• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025

JFK, MLK, Hillary, Texas — Why Public Records Matter

November07/ 2017

The last few days in the runup to this day, the 100th anniversary of the Communist revolution in Russia, show why the public record is important, deserves protection, and deserves expansion.

The JFK papers released in the past few days reveal government spying on Dr. Martin Luther King. The documents, which reporters said were dated from 1964 through 1968, claim the feds found out Dr. King was a lecher and a drunk. Since LBJ was president and Bobby Kennedy was his Attorney General for some of those years, and J. Edgar Hoover ran the FBI during all of those years, the spying effort reeks of hypocrisy.

LBJ was a lecher. Bobby Kennedy was a lecher. J. Edgar Hoover was a reputed homosexual. Assuming what the feds found was true about Dr. King, that doesn’t change the fact he did a hell of a lot of good and died a martyr to his cause, even if he violated the commandment against adultery multiple times. And why are these documents, which bore no relevance to JFK’s murder, in the JFK files to begin with? President Kennedy was foully murdered on November 22, 1963. Bobby’s successors as Attorney General under LBJ, Nicholas Katzenbach and Ramsey Clark, enjoyed reputations as civil rights advocates, but kept quiet about the spying on Dr. King. They were loyal to their own careers.

It is also possible the reports are false. LBJ was the most sociopathic liar to occupy the White House not named Bill Clinton. Bobby wasn’t known for his veracity. And Hoover slimed one of the FBI’s greatest agents – Melvin Purvis – out of jealousy. Hoover was a desk jockey. Purvis was a field agent who was in on killing murderers John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, and Pretty Boy Floyd – all in 1934!

Katzenbach and Clark, as Democrat functionaries, were expected to do LBJ’s bidding in sliming Dr. King. They followed orders. Katzenbach even came up with the idea of the Warren Commission, saying the public needed to “be satisfied” Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

The unsaid thing in these document releases is that the papers showing JFK was shot in the neck and head from the front, and in the head from the back have apparently not surfaced yet. Clinton henchman Sandy “Brown Shorts” Berger smuggled documents embarrassing to his bosses out of a National Archives reading room in his underpants. The FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service and LBJ and his people had plenty of time to destroy records and plant false documents into the JFK murder files.

Autopsy records in some states are open records and in other states are not open records. The Dallas County Coroner wanted to perform the autopsy on President Kennedy, but feds shoved him aside and took JFK’s body to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland. Navy doctors performed the autopsy while Secret Service personnel and other feds were in attendance. They claimed JFK was shot from behind only. And they refused to release the records.

LBJ had the most to gain from John Kennedy’s death. He also had Dr. King surveilled, and it is too convenient to blame the death of the civil rights hero on a lone peckerwood like James Earl Ray. Bobby Kennedy might have prosecuted LBJ if he won the presidency in 1968, so there are some who lay the blame for his murder at the feet of the Texas interloper.

Complete autopsy records have yet to be released. And they will be suspect even if released fully, because the feds have had more than a half century to mickey with the documents and photographs and other evidence in the murder case. Secrecy breeds distrust.

All the civil libertarians under LBJ who regained their voices when Tricky Dick Nixon, a Republican, became president, were silent when a president of their own party bent or broke federal laws to slime Martin Luther King. And they were silent when LBJ maybe did something even worse – order the murder of JFK.

The National Enquirer, the nation’s publication of record, reported that CIA chief John McCone, in a memo to the Secret Service chief dated March 3, 1964, admitted Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA asset who underwent training before he was ordered to go to the Soviet Union, posing as an anti-American defector. This would explain why the feds would welcome Oswald (and the Soviet babe he acquired) back to the USA with no repercussions.

This document was not released in the recent JFK assassination document releases. It has been around for awhile. I saw it some weeks ago and held back on reporting it on this site because I couldn’t verify its source.

The National Enquirer claims an investigator for New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison says the memo is authentic.

Will the original be found? Or was it destroyed while in the hands of the Warren Commission, or other custodians of ill repute in the federal government?

(Why do I sarcastically call the National Enquirer the nation’s publication of record? Because they report on politicians like they report on celebs – they show their sleaziness truthfully. The National Enquirer showed the Clintons were degenerates while they were staining the White House with their DNA – something none of the official media would dare do or want to do.)


Speaking of the gift that keeps on giving, the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, she and it remain in the news for all the wrong reasons.

Even the Washington Post reported Hillary’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee gave the Perkins Coie law firm more than $9 million. In turn, the law firm paid professional scandalmongers Fusion GPS money for a fishing expedition against Donald Trump. Opposition research is legal, but laundering campaign money by running it thru a law firm is not.

If you pulled expenditure records from the Federal Election Commission on Hillary’s campaign organization and on the Democratic National Committee, you would see the transfer of money to the law firm. You would not see any record showing the law firm paid Fusion GPS for the false dossier and other questionable work they did for Hillary and the Democrats in the 2016 campaign.

Ironically, leaders of the Washington Free Beacon, funded largely by GOP neverTrumper hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, funded the Fusion GPS effort against Trump to keep him from getting the Republican nomination. When Trump clinched the delegates he needed to win, they cut off the money supply to the scavengers at Fusion GPS. Then Hillary’s people hired Fusion GPS.

Federal Election Commission laws exist to help we the people. Crooked politicians who violate or sidestep these laws invariably have something to hide. Clearly the lawyers involved should lose their licenses for hiding their reprehensible behavior behind a shady financial disclosure filing.


Hillary’s pantsuit sagged a little lower late last week when Donna Brazile stampeded on the scene with publicity for a book in which she claims Hillary Clinton’s machine took over the debt-ridden Democratic Party like organized crime bosses.

Ms. Brazile, who took over the party chairmanship in mid 2016 when Debbie Wasserman Positive was forced out, claimed she found out the Democratic National Committee was millions of dollars in debt, largely due to then-president Barack Obama’s neglect and Ms. Debbie not being an effective fund raiser.

President Obama raised a lot of money for Democrats. But the party spent a lot of money.

Ms. Brazile said she found a document showing Hillary and her people had worked a deal with Debbie. Hillary would pay off the party’s debts in exchange for control of much of its decision making. She said the document basically said Hillary bought control of the Democratic Party apparatus. In exchange, she and her people would call the shots. Ms. Brazile claimed Hillary put the party on a starvation diet, keeping most of what came into the party and doling out precious little for state Democrat campaigns.

Ms. Brazile claimed the following, in a 11/2/2012 Politico article:

“The (Hillary) campaign had the DNC on life support, giving it money every month to meet its basic expenses, while the campaign was using the party as a fund-raising clearinghouse. Under FEC law, an individual can contribute a maximum of $2,700 directly to a presidential campaign. But the limits are much higher for contributions to state parties and a party’s national committee. Individuals who had maxed out their $2,700 contribution limit to the campaign could write an additional check for $353,400 to the Hillary Victory Fund—that figure represented $10,000 to each of the 32 states’ parties who were part of the Victory Fund agreement—$320,000—and $33,400 to the DNC. The money would be deposited in the states first, and transferred to the DNC shortly after that. Money in the battleground states usually stayed in that state, but all the other states funneled that money directly to the DNC, which quickly transferred the money to Brooklyn (Hillary’s headquarters).”

“Wait,” I said. “That victory fund was supposed to be for whoever was the nominee, and the
state party races. You’re telling me that Hillary has been controlling it since before she got
the nomination?”

Gary (Gensler, the chief financial officer of Hillary’s campaign) said the campaign had to do it or the party would collapse. ….”

Donna spoke further:

“Right around the time of the convention, the leaked emails revealed Hillary’s campaign was grabbing money from the state parties for its own purposes, leaving the states with very little to support down-ballot races. A Politico story published on May 2, 2016, described the big fund-raising vehicle she had launched through the states the summer before, quoting a vow she had made to rebuild “the party from the ground up … when our state parties are strong, we win. That’s what will happen.”

Yet the states kept less than half of 1 percent of the $82 million they had amassed from the extravagant fund-raisers Hillary’s campaign was holding, just as Gary had described to me
when he and I talked in August. When the Politico story described this arrangement as “essentially … money laundering” for the Clinton campaign, Hillary’s people were outraged at being accused of doing something shady.”

Hillary’s people may have broken the law in this arrangement. Why? What Hillary essentially did, according to Ms. Brazile, was get well-heeled donors to donate tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to the national party and state parties under the permissive campaign finance law, then rake off almost all of it for her own campaign instead of sharing with the state parties. This is essentially a violation of the spirit of the law that caps individual contributions to presidential candidates at $2700.

There were accusations of Hillary being fed debate questions against Socialist turned Democrat (about a five-degree right turn) Bernie Sanders.

Lieawatha Liz Warren (D-Massachusetts, zero American Indian blood) claimed smoke signals told her the fix was in. Perhaps this was why she stayed out of the Democrat nomination race. Or maybe she realized one of the Great White Pantsuit’s followers might try to scalp her by cutting entirely through her neck. The cat got her forked tongue, so she stayed silent about the fix.

Ms. Brazile tried to cover herself by saying she suspected Russian hacking. She admitted the murder of Seth Rich, the Democrat staffer suspected of giving info showing the fix was in to the Wikileaks people, made her fear for her life. She tried to pawn the murder off on the Russians too, but DC police have yet to find Boris and Natasha’s DNA on Seth. Many people who have become inconvenient to the Clintons have wound up dead.

Donna is spilling now. But she didn’t leak a drop when she could have exposed Hillary’s dirty laundry before the 2016 election. Perhaps she was scared into silence then.

Is Ms. Brazile worried about her own potential criminality? Or was she upset that Hillary threw a tantrum after an interview with Matt Lauer, and said some racially insensitive things to her face?

According to sources, Matt Lauer had given Donna Brazile the questions he was going to ask Hillary so she could rehearse. All except one, which was about Hillary’s private e-mail server. Hillary was weak in her response, and blamed Donna for the surprise.

According to TV people and Hillary staffers, Hillary melted down, threw a glass of water in the face of one of her aides, and threatened to have NBC fire Lauer. I saw the following in several places; I will attribute it to writer Bill Still, who reported it first and again.

“Interim DNC chairman Donna Brazile, the first black woman to hold the position, was singled out by Hillary during the rant. She screamed at Donna:

“I’m so sick of your face. You stare at the wall like a brain dead buffalo, while letting that f – – – ing Lauer get away with this. What are you good for, really? Get the f – – – to work janitoring this mess – do I make myself clear?”

A female NBC executive said that Donna Brazile looked at Mrs. Clinton and never flinched, which seemed to enrage Hillary all the more. The executive continued: “It was the most awful and terrible…and racist display –such a profane meltdown I have ever witnessed from anyone, and I will never forget it. That woman should never see the inside of the Oval Office, I can tell you that. She was unhinged and just continued to verbally abuse everyone –she was out of control.”

Ms. Brazile is black. Hillary called her a “brain dead buffalo” and told her to be “janitoring this mess.” Nice job, racist witch.

Of course, the TV exec swallowed and she said nothing to the media negative about Hillary. Nor did Donna Brazile, even after being racistly slammed. They were both slaves to power.


Sunday, November 5, was a horrible day. Scumbag Devin Kelley shot 26 people to death at a little country church in Texas.

When police first identified Kelley for the media, gun grabbers were celebrating the reports the shooter was white, an Air Force veteran, and a Bible study teacher.

Then many people checked out Kelley’s social media page, which indicated his atheist and leftist bent. The page listed multiple atheist sites as his faves and included CNN.

Since the shooter bounced around, he is a little harder to check out than the average 26-year-old atheist perv punk who stays in Mommy’s basement or sewing room.

Unfortunately, too few state court officials make their misdemeanor and felony arrest records searchable on a state database. In most states, you have to check county by county. And some counties, mostly those in leftist states, don’t make such records available on line at all, or don’t make such records available unless you pay a search fee. And the police data base, the National Criminal Information Center data base, while useful, is off limits to the public.

So you would have to use a cut-rate background check to see where Kelley lived and sort out the right Devin Kelley. You would have found out he lived in Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado. Then you would have had to check the county court indexes in the counties he lived in, and those nearby, to see if there were any criminal cases against him.

Reporters did check the criminal records of the Colorado county the shooter lived in in 2014, and found he had been arrested for cruelty to an animal.

The police made it easier for the media by telling them the following:

– Kelley got pinched for animal cruelty in Colorado in 2014 for beating hell out of his pet pit bulldog.

– A friend of Kelley’s second wife narced him out for abusing her. When the police checked the couple out, both denied there were problems. Later, they married.

Kelly was allegedly estranged from his second wife and was living on his father’s property at the time he committed the murders. His father, an accountant and computer programmer, is not poor.

One Texas official claimed Monday 11/6/2017 that it was strictly a domestic issue between Kelley and his mother-in-law, who attended the little country church.

Really? Then why didn’t he shoot the woman at her house? Why did the atheist crank with anger and mental issues shoot up a church when the mother-in-law wasn’t there? You mean he wasn’t twisted by hate against Christians? And why do public officials think their limp lying is going to fool people?

Many people checked a LinkedIn profile Kelley posted. He mentioned being in the Air Force.

Soon enough an Air Force spokeswoman confirmed Kelley was an airman, but they kicked him to the ground with a bad conduct discharge.

Some people, acting on the bad conduct discharge lead, got military appeals court records from the Internet, and misread them to think the shooter had child molestation or child porn charges. It would make sense for a perv to want to get near children thru a church activity. Kelley said on his LinkedIn profile he had taught children ages 4 through 6 at vacation Bible school.

Quasi public records a lot of people overlook are a high school yearbook, on-line high school alumni sites, and social media. Some reporters worked these to see what the shooter’s classmates and other teens who knew him might say.

Former classmates of Kelley reported he had been a deviant in high school and was constantly blathering about his atheism after he got ejected from the Air Force. A few said he had problems with his parents and/or was on psych meds. Several said he was creepy and bullying.

One girl gave her name on Facebook and admitted, “I was his best friend for a number of years and he was a happy, caring person back then. It’s crazy what time and [mental] illness can do to you,” she wrote.

One girl claimed she dated the shooter when he was 18 and she was 13.

This is a failure on the part of Kelley’s parents for not preventing potential statutory rape. This is also a failure on the part of the girl’s parents to be OK with or unaware their little girl was being targeted by a guy much older.

The same girl, now 22, also said the shooter contacted her recently, offering to pay for her expenses if she moved in with him and his second wife and went around the house topless.

Yep, the shooter was a perv. Probably looking to molest young girls at church. As an atheist. This is too evil, stupid, and inbred for “My Name is Earl.”

And I’m surprised the ACLU hasn’t filed suit against the church on behalf of Devin Kelley’s estate for preaching against the sins he was committing, creating a hostile home and social environment for him. Yet.

What about the first wife?

Her story comes later.

CNN, in a 11/5/2017 news story, noted, “Kelley purchased the Ruger AR-556 rifle in April 2016 from an Academy Sports & Outdoors store in San Antonio, a law enforcement official told CNN. When Kelley filled out the background check paperwork at the store, he checked the box to indicate he didn’t have disqualifying criminal history, the official said. He listed an address in Colorado Springs, Colorado when he bought the rifle, the official said.”

Again, gun grabbers started to enjoy themselves illicitly. But their feel-good fantasy came crashing to earth when Texas governor Greg Abbott announced Texas authorities denied Kelley a gun carry permit.

Kelley lied to beat the background check. Perhaps the store people didn’t check him properly for his address, as he apparently was living in Texas in 2016. Or maybe Texas motor vehicle people didn’t make him turn over his Colorado ID when he got a driver’s license after being out of state.

Or maybe there was a screwup by someone or someones in failing to list his military conviction.

Military conviction?

A US Air Force spokeswoman announced Devin Kelley had a court-martial conviction for beating his wife and child. He served about a year in a military jail and received a bad conduct dishonorable discharge for treating his wife like a tackling dummy and his child like a little punching bag.

His ex-wife, that is. She divorced him and left with the child because he was beating them.

The presence of such a conviction on the criminal database that firearms dealers use for background checks would have made it illegal for any gunseller to sell a firearm to Kelley.

It is illegal under federal law and many state laws for an individual with a domestic violence conviction to own a firearm. If the dealer sold Kelley the weapon seeing the military conviction on the background check data base, he would be in a heap of trouble.

But if Kelley’s military conviction is not on the background check data base, the Air Force spokeswoman may have inadvertently exposed personnel in her branch for incompetence or laziness. Or possibly the feds who maintain the National Criminal Information Center data base were to blame for the omission.

The Air Force and/or other feds should have made Kelley’s bad conduct discharge info available to those who maintain the background check data base that firearms dealers need to use before selling people weapons. If these Air Force and other federal paper-pushers did not do their jobs, then they, by their negligence, are partially responsible for all the murders Kelley committed. This is an issue that competent lawmen should investigate.

Ironically, most military justice records are not public records. Federal officials have put privacy laws into place that deny people who are not veterans or relatives of veterans access to individual military records unless the person left the Service at least 60 years ago.

Government incompetence led to a fire in 1973 that destroyed most of the records of U.S. Army veterans in World War One, World War Two, and the “police actions” in Korea and Vietnam. There was no fire suppression system in the building, and allegedly some mope of a federal payroller discarded a lit cigarette carelessly, which allegedly started the blaze.

Since then, government agents have exploited that fire to deny benefits to many veterans. “There’s no record you (or your father) served,” these vermin tell people. The feds don’t often deny freebies to illegals, however.

Later it came out an armed Texan shot at Kelley. Kelly the coward dropped his rifle and drove off. Another Texan drove up, and the armed citizen flagged him down. At least one report I read claimed Kelley had taken a hostage. (The truth will come out whether he did or didn’t do so.) The two men chased Kelley till he ran off the road. The citizen shot Kelley or Kelley shot himself to death. Autopsy reports are pending.

The armed citizen has avoided the public eye, but has been named. The driver has spoken to the media. Both men appear to be heroes in the Texas mold.

“He just hurt so many people,” the driver said. “And he just affected so many people’s lives, why wouldn’t you want to take him down?”

No good turn goes unpunished, however. Apparently the FBI took the driver’s cell phone as “evidence.” No doubt they have grabbed the armed citizen’s weapon also, for ballistics testing to see if one of his rounds facilitated the shooter’s appointment with his Maker and the particular judgment.

Update: As this post goes live, CNN reported the armed citizen put two bullets into shooter Devin Kelley and Kelley put one into himself.

Update: As this post goes live, the Air Force reported Kelley deliberately broke his toddler stepson’s skull. That’s what sent him to the military slammer.

Update: As this post goes live, multiple sources are reporting Air Force officials admitted their people failed to notify civilian police authorities Devin Kelley was a domestic violence convict. Quoting CNN:

“Initial information indicates that Kelley’s domestic violence offense was not entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman Air Force Base Office of Special Investigations,” an Air Force statement said.

Another federal f-up. Your taxes at work.

The screw-up happened during the Obama administration, but I’ll resist the temptation to blame BO and simply say many feds are incompetent no matter who is in office.

But one thing I will drop on Obama and the Democrats in the Senate and House is their refusal to jail felons who lie in trying to obtain weapons from firearms dealers by lying like Kelley did. Senator Ted Cruz (R, Texas) is saying he and Chuck Grassley (R, Iowa), in 2013 tried to stiffen penalties against those who lied to obtain weapons wrongfully, and Democrats filibustered it. Cruz claims in one year 48,000 felons and fugitives violated federal firearms laws by lying to obtain firearms, and Obama’s Justice Department prosecutors prosecuted only 44 of them, or about one out of every thousand. If Teddy C is right, then thanks a lot, BO and Dems.

In the interests of fairness, the National Enquirer this week reports Ted Cruz’s father was indeed a protector of Lee Harvey Oswald. Both were CIA people, Oswald’s mistress Judyth Vary Baker said. I haven’t yet heard Ted’s response to this revelation.


Here are the takeaways for you:

Weapons in the hands of the good help them stop crimes. Weapons in the hands of evil people covered for by the government, due to incompetence or deliberate wrongdoing, help them commit crimes.

Criminal records are open records in most states, but they are not organized in a way that the public can run checks easily on a scumbag like Devin Kelley. Each state should keep a centralized criminal records data base. Some states do, but most states don’t. Knowing who got convicted for what will help people increase their safety.

Financial disclosure laws and other laws exist to protect the public. The Clinton machine urinated on these laws. They hid money to pay for opposition research that falsely slimed Donald Trump in an attempt to steal an election from him and the people who voted from him. The Clinton machine took over the Democratic Party like predatory lenders, squeezed out internal opposition, laundered money to ensure even more donations could go to Hillary in avoidance of campaign finance laws, and compelled obedience.

Until Hillary Clinton is in prison and is stripped of her wealth, and until everyone who aided and abetted her crimes is disbarred and/or also punished proportionally to their wrongdoing, then widespread cheating like Hillary and her people committed will continue.

There is no statute of limitations for murder. Dozens of people (not counting thousands of people of Serbia he ordered bombed when he wanted to cover up his horndog stoogism with Monica Lewinsky) who were inconvenient to the Clintons died violently. These cases need to be re-opened and the guilty punished. Sending a former president to prison if he was guilty of ordering these murders is the perfect way to ensure justice.

Ditto for the former First Lady if she is behind any of these murders or the murder of Seth Rich, who some suspected of giving Wikileaks the documents that incriminated her. Or if she is guilty of wrongdoing concerning the Uranium One deal. No one should be above the law.

More darkness means more crime. More light means less crime.

The feds and the media can’t cover up now as effectively as they did in covering up the murder of John Kennedy. He had his faults, but he was a war hero, and he wanted the nation and its people to succeed. He did not deserve to be shot to death in the home state of the VP who envied him and hated him.

Many thousands of people got on the Internet and found out facts about murderer and dead atheist coward and perv and baby beater Devin Kelley. Before the Net, the media would have crushed people with antigun propaganda. They can’t do so as easily now because American citizens got the truth out and put pressure on state and federal officials.

And Texas has a huge percentage of people that are not in businesses controlled by criminals and other corruptocrats, like gambling and prostitution and money laundering businesses in Nevada. The FBI can lie and keep a lid on the mass murder that multiple gunmen committed in Las Vegas because there are not so many people totally independent of these interests in that state.

One hundred years ago today, the people of Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic lands, Belarus, Turkestan, Armenia, and Georgia started their descent into Hell on earth with the kickoff of the Communist Revolution. (It was better for the Armenians only, because Islamic Turks were trying to murder all of them.) Their horrible fate is something free men and women in America will avoid only by ensuring criminal political and government leaders are punished severely and ensuring children are learning the truth instead of anti-American and anti-religious propaganda.

Except for the direct intervention of God, an informed and armed and aggressive public is the best guarantee of liberty.






Info on this post comes from the following sources:

For the Texas murderer:
New York Times, 11/6/2017
NBC, 11/7/2016
Washington Examiner, 11/6/2017
NBC, 11/6/2017
CNN, 11/6/2017
Fox News, 11/5 and 11/6/2017
Daily Caller, 11/6/2017
Daily Mail (British paper), 11/6/2017
CNN wire on TV station WNEP (Scranton, PA area), 11/5/2017
Breitbart, 11/5 and 11/6/2017
Cruz comments come from Breitbart, 11/6/2017

For the Clintonalia:
New York Times, 10/27/2017
Washington Post, 10/24/2017
Newsweek, 11/6/2017
Politico, 11/2 and 11/5/2017; also Donna Brazile’s article 11/2/2017
CNN, 11/2 and 11/3/2017
Bill Still and 70 News, 10/16/2016

For the JFK murder and MLK slur:
Sacramento Bee, 11/3/2017
National Enquirer, 11/13/2017 (pre-dated)

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