• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


November15/ 2017

When we farmed, I used to say animals would test how good my fences were. Mine were good. They kept our livestock in and wild dogs and coyotes out.

Murderer and Hell resident Devin Kelley tested a number of government fences and beat them all. Federal, state, and local fences were broken.

I speculated the Air Force, in convicting him for breaking the skull of an infant on purpose, and for beating his then-wife, should have put him on the National Criminal Information Center data base as someone who should not have access to firearms. His related bad conduct discharge should also have kept him from buying firearms.

(And he only got a year for nearly killing an infant? That vicious attack would have bought Kelley several years in a state prison in most states. The Air Force must be politically correct, like California and New York.)

But the Air Force stooged. One of their officers didn’t do his or her job in failing to register Kelley as a hateful felon and a bad conduct discharge loser.

What the Air Force brass are not saying is that they are likely derelict in their duty in such matters routinely.

The Air Force admitted they put Kelley in a mental institution in New Mexico. Evidently security wasn’t a priority for this place, because Kelley escaped the loony bin.

Wipe the smiles off your faces, other military services. I’m betting you all have the same problems.

The mental facility’s officials told El Paso police, who bagged Kelley, that he got caught trying to smuggle weapons onto Holloman AFB in New Mexico, where he was stationed, to carry out threats against officers he had made. (I got punished for time to time for disrespect to superior officers, but I never considered killing any of them.)

This doesn’t sound like the act of an insane person. It sounds like the act of an evil person. Kelley didn’t belong in a nuthouse; he belonged in Leavenworth. Instead, the Air Force commanders and lawyers dumped him back on society instead of protecting the public. The Air Force never saw fit to punish Kelley for this offense. Or tell anyone in civilian law enforcement about it either.

The operators of the nuthouse didn’t report his criminal escape or his suspected mental unfitness to the National Criminal Information Center either. Guys with mental problems like Kelley supposedly had are also forbidden by law to own firearms.

Sadly, the military derelicts and mental facility derelicts don’t stand alone as government payroller derelicts.

It turns out a girl reported Kelley to officials in Comal County, Texas for rape in 2013. Sheriff Mark Reynolds said his deputies investigated the case, but didn’t arrest Kelley, and dropped the case when he reportedly moved to Colorado, according to a reporter. The local prosecutor at the time, a female, claimed she didn’t get the case.

I’m not buying either the sheriff’s excuse or the female prosecutor’s excuse. Dropping a felony case because you claim someone left the area puts people at risk in the criminal’s new location. And as for never hearing about Kelley’s rape case, prosecutors should be reviewing their law enforcement agencies’ crime logs and reports to see if they should be filing charges. Maybe she stooged, or another prosecutor stooged.

I exposed an Ohio county prosecutor for negligence on WLW radio (Cincinnati) and in the Cincinnati Enquirer in letting a meat cutter who beheaded his wife on Valentines Day walk free on a temporary insanity charge. The murderer, Raymond Tanner, faked insanity, in the opinion of two shrinks who examined him days after he beheaded his pretty young wife Maria Barker. He had been abusing his wife, and she decided to leave him. So he took a large knife to her and with two strokes cut off her head. Tanner beheaded Maria in front of a neighbor girl, who understandably quaked in her boots.

I examined the police report, the autopsy report, and the jailhouse log. These documents showed Tanner skillfully cut off his wife’s head, and he talked rationally with the police who arrested him minutes later. The log named the shrinks, and other paperwork showed their conclusions. Two shrinks examined Tanner weeks later, after he had time to make up a story that Maria and the Masons were in on a plot to kill him, so he had to strike first. The prosecutor, Robin Piper, overlooked the physical evidence and the first two shrinks’ conclusions and told me he wished he was aware of them. I told him the sheriff had made them public; why was he unaware of this? And why didn’t he look at the records available to him? Piper is now a judge. Foul up and move up?

Since Devin Kelley evidently committed a felony sex crime against a real victim, the deputies should have arrested Kelley based on the evidence they had. And the prosecutors must try for a conviction. Sex offenders have many victims, and if they are children or teens, the victims suffer violation dozens or hundreds of times from these monsters.

Two other girls came forward and charged Kelley sexually abused them. Here’s the San Antonio Express-News article on one account.

“One of the women, “Dawn,” claimed that Kelley forced her to have sex with him several times in the winter of 2011, when she was just 16 years old.(And he was 20.)

“I said no,” Dawn told the Express-News. “I’m a tiny person. Even if I saw him today, I would not be able to fight him off.”

Dawn said that after the assaults, Kelley repeatedly called her and begged her to run away with him. She eventually had to change her phone number.

The paper reported that Dawn told her parents and her friend about the assaults, but no police report was ever filed.”

This one is on the parents.

The high school Kelley attended wasn’t without blame either. Other teens reported Kelley was a creepy and threatening oddball. One girl reported him for sexual assault. High school officials did nothing about it. The public school systems across this country cover for their unionized sex-abusing teachers who rape children. Why would they care if another student is copying their teachers’ evil examples?

Here’s the report on the crimes from the San Antonio Express-News:

“A girl, identified as “Alexandra,” told the paper that Kelley repeatedly shoved and groped her in the halls at New Braunfels High School during the 2008-2009 school year, when she was a freshman.

She also said that Kelley slapped her buttocks on at least one occasion.

“He harassed me any time I was in school,” Alexandria said. “I reported what I could to the school, but nothing was ever done.”

Air Force, mental hospital, sheriff department and/or local prosecutor, and school officials all failed when Kelley tested them and victims came forward. No one will get punished. That’s how government works.

The parents of the girl victims didn’t support their daughters when they needed them most. But your tax dollars don’t pay for parents’ gutlessness for failing to stand up for their girls. Directly, anyway.

Another girl claimed she dated the shooter when he was 18 and she was 13.

This is a failure on the part of Kelley’s parents for not preventing potential statutory rape. This is also a failure on the part of the girl’s parents to be OK with or unaware their little girl was being targeted by a guy much older than her.

The same girl, now 22, also said Devin Kelley contacted her recently, offering to pay for her expenses if she moved in with him and his second wife and went around the house topless.

Devin Kelley’s parents do deserve blame. They raised up a monster and let him loose on society. They knew he was a problem child, and if he was having mental issues so serious he was targeting little girls, they should have put him in an institution. Sadly, there is no lifeguard at the gene pool.

Too many clergy have also failed the public. Some molested children. Others covered up. Still others say people shouldn’t defend themselves, which leave churchgoers without weapons in case a walking piece of excrement like Devin Kelley shows up.

Too many clergy members, in the interests of increasing collections, don’t hold people accountable for being bad parents or bad people. God forgives people of their sins, but they have to ask for forgiveness and they have to do better. Too few Christian clergymen and clergywomen focus on morality, the fires of Hell, and the desire of God the Father that His children do what’s right. We all are sinners, but back in the day, the clergy were a lot more to the point in telling us what the wages of sin were.

Speaking of churches, reader Mike Stuber sent me a link to Sam Paredes, the president of Gun Owners of California. Their website is www.gunownersca.com. Mr. Paredes notes “(We) wish there was no need for organizations such as Sheepdog Seminars – but there is, and we are grateful for the work they do. Check them out at http://www.sheepdogsafetytraining.com.˝

There are several groups out there who will provide church security training. Get on the Net and use search terms like “church security.” Some of these groups have the word “sheepdog” in their names. Check them out for your parish, congregation, or synagogue.


The ACLU shares some blame for the circulation in society of evil and allegedly mentally ill people like Devin Kelley. Until the last few decades, a guy like Devin Kelley, a known perv and/or a known goofball or nutjob, would have been locked up and subjected to shock therapy till he was cured and then transferred to the criminal justice system, or declared beyond cure and kept in a state mental hospital for life.

But the ACLU undermined involuntary commitment laws and forced the discharge of many mentally ill people in the 1970s and 1980s. They brag about it; enter “ACLU” and “mental institutions” to see the ACLU’s own propaganda about this issue.

The ACLU played a key role in the shutdown of state psychiatric facilities due to the cost of litigation and lawfare they waged. State officials found it cheaper in the short run to release inmates from the asylums, even those who were seriously mentally ill, after the ACLU got judges to rule it was OK for people to harm themselves and defecate on the streets and act crazy in public if that’s what they wanted to do.

Of course, some of the released crazies harmed other people, sometimes fatally, and the public provided victims for them to harm and tax dollars for the ACLU to grab in litigation settlements so they could intercede for more dangerous crazy people. The New York Civil Liberties Union in particular spearheaded the assault on state mental health facilities. It makes sense in a macabre way. New York City’s hometown coffee, like its streets, is “Chock Full O’ Nuts.”

The ACLU never offered to treat the mentally ill in one of their own facilities because they don’t have any. Helping the mentally ill and the physically ill isn’t in the ACLU’s DNA. Shaking down local and state governments and the people whose taxes fund these governments is what funds creeps like the ACLU. The ACLU has many aggressive parasite leaders and lawyers.

I don’t want sane people wrongfully locked up in the loony bin or old people wrongfully committed by greedy relatives who want to loot their property. But someone outside an institution should be able to review all cases regularly to ensure the harmful crazy inmates stay put in the asylum and the cured and the wrongfully admitted are freed. In my opinion, mental health professionals should not have to worry about frivolous lawfare from a parasitical group like the ACLU.

I have yet to meet parents who feel consoled their daughter was raped and murdered by an untreated nutjob, instead of by a sane criminal, because the ACLU made it possible for him to exercise his civil liberties of roaming the streets and harming others while having the insanity defense.


Here’s one other system that is failing – sex offender data bases.

Sex offender data bases across the country are filled with false information. This is because the state government pukes who run them take sex offenders’ word for where they live and what vehicles they have access to, and other info they are required to report. They don’t double check them. They claim it costs money.

Advocates of victims of crime have pushed laws in memory of girls who rapists murdered. For example, the feds run a national database called the “Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website.” The site has this name in honor of Dru Katrina Sjodin, a cute blonde college coed from Minnesota, who looked like she could have played teenage girl sleuth Trixie Belden. Multiple rapist Alfonso Rodriguez, recently released from prison, kidnapped her as she was walking from her job in a North Dakota shopping center in late 2003. Authorities arrested Rodriguez, but didn’t find Miss Sjodin’s body until the spring of 2004. She was found naked below the waist with her hands tied behind her back, with stab wounds, a large slash to her neck, a rope around her neck, and a plastic bag around her head. Rodriguez had raped her, stabbed and slashed her, and left her tied up and head-bagged in the cold in a ravine in Minnesota. Poor Dru could have died from strangulation, suffocation, the stab wounds, the slashing of her neck, or exposure, all horrible ways to die.

You can find this federal sex offender database on the Net. We have info on it on our home page. I checked a couple of sex offenders I know about, and they came up on the site.

However, the U.S. Justice Department’s people, who maintain the website, deny any liability for wrong information and they warn against vigilante behavior in connection with use of info from the website.

Here’s their warning, which I copied verbatim 12/30/2014:

“Any person who uses information contained in or accessed through this Website to threaten, intimidate, or harass any individual, including registrants or family members, or who otherwise misuses this information may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability under federal and/or state law.”

Now, why does the database have any wrong information? After all, sex offenders can be forced to tell the truth on pain of prosecution for violating any number of sex offender registration laws.

Why? Because too many lazy, incompetent, and indifferent government employees across the country did negligent info collection.

Too many attorneys-general have flunked or are flunking this basic competency test in protecting children from sex offenders. Richard Cordray (D) and Mike DeWine ( R), the former and the current AGs in Ohio, for example, put children in jeopardy by allowing a sex offender database put on line that was so flawed they wouldn’t vouch for its accuracy.

The terms and conditions of the Ohio Attorney General’s sex offender website in 2010 noted the sex offender database is incomplete and “may contain erroneous information.” Why? Cordray’s people said, “The database is compiled, based in part, upon information provided by the convicted offender and such information is not independently verified by the BCI&I.” (BCI&I are Ohio state police investigators.)

You read that right. Cordray admitted his database was so flawed he wouldn’t stand behind its accuracy because he depended on convicted rapists and child molesters to tell the truth. He was too stupid, lazy, negligent, or sympathetic to sex offenders to require local authorities to check on them independently.

The boldest print on the warning warned people Cordray would prosecute those who mistreated sex offenders due to using info from his flawed database. This is how a criminal, a loony, or a politician thinks.

DeWine beat Cordray in the election of 2010. The database retained the same flaws despite the change of top lawyers. The more things change, the more things stay the same.

John Gardner, a released rapist in San Diego County, California, lied about his residence, and his scumbag mother, a psychiatric care nurse named Cathy Osborn, covered for him. He lived near a school, and parole officers didn’t bust him for this. Gardner raped and beheaded 14-year-old Amber Dubois in 2009, and raped and strangled 17-year-old Chelsea King in 2010.

My proposed solution? Make convicted sex offenders pay for their monitoring as a condition for their freedom. And make it retroactive to protect the public from the increased risks that their freedom poses. Each state could tax a sex offender 1/40 the cost of hiring and paying the salary and benefits package and admin costs of a mid-range state trooper. This way, each trooper in the sex offender monitoring program could check 40 of these vermin several times a year at no additional expense to the taxpayers.

DUI convicts can regain driving privileges, but have to pay much higher car insurance premiums because of the threat they pose. Rapists and other sexual predators should pay a similar fee to cover the expense of monitoring them under the sexual offender registry laws of each state.

Currently, you the taxpayer pay to have these vermin monitored. They are not sharks that stay in the water, but gators who can low-crawl on land from one body of water to another and attack children and young women if not properly monitored and intimidated into obeying the law. They should pay for the privilege of being released and not being executed or incarcerated until they die in prison.


UPDATE: It has been revealing to watch entertainment figures start to out their vermin or make excuses for them. A Senate candidate (Roy Moore) stands accused of getting close and personal with underage girls. Is he culpable? We’ll see. Moore’s signature in a reported rape victim’s yearbook may be a forgery. It also appears the reported rape victim allowed Moore to hear her divorce without asking for a change of venue, which is out of the ordinary. Is the woman’s lawyer Gloria Allred a tamperer and a suborner of perjury for essentially refusing to submit the yearbook to expert handwriting analysts? We’ll see.

UPDATE: Al Franken, the low-talent goof who left one crew of hurtbags, the cast of “Saturday Night Live,” for another cast of hurtbags, the U.S. Senate, admitted today he grabbed the breasts of a young woman entertainer while she was asleep on a plane during a USO tour he was headlining.

The event was in 2006, and a headliner like Franken is forensic proof of poor recruiting efforts on someone’s part.

The woman, Leeann Tweeden, now a newswoman on KABC Radio in Los Angeles, said Franken tried to handle her inappropriately during the tour, and got nasty to her when she spurned the emetic-faced bozo. She also produced a picture a photog took of Fanken grabbing her breasts while she was sleeping aboard the military plane taking them home to the USA.

Leeann posted her account of the trip and Franken, and the photo. Franken admitted to the photo, and claimed he thought it would be funny.

Minnesota groper Al Franken molests sleeping beauty Leeann Tweeden aboard a military aircraft. Too bad he wasn’t airdropped from 30,000 feet. Large photo and right top photo courtesy of Leeann Tweeden.


The joke is on Minnesotans who put Freaky Franken the Krusty Klown in the Senate and also allowed Somaliapolis and other places in their once-proud state to be a dumping ground for many thousands of Moslem militants. This includes the Somali cop Mohamed Noor who shot Aussie sheila Justine Damond earlier this year after she reported what sounded to her like a rape in the alley outside her home.


It sounds like there are many older guys (and maybe some older gals) who like to hit on young women on Capitol Hill. Some of the older men have also hit on young guys. Diversity in perversity.

Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA) claims a GOP and a Dem member of Congress are sex abusers. Only one of each, Jackie? Was the Dem male or female? Was the GOPer groper someone like John McCain or Larry Craig? What about Al Franken?

Bush 41, now in a wheelchair, is ignoring charges he likes to grab women’s butts. It’s true he’s at the right height for such a stunt now.

In the past two weeks it has been disclosed the House and the Senate have spent more than $15 million over the past 20 years in sex offender hush money to keep 235 reported victims of the elected officials and their key staffers quiet. This is about $65,000 per victim. Guess who is paying for the politicians’ perversion. You the taxpayer.

The settlements are secret. They need to be made public. Any member on this list and any member who has voted to hide the sex offenders in their midst whose predations cost the taxpayers money must be removed from office.

This doesn’t count some female lobbyists and female representatives who claim they have traded sex with other reps (male and maybe female) in exchange for votes.

CNN reported the following:

“There’s a little bit of a sex trade on Capitol Hill. If a part of getting ahead on Capitol Hill is playing ball with whatever douchebag – then whatever,” said one female political veteran who worked on Capitol Hill.

Whoring, while immoral and illegal, is at least consensual, and is natural behavior for politicians and lobbyists.

Now some members of Congress are grandstanding on the reported predation of their colleagues and are calling for investigations. Because an entire party covered for their rapist president Bill and his wife Hillary and their minions tried to destroy the victims, and since most leaders of the other party have been quiet about Bush 41’s reputed tailgrabbing while they smeared President Trump, I predict the Swamp will rally around their most vicious snakes. I don’t need a degree in herpetology to predict the behavior of these reptiles. And I predict any such investigation will find little and punish less. By design.

When government investigates government, no government employee or boss is wrong and no one gets punished …. except for the public, who provide tax money for “reparations” … and furnish victims.

Speaking of investigators who are jokes, a unit chief in the FBI’s foreign terrorism group is under scrutiny after apparently inviting a woman with sticky fingers to his hotel room after hours while he was on a training mission in North Carolina in July. Chief Robert Manson aka “Stranger Danger” and some other feds reportedly had been drinking in the hotel bar of the Westin Hotel in Charlotte with some females who were charitably described as “exotic dancers.” Manson evidently invited one of the happy hoofers back to his room. In the morning, another fed called the police when he discovered Manson’s easily-concealable Glock pistol had apparently grown legs and sashayed out with the dancer, or was now part of her new costume. Manson, according to sources, did not locate the piece (the weapon, that is) or file the police report himself because he was “incapacitated because of alcohol.” But at least the agents who stray together stay together.
Besides the weapon, reporters noted Manson also lost a $6000 Rolex watch and $60 in cash. Not listed as being missing were any wedding band and Manson’s dignity.

As I said earlier, government payrollers routinely fail the people. You need to stay informed on your politicians, and you should press for the disclosure of their illegal and immoral behavior so you and other people of good will can decide if they are worth keeping in office.






Info for this post came from the following sources:

For the Texas murderer:
New York Times, 11/6/2017
NBC, 11/7/2016
Washington Examiner, 11/6/2017
NBC, 11/6/2017
CNN, 11/6/2017
Fox News, 11/5/2017, 11/6/2017, and 11/7/2017
Daily Caller, 11/6/2017
Daily Mail (British paper), 11/6/2017
CNN wire on TV station WNEP (Scranton, PA area), 11/5/2017
Breitbart, 11/5 and 11/6/2017

For the ACLU:
ACLU webpage www.aclu.org/other/aclu-history-mental-institutions
Herschel Hardin’s 7/22/1993 Vancouver BC Sun article

For the Capitol Hill and FBI sexual abuse and misuse info:
Fox News, 11/10/2017
Newsweek, 11/3/2017
CNN, 11/9/2014, 11/14/2014
New York Times, 11/9/2014

Info on Dru Sjodin’s murder comes from an 8/30/2006 AP article. Info about Dru Sjodin comes from the Dru Sjodin
National Sex Offender Public Website, and from the Facebook page “Dru’s Voice.”

Info on murderer John Gardner comes from a 3/12/202010 New York Daily News article and from a 3/13/2010 article on the San Diego area muckraking website “Scared Monkeys.”

Info on Al Franken came from Leeann Tweeden’s 11/16/2017 post on KABC Radio’s website and a 11/16/2017 The Hill article. Info on Mohamed Noor came from a 7/27/2017 Daily Mail Australia article.

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