• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025

Public Records May Boomerang Mueller Snipe Hunt

December22/ 2017

Last week’s news provided another lesson on the use of the public record, and why forcing info out of the shadows and into public record is a threat to those who do wrong.

Most communications between government officials and others are public record, with some exceptions. Most exceptions relate to national security, a person’s privacy if not being prosecuted by government officials, ongoing criminal investigations to protect witnesses or informants and avoid alerting the suspects or slandering them by releasing info that is not true, trade secrets companies may have to disclose in applying for licenses or government contracts, and the like.

However, hookup text messages between adulterous government agents using taxpayer-provided phones don’t merit privacy or protection under the Freedom of Information Act. In other words, if enquiring minds want to know, they can find out if they file FOIA requests, and have some patience and some high-priced legal backup to fight off government stonewalling.

Fox News reported Justice Department Inspector General agents got ahold of the content of numerous text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Peter Strzok was the FBI’s “Deputy Head of Counterintelligence.”

But his other head got in the way. Strzok was in the briefs of FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Literally. They were cheating with each other on their respective spouses.

The adulterous duo would also send each other text messages about their love for Hillary and their hatred for Mr. Trump. Lisa, by the way, worked for FBI Number Two Andrew McCabe.

McCabe’s wife, a Democrat candidate for a state senate race in Virginia, got hundreds of thousands of campaign contribution dollars thru Friend of Hillary Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe is being sued by 30 or so Chinese who claim he took their money but didn’t deliver on a promise to get them and their families investor visas to enter the United States.

Within the past few days, it became known publicly that Strzok was in on the “interview” of Hillary, in which FBI agents didn’t put her under oath, didn’t provide a transcript, and didn’t record her answers to their questions. Obviously, with no recording and no transcript, the FBI committed criminal negligence in giving Hillary an out to deny she lied if they ever try to claim she did. It also came out he told Comey Hillary was negligent but not criminal.

The actions of Strzok and the other FBI Barneys meshes predictably with then-FBI chief James Comey deciding to clear Hillary in 2016 before his agents even talked with her.

It also came out that Strzok was the FBI honcho in charge of the “Russia tampering” investigation, which featured the discredited Christopher Steele dossier.

Russian agents, promised cash by Steele, told a number of salacious lies about Donald Trump’s behavior on a business trip to the Motherland. Steele wrote the lies down, paid the Russkies, and sold them at markup to Fusion GPS, an opposition research firm Hillary’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for by laundering millions of dollars thru the Perkins Coei law firm.

The Steele dossier was so laughably false that Hillary and the Democrats didn’t dare own it openly. Hillary’s people and/or DNC people approached the FBI with the Steele dossier. Obama’s FBI officials, and probably people in the CIA (then led by Obama appointee and CIA apparatchik John Brennan, who voted for a Communist while a member of the CIA) and/or the National Security Agency (then led by long-time federal payroller and Obama appointee James Clapper), used the defamatory dossier to get Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants illegally to wiretap an eavesdrop on Trump through his associates.

Peter Strzoking Lisa and Lisa Strzoking Peter are sins but not crimes. However, the U.S. Justice Department’s Inspector General, an Obama-appointed Democrat named Michael Horowitz, perked up about the biased text messages between Lisa and Peter because of possible investigatory misconduct, not on probing each other in an adulterous manner, but on the Mueller investigation of Donald Trump’s supposed collusion with Russian officials.

According to Fox News, Horowitz and/or his people demanded copies of all texts between Strzok and Ms. Page between 2016 and the end of July 2017 which Peter and Lisa sent to each other using government-issued phones. An inspector general is supposed to ensure the integrity of the agency he serves in.

Fox News reported 12/15/2017, “In all, more than 10,000 messages between Page and Strzok were turned over to the Justice Department watchdog. They included discussions of how to “protect the country from that menace,” referring to President Trump.

One of the most notable messages, from Aug. 15, 2016, came from Strzok.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” said Strzok, possibly referring to then- (and current) Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Another exchange appears to show efforts by Strzok and Page to conceal some of their conversations about Clinton during the height of the email investigation.

“So look, you say we text on that phone when we talk about Hillary because it can’t be traced,” Page wrote. “You were just venting, [because] you feel bad that you’re gone so much but that can’t be helped right now.”

I believe the 10,000 number may be, errr, exaggerated. Otherwise Peter and Lisa would have been spending so much time texting they wouldn’t have had time to do their day jobs, do their daily tasks, or to rut with each other on the taxpayers’ tab. Hilariously, they thought their conversations wouldn’t be traced. Maybe they were sleeping or passing notes in class when the instructor covered communications security issues.

But what was the “I’m afraid we can’t take that risk” comment Strzok threw out? Was or is there some sort of FBI or Deep State plan to overthrow Donald Trump if he won the election? If so, what? And who besides Peter and Lisa and her boss Andy McCabe were involved?

Lisa Page’s boss, McCabe, testified December 19, 2017 before a House subcommittee. According to sources, it didn’t go well. McCabe purportedly contradicted other people’s testimony repeatedly. He also had lapses of memory surprising for such a wise guy, errr, smart guy.

Fox reporter James Rosen wrote: “The sources said that when asked when he learned that the dossier had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, McCabe claimed he could not recall – despite the reported existence of documents with McCabe’s own signature on them establishing his knowledge of the dossier’s financing and provenance.”

Because the flapfest took place behind closed doors, we don’t have a public record on how much McCabe let his hair down. However, word is McCabe’s contradictions were so profound that House committee members will be subpoenaing a number of FBI personnel and lawyers back for follow-up questioning to see who on the Mueller team is telling the truth or is not lying as often as the others.

My grandfather Charlie Sherlock, a Chicago police detective, used to say, “Tell the truth. If you tell the truth, all you have to do is remember what happened. If you lie, you have to remember what you said.”

The Mueller team and the Obama holdovers must have forgotten that axiom, or felt it didn’t apply to them.

The FBI was substandard in Grandpa Charlie’s day too. He explained to me President Hoover instead entrusted the job of taking down Al Capone to the US Treasury Department. T-man Eliot Ness and the Untouchables hurt Capone’s cash flow by seizing illegal alcohol, and the equipment used to make it, bottle it, and haul it. Meanwhile T-man Frank Wilson of the Bureau of Internal Revenue documented Capone’s lifestyle, and went thru the crime boss’ seized ledgers to find out what he made and what he failed to report as income. They got Capone on a tax rap. The FBI was nowhere near Capone’s conviction party.


Many license applications are public records. Driver licenses, business licenses, building permits, professional licenses, and the applications for same are public records.

Nellie Ohr, a CIA operative and supposed Russian expert, found this out the hard way when some media sources reported she applied for a ham radio operator license.

Having the proper radio gear and the license would enable Nellie to signal people without needing a phone or e-mail or other communications tools that are subject to freedom of information law disclosures.

Why would Nellie want to have radio pals overseas or across the country?

Speculation was Nellie wanted to avoid scrutiny. It came out in 2016 Nellie was also an employee of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm who Hillary hired to pay British agent Christopher Steele to hook up with Russian officials to get dirt on Donald Trump. It turned out Fusion GPS hired Nellie, allegedly a Russia expert, to do opposition work against Mr. Trump.

Another public record disclosed the relationship Nellie had with the Fusion folks. One of Fusion GPS’s top dogs filed a declaration in U.S. District Court in D.C. admitting how they used Nellie. Court documents are almost always public record.

Nervous Nellie is also the wife of errr, former associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr. Ohr reported directly to Rod Rosenstein, the Justice Department official who is overseeing the Mueller probe into Donald Trump and his people.

Until a few days ago.

Justice Department leader(s) demoted Bruce Ohr and kicked him out of his power office allegedly because he tried to hide his meetings with Fusion GPS key people. That was kind of hard for him to try, considering he was married to a Fusion GPS operative.

But then, Barney Fife proved you don’t have to be a MENSA to be in law enforcement. He and Sheriff Buford T. Justice are calling McCabe, the Ohrs, Strzok, and Lisa Page morons.


Understand lying to the FBI is a no-no.

What about when the FBI lies to the public? Or when they lie to FISA judges so they can illegally wiretap the winner of a presidential election who they oppose?

FBI officials admitted having a monetary deal with Christopher Steele, but claim they later backed off. Unless FBI officials cooked their expenditures records, a Freedom of Information Act request may well show how much money fired and disgraced FBI chief Comey and his homeys paid Christopher Steele to spread lies about Mr. Trump.

Under congressional pressure, Fusion’s attorneys at Perkins Coei, smelling possible punishment, spilled the beans. They finally told the truth and revealed Hillary’s campaign and her little smurfs at the Democratic National Committee paid Fusion for the Steele rotten dossier. Financial records the lawyers released showed the law firm also paid several journalists for unspecified reasons.

Fingers are now pointing at Strzok for possible involvement with this obviously illegally gotten FISA warrant. And at Nellie and Bruce Ohr. Maybe they figured since they were Ohrs, they could be up the creek without a paddle.


Other public records are any agency’s Inspector General reports. It is possible Mueller had Strzok put on personnel file duties and got Ms. Page to go elsewhere because of the fact the Justice Department’s IG’s knowledge of the situation would eventually become public knowledge. The Justice Department’s IG report on the investigation into the Mueller team is due out in a few weeks. Again, the public record law’s existence forced some of the truth to come out that otherwise would have been hidden.

Rod Rosenstein (R), the assistant attorney general who has oversight of the Mueller snipe hunt, asked IG Horowitz (D) if he thought it was OK to release some of the texts between the lustbirds Peter and Linda to the public. The IG said he was okay with it, Rosenstein said in testimony before Congress last week.

The adulterers’ sex texts could have made them look scummy, but Rosenstein didn’t release them. Instead he released texts related to their work. These made them look crooked and conspiratorial.

President Trump’s many opponents are complaining about the exposure of the lustbirds. Again, their apparent crimes are not adultery but obstruction of justice, breaking the law in plotting to negate the results of an election, and conspiring to break laws to harm Mr. Trump and his people personally and professionally. If the public record shows that, then they earned being exposed naked to the public eye for being too stupid to keep their commo from being on the public record.

When I was young, the clean-cut actor Efrem Zimbalist Jr. (Stephanie’s (Laura Holt’s) father) made the FBI look like heroes. The Jewish star, a Purple Heart winner during combat against Hitler’s troops in World War Two, played the lead FBI inspector for nine years. He and the other regulars on the cast of the show actually underwent FBI background checks to ensure they would be suitable role models for young Americans. In his day, many actors his age were military veterans.

The present crop of top FBI people and Department of Justice holdovers from the Obama and Bush and Clinton years make the FBI look like a racketeering influenced corrupt organization. We know all too many of the dopers, lechers, perverts, and other vermin with SAG cards in Hollywood couldn’t pass an FBI background check. Nor could some officials in the Clinton, Bush, or Obama administrations. And when the ongoing investigations expose the many FBI’s and Justice Department’s holdover criminals, they won’t be able to pass a background check either.


The public record means a lot to President Trump. It definitely shows his enemies’ failings and their scheming. The absence of an accurate autopsy showing JFK was shot from in front and from behind, and the presence of a memo from the CIA director about Lee Harvey Oswald’s training (especially since he got to return to the US after allegedly defecting to the Soviet Union during the Cold War), and many other items seekers of the truth have uncovered in the past half century shows the FBI, CIA, LBJ, and others were in on the plot to murder President Kennedy. President Trump is reminding people just how corrupt the Establishment has been historically as well as today.

His opponents are making no attempt to hide many of their attempts to obstruct his work and issue orders and spend money in direct opposition to his stated policies.

There has been nothing like this since the Democrat holdovers from the corrupt and failed Buchanan administration tried to usurp and obstruct Abraham Lincoln and his incoming team, and Democrats in the South seized federal military posts in preparation for secession.

The other week it was Leandra English of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau who tried to grab power after President Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney to run the agency. President Trump had to go to court to have his appointee recognized.

The public record shows lawyers and public officials have filed ridiculous lawsuits against President Trump’s immigration policies. The public record shows ridiculous judges make even more indefensible rulings for these lawsuits than NFL officials have made for the New England Patriots when they when they need a call to win a big game, or when the professional gambling syndicate needs a point spread.

The public record shows those who advocate freak causes like sex change surgeries have sued the Trump administration to try to make the military take in those confused and emotional enough to deny their anatomical sex. There are freaks who want to enlist to get taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries, and there are freaks with law degrees who will sue to force us to pay for them, and freaks with law degrees on the bench who will rule in favor of such foolishness.

The public record shows those who advocate demonic causes like abortion on demand have sued the Trump administration to try to make federal agents take illegals to abortion mills for abortions, again spending taxpayer money on the transport and ancillary services. There are vermin who profit directly from abortions (they are usually abortionists because they couldn’t make it in real medicine, as proven by their malpractice records and the ambulance runs to their facilities), and vermin with law degrees who the vermin with suction hoses and cutting tools and abortificient drugs hire to pimp for them. And there are vermin with law degrees who will rule in favor of America’s Mengeles.

The public record, by the way, shows abortion malpractice lawsuits in county courthouses. The public records shows autopsy cases in coroner offices in states where such records are open to the public. The public record shows death certificates and causes of death of the victims of the abortion providers when vital statistics people make them open records. The public record shows ambulance runs in EMT calls for services logs. The public record shows abortion racket contributions to pressure groups in the groups’ Form 990 nonprofit tax returns. The public record shows abortion provider contributions to pro-abortion politicians and judges in the financial disclosure records of the politicians and judges.

Meanwhile, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions is looking at FBI agents’ actions in the Uranium One case, in which the Clinton Foundation got $145 million from the Russians in exchange for allowing one-fifth of US uranium reserves to fall into Boris’ and Natasha’s hands. There is a whistleblower/businessman operative on ice somewhere dying to tell what he knows about the case before he becomes an Arkancide. Mueller ran the FBI then, and McCabe reportedly ran the operation against the Uranium One Russians. Rosenstein was the Justice Department lawyer who ran the prosecutions. Problem is, the feds didn’t bring charges against anyone important. And the Russkies still got our uranium, a much bigger deal than Paul Manafort putting an incorrect answer on some official papers a decade or so ago.

At least Mueller, McCabe, and Rosenstein in their defense, will be able to say they helped get some minor convictions in the Obama era. Apparently, according to a Politico article that is starting to get some serious run, higher-ups in the Obama administration kept US Drug Enforcement Agency lawmen from arresting Moslem drugrunners with ties to Iran (Hezbollah) because President Obama was worried sick the arrests would kill his attempt to give nuclear technology and hundreds of millions of dollars to the people who kidnapped our citizens when Jimmy Carter was president.


McCabe is now considering “retiring” but wants to stay on the government payroll until he can get a full retirement package. President Trump tweeted McCabe “is racing the clock to retire with full benefits. 90 days to go?!!!”

Also Attorney general Jeff Sessions is opening a probe into why the Hezbollah drugrunning suspects were not arrested and prosecuted when Barack Obama was president

The public record (an IG report called the Special Inspector General Report on Afghanistan Reconstruction) shows under the Trump administration, military commanders are having opium poppy fields in Afghanistan destroyed to cut down on the supply of heroin. Reportedly, 60% or so of the Taliban’s revenue comes from heroin. Reportedly neither the Bush nor the Obama administrations targeted opium poppy growers or heroin makers or distributors. Trump is also moving against China for China’s export of questionable or illicit drugs (especially fentanyl) to fight the opioid epidemic. The tactics are consistent with President Trump’s pledge to build a border wall to keep out illegals and drugrunners.

Sunshine is a great disinfectant. Once again, proper use of the freedom of information laws and the work of the Department of Justice’s inspector general’s people have exposed misconduct of highly placed government officials. The hits just keep on coming.






On McAuliffe:
Breitbart, 11/30/2017
Daily Caller, 11/28/2017

On Strzok and Ms. Page (and Comey and McCabe):
AP, 12/3/2017
Washington Post, 12/2/2017
New York Times, 4/22/2017
Fox News, 12/4/2017, 3/15/2017
Daily Mail, 7/8/2016

Followup on Strzok, Linda Page, McCabe (and new material on the Ohrs and the IG probe):
Fox News, 12/7/2017, 12/13/2017 and 12/17/2017
Daily Caller, 12/14/2017

Info on the judges and lawyers on immigration, abortion, and the CFPB:
New York Daily News, 12/1/2017
Daily Caller, 11/28/2017
World Net Daily, 12/12/2017
Breitbart (Dr. Susan Berry), 12/17/2017

On the other aspects of the Clinton and Russia investigations:

New York Post, 6/22/2015 CC, 10/25/2017, 10/26/2017
Fox News, 10/26/2017
Washington Post, 10/24/2017
Mollie Hemingway, 10/25/2017
PJ Media, 10/26/2017
CNN, 4/18/2017, 9/19/2017
New York Times, 10/25/2017
Vanity Fair, 9/27/2017
Mother Jones, 10/31/2016
National Review, 10/20/2017

On Uranium One, the Obama/Hezbollah investigation, Trump’s efforts against drugs, and MCabe’s “retirement:”
Fox News 11/14/2017, 12/22/2017
CNN 12/23/2017, as used in WJXT-TV (Jacksonville)
NBC, 12/21/2017
Politico, 12/18/2017
Breitbart, 12/14/2017
High Times, 11/22/2017


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