• Today is: Wednesday, March 12, 2025


September21/ 2017

Here are two schools whose teachers recently garnered national attention for possibly flunking the Pee Wee Herman test or the Lisa Nowak test.

“CERRITOS (CBSLA) Students tied up? Staff acting as slave ship captains?

As KCAL9/CBS2’s Michele Gile reports, a high school in Cerritos is under fire after a controversial student history project about slavery. Whitney High School junior Timothy Reyes had his hands taped together and was a part of a slave ship reenactment when he was an 8th grader on the Cerritos campus.

A mother complained recently after getting an email from her son’s teacher explaining the “unique classroom activity,” which was to be a surprise. Staff would act as slave ship captains, the email described, and the children slaves.

After lining the kids up, the note said, they’d “use masking tape to ‘tie’ their wrists together, make them lay on the ground, and in a dark room have them watch a clip from the film ‘Roots.’ ”

We and our ancestors learned history without films and without the lesson plan thought up by these outhouse Einsteins. Our history books had pictures and less anti-American propaganda.

Okay, so the school was in Southern California. But it’s not just in the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes where teachers add strange things to the curriculum.

A 9/12/2017 New York Daily News story reported this:

“A Utah high school teacher has been accused of giving students a questionnaire on sex and drugs and then grading them as “nerd” and other offensive names.

The educator, who teaches at Roy High School, was placed on paid administrative leave, the Deseret News (a Utah paper) reports.

According to Weber School District spokesman Lane Findlay, the quiz was given to junior class students as part of the college-credit course Adult Roles and Financial Literacy. Parents had to give their permission for students to take the course, but Findlay told the outlet that the questionnaire was not approved by the district to be a part of the curriculum.

The outlet reports that the 30-question assessment, titled “Know Thyself,” asked students whether they’ve tried alcohol, had abortions and their past experiences on being kissed. Some of the questions allegedly included, “have you ever had sex without using a contraceptive,” “ever stolen money to buy drugs” and “even though you are straight, would you go kinky to see what it’s like?”

The Deseret News reports that students racked up points based on whether they answered “yes” to any of the questions. They were then graded on a scale from nerd, “pure as ivory soap and maybe a fruitcake” and “hopeless and condemned.”

The district was made aware of the quiz over the weekend after parents complained to school officials.

Findlay told the outlet that the origin of the questionnaire was an “Ann Landers, Dear Abby-type of thing” and he doesn’t think the teacher was trying to be malicious. “We want to make sure it’s not ever given to students in the future,” he said. “Our apologies go out to the students and their families.” “

An update from the Deseret News on 9/15/2017 noted 25-year teaching veteran Candace Thurgood, 51, was the offender. School administrators reinstated the pry, errr, prof, but made her lose the scummy survey. The reporter noted school district officials stated the surveys on students’ sexual behaviors or illegal behavior violate federal and state laws.

No foolin’. But I’m betting they won’t push to prosecute her.

And college credit for learning to behave like an adult and manage finances? No wonder too many of our college kids need safe spaces.

Okay, so even if Utah is conservative, the people who settled it were polygamist separatists. The state’s most well-known leader had more than 20 “sister wives” and the nickname “Bring ‘em in Young.” He fathered 59 kids by 16 of these women. Take that, NBA and NFL stars.

But I could provide similar examples of teacher and administrator misconduct in virtually every state in the Union.

Such as:

In the Buffalo public schools, the school district medical director, a Dr. Steven Lana, was letting a contract firm’s personnel order students to take off their clothes so they could take “puberty development photos” of them. Kaleida Health is the name of the firm involved; they were running school clinics at the Buffalo schools. These people were ordering kids to disrobe and were taking photos of boys’ and girls’ pubic areas, without their consent or the consent of their parents, allegedly to do “Tanner exams” to “show what puberty stage a child is in.”

This sounds like a scam to give perverts their jollies and billable hours on the taxpayers’ tab. The Kaleida scopes sure as hell didn’t improve students’ learning. Most parents don’t ask for that kind of info. They can tell when a boy displays muscle, facial hair, and deeper vocal tones, and when a girl starts menstruating, growing breasts, and developing other womanly curves. Why do schools need pictures of the pupils’ pudenda?

That’s what pissed-off parents said. They called the exams and photography sexually invasive, and accused school officials of abusing their position of trust. They also said the school system and their contractors never told them or invited them to be present, if this “Tanner exam” was so all-important. Lana, when questioned about parents’ complaints, said, “Regardless of the age of the child or the grade that they’re in, it is the standard of care to perform a complete physical exam on a yearly basis. A complete physical exam is a complete physical exam, we ought not to omit or skip or put aside any part of the body.”

Lana tried to pull the wool over the public’s eyes when he also claimed the tests were recommended, not mandatory. Then why were teens pressured to disrobe, dude? And what are the contractor people and the school district people doing with the naked teen photos? It would be interesting to see if Lana is involved financially with this contractor, and what kinks or sex crime record he or they may have.

These teachers and administrators, in many cases, in my opinion, ARE trying to see what they can get away with on kids, and ARE abusing their authority as teachers and administrators to do so. In many cases, in my opinion, they are probing these kids like predators do.

Why else would teachers bind kids with tape?

Or ask them questions about drug use, sexual activity, or willingness to do lewd things?

Unless they’re so stupid they’d fail a Darwin Test?

Public school teachers are in the profession most prone to sexually abuse kids. Teacher unions cover for their rapist members. School officials also cover for the child molesters among their staffs, because they don’t want to give up any tax money they’ve beaten out of the taxpayers to pay settlements to children who their staffers have sexually abused.

Media people seemingly only report on female teachers giving up close and personal sex education to high school boys. Why? The coverage is often silly and salacious. It would be harder to cover up for the sex offenders on public school payrolls if media people did their jobs and reported on male teachers abusing girls and boys, and on female teachers abusing girls.

As wrong as it is for female teachers to have sex with boys, it is less harmful than male teachers imposing themselves on girls or on boys, or female teachers imposing themselves on girls.

Why? The boys are almost always bigger and stronger than the female teachers. They can stop her if they choose. They might get VD from Teach but they won’t get pregnant or sodomized by her. And they have to be able to perform, which implies voluntary action.

An adult male teacher can bully or manipulate a girl or a boy into sex. Girls can get pregnant by male teachers; boys and girls can be sodomized or forced to perform oral sex by stronger male teachers. And they don’t have to be willing to be entered or be forced to perform oral sex. Many such victims are not statutory rape victims; they are out-and-out rape victims.

An adult female teacher can similarly abuse a girl. She is often stronger, and can coerce or maneuver girls who she targets into sex. Lesbian sex acts have a positive vibe among many educators. The “Vagina Monologues,” a popular piece of filth on college campuses and in Hollywood, extols sex between women and girls, calling it “good rape.”

Teachers can bully the kids they abuse into silence. If a teacher is outed as a sex offender, all too often the teacher’s peers bully the student victim. Or they poison other kids against the victim. Victims of same-sex rape are particularly vulnerable to abuse because other kids may taunt them for being “queer.”

Lawyers for Los Angeles Unified School District destroyed 20 years of teacher sexual abuse records in 2008 to shaft children and their parents who were suing the district for serial sexual abuse.


A L.A. Unified School District lawyer tried to prevent Los Angeles County Superior Court officials from making the info on one of their sex abuser teachers public. Since most of it was info L.A. County Sheriff’s Department deputies gathered, LAUSD lawyers didn’t get a chance to destroy it, and lie about it for their LAUSD masters.

Meanwhile public school officials and unionized teachers were shameless in Seattle.

Washington school officials fired or reprimanded 159 school coaches for sexual misconduct from 1993 through 2003. Reporters who exposed the degenerates to the public also reported several major Seattle area school districts’ officials and teachers’ union officials joined forces to stonewall when they asked for records on teachers who were accused of sexual abuse.

The reporters wrote they had to go to court to get these records because of the stonewalling by teachers’ union leaders and school administrators. They also noted Bellevue, Washington school district officials even let teachers purge their own records at union-organized “file parties.”


What can you do as a parent to protect your children?

Do checking on all your children’s teachers. Teaching licenses are public records. School district records and the teachers themselves say where they have been. Some gaps in a teacher’s resume may mean he or she did something very wrong in a school, but was allowed to leave without facing disciplinary action. An address check on the teacher combined with a teacher license check for each state he or she lived in may uncover school districts where he or she did wrong.

Teachers’ criminal records are public records just like any other person’s records. So are their lawsuits, divorces, and police calls at their residences. Check on them.

Also check the proposed curriculum for your kids. You have the right to question authority.

Teach your children to stand up for themselves, and tell them you will support them if they are in the right. I had teachers who were hostile to my religion and my politics and my parents’ values when I was in public high school, and I told the pissant teachers rudely where they could go. I knew I could do so because my parents backed me when I was in the right.

When my brother, who was handicapped, physically defended himself against bullies, a male gym teacher roughed him up. My Dad beat that gym teacher’s evil face into a pudding of black and purple welts in front of his peers. One of my uncles and a cousin just home from ‘Nam kept the other coaches at bay.

Not every father is Dad Sherlock. But your support of your children when they are right will strengthen them and help them grow upright.

High school and middle school kids can use cell phones to capture bad teacher behavior. The videos can be shared with parents, police, and the media. And the Internet.

If the school system isn’t the problem but some teachers are, then speak with the administrators to get the situation corrected. The more of you parents who show up, the better.

You can organize and complain. Again, the more of you, the better. Meet your children’s friends’ parents, see where they stand on things, and meet other school parents. Work with those you can.

Bear in mind many teachers are swine who will pick on children of parents they label as “troublemakers.” If you can get an angry local who doesn’t have kids in the school system he pays taxes for to be the face of the opposition, it will help. My wife and I were always the face of opposition to school levies because we didn’t have children in our local public schools.

If there are enough of you, the teachers won’t be able to target everyone’s kids.

I don’t usually advocate lawsuits, but the threat of one is always a tool in the toolbox. Sometimes class action lawsuits for failure to educate or for failure to provide a safe environment for learning will work.

If a teacher is a sex offender, pressure police and prosecutors to do their jobs. It could be your kid next if you don’t push to have the sex offender punished.

Roughly five percent of parents of a Michigan school district pulled their kids out of the local public schools when the administrators and teachers supported a teacher rapist. The state smashed the school district by cutting their attendance-related funding.

Remember the teachers and administrators are your employees, not your masters. You have the duty to protect your children and the right to shut down evil behavior of school people.

And in the spirit of Jonathan Swift, whose satires I had to read in school, I make these modest proposals:

If any group of teachers wants to tape up your children or do some other bizarre stunt to them, I propose the parents and kids should go to the historical experience card too.

Perhaps you all should tie female teachers to chairs and douse them with cold water repeatedly to come close to re-creating the treatment pushy and gossipy women got in Puritan New England.

And perhaps you should allow students to slather male teachers with roofing tar and then coat them with feathers to let them know what frontier justice felt like to a perv in the 1800s.

As for the teachers who ask penetrating questions about boys’ and girls’ sex lives and other info they have no right to, I propose you have them subjected to the following line of interviewing, which I call “Dick Tracy” or “The Third Degree.”

State and local police could subject each teacher and administrator to a lie detector test. The questions the police would ask would be essentially the same as any sex and illegal behavior questionnaire teachers pose to students, but would be administered verbally, broadcast publicly, and would also include questions about lusts for children, lusts for unnatural acts like sodomy or bestiality, how often the educator has actually acted on these lusts, use of drugs, violations of other laws, treatment for mental disorders, whether or not they covered for a colleague who abused a child or supported that vile criminal thru a teacher union or personally, and whether or not they report their incomes on tax returns accurately.

Any admissions of guilt or indications an educator is lying or dopey should be cause for drug testing and firing … and then prosecution or audit if the issue admitted to or flagged for potential lying involves criminal conduct or tax evasion. Any stupid or embarrassing or incriminating answer by any school payroller would be made public.

After all, turnabout is fair play.

If you could inflict this on school teachers and administrators, I doubt you’ll have too many problems with them afterward.

Remember, when your children are involved, you are the first responder.






I mentioned the sources of the California and Utah kerfuffles in the article.

Info on the Washington teacher sex offenders and the stonewalling teachers and officials did comes from 12/14/2003 and 12/15/2003 articles by Maureen O’Hagan and Christine Willmsen in the Seattle Times.

Info on the Los Angeles Unified School district and sex offender teachers and the lawyers of the school district who destroyed the sex abuse records of the district comes from a 12/6/2012 article by Christina Hoag of Associated Press, a 2/1/2012 Los Angeles Times article, a 2/29/2012 article by Tami Abdollah and Shirley Jahad for radio station KPCC, a 5/1/2014 NBC-TV (Los Angeles) article, and Juliet Rylah’s 5/1/2014, 9/26/2014, and 11/13/2014 articles for the website LAIST.

Info on the Buffalo public school doctor who pushed for puberty exams and other unneeded, invasive, and prurient photos and info comes from a 4/29/2014 article on the website of NBC affiliate WGRZ in Buffalo.

Info on the parents who fought the twisted Michigan school district comes from an article for Fox News, 12/20/2013.

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