliens murder almost 4400 Americans per year – by comparison, the jihadists in Iraq and Afghanistan have killed roughly 800 American servicemen per year since the start of 2002 to 2010. Drunk-driving or drugged-driving aliens and other homicidally negligent aliens also kill more than 4700 Americans per year. And there are scores of thousands of sex offenders among those aliens who have come here legally or otherwise. (5)

There are many jihadists and spies and separatists among the millions of aliens in America. May Day 2006 brought out many Mexican illegals who favor forcing California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas back into the paws of the corrupt men who run Mexico. For every Chinese government-recruited vermin caught stealing secrets when they never should have had a security clearance in the first place, there are many others ransacking the restricted databases of the military installations and the defense contractors stupid or greedy enough to hire them. And almost daily there seems to be some sort of incident of Moslems shooting Americans or working on their bomb techniques or running over Americans with cars or getting into the country and linking up with jihadist countrymen or scoping out military facilities or stalking girls or probing airline security or raping their servant girls or honor-killing their daughters or raising money for Islamist terrorist groups.

There are public health issues involving the new immigrants. Here’s a sampler of public health statistics, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control:

Two-thirds of all cholera cases came into the country with people who contracted it abroad.

Four of every five cases of measles reported in the United States in 2003 came from people who were immigrants or were traveling abroad and served as carriers from measles-infested areas overseas.

In 2004, more than half of the tuberculosis sufferers (about 8000 out of 15,000) were foreign nationals; Asians had a much higher rate of this disease than others in the United States. Foreign-born people in the United States have nine times the TB rate of native-born Americans.

Typhoid fever and travel by Asian nationals visiting relatives in the Indian subcontinent in the 2000s were related effect and cause.

The problem is likely much worse than what is being reported. Officials with Centers for Disease Control don’t tell the truth too often about health care issues when political concerns are involved. In reporting on SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), they forgot to mention SARS was an unknown disease in America until recently. It came here from China, from Chinese nationals and from businessmen and tourists who caught it while visiting that nation.(6)

The statistics I laid out were current going into 2010, unless otherwise noted. President Obama’s statistics are going to be questionable since he and his people lied about so much and coerced or convinced career officials to proved doctored data for public consumption.

Despite the problems they pose to the people of America, the “new immigration” has support from both major political parties. They and the special interests who own them have agendas at odds with the good of the nation. They view the immigrants as cheap labor. Some view the illegals as workers whose Social Security taxes can be used to prop up the Social Security system. Many Democrats and some Republicans see immigrants as welfare clients who can be steered to vote for the party that gives them more benefits. They don’t care that these people drive down the standard of living of the average American by burdening the social services of this country, driving down the wage scale, and committing many crimes.

Red China’s Communist dictators aren’t only trying to put American factories out of work with the shoddy products their toiling serfs make for the shelves of Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and other emporiums of low-value merchandise and inferior imported hardware. They are actively spying on America’s defense installations, defense contractors, computer industries, and other industrial concerns with a mind toward stealing military and industrial secrets, undermining our military and industrial concerns, and eventually overpowering us.

The leaders of India doesn’t intend to confront America militarily. However, they aren’t above spying and weapon-running and dumping cheap goods in America. Nor are their crooked entrepreneurs above undermining the computer programming industry in this country with their by and large lesser skilled techies.

Jihadists intend to use our dependence on oil and our political correctness against us also. They are aided and abetted by multinational oil executives in this country who make billions of dollars dealing with the assorted pirates who run Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya, and oil-rich sheikdoms. They make much more profit on Middle Eastern oil because they can charge the same amount per barrel on Middle Eastern oil as they can on American oil even though it costs less to drill. It is easier to drill for oil in the Middle East, there are hardly any environmental restrictions, and the average Arab working in an oilfield or a refinery can be paid little. Drilling and refining oil in America means these oil executives would have to pay a living wage to American oilfield workers and refinery workers, and abide by environmental regulations.

The jihadists and oil executives are aided and abetted by politicians, school officials, media types, and others who give Islam a privileged status the jihadists would never consider giving Christianity. The jihadists are also aided by fifth-columnists and useful idiots in the environmental movement who oppose drilling for and refining oil, mining and burning coal, or using nuclear power. How much Arab money is being pumped into these environmentalist groups to lobby against American energy independence? The Bushes and the Clintons and many other politicians are up to their necks in Arab oil money or other oil interests. Their financial disclosure records say so. So do their actions. No matter which party holds the White House or majorities in Congress, the oil companies and the Arab rulers never get punished for gouging the American people. Nor does either party push for making energy cheaper or more plentiful.

The corporate leaders, and the globalists in colleges, organizations, and government agencies treat us as if we were retarded children. These people view us as suckers, and we have yet to prove them wrong.

Update: President Trump is unshackling American energy producers to drill for oil and natural gas at home and buy from Canadian producers. He realizes energy independence is a fundamental strength and goal.



The corporate and ideological and political shills for immigration know most of the people they want to flood into this country can’t meet reasonable standards for admittance. So they use arguments, none any more honest than those of the average politician or ACLU lawyer, to sway us. Here are their top red herrings:

They say, “We need more engineers and scientists.”

We can hire our own engineers, and maybe only the elite of the elite from other countries. The average foreign engineer is not better than the average American engineer; otherwise their countries would be technologically more advanced than our nation. The greatest impact foreign engineers as a group have on our nation is depressing the engineer’s wage.

Many Asian engineers work hard. But they don’t invent and create like Americans do. If they could, they’d be ahead of us in technology. But they aren’t. They are really good at stealing and reverse-engineering, errr, perfecting our ideas.

Besides, manufacturing jobs are pouring out of this country, thanks to the corporate lords. They are reducing the work of American engineers. So the only reason they really want foreign engineers is to further depress the American engineers’ wage scale.

Any engineering shortage we have in this country now is being created artificially by the corporate leaders who cheat engineers of their due. This widespread cheating of American engineers is reducing the motivation of many good American college students to study to become engineers. Instead, too many of them go into essentially non-productive but personally lucrative fields like marketing or law or public administration.

The same applies to scientists. America’s door should be open to the brilliant scientists who want to become real Americans and improve this nation, like those who fled from Hitler and helped us develop atomic weapons. But the average foreign scientist is no better compared to an American scientist than foreign engineers are compared to American engineers.

They say, “We need more laborers.”

No, we don’t. As previously noted, there is more competition for blue-collar jobs now, because of the presence of 12 to 25 million illegal aliens in America. This drives down the wage scale and forces many able-bodied Americans out of work. Besides, until manufacturing increases in America to the stage it was at in the 1950s and 1960s – American international dominance – there are fewer such jobs for more people to fight over as it is. Like with the engineers and scientists, employers are lobbying for more foreigners to further bust the American wage scale. The American man who served his country as a serviceman or who still could be drafted in time of national emergency does not need the problem of an alien who did nothing for America competing for his job at a lower wage than what is fair.

They say, “We need more doctors and nurses.”

Our experience with foreign doctors who hospital administrators have tried to pawn off on us has been entirely bad. Too many of them are rude as well as underskilled. In many developing countries, there is a more formal social order than in America, and doctors in those countries usually come from among the higher-caste people of their lands, or they become high-caste people because they are doctors. This leads many of them to act like arrogant jerks. They bring their snotty attitudes here.

Foreign nurses may be more kind than foreign doctors, but they aren’t any more qualified than our own nurses. Some nurses from Islamic countries refuse to sanitize themselves properly on grounds it is un-Islamic to bare more flesh than their hands. Thus they pose health risks to American patients.

Greedy HMOs and others who want a cheaper but not better health care system in America are behind the push to admit these lesser-talented foreigners. If we ease the artificial shortage of American doctors by expanding the capacity of medical schools, we’ll produce all the doctors we need. We had to do so to provide enough military doctors for World War Two, and we can do it again. Taxpayers of states whose rural areas are underserved with medical professionals could subsidize medical students in college in exchange for making these students work in underserved rural areas for a length of time after becoming doctors.

Reducing the number of foreign doctors and nurses in America is also an act of charity for the sick around the world. Foreign doctors, especially those from places like India, China, and Iran, need to serve the people in their own lands. Then there wouldn’t be so many suffering people in those lands.

They say, “America is rich. Why can’t you be less callous and give these people a home? Why are you such racists?”

The charge of racism is a red herring dishonest people throw when they can’t back up their argument logically and they sense people aren’t buying their lies.

Those people should practice what they preach and bring some of the aliens in the big cities to their houses to live. They should also quit their jobs and take jobs flipping hamburgers or scrubbing toilets so aliens can take their higher-paying jobs. Then when they bring home grossly reduced paychecks, and when foreign bums pilfer their possessions and foul their homes, they will get an understanding of what so many aliens are doing to the people of this country now.

China may have a robust economy (thanks to corporate traitors who export our jobs there) but you don’t see poor people breaking into China to participate in their economy. Why? Because there is nothing to participate in that would reward them (except if they came from North Korea, where the alternative is starvation). Illegal immigrants would be punished severely by the Red Chinese.

Mexican authorities do not allow illegal immigration, even though they encourage their own to come to America illegally and send billions of dollars home each year. Combating illegal immigration is within our rights as a nation, just like it is within Mexico’s right.

The average American understands the immigration crisis is not about Mexico vs. America; it’s about a sucker country with more opportunity whose politicians are unwilling to enforce its laws. Most Mexicans are not vermin. I have some Spanish blood, and I dated and partied with women from Mexico, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere in Latin America before I married a woman of predominant Slavic ancestry. Those who have come here legally from Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America have made wonderful citizens. Up to a generation ago, even the illegals tended to serve in our Armed Forces in high numbers.

Latin Americans should have a priority equal to that of Europeans in immigration policy, but we need a much lower ceiling for how many legal immigrants we let in. We need to prevent illegals from coming here and we need to send those who are here home.

Many of those who would emigrate here from Asia and the Middle East pose other problems. They are more prone to steal military and corporate secrets than Latin Americans, they are much more at odds with our way of life than Latin Americans, and they come from societies that are at war with America due to Communism or trade considerations or religious extremism.

Aliens have homes … in their homelands. Family reunifications can always take place in the homelands of the family. These people don’t have to come here to have a family circle. What they want is a daisy chain.

They say, “It is charitable to give illegals sanctuary.”

Charitable to whom? Not to those who have to pay the tab or endure being the victims of illegals who commit crimes, or suffer poorer health care and basic government service because of the presence of so many illegals competing with them for these services!

Politicians who maintain “sanctuary” cities and other such illegal jurisdictions are phonies who are not spending any of their own money to feed illegals or cover their other social costs. They rob the taxpayers to do so.

Nor are these politicians endangering their own health or personal safety by harboring these fugitives. They are putting illegals among the poorer people of their communities, to catch the illegals’ diseases and suffer as the illegals’ crime victims. They are also impoverishing many in their communities by letting crooked businessmen hire illegals to take the locals’ jobs. They are also in effect depriving many Americans of health care as hospital caregivers have to deal with illegals flooding their emergency rooms … and in some instances close these facilities altogether because the illegals have descended on them for routine health care they know they won’t have to pay for.

These politicians aren’t ensuring local labor exploiters and traffickers in the sex trade aren’t abusing the illegals. It’s no coincidence that the most victimization of illegals, as well as the highest rates of crime by illegals, and the largest payments in social services, and the largest number of hospital closures, are taking place in communities and states whose officials are not enforcing the law against illegals.

Engaging in behavior that spreads disease, crime, and joblessness is many things, but it sure isn’t charitable!

Those in the sanctuary movement who are part of organized religions need to cease and desist. They need to concentrate on pulling the logs out of their own eyes – these denominations need to purge the sex offenders and sexual deviates out of the ranks of their clergy and youth ministers. They need to concentrate on helping the poor here in America and giving charity to their legitimate missionaries and aid workers in other countries. They need to work to defend human life against atrocities like abortion and euthanasia and sexual abuse. They need to behave according the tenets of their professed faiths. They do not need to be aiding and abetting illegals, and hiding them from the law, so they can lie, cheat, and steal, commit sex offenses, and commit homicide.

Those in the sanctuary movement who are secularists likewise need to cease and desist. They are all too often frontists for labor exploiters and sex traffickers. Many of them are also sexual predators, and the trafficked daughters of the illegal immigrant poor (and sometimes the sons as well) they view as naked meat. After all, these illegals are victims who are in a position where they can’t really report their victimization.

Public school teachers and politicians, two classes of people who are very prominent in the secularist sanctuary movement, are much more prone to molest children and commit other sex offenses than normal people, and are more prone to molest children and commit other sex offenses than even members of the clergy and youth ministers in religious groups. Their behavior must be unspeakable, because their friends in the media rarely mention it, even though crime statistics scream it. Lawyers and social workers, two other classes of people in the secularist sanctuary movement, can be very good at making excuses for sexual predators; many of them also prey upon women and children. These groups also need to purge the predators from their midst and concentrate upon serving the American people, not aiding and abetting illegals. They need to become public servants instead of merely government employees.

They say, “Today’s immigrants are just as good a group of citizens as your ancestors were.”

The experience of the last few decades have shown, immigrants from places like China, India, and the Middle East are nowhere near as assimilable as the Europeans, or even Latin Americans. The fact that they work hard is nothing special in their favor. They would have to work hard if they stayed in their homelands. European immigrants engaged in nowhere near the industrial espionage or military espionage that the Asians have committed in the last few decades. No immigrant group from Europe systematically waged war upon the American people like Moslem immigrants from Middle Eastern countries have done.

People of East Asian and South Asian descent (except for people with Filipino or Guam roots) tend to serve in our Armed Forces at rates much lower than whites, blacks, or Hispanics. This also holds true for people of Middle Eastern descent. The majority of Moslems in uniform (about 3400 or so as of 2006, out of a total of 1.37 million, as of 2010) are American-born blacks, not people with roots in Moslem regions of the world.

Hispanic immigrants and immigrants from the Caribbean islands have traditionally assimilated into American society while retaining their customs and religion, like most European immigrants. Legal immigrants from Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America and the Caribbean islands usually still make assimilable citizens. Many of their sons are still willing to serve in our Armed Forces.

They say, “You are picking on Moslems.”

The reverse is true. Moslem extremists from the Middle East and elsewhere are picking on us. They have declared war on us. They are raising money even in this country to fund jihad. And some of their brightest young people are making bombs and attacking people in America who mean them no harm.

These people come from societies where trafficking of females for sexual servitude is the norm, where slavery is legal or is tolerated, and where foreigners are severely mistreated if they are poor.

Many Moslems have also declared war upon their own females. Read about “honor killings” of females, and read about how Moslem women who are rape victims get flogged. Those of you who want unchecked immigration who are attractive females should go over to those lands and live like their females live. Then give us a full report on how much you love these people when you get back … assuming you haven’t been forced into sexual slavery, or assuming you haven’t been beheaded for refusing to give it up or for being promiscuous before coming to their lands.

Too many Moslems hide behind their religion to commit crimes. They are not the first group in this country to do so. And thanks to the historical record, we were able to talk elsewhere in this book about another group who claimed their religion gave them permission to practice polygamy, theft, and murder of outsiders. They were a WASPy bunch known as the Mormons.

The Mormons rebelled against the social order of this country and violated our laws. They continued to do so until our nation’s leaders in the late 1800s punished them enough so their leaders got the “revelation” their predatory and immoral behavior needed to change.

Even today, Protestant and Catholic and Jewish clergymen and youth ministers who commit sex offenses face criminal charges. And they should! A crime is a crime, no matter what the religious status is of the swine who commits it.

By comparison, our prosecutors have been cowardly about prosecuting Moslems for inciting murder and funding it, and abusing and molesting their daughters and other females among them. They never invoke hate crime laws in what few cases they do bring against Moslems who target Americans. This must change, and quickly.

They say, “We need more diversity.”

What is wrong with America’s heritage and culture the way it is? If you don’t love America, you are free to leave. Be prepared to have foreign officials reject you for the diversity you represent to their societies.

It was the amalgamation of European, Native American Indian and Polynesian, American Hispanic, and African cultures under a common belief in God and a sense of the rights and responsibilities of the people that made America the greatest and most vibrant nation on Earth.

Virtually no other country has leaders who favor diluting their culture or ethnicity or identity out of a misguided sense of inclusion or political correctness. Preserving the essential ethnic cultural makeup of this nation is the birthright of Americans. We the people of America, as do the people of every nation, have the right to try to preserve our culture.

Young Slovenian farm girl. No burqa, no loafing, no refusal to assimilate, and familiarity with Western values of democracy and Judeo-Christian culture norms.  She would pass the Ellis Island test with flying colors. A woman as attractive as her from her homeland is now the First Lady. And Melania was a millionaire before she met Donald Trump.


We don’t need the cultural diversity of the harem, female circumcision, hara-kiri, suicide bombing, the Cultural Revolution, servant abuse, government-sponsored slave labor, selling girls and boys for sex, organ harvesting, harvesting dogs for food, dowry murder, and human sacrifice. We need controlled immigration, fewer immigrants, and immigrants from lands whose people have natural cultural ties to America and are historically are prone to assimilate into the American way.

They say, “Immigration is a net benefit to this country.”

At one time it was. But it hasn’t been for decades.

Your taxes and hidden taxes you pay for the costs of goods and services pays for the burdens that immigrants place upon schools, health care, other social services. The extras you have to pay for health insurance and car insurance and the like covers somewhat the costs of allowing aliens to get free care at hospitals and allowing uninsured underskilled aliens to drive cars. The extra taxes you pay allows companies like Wal-Mart to allegedly use government programs as their worker benefits package for their underpaid workers. They reportedly coach their employees on how to freeload benefits instead of paying them better wages. What you save at Wal-Mart or at a foreign car dealer you make up in higher costs elsewhere (and a lower paycheck due to downward pressure on your salary) to support this ruinous spending due to all too many of the “new immigrants.”

When illegal immigrants compete for blue-collar jobs, and when underskilled people from India compete for techie jobs and when underskilled people from China compete for engineering jobs, and when medical people from overseas compete for health care jobs, your kids lose out to them in hiring. Big companies are putting the difference between your paycheck and the immigrant’s or illegal’s paycheck in their pocket.

Many Asians and Middle Easterners are daisy-chaining their older relatives into America. They get access to our social services and our health care system, to which they have not contributed. You, I, and the next generations of Americans have to pay for this.

Aliens murder roughly 4400 Americans each year and kill more than 4700 more Americans each year by driving drunk or driving recklessly or committing other acts of negligent homicide. They also commit tens of thousands of rapes and other sexual assaults a year. Since many of their victims are their own females, the numbers of such unconscionable offenses they commit is grossly underreported.

By breaking into the country, aliens steal benefits and degrade security and clog the courts. Even assuming the crime rate of aliens isn’t quite as high as the crime rate of natives of America, which is an apparently false assumption because aliens reportedly commit violent crimes like homicide and rape at rates above those of natives of America, why do we need to welcome more criminals?

None of the immigration pushers’ arguments hold any water when analyzed. The bottom line is this: It’s our country, so immigration policy should benefit We The People. What we must do is force our public officials and those who run our other public and private institutions to respond to our will, or drive them from their offices if they won’t do so.



Ronald Reagan used to say if he brought up a problem, he would propose a solution to that problem. The Gipper was right. Pointing out problems without trying to solve them is little more than whining or nagging.

The Ellis Island Era immigrants became real Americans. Very few of them wound up being supported by the public. Instead, they literally built this country – they built roads, railroads, canals, dams, bridges, buildings, and port facilities. Their children fought in America’s armed forces in World War One or in World War Two … this even includes the Japanese-American kids who fought in the famed “Go For Broke” outfit in World War Two while their families were being interned by leftist civil liberties proponent FDR and his leftist henchman Earl Warren.

After reading the history of our immigration laws, you now have some understanding of what we used to do in terms of regulating immigration. It is never a bad start to use tried-and-true methods and update them as circumstances require.

The politicians, the corporate elite, those who run the schools, and those who run the various media excoriate you for wanting to defend your country and your children’s birthright from these people and from the millions of others who come here illegally. They call you racist and throw into your faces the fact your ancestors immigrated here too at some time in our nation’s history.

What we need to do is return the favor. If the “New Immigration” people are supposedly the moral equivalent of the “Ellis Island Era” immigrants, then wouldn’t it be fair to subject them to the same kinds of screening the earlier immigrants had to undergo?

Slovak women at Ellis Island. Immigrants in the Ellis Island Era wanted to assimilate. This picture and the inspection picture are courtesy of the New York Public Library.


Using the Ellis Island set of standards, the following would apply today:

Any immigrant unwilling or unable to earn a living would be barred or deported. Also, immigrants would not be able to daisy-chain in old relatives and ask the American taxpayers to give them Social Security benefits … benefits they never did a day’s worth of work in this country to earn. Enforcing this standard would send millions of legal and illegal aliens home.

There would be no “diversity lottery” to alllow Uzbekis or Chechnyans or Somalis or Afghans or others who hate Americans and refuse to assimilate to come here. American immigration law specifically banned those who were “inimical to American institutions.”

The ban on immigrants with labor contracts and visas (with a few exceptions) would drastically drop the number of immigrants looking to displace Americans in the technical fields. There are roughly 800,000 Asian low-skilled techies and similar types here on H-1B and L-1 visas. (This doesn’t count their millions of dependents they brought with them.) These are not “elite” professionals; only 36,000 aliens received O-1 (extraordinary ability or achievement) visas (even with resume inflation) in 2007. Enforcement of the ban on labor contracts would restore hundreds of thousands of jobs to their rightful owners – skilled Americans. (7)

Due to legal immigration, there are about three million more foreigners working legally in this country as of 2010 than there were in 2000. (This doesn’t count their millions of dependents they brought with them.) During the decade, the number of younger American men and women working declined by about three million. There are roughly 250,000 seasonal labor workers in America on H2 and H3 visas. (This doesn’t count their dependents they brought with them.) Americans could do these jobs also. (8)

Excluding those with criminal convictions for violent crimes, property crimes, drug crimes, and other serious offenses would drop the number of people allowed into this country. Likewise, enforcing the punishment and deportation of criminal aliens would send home hundreds of thousands of immigrants, legal and illegal. (Executions of alien murderers would also stop their killings.) Not only street crime, but white collar crime, industrial espionage and regular espionage convictions would send alien criminals home after their punishment in our prisons.

This would take a serious bite out of crime. Each year it would save thousands of American lives, prevent scores of thousands of rapes and other sex offenses, and cut down on other violent crimes, drug crimes, property crimes, and crimes against the social order. It would also free up jail space because there would be far fewer alien repeat offenders. As of early 2010, there were more than 250,000 alien criminals in federal and state prisons and county jails. This doesn’t count the hundreds of thousands of aliens released by the feds who failed to show for their court dates or deportation, and are running around loose in this country. (9)

Trying to enter illegally would earn an illegal a trip home. Shutting down the government benefits gravy train would decrease the attraction for them to come here. So would the drop in employers willing to hire illegals if we were to force our leaders to arrest more corporate criminals who hire them and send them to prison instead of plea-bargaining lesser sentences with their oily defense lawyers.

Our officials need to enforce the “loathsome disease” provisions of the immigration laws also. In the Ellis Island Era, our inspectors were intolerant toward serious communicable diseases. Our overseas visa granters are much less insensitive to pathogens now. We the people are entitled to public health. Alien disease carriers and their germs have no inalienable right to come here.

The ban on polygamy would ban Moslems and others who practice this relic of barbarism. Likewise, the ban on immigrants guilty of moral turpitude – crimes of dishonesty, violence, sex offenses, and sexually immoral lifestyle – would keep out many undesirables. We have far too many liars, thieves, vicious thugs, molesters, and degenerates as it is.

The ban on “moral turpitude” aliens would do deep damage to the sex slavers who import 50,000 or more older girls and younger women for the sex trade. It would also keep out or force the deportation of scores of thousands of alien gypsies, tramps, and thieves. A few Euro and South African and Aussie actresses, actors, and singers with questionable morals would have to ply their trades at home, but last time I checked, we have plenty of native-born deviates, sluts, and sleazes in the entertainment industry without needing to import any degenerates.

“Inimical attitude” and unwillingness to adjust to American institutions would ban very many people from the Middle East and a large proportion of other Asians. It would also ban Mexican separatists who believe Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California should be governed from Mexico City.

Enforcing “inimical attitude” laws would mean there would be many fewer jihadists and sleepers from the Middle East, industrial spies from China, and chiselers from the Indian subcontinent in this country as a result. You wouldn’t be reading about honor killings of young women or female circumcisions of young girls in your daily paper. Nor would you hear about thefts of dogs for use as meat in Asian eateries.

Ellis Island Era officials made sponsors and others put up bonds for hundreds and often thousands of dollars apiece for questionable immigrants whose causes they advocated. Applying that law to today and adjusting for inflation to about $50,000 per bonded alien could bankrupt many immigrant advocacy groups and individuals who front for criminals, sleepers, and other alien undesirables. This would help slow the flow of questionable immigrants further.

Ellis Island Era officials and other lawmen knew a baby born here to foreign parents didn’t automatically get American citizenship. The babe took the citizenship status of his or her alien parents, which is as it still should be. Returning to this common-sense interpretation of the law, as it was before LBJ’s failed presidency, would end the anchor baby scam.

Alien mothers gave birth to 500 babies while detained at Ellis Island. Almost none of them got American citizenship. The one or few who did had fathers who were American citizens.

And finally, Ellis Island and other immigration stations served as place of physical inspection and detention of would-be immigrants. Even after our State Department people started issuing immigrant visas overseas, our immigrant inspectors still took a good look at would-be immigrants at Ellis Island and other immigration stations when they got here.

Nowadays, those who come here legally get inspected and approved overseas, with no real backup inspection on American soil. For an alien to immigrate to America legally, he or she does need a visa. American officials stationed throughout the world can help foreigners apply for visas in the countries they are living. American immigration officials stationed throughout the world can screen visa applicants for eligibility to come to America. They can screen people for health and likelihood of becoming a public charge and keep would-be immigrants from coming. They can also screen would-be immigrants or temporary visitors for criminals, but if foreign governments want to get rid of their trash, or want to send agents into America to foment trouble, odds are these applicants will come up clean. Then the immigration official will have to use his or her intelligence to sort out the scammers, and compare their paperwork with the profile of a problem immigrant or problem temporary visitor.

When an immigrant arrives at an airport or another port of entry, like a harbor or a border crossing, he or she has to report to an officer of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency. That officer has the immigrant’s baggage checked. The officer checks the immigrant’s documents issued abroad to verify the immigrant is who he or she says he or she is, and that the individual has the authorization to enter America. The officer has the discretion to detain someone he or she suspects has bogus documents, but in almost all cases he or she does not detain immigrants. In almost all cases, the officer does not do any background inspection on the immigrant or examine the immigrant for conditions that could bar him or her from entering America. The immigrant who clears this inspection retrieves his or her luggage and is free to move about the country.

There are about 20,000 U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) employees (as of 2010) available to check immigrants and alien travelers at the airports and other ports of entry into America. (There are fewer than 20,000 Border Patrol agents. Border Patrol agents monitor border zones instead of looking at those who present themselves at ports of entry.) These 20,000 have to screen roughly 400 million entries (mostly border crossings, but also close to 100 million air travelers from abroad). Assuming 2000 hours yearly per inspector, this gives each CBP screener an average of 10 aliens per hour to check for entry into America, assuming all 20,000 are checking aliens. (10)

This minimal screening can’t protect the national security concerns of America. Nor can it prevent corruption. An alien who means America harm could still come to America and cause harm. Also, corruption or coercion of local officials or American consulate personnel overseas could still allow many inadmissible immigrants to get crooked inspections giving them visas and approval to come to America. Backup screening at immigration stations on American soil, like an Ellis Island or an Angel Island, is needed and must be done again to protect the American people.

This won’t necessarily stop those on travel visas from overstaying their visit. But proper detection and arrests of those who overstay their welcome using existing federal databases to check on travelers and students, and even local and state police checking aliens pulled over for traffic stops or minor arrests using the DHS’ Law Enforcement Support Center can locate wayward foreigners and have them detained pending expelling or jailing them.

Henry Curran said immigrants needed final screening in America by Americans at Ellis Island and other immigration stations. Curran was trying to put American interests first. In the 1920s, this was not politically incorrect. Nor should it be today.

At the end of the Ellis Island Era, the nation’s leaders imposed ethnic quotas on immigration, except from Latin America. These quotas remained in effect until the corrupt and incompetent rule of Lyndon Johnson. Many in the leftist camp claim the quota system was racist, and to a great extent racists supported it. However, so did millions of reasonable people who wanted their America to retain a certain cultural identity. We the People have the right to maintain American culture and American heritage. We the People also have the right to expect that immigrants will try to assimilate and become real Americans, instead of aliens standing aloof from American society and American values. Europeans, Latin Americans, and sub-Saharan Africans are more like Americans and more likely to adopt American values than are Middle Easterners and most other Asians. Social engineering can’t change that self-evident truth.

Even without a quota, the statistics are brutally clear. None of the illegal immigrants and far fewer than half of the million or so people our government officials allow in as the legal immigrants of today could pass the Ellis Island test our ancestors had to pass. Using laws that are proven to work is the best solution to the immigration problem.

Tens of millions of European and Western Hemisphere immigrants had to play by these Ellis Island Era rules I just outlined. What makes the immigrants of today any more special than those who came in steerage to this nation and helped build this nation instead of bombing it, or spying on it, or leeching off its taxpayers?



A country as populated as ours doesn’t need too many newcomers. Some have suggested a limit of 400,000 immigrants a year; others have suggested a ceiling of fewer immigrants, like 200,000 to 300,000 tops.

Before admitting anyone in any year, we should ask questions like these:

Is there a need for immigrants?
Is it wise to let them in?
Will they support themselves and not freeload?
Will it cost more to give them benefits than what they will pay in taxes?
How can they help the people of this nation?
Will their values clash with American values?
Will they take on American values?
Will they try to assimilate besides economically?
How patriotic will they become?

It will help America to admit aliens of exceptional scientific, engineering, medical, or other talents who want to build America and want to become real Americans. Immigration statistics show the vast majority of those here on work visas are not exceptional talents, but people who do not have quite the abilities that Americans in these fields have.

Favoring the admitting of people from countries whose people have an affinity for American values, and whose blood is most similar to the ethnic makeup of America is rational.

Natives of Mexico should probably have the most slots of any nation. Before 1976, there was a quota of about 120,000 immigrants who could come from the Western Hemisphere. The worldwide immigrant quota was about 290,000. Fewer than 70,000 legal immigrants a year came from Mexico from 1965 to 1976. Then in 1976, American politicians enacted Public Law 94-571, which adjusted Mexico’s limit down to about 20,000 immigrants a year. Illegal immigration from Mexico skyrocketed. Dialing the worldwide quota back to 300,000 immigrants a year tops (1/10 of 1% of the 300 million or so people in America now) and giving Mexicans a large percentage of the immigrant visas – along with enforcing laws against employing and housing illegals – will diminish the illegal immigrant problem from Mexico.

Natives of Canada, a European, American Indian, and African roots country, should also get preference. These people also have quite a bit in common with we Americans, especially compared with people from the Eastern Hemisphere. And after the Canadians should come the other Latin American, Native American, and Euro-American and African-American natives of the Western Hemisphere. These peoples usually have an understanding of American values and could assimilate better than the peoples of the Eastern Hemisphere.

Of the Eastern Hemisphere, we should favor immigrants from the countries of Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa, in rough proportions to the number of people of those continents’ ancestry already here. Our basic cultural heritage is from Europe. Nowadays, the peoples of Eastern Europe seem the most grateful for our help in bringing down the Iron Curtain, and I believe they, as well as the Irish (who have always served in our Armed Forces at high rates), will tend to make the most loyal Americans.

The millions of African slaves forced to come here have also left their mark on the cultural heritage of America, and for the better. They and their descendants have also contributed to the America we know and love. The Orthodox Christian peoples of Ethiopia and Sudan and Egypt, and the few Catholics of these countries, while not here in great numbers, also have the tie of common faith with us. The most prominent member of the Orthodox Christian faith in Africa, Haile Selassie, was a constant friend of America. (The emperor of Ethiopia also welcomed Armenian refugees from the Turks.)

Of the peoples of Asia and the Middle East, those who have traditionally shown the most aptitude for assimilation have been Filipinos (about 90% of whom have Catholic roots) and the people of Guam and other islands whose names first became household words in World War Two. The Christians of Armenia and Lebanon and Syria and Israel, and the Christian Assyrians and Chaldeans of present-day Iraq, and Jews from Israel have also tried to fit in. We involved ourselves in wars in the Philippines, Korea (about 40% of the people in South Korea are now Christians of the Catholic faith or various Protestant denominations), Vietnam (which used to be about 30% Catholic until the Communists drove most of the Catholics out or killed them), Lebanon, and Iraq, and the Christians of these lands have shown us loyalty and the willingness to assimilate, so they should have priority also among Asians. The Australians, New Zealanders, and Pacific Islanders have traditionally been our friends; they should have similar consideration.

Who should we worry about letting in?

China’s rulers are essentially at war with us in Cold War Two. Since those who emigrate from China do so with the approval of the Red government, we should regard them as potential spies. Why do we need more spies?

In World War Two, many Americans lost their lives and their countrymen spent a fortune aiding to the Chinese who were fighting sociopath Japanese invaders. But the Chinese have been in the grip of militant Communism for more than two generations since the end of World War Two. They fought us directly in Korea, and they fought us indirectly in Southeast Asia. They are of a non-Judeo-Christian tradition poisoned by decades of Communist thought control.

The Chinese immigrants of today are nothing like the Chinese refugees of the World War Two and early Cold War era who were very pro-American in orientation and wanted to become real Americans when they came here, and who have made great citizens. I have done business with Cold War immigrants and consider them honorable people.

However, I have met Chinese students in graduate school in the last two decades who are arrogant and xenophobic and committed to their regime. So have millions of other Americans studying in the colleges across our nation. These Chinese and many like them who China’s dictatorial government allows to come here are not here to become Americans; they are here to get rich and/or help China. These should be kept out.

Governments of many Islamic countries and many wealthy Islamists like Osama bin Ladin are at war with us. The Saudi Arabian government subsidizes jihadist groups and subsidizes mosques in this country whose imams spew hatred and recruit potential killers of our own people. The Iranians haven’t been noticeably better. Pakistan also has some troubles in this regard. Why do we need more sleepers who will kill Americans … or who will fundraise and provide cover for their countrymen who will do so?

The government of India has agents in this country doing industrial and military spying and illegal arms buying. India also has many corporate pirates who are systematically undermining our computer programming industry. The face of real India is very likely the rude and ignorant call center employee you get on the phone when you are looking for help. So what if they speak English? How will they help America when their government and business tycoons have been spying on America and waging economic war on an important part of our technical base?

The Japanese are a more complex case. They are worthy adversaries in business, and they proved their toughness fighting against us in World War Two. They have a standard of living that is not much below our standard of living; they have a diligent and educated society. I have done business with Japanese-American people of high caliber.

However, the social norms of the people of Japan in many ways clash with ours to a much greater extent than do those of the Europeans or the Latin Americans, or even many Africans. Japanese militarists were even worse than the Nazis in murdering, raping, and conducting experiments on people under their control during World War Two. There has been no Japanese apology or indemnification of victims of their aggression in the World War Two era. The dominant social culture in Japan still allows for predatory business practices in the name of nationalism. There is still an undercurrent of sadism and embrace of the culture of death in Japan that manifests itself in the sexual abuse of less advanced Asian women and in the high rate of suicide.

The Japanese are more open to American ideas than most Asians and in many ways they have embraced our culture, but there is still a nationalism that is frankly racist and colonialist in many of their people. Can Americans benefit from the pluses of the people of Japan without importing their minuses?

Who should we let in, and how many? No matter what decision is made, someone is going to whine. The yardsticks for how many should be the needs of this country. The yardsticks for who should be ethnic makeup of our country, cultural similarities of immigrants to Americans, and relative friendliness or unfriendliness of the countries of the world to America. Again, we should welcome people like us, not people different enough from us that they want to come here only to earn money or plot against us. Gratitude and assimilation are two minimum requirements. Basic cultural, political, and religious antagonisms should be, in the minds of most Americans, disqualifiers. The line has to be drawn somewhere; that’s where we should choose to draw it. The “who” and “how many” questions will need plenty of reflection, by leaders of good will, who will put the American people’s interests above all other considerations. We the people need to lead our leaders to make the right decisions.

President Trump has been leading on this issue, with support for American manufacturing, agriculture, energy independence, a border wall, roundups of illegals, and attempts to ban chain immigration and lottery immigration. He will need We the People to make more noise than the lobbies who want cheap labor and alien Democrat voters. Call your members of Congress at district offices and in DC at (202) 224-3121 and lay down the law to the bums. They should be working for you!






1. The sources are the 2007 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the report “The Impact of New Immigrants on Young Native-Born Workers, 2000-2005,” by Andrew Sum, Paul Harrington, and Ishwar Khatiwada of Northeastern University.

2. The Congressional Budget Office report was called “Cost Estimate S. 2611 Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006,” dated 5/16/2006.

3. The source is “The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to State and Local Taxpayers,” by Robert Rector, which he released at a 5/17/2007 Congressional hearing.

4. Sources include a U.S. General Accounting Office report GAO-04-82, “Overstay Tracking”, dated May 2004, the 2007 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, a 5/20/2006 Boston Globe article, and a 9/11 Commission staff report titled “Entry of the 9/11 Hijackers into the United States.” The GAO report contained the admission that it was possible as many as 6.5 million people overstayed their visas in FY 2001.

5. The source for the number of criminal aliens in American custody is a U.S. General Accounting Office report GAO-05-337R titled “Information on Criminal Aliens Incarcerated in Federal and State Prisons and Local Jails” dated 4/7/2005. Figures were for the end of 2004. The source for the number of deaths of Americans due to foreigners committing murder or negligent homicide (driving while intoxicated, driving recklessly while sober, firearms “mishaps”, etc.) is a 11/28/2006 World Net Daily article featuring homicide statistics released by Iowa congressman Steve King. King also noted illegal aliens sexually abused close to 3000 American children per year.

King forgot to count American women and foreign females, according to Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute. She noted 2% of all illegal aliens arrested were arrested for sex offenses, noted 2% of an estimated 12 million illegals was about 240,000, and noted the average sex offender has multiple victims. She also noted the misogynistic background of many of the illegal immigrants, and the overrepresentation of young single males among the illegal immigrant population, as well as her conservative estimate of the number of illegals probably meant her estimate was on the low side. Ms. Schurman-Kauflin forgot to count male victims. Not counting jail rapes, about one victim in eight is male; almost all male victims not in prison are boys.

6. The source for most info is a CDC report titled “Summary of Notifiable Diseases – United States, 2003. The SARS source of disease info came from a 5/9/2006 Newsmax article by James Walsh.

7. The source is the 2007 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics.

8. Sources are the 2007 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, and the article “The Impact of New Immigration on Young Native-Born Workers, 2005-2006.”

9. The April 2006 Department of Homeland Security report “Detention and Removal of Illegal Aliens” (OIG-06-33) noted federal authorities released 280,000 illegal aliens in a three-year period, and also released 310,000 non-Mexican illegals from 2000 through 2005. The vast majority of them did not show up for court hearings. The Supreme Court, in their 2001 Zadvydas vs. Davis and Reno vs. Ma rulings, ruled officials could not incarcerate most illegal aliens indefinitely after securing a court order for their removal. In many cases, delays are due to the foot-dragging and non-cooperation of foreign governments who just might want these people in America. They more or less capped the detention at six months, and unimaginative federal prosecutors did not devise ways to organize the removal of aliens or use the loopholes allowed by the Supreme Court to deport these people. The report’s authors noted the situation created a “mini amnesty” for aliens from China, India, and Iran.

NOTE: There are about 300,000 criminal aliens in state and county jails, per the Federation for American Immigration Reform May 2016 report “Criminal Aliens.” There are about 60,000 criminal aliens in federal prisons and other detention per the “Alien Incarceration Report, FY 2017, Quarter 4,” of the Department of Homeland Security, issued 12/21/2017 at the order of President Trump.

10. Sources include testimony of U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection acting commissioner Jayson Ahern before Congress (6/11/2009), Congressional Research Service’s 5/13/2008 report “Border Security: Key Agencies and Their Missions” by Blas Nuñez-Neto, a 12/18/2008 U.S. Department of Homeland Security fact sheet titled “DHS End-of Year Accomplishments,” and a 7/17/2008 “statement for the record” by former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff.

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