• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


November26/ 2017

Since the start of 2016, Donald Trump and his opponents have been giving the people a large number of civics lessons. I’ll list a few today.

Ted Cruz’s people beat Mr. Trump in Iowa by falsely claiming Ben Carson was dropping out to get some of Dr. Carson’s base.

Mitt Romney’s operatives stood credibly accused of dropping naughty pictures of Melania Trump to get the people of Utah to vote against Mr. Trump.

Cruz and John Kasich colluded to try to deny Mr. Trump the Indiana primary victory. They failed. Meanwhile, a judge ruled Cruz, who was born in Canada to a Cuban national and an American woman who renounced her citizenship, was not ineligible to run for president, despite what the Constitution says. Of course, if Cruz won the GOP nomination, the same judge or others like him would issue rulings weeks before the general election that they read the Constitution and decided he was not eligible after all.

Trump won a majority of delegates to the GOP convention. Then the professional Republicans in the state committees and the national committee looked for ways to deny Mr. Trump the nomination before and during the convention.

The public got a civics lesson on political chicanery in the nominating process because the GOPers were dumb enough to plot openly.

Opponents of Mr. Trump pumped up the Libertarian Party and ran a CIA/big banks creature of the Mormon faith named Mc Mullin (who Mr. Trump called “McMuffin) in an attempt to split the anti-Hillary vote in Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and some other states with large numbers of Mormons to deliver their electoral votes to her.

Many GOP senators, representatives, governors, and other bigwigs denounced Mr. Trump for some locker-room talk he made with Billy Bush a decade earlier. (In 2017 it would come out these same members of Congress were running a sex offense slush fund; more later.) They also denounced him for wanting to build a wall, vet Moslems, and bring manufacturing jobs home. Media people openly lied about Mr. Trump and belittled him because there was no penalty for them for lying.

But the GOP insiders, the media, and the Democrats lost. Enough people voted for Mr. Trump to help him win the election November 8, 2016.

The Ronald and The Donald

What went unnoticed by the non-professionals was that the GOP leaders in a couple of counties withheld reporting their vote count until after the thieves in Philadelphia brought home the Democratic vote. This meant the Dems in Philly didn’t know how many votes they had to fake to get a good enough tally to win. This is a good lesson for future GOPers who run boards of elections.

Then there were the recounts demanded by Hillary’s people in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin using Jill Stein as a sock puppet.

The Pennsylvania recount, done only in counties where there stood to be a gain of Democrat votes, exposed some shenanigans in the Philadelphia suburbs, where some neverTrumper women, many of whom presumably enjoyed “50 Shades of Gray” as a guilty pleasure, punished Trump for his coarseness by voting for Hillary, who routinely demeans blacks and Jews, and who smears rape victims of her husband and her guilty-as-sin clients. Thousands of votes for Hillary suspiciously showed up. But not enough thousands.

In Michigan, the very high Detroit area totals for Hillary turned out to be manufactured. Precincts audited showed local officials reported many more votes for Hillary than ballots cast and physically present. Local election officials blamed it on their workers being too stupid to know how to use vote-counting machinery.

Wisconsin’s audit showed officials miscounted very few people’s votes. So Mr. Trump won all three recounts handily.

Some time later, California officials altered close to a million driver registrations to hide the illegal status of many many voters in the Granola State. They already threatened to withhold driving records from federal lawmen because they issue driver licenses to illegals. If audited for illegals casting ballots, California’s tally for Hillary would have dropped sharply. Ditto for states like New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, Minnesota, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and especially Illinois. Hillary would have won most of those states, but with lesser margins. New Hampshire looked like a stolen state for Hillary, thanks to leaky voter identification and out-of-state operatives. And in Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, and Arizona, Trump’s margin would have been wider under honest voting.

Then electors got hundreds of thousands of letters and e-mails imploring them (and in some cases threatening them) to vote for Hillary and against Trump, even though the voters of their states voted for Mr. Trump. Leftist protesters tried to disrupt the votes of the electors. A Texas elector voted for loser Kasich and another neverTrumper elector voted for Ron Paul. But the other 304 electors who were supposed to vote for the winner did so.

The people got a civics lesson in why the Electoral College matters. The Founding Fathers wanted the smaller states to matter and not be ignored when they set up the Electoral College. The Electoral College also serves as a firewall against fraud.

In a popular vote election, Democrats would always win because they cheat and steal better than GOPers, and they control the large cities where it is easiest to cheat. They harbor illegals, who can be allowed or told to vote Dem.

But when a candidate has to win enough states to win the election, this task dilutes the effect of cheating. The Electoral College serves as a firewall against cheating, because counting the votes of the long-dead in Chicago’s cemeteries will not negate the votes of reasonable living people in Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, or Indiana when it comes to garnering electoral votes. And California’s millions of illegal voters will not overwhelm the citizens and taxpayers of Alaska, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming when it comes to winning electoral votes fair and square. The winner has to compete in each state. She can’t steal a huge amount in a couple of big states with lots of illegals who voted and lose a large group of other states, and still expect to win.

Then on to the process of confirming President Trump’s appointees after his inauguration. The GOP members of the Senate, most of whom despise Mr. Trump, have yet to vote on many of the people he wants to help him do the work he promised the people he and his adminstration would do. You expect the Dems to obstruct, but your own party? Really?

In fact, when the Senate took one of their vacations in the summer, they stayed in session on paper by having a senator show up every three days. This allowed them to keep President Trump from appointing officials, judges, or anyone else whose confirmation had to go through the Senate. Senators do this to opposing presidents, but hardly ever to a president in their own party.

We are learning some more civics and history. Not since Andrew Johnson (Lincoln’s vice-president who was president after Lincoln’s murder, and who survived a senatorial removal from office by one vote) have senators of a president’s party blocked him so blatantly. They really do hate him, or are collecting a lot of money from someone or someones to block him.

Zachary Taylor, the only president before Mr. Trump to beat the Democrats and his own party insiders to become president, had a problem starting to fill out his administration’s roster that was unique. He succeeded James Polk (D-TN) as president. Polk was so upset Taylor (War Hero-KY) won the election of 1848 that he took the federal jobs book home to Nashville with him and it took Taylor took some time to fill the few federal jobs.

Taylor, nominated by the Whigs, was no friend of Polk. Polk had tried to relieve Taylor of command during the Mexican War because Taylor was too independent for his liking. Taylor fought back, and the public took Taylor’s side because he and his men were regularly beating the Mexicans despite not being reinforced or supplied adequately by Polk’s War Department officials. Taylor, who was independently wealthy, paid out of his own pocket for the treatment of wounded Mexican soldiers who Mexican generals abandoned and who War Department officials refused to cover under prisoner of war spending. This gallant gesture, along with his earned reputation of fighting and suffering alongside his men, and his independent judgment over a lifetime of service, made Zachary Taylor worthy to be president like few others were worthy to have that job.

In fact, history students are starting to check on Zachary Taylor, who was the only president before Donald Trump to beat the Democrats and his own party insiders. Taylor threatened Southern secessionists with hanging to their faces if they rebelled against the Union. Taylor died in office before he could get enacted a policy to use federal money to buy slaves freedom. Whig leaders like Daniel Webster and Henry Clay obstructed President Taylor, and worked with Democrats to try to impose a fugitive slave law upon the nation – one so severe that it would bankrupt any white or free black who helped a runaway, and would allow white trash to fan across the Northeast and Midwest and kidnap free blacks for slavery. Taylor was ready with a veto of this hateful law, but he died after 16 tumultuous months in office. Fillmore, who became president, signed it into law. Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan, all cowards from the Northeast, allowed secessionists a decade to prepare for civil war. It became the mission of Taylor admirers Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Grant, and William Tecumseh Sherman to save the Union.

In recent weeks it came to light that Hillary Clinton paid off the Democratic National Committee’s debts and then took it over. According to Donna Brazile, the party’s national chairwoman from the Democratic convention through the presidential election of 2016, Ms. Clinton and her minions found the party broke, so they got the party out of hock and set up a money laundering scheme combining the party’s national fundraising apparatus with more than 30 state parties’ fundraising operations. This allowed very wealthy donors to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to the combined national and state campaigns instead of a couple of thousand dollars to Hillary’s campaign per political contribution limits. Hillary’s people then took virtually all of this money for her campaign instead of sharing it with state parties, Ms. Brazile charged. Essentially, she said, Hillary’s people used the Democratic Party’s apparatus to launder money that she wasn’t allowed to have by law.

This revelation led to the logical conclusion the national Democrat apparatchiks fixed the nomination process against Bernie Sanders. Sanders declared the purchase of an expensive property after he accepted the rape of his supporters. He and his wife now own three homes, but his wife passed it off as a property swap. The problem was, without cash from someone, they didn’t appear to have the money to swing the deal. She got $150K for the property sale, and the Sanders couple claimed they turned over some investments and his supposed advance for a book to be able to pay cash for the resort house. Did Hillary buy Bernie, too? The new lakeside resort now shows up on Bernie’s financial disclosure records and on the real estate records of the county he bought it. You could access these records if you wanted to do so.

The GOP corruption in 2016 was a better civics lesson for many because it was more transparent. The GOP insiders plotted openly against Mr. Trump and told the public how they intended to bend and break various laws to beat him. The Democratic Party corruption could have remained hidden a while longer but for Donna Brazile’s book. Many people are asking what she has to gain from explaining she devoted her life to an organization this corrupt now. They know she didn’t speak against the corruption when it could have turned the 2016 elections harder against Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

We recently covered Hillary’s Uranium One scandal, and her involvement with the Steele Libelous Dossier Scam, which led to the FBI and/or the CIA and the NSA illegally securing a warrant to wiretap and surveil Donald Trump and others, and release info about the illegally surveilled and wiretapped people that may or may not be true. So we are not even covering the civics lesson of how a popularly elected president has to fight politicized police and intelligence community traitors who repeatedly broke the law to spy on him while he was in the process of putting his administration together in today’s post. Nor are we covering today how the Senate is OK with a special counsel (Mueller) and an acting Justice Department chief (Rosenstein) who were okaying the bribing of Russian officials during an investigation of how they got 20% of our uranium ore, and yet not letting their bribing operative talk about the corruption of American officials (including presumably Hillary, whose foundation reportedly gained almost $150 million after she okayed the Russian takeover) involved in the sell-out.

Besides the open corruption of top law enforcement and intelligence community people (canned FBI chief Comey, former CIA chief John Brennan, and former director of national intelligence James Clapper, all Obama appointees), there are so many other stories of Resistance, Resistance, Resistance. By who? By the unelected who pull government paychecks and who don’t like the people voting against their wrongdoing and their bosses’ wrongdoing.

This sort of obstructionism has never happened in this nation before. It teaches the civics lesson of the need for civil service laws that make it easier to punish government employees who break the law by assuming power that is not theirs, by refusing to follow lawful commands, and by wasting taxpayer money in doing things to disrupt the proper workings of the government.

We read stories of state officials trying to block President Trump’s work to vet foreigners to weed out the jihadists and female genital mutilators and the common criminals. Lawyers seemingly surface from every leftist cause group in the nation to file these lawsuits, which are aimed against your security and well-being. Corrupt judges, instead of throwing them out as vexatious litigation, use them to put injunctions in place to stop our agents from protecting us. This all costs taxpayer money to overturn, and leaves the public at more risk as vermin slither in to the nation. The resisters don’t care; they get paid for opposing the people.

We read stories of border patrol bosses, holdovers from Obama, sabotaging border security because they can’t be punished properly and can’t be removed just yet per civil service laws. These people are allowing in criminals and leeches. The obvious civics lesson is all civil service laws need reform so leaders can get rid of incompetents and lawbreakers who disobey lawful orders and thwart the will of the people as expressed through the choosing of their elected officeholders.

We are now hearing of military officers like USAF General John Hyten, the officer who controls the use of many nuclear weapons, say on foreign soil and in America they would resist orders from President Trump if they believed they were illegal.

That’s an ugly civics lesson on many levels.

Civilians control the military in this nation. Military people should disobey wrongful orders from civilians. But some who made it a point to say so for the media are implying only President Trump would brazenly break the law and would have to be shown who’s boss, which is a dishonest narrative on their part. Some military people are willing to brown-nose the Establishment people who hate President Trump and are working to overthrow him because they perceive an advantage to themselves.

These same officers served under the Clintons, Bush 43, and/or Obama. They were not asked such questions about disobeying those presidents. The media assumed they would follow orders without question, especially those of Clinton and Obama. 

These officers obeyed orders, even some of the illegal ones. Military officers to their shame obeyed Clinton’s war-criminal order to bomb Serbian civilians after Billy got outed for getting oral sex from Monica Lewinsky. Clinton sexually molested an Air Force enlisted woman aboard Air Force One, and she complained to the pilot and to Buzz Patterson, the Clinton military aide who carried the nuclear football, but these “profiles in courage” did nothing to protect her or bring Clinton to justice.

Military officers obeyed the idiotic rules of engagement the Clintons, Bush 43, and Obama laid down for them. I heard from a number of enlisted men, some of whom I trained to use firearms, that they blamed the presidents and their officers for not letting them defend themselves properly. Our enemies killed many good men and some good women because their military leaders did not let them defend themselves like soldiers. Self-defense is an innate right superiors cannot take away from their subordinates.

(Thankfully, President Trump has ordered the generals to make the rules of engagement more rational and friendly to our Service men and women. He has allowed local commanders more leeway in fighting campaigns. And he has insisted on results from our military leaders and from our alleged allies in our military actions. This has paid dividends in the war against ISIS, one that President Obama didn’t want to win. But like the basket Ball father, President Trump’s many enemies give him zero credit for this victory.)

Here’s why too many officers turn weasel:
Too many military officers have the mindset of other government employees. They enjoy a very nice lifestyle. They don’t want to lose rank or lose extra thousands of dollars from their pensions. Officers like Billy Mitchell got court-martialed for daring to be different. Officers like Allen West got hammered for putting the welfare of their own troops over the safety of captured enemies.

As for my own experience (Demilitarized Zone support duties in Korea), I won’t get too specific because a number of my NCOs are still alive and don’t need inquisition. All I’ll say is I was armed at all times when we drew such assignments, and so were certain other soldiers, even though that’s not what the chain of command decreed. Our crew-served weapons were also ready for fire missions when the chain of command decreed they didn’t need to be. Fortunately, our chain of command seldom checked us, and when they did, they were not overly observant. Korean thieves who were observant stole military gear from some of the other platoons on DMZ support duties whose officers were more compliant than I was. It’s not hard for a thief (or a jihadist) to see whether or not a rifle has a magazine loaded. An unloaded rifle is only an iron stick, incapable of harming someone at a distance.

This ties into our next civics lesson about our military leaders and lawyers, which is truly disgusting.

Inspector General reports are public records. The Special Inspector General for SIGAR Afghanistan Reconstruction report, dated July 30, 2017, doesn’t say much about child rape but admits it exists as a cultural practice that is being outlawed. I thumbed thru the report after finding it on line.

During the Bush 43 and Obama administrations, some jagoffs in the Judge Advocate General Corps and in the chain of command wanted to prosecute our soldiers for stopping Afghan men from raping boys. Since it is part of Afghan culture, the butt-kissers argue, it is none of our business to interfere.

So I read another Inspector General report, also a public record, to see if things had changed any.

This is the Pentagon’s current policy on child rape in Afghanistan, per page 43 of the report titled “Implementation of the DoD Leahy Law Regarding Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse by Members of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces,” released November 16, 2017 by the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense. Its formal tag is Report No. DODIG-2018-018, and it is also available on line.

“Accordingly, a member of U.S. Forces who observes the sexual assault of a child could intervene and use such force as may be necessary to defend the child, if the member reasonably believed bodily harm was about to be inflicted on the child and did not use more force than was reasonably necessary under the circumstances. However, such personnel are not under any legal duty to intervene. We note that intervention and, if necessary, use of force to stop such an assault is dependent on actually observing the abuse or assault in question. Such action would not be appropriate based on others’ assertions, allegations, of complaints of alleged abuse.”

This is a wimpy policy. But it is an improvement, believe it or not.

During the Bush 43 administration and most of the Obama administration, our civilian and military leaders evidently did not consider Afghans raping boys to have committed horrible crimes. Not until late 2015 did any top military official dare to classify such evil behavior as wrong, according to the report. Before then, the report noted, there were no clear guidelines on what to do about the rape of children by our Moslem allies.

In fact, in August 2015, the Army tried to discharge a young West Point officer and a Special Forces sergeant for shoving to the ground an Afghan police official who admitted raping a boy and beating his mother when she reported it, and laughing about it. The officer, presumably fed up with his chain of command cowards, resigned his commission and left the Army to earn some real money. The sergeant, Charles Martland, fought to stay in the Army. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA), a veteran himself, advocated for Sergeant Martland, and someone overruled the butt-kissers who decided to punish this fighting man.

The investigation into boy-raping doesn’t even take into consideration the rapes of girls and young women, sex slaves, or the rest of the filthy practices allowed under Sharia law.

We are breaking our own laws by helping the Afghans because many of them practice child sexual abuse as part of their degenerate culture. (They also produce opium poppies to poison our druggies.) We are also breaking the Leahy Law by our acceptance. But no Democrat or RINO in Congress seems to be complaining. They are not inherently anti-sodomy as it is, and many of them have committed sex offenses. (See later in this column for this disgusting story.)

If your allies sodomize boys for pleasure, there is no valid reason in going to war for them.

Here’s a civics discussion: Why are we in any of these Old World countries unless we have a mission to kill bad people quickly and leave when there are none left? There is nothing in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, the Middle East, or North Africa worth having that would justify the sacrifice of a single American life.

Another civics lesson taught, with the aid of the public record. Will we learn it?

Another Resister surfaced recently to try to make a mess of things in Hungary.

The U.S. “charge d’affairs” (French for “globalist cupcake”) in Hungary, one David Kostelancik, said the State Department intended to put $700,000 into Hungarian media because there are too many media people in Hungary who support nationalist leader (and friend of President Trump) Viktor Orban. Kostelancik is temporarily our top man in Budapest until President Trump can install a real ambassador to replace the Obama appointee.

The reporter noted, “The State Department also echoed Kostelancik’s claim that too many Hungarian news outlets are sympathetic to Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s popular conservative government.” Orban has called out leftist billionaire sugar daddy George Soros as a threat to the people of Hungary and Europe.

This planned State Department move would be like a foreign government dumping $50 million or so into Al Jezeera because there are not enough Islamist news outlets in America. Who does this temporary twit in the State Department think he is trying to give your money away like this?

The money, if spent, would fund those media people who oppose the leader of Hungary, who has proven walls to keep unwanted invaders out work by having one built and watching the Moslem interloper count in his land drop like a rock.

The Hungarians are wary of the State Department, and with good cause. There was a previous incident in which State Department incompetents and/or traitors sold out Hungary. In 1956, when Hungarian patriots overthrew a pro-Soviet toady communist regime, State Department quislings struck. Much like Dean Acheson saying publicly and knuckleheadedly that South Korea lay outside of America’s defense perimeter (which gave the Reds the green light to invade South Korea), State Department officials told the New York Times the following:

“The view of the State Department is that there is little doubt the troops (Soviet troops) have a right to be there (in Hungary). But a question may be raised about the legitimacy of their use to put down an internal rebellion. Even this raises a problem, however. The Soviet troops are being used at the request of the (puppet Communist) Hungarian government.”

In other words, leftist moles in the Eisenhower administration were signaling Soviet officials our government intended to do nothing to help the Hungarians throw off the Red yoke. When this was published (October 27, 1956), the people had overthrown the puppet Communists. Reform Communist Imre Nagy (a precursor to Alexander Dubcek in Czechoslovakia), who was temporarily in charge in Hungary, was doing the will of the people in trying to convince Soviet boss Nikita Khrushchev to pull the Soviet troops out of Hungary. So besides being a signal to the Soviets, the State Department statement was a lie about the desires of the new popular government of the people of Hungary. And if this statement was in the newspaper, you can bet the ranch the State Department quislings had already reassured the Soviets about American intentions.

Eisenhower and his people during the Hungarian uprising were more interested in winning him a second term (Election Day was November 6), and in getting the British, French, and Israeli governments to stop their short war against Egypt. Egyptian dictator Nasser had seized the Suez Canal, and the British and French imperialists had decided to punish Nasser’s people for this action. Israel’s leaders had issues with Nasser’s militant anti-Semitism also. Problem was the three nations’ leaders ordered the hit on the Egyptians without conferring with Eisenhower, who was the leader of the country whose fighting men had bailed the British and French out in World War Two and had liberated Jews from concentration camps. When Soviet dictator Khrushchev began to make threats against the British and French, Eisenhower decided to end the crisis by making his sneaky allies stop the war. The British, French, and Israeli leaders stopped the war on November 6 and withdrew their troops.

While Ike was disciplining his allies, his State Department people were busy stabbing the Hungarian people in the back. And unlike Eisenhower’s administration, the Soviet leaders could walk and chew gum at the same time. While Khrushchev was threatening the British and French publicly, he was setting up the crushing of the Hungarians. On November 4, 1956, a week after the State Department people signaled the Soviets about Hungary, Soviet troops poured into Hungary, killed thousands, and forced the Hungarians back behind the Iron Curtain.

Ike won re-election two days later. Naturally he decried the crushing of Hungary, but that didn’t bring all the dead Hungarians back to life or flush the foul Soviets out of their country.

President Orban and his people learned this old civics lesson about State Department operatives who undermine non-Communist governments. That’s why they openly question if the State Department holdover twit has any real authority from the State Department.

Secretary of State Tillerson, who is targeting wasteful employees for layoff or retirement, will halt this arrogant power play. He should also reduce the State Department roster by firing David Kostelancik and the twits who agreed with him and were dumb enough to tell a reporter. They are clearly too incompetent to hide their wrongdoing, Not only are they untrustworthy, they are too sloppy to be good spies.

Mr. Tillerson should also fine the guilty $700,000 for the attempted theft to be used to gin up anti-Hungarian and pro-Moslem propaganda. If the fired diplomats can’t gather the money together, then take the difference out of their government pensions.  Or maybe he should take away their pensions and tell them to gather shopping carts at Wal-Mart, where all the imported goods would make them feel at home. That would be a civics lesson other quislings in government won’t soon forget.

Yet another government action proving government employees don’t care about your safety became public record the other day.

Attorney General Sessions called for the investigation of how government personnel are not reporting criminals to the FBI to keep them from buying firearms they are not supposed to have. The Daily Caller reported a few days ago the following:

“Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday ordered a sweeping review of the FBI database used to check the backgrounds of prospective gun buyers one week after a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation discovered that convicted felons and other “prohibited persons” could buy guns by lying on their applications.

The DCNF found in an exclusive investigative report published Nov. 15 that more than 100,000 people with criminal records or mental disabilities each year lied on their federal gun applications. But throughout eight years in office, the Obama administration prosecuted only 30 to 40 people each year.

Sessions directed the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to determine if other government agencies are failing to report information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, the main database for denying guns to criminals, according to CBS News.

The Attorney General further demanded a report outlining the number of times agencies investigate and prosecute people for lying on their gun-purchase applications. He called the situation “alarming.”

And this:

At least one of the other armed services is admitting their negligence in sharing criminal records with the Justice Department. Gen. Mark Milley, the Army chief of staff, admitted a few days ago: “There are gaps and failures on our part.” Milley publicly admitted the Army’s people in many cases were not sharing data on violent service members with those in the FBI who keep mational criminal information data bases.

In other words, the feds and local bureaucrats and the military bureaucrats are not reporting convicted criminals to the FBI’s gun background check database. Federal prosecutors have been letting off the hook those who lie about their records when trying to buy firearms. So they continue to lie and get weapons they shouldn’t have and kill more innocent people.

The civics lesson from this kerfuffle is that we should demand the reform of civil service laws to make it easier to fire or refuse to rehire government employees when they fail out of incompetence or out of malice.

One other obvious reform would be to make criminal arrest and conviction records open records to the public nationwide. It should be an on-line data base open to the public like the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website. This would allow gun dealers to bypass corrupt and lazy federal, state, local, and military payrollers. It would also allow all of us to see who we are deaing with.

It’s more gentle than face-branding the criminals.
Of course, we could do that too.
Some would argue this is cruel and unusual punishment.
But if we did it often enough, it wouldn’t be unusual any more.

And finally, in recent weeks, it came to light that Congress has a slush fund for paying off those who accuse them or their staffers of sexual abuse or harassment. They have paid off 264 people with over $17 million of taxpayer money to hide their perverts. This is not yet a public record.

Because of the repulsive actions of Al Franken and John Conyers (who actually used the slush fund to pay off a victim), some members of Congress are calling for legislation to make the spending records and the list of perpetrators public. That’s only a start. The fund needs to be killed. The perps need to pay back the taxpayers. And all perpetrators who state and federal prosecutors can prosecute because the statute of limitations havent’t run out on their acts should face criminal prosecution.

We are getting a regular dose of civics lessons in how corrupt the party insiders and government lifers really are. President Trump’s actions and presence have unhinged many of his opponents. They have not been careful in covering their tracks, which means they are stupid or they don’t care to do so. When they fire at him, they reveal their presence and their locations.

Maybe Donald Trump’s hero Andrew Jackson had the right idea in directing the canning everyone except military officers after each change of president. He said the vast majority of government jobs could be done by men of average intelligence, and there was no inherent right of any man to have any government job for a long time.

No truer words?






Info on electoral voter meeting bullying and elector faithlessness comes from a 12/9/2016 Texas Tribune article.

Info on GOPer leaders blocking President Trump on recess appointments comes from a 8/3/2017 The Hill article.

Info on Bernie Sanders’ millionaire socialist lifestyle comes from a 8/10/2016 Daily Mail article and a 8/20/2016 Heavy.com article by Jessica McBride.

Info on the California illegal alien car licensing program and their attempts to fight President Trump on info disclosure comes from the ACLU website “Know Your Rights: California AB 60 Driver’s Licenses,” from a 12/16/2016 Fresno Bee article, and from Southern California public radio station KPCC’s 12/7/16 article.

Info on Andrew McCabe comes from the Lawfare website, 8/3/2017.

Info on the Uranium One scandal and the moves against Mr. Trump by the FBI and the intelligence community come from articles I referenced in previous posts. Refer to these for end notes.

Info on AG Sessions’ call for an investigation of the FBI not getting criminal and other data from state and local agencies for the gun background check database comes from a 11/23/2017 Daily Caller article. Info on the Army admission of negligence in reporting comes from a 11/16/2017 Fox News article.

Info on the State Department payroller’s intent to attack the Hungarian government thru the media comes from a 11/22/2017 Breitbart article.

Info on the State Department policy leak to the New York Times justifying Soviet troops’ presence in Hungary comes from Nicholas Halasz’s book In the Shadow of Russia (page 361). Halasz did not criticize the State Department, but commented the Hungarian people should have paid better attention to the limits of what the Eisenhower administration intended to do.

Info on General Hyten comes from a Canadian Press article posted 11/19/2017 on www.military.com.

Besides the two listed IG reports, info on Afghan boy rapists and their culture and the punishing of Americans who tried to deter them come from a 8/21/2015 Fox News article by Lucas Tomlinson and a 4/28/2016 Washington Times article by Rowland Scarborough.

Info on the congressional sex abuser slush fund comes from a 11/22/2017 Breitbart article.

Buzz Patterson’s takes come from his self-serving book Dereliction of Duty. Patterson said the enlisted woman appealed to him and the pilot (both Air Force officers) and admitted they lacked the guts to report Clinton’s sexual assault upon the enlisted woman. Patterson showed outrage later when he said Bill hit on his (Buzz’s) wife when he introduced her to him. Dude, you knew he was a snake. He slimed on your wife because he knew you weren’t man enough to protect another woman – one of your own Air Force subordinates — from this scumbag predator.

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